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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!


mediocrity at its best
Definitely install to the HDD if you have space. If you do loading isn't that bad at all in this game. Towns are where you find most waits, and then going into caves or whatever but It's all pretty fast and very minimal.


I know i'm not the first to say this, but escort quests really sucks in this game. Having the NPCs run away from mobs into other pack of mobs and getting killed, NPCs running from mob to mob attacking stuff and getting killed, it is so annoying.

Mr Rivuz

I've been playing this game for a week now, and finally thanks to your guide my lvl 24 Temple Guardian will finally know how to use runes :lol


Lain said:
I know i'm not the first to say this, but escort quests really sucks in this game. Having the NPCs run away from mobs into other pack of mobs and getting killed, NPCs running from mob to mob attacking stuff and getting killed, it is so annoying.

Escort quests are rather easy to solve: just ignore the NPC and head directly to your objective. The NPC will always be teleported to your position, thus out of harms way.

All in all I must say, that with an estimated 500 side quests, they put some really nice ideas in there. Sure, most are repetetive catch this, kill that stuff. But everyonce in a while you get to do something remarkable, like the Blind Guardian quest. Or the Dream Vampire in his parallel universe. Or the cave you can´t enter because Lara Croft had been there before you. Or the Titty Twister Bar. Or the aliens. Or... you get my drift... :D


Hammer24 said:
Escort quests are rather easy to solve: just ignore the NPC and head directly to your objective. The NPC will always be teleported to your position, thus out of harms way.

That's true, but sometimes it seems like they do their hardest to die.
To keep the lady I had to take to Orfeo alive, I had to chain drink pots so she would get healed. She kept "running away" into every single pack of mobs in the dungeon ><


And now to start the task of finding a character I'm completely comfortable with. Had initially planned on playing a Pyro Elf, but after switching from Glacial Thorns to Blazing Tempest last night I think I like GT more... so I started a second Ice Elf.

Then I started a Shadow Warrior because it seems like melee will be more straightforward to control on the consoles, and he seems like fun as well. Argh, this is like the beginning of every MMO I've ever played... I'll never get a character past level 15. :p


Those that have been playing for a while, what class would be your typical healer/buffer style class? I want to make a good support class for MP games and I am still unsure of everything. :lol


Raide said:
Those that have been playing for a while, what class would be your typical healer/buffer style class? I want to make a good support class for MP games and I am still unsure of everything. :lol

The Sera has some skills that can heal party members. Planned right, she´s also a good melee.

On another note... Between lvl44 and 48 I lost three tigers. Each around a cool million.
Oh well, walking -especially in the crisp and clean desert air- is much healthier anyways...


Can someone confirm that you need to slot a weapon in order for its bonus to be effective? I have a staff with a +spell intensity value (Lowbie stuff, nothing fancy), I assume I need to have it assigned to a CA slot somewhere for it to be effective?

Also, I'm seldom going to actually be using my weapon as a HE, so I don't want to slot it on my main CA keys (i.e. Without an L2/R2 modifier) - I assume that I can slot it in one of the modified banks and it will still auto-attack when I get into melee range.

Still not sure whether to go Ice or Pyro. Pyro seems to be FotM, and GT seems to be a little tricky to target on console, but I think I might enjoy Ice more. :/


No45 said:
Can someone confirm that you need to slot a weapon in order for its bonus to be effective? I have a staff with a +spell intensity value (Lowbie stuff, nothing fancy), I assume I need to have it assigned to a CA slot somewhere for it to be effective?

Also, I'm seldom going to actually be using my weapon as a HE, so I don't want to slot it on my main CA keys (i.e. Without an L2/R2 modifier) - I assume that I can slot it in one of the modified banks and it will still auto-attack when I get into melee range.

Still not sure whether to go Ice or Pyro. Pyro seems to be FotM, and GT seems to be a little tricky to target on console, but I think I might enjoy Ice more. :/

The weapon with the bonus would need to be equipped, yes. Obviously you can map multiple weapon/shield sets if you wish. When you press that button they will switch. I believe (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) you'd only get the bonuses from the currently equipped weapon/shields, even if others are mapped. On my magic HE (what you're building) I just keep her weapon and shield equipped in the first A button on the 360 (X button on the PS3).

BTW: Nice meeting ya Hammer. I'll keep an eye out for your set items. Speaking of million dollar mounts, I finished Silver with my Seraphim yesterday. The third time I fought
The Mist, I ran in as normal to start swatting some of the undead
...the friggin thing killed me almost instantly. Tooootally unexpected since she's got a ton of health and the boss had barely touched her any other time. Guess that's how you learn about these things though. *shrug* What sucks is it was the only death in her entire game. Guess I'll have to get the achievement with another character now. :(


Just a question about dual wielding:

After putting 13 points into the swordskill, I read on the dual description that it replaced any other skill. Does that mean that it doesn't matter if I use an axe or a sword, since I don't benefitt from any plusses the swordskill gives me?


Ristlager said:
Just a question about dual wielding:

After putting 13 points into the swordskill, I read on the dual description that it replaced any other skill. Does that mean that it doesn't matter if I use an axe or a sword, since I don't benefitt from any plusses the swordskill gives me?

Correct... sort of. You actually DO get a benefit by having the sword skill though. You unlock any modifiers on swords.. but if you're only going to be dual-wielding it's best to put any future points into dual-wield since it overrides the sword skill.


Damn,my class mount died on my High Elf,and I'm not even sure why or how hehe...I can still teleport to the island but I couldn't see they guy to buy it back but I think I know why now...I got the mount joining a friends game so I think I need to redo the quest now if I play the start,create a continue campaign game...might not have to redo the quest if I play on continue though...(all on Silver)


Ricker said:
Damn,my class mount died on my High Elf,and I'm not even sure why or how hehe...I can still teleport to the island but I couldn't see they guy to buy it back but I think I know why now...I got the mount joining a friends game so I think I need to redo the quest now if I play the start,create a continue campaign game...might not have to redo the quest if I play on continue though...(all on Silver)

If you haven't completed the quest yourself (in your game) he will not be there even if you continue.


Thanks for that Cahill, figured as much but it's nice to get the clarification. :)

Does anyone have any experience of characters that have no bargaining/EP assistance (Either directly, or from another character)? I want my characters to be built with the ability to deal/withstand as much damage as possible, but I'd like them to remain viable in all difficulty levels as well.

Just want to make sure I can by with what I find, which is how I like to play these games.


No45 said:
Thanks for that Cahill, figured as much but it's nice to get the clarification. :)

Does anyone have any experience of characters that have no bargaining/EP assistance (Either directly, or from another character)? I want my characters to be built with the ability to deal/withstand as much damage as possible, but I'd like them to remain viable in all difficulty levels as well.

Just want to make sure I can by with what I find, which is how I like to play these games.

Hmm.. looks like I'm commenting on everything today.

Well, I have a character with Bargaining/Blacksmithing but I haven't made any items for my other chars yet (and they don't have Enhanced Perception). I'm only in Gold, but so far, so good using what I get. If your survival bonus stays up seems you should be OK finding items to get you through. As soon as you die it drops to garbage city though. I was getting tons of set pieces, awesome weapons, etc yesterday. As soon as I died (almost) everything was back to crap.

Can't say anything about the final 2 difficulties but I definitely noticed nice stuff dropping on Gold. I'd guess you'll be OK. You could always look into a utility-type Temple Guardian. They can take Blacksmithing, Bargaining and Enhanced perception... if you ever wanted those skills on one of your characters.


Enhanced perception is the absolute shit. I have it on all of my characters and the amount of rares and set pieces I have got is just staggering. I play on platinum/nio with my Seraphim and its not very rare at all to get set pieces for the most part. Bosses really tend to drop quite a bit now that I have a lot of bonuses to it. (relics on nio give me +10 to EP each)

Niobum is pretty ridiculous for the most part. I have to get really lucky on a boss to win, because if they crit they can one shot me even through my Divine Protection shield. As a level 86 every monster is 30 levels higher than me, even normal kobolds make me heal if they actually connect.


I hope the patch will fix the freezes on the PS3 version. It is the second time it happened and it is annoying.
Apart from losing some of the items/experience I made, I also have to hard reset the PS3.


So are most of the problems eliminated in the 360 version, now? I'm not really concerned with minor bugs or hiccups, but what about the save corruption issues - are they resolved?

Also, what are the differences in the GameStop edition? Is it just the cover-art banner and the Carrier Imp code? Are there banners on everything else as well (disc art, booklet, etc)? I don't mean to be anal, it's just that the "Brand New" copy I received off Ebay was opened already, so I just want to make sure I got the right thing / all of the contents. Anybody with this edition willing to take some quick pics?

Just hit 40 on my main character - I've decided to focus more on the main quest so that I can get to the higher difficulties, although I'm still levelling at a steady rate.

And yes, you can make a decent Ice HE work on consoles. Glacial Thorns can sometimes be tricky; I'm honestly still not sure how I sometimes make the shards go in a focused line. Basically I use Frost Flare most of the time (get the icy circle mod), trying to keep its regen around 2-3 seconds (although I'm actually trying to get it down to 1.5 or so now), and then Glacial Thorns to one shot single enemies, or for the bigger guys. I haven't been having any problems, and Crystal Skin + Grand Invigoration is the shit.

One question though - what do the books do? I've collected a bunch of them, but have been hesitant to 'use' them, because I have no idea what will happen.


Xevren said:
Niobum is pretty ridiculous for the most part. I have to get really lucky on a boss to win, because if they crit they can one shot me even through my Divine Protection shield. As a level 86 every monster is 30 levels higher than me, even normal kobolds make me heal if they actually connect.
Yeah after getting to Platinum, I decided to just relax and start having fun exploring the world. I've neglected so many quest lines, by being so damned determined to blow through to the end, that it's really detracted from the experience.

I've only fought two bosses in Plat, the Kobold Chieftain and the White Griffin, both of which were ridiculous. It took me over half an hour to solo the Griffin, and the exp/loot certainly wasn't worth the effort.


Cahill said:
I believe (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) you'd only get the bonuses from the currently equipped weapon/shields, even if others are mapped.

Yes, that seems to be the case.

BTW: Nice meeting ya Hammer. I'll keep an eye out for your set items.

Nice meeting you too :). Found the wings, so now I have 6 of the nine set pieces.
BTW, found the Niokaste Sandals again, but higher level than the ones I gave you - so I´ll get them to you soon.


Haven't posted here in some time because I haven't got around to play the game (damn you Red Faction Guerrilla). I'm trying to complete the Niokaste set (currently at 8/9) but I only seem to find duplicates or other set items. I actually found the entire Celestial set yesterday though I sold the helmet before picking up the 4th item.


Revengeance said:
Glacial Thorns can sometimes be tricky; I'm honestly still not sure how I sometimes make the shards go in a focused line.

Target a enemy that's farther away and the thorns will be concentrated.

Hammer24 said:
BTW, found the Niokaste Sandals again, but higher level than the ones I gave you - so I´ll get them to you soon.

I found another set as well right after we met up. Think they're 45.


Cahill said:
Target a enemy that's farther away and the thorns will be concentrated.
It's pretty clumsy attempting to do that on the consoles as far as I can see, although I hope it'll get easier with time. I've now fully modded my GT with damage/pierce/pierce anyway, so the spread isn't too wide and there's a really high chance it'll get through the first target. I've also found it helps if you combo into it (From FF), because it gets the mob running at you and usually casts just as they're in front of you for the full impact. :D

I want a melee character as well, not sure where to go with that. Might take a Seraphim.

In fact I might restart my Pyro elf for the shadow campaign as well so that I can level them both without too much fatigue setting in.


mediocrity at its best
I just got my ass kicked by some super warthog. I thought my Shadow Warrior was pretty badass but obviously it wasn't. :lol I love this game. I need better armor. I seem to have found a pretty good amount of 3* weapons but nothing that great in armor. I sill love the game though.


Found the Niokaste belt, if someone needs it.
Still 3 items short of the full Endijian set... :`(

Pelydr said:
I just got my ass kicked by some super warthog.

Yeah, thats one of the "mini bosses". Damn, how I hate them. Made it my personal vendetta to kill each and every one of them. Even went to a copyshop to get a huge printout of the Ancaria map to find them all. *shakes-fist*


Hammer24 said:
Still 3 items short of the full Endijian set... :`(
Is the set always the same regardless of your level? Or is it better depending on your level? Or difficulty?

Also, once you socket an item (Ring/Amulet etc.), can you de-socket it when you change weapons? I'm still only low so not bothering with socketing yet, but it would be great if I could do it knowing I wouldn't be wasting those items.

Also, I assume I can put a weapon/socketable item in the hero chest for a 'smithing character to forge and then send that item back? If so that's yet ANOTHER character I need to create. >_<


Hammer24 said:
Found the Niokaste belt, if someone needs it.
Still 3 items short of the full Endijian set... :`(

Which Endijian pieces are you looking for? I need some Niokaste gloves to finish that set.


No45 said:
Is the set always the same regardless of your level? Or is it better depending on your level? Or difficulty?

Also, once you socket an item (Ring/Amulet etc.), can you de-socket it when you change weapons? I'm still only low so not bothering with socketing yet, but it would be great if I could do it knowing I wouldn't be wasting those items.

Also, I assume I can put a weapon/socketable item in the hero chest for a 'smithing character to forge and then send that item back? If so that's yet ANOTHER character I need to create. >_<

Yes, you will find higher level set items as your character levels up.

Yes, you can de-socket items. However, if an item has several filled sockets, there is a chance that the other socketed items will be lost when de-socketing one spot.

And yes, you can use the hero's chest to swap these items.


Found a level 50 Stalwart Safeguard shield. This thing is badass. Seriously.

Armor 411
Faster increas os survival bonus +13.6%
Opponents chance to wound -16.3%
Opponents chance to weaken -16.3%
Opponents chance to burn -16.3%
Opponents chance to poison -16.3%
Opponents chance to freeze -16.3%
Defense Value +21.1%

Holy crap.

When I use a one handed sword for some reason my shield still doesn't show up. Am I still getting the benefits? What gives?


Petrie said:
Found a level 50 Stalwart Safeguard shield. This thing is badass. Seriously.

Armor 411
Faster increas os survival bonus +13.6%
Opponents chance to wound -16.3%
Opponents chance to weaken -16.3%
Opponents chance to burn -16.3%
Opponents chance to poison -16.3%
Opponents chance to freeze -16.3%
Defense Value +21.1%

Holy crap.

When I use a one handed sword for some reason my shield still doesn't show up. Am I still getting the benefits? What gives?

I have a level 40ish version of that shield. I use the Blind Guardian one still though because of the +exp. Are you putting your shield and one-handed weapon in the same slot?


Flyguy said:
I have a level 40ish version of that shield. I use the Blind Guardian one still though because of the +exp. Are you putting your shield and one-handed weapon in the same slot?

...Had no idea you could do that

Mind, blown.


Just found that out a few days ago playing with my secondary character HE...since my main is a Temple Guardian I couldn't use shields anyway....some of the shields look awesome.

Speaking of my TG.level 35 now and had to run away from the Colossus Boss,after he killed my mount(thank god I have 2 million bucks) and he was half way down...i'm level 35,on Silver...is it normal that the fight can take that long? I would of defeated him I guess but with a ton of health potions.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Any news on a patch that will fixthe text for us poor SDTV owners?


Well according to the May NPD,it didn't sell over 100,000 copies on either consoles,probably did combined I think and that does not include the european numbers so I'm not sure how they will continue to support the game.

When was the last time they fixed the small text that's in a lot of HD games on consoles though...


I don't think you should put much into those NPD numbers. Wait for next week's PAL numbers. The game has been localized which should improve sales in EU + German developer also helps a lot.
Just picked this game up for 360, have a level 6 Inquisitor if anyone ever wants to go online, my GT is ThisSplitLip.

Still trying to figure out some of the stuff that I can do and saw a level 4 riding a horse. I want a horse :(
LittleTokyo said:
Just picked this game up for 360, have a level 6 Inquisitor if anyone ever wants to go online, my GT is ThisSplitLip.

Still trying to figure out some of the stuff that I can do and saw a level 4 riding a horse. I want a horse :(
Just keep traveling. Shouldn't take too long to find a town with horse seller.


mediocrity at its best
dgenx said:
Any news on a patch that will fixthe text for us poor SDTV owners?

Buy an HDTV. Honestly. It's an HD system you should own an HDTV before buying the system. Otherwise the PS2 is AWESOME and would do you well.


Pelydr said:
Buy an HDTV. Honestly. It's an HD system you should own an HDTV before buying the system. Otherwise the PS2 is AWESOME and would do you well.

HAHAHAHA MAN YOU ARE FUNNY, I LIKE YOU! Damn, that is some cutting edge fucking humor.


Xevren said:
Which Endijian pieces are you looking for? I need some Niokaste gloves to finish that set.

I need the breast plate and the trousers. Got three or four Niokaste things, but not sure which.
Lately mainly 3* weapons drop (with unique names), but no more set pieces...

Ricker said:
Well according to the May NPD,it didn't sell over 100,000 copies on either consoles

IIRC Ani wrote in the NPD thread, that it sold around 80k, across platforms I assume (?). Not too bad, but nothing to write home about either.

Edit: Now they say its 80k on the 360 alone, so it should be comfortably above 100k over both console platforms.
So I am finally getting around to starting this. Just started a seraphim character, not sure if I will change or not.

Was looking through the combat arts lists and most of the classes seem pretty cool.


Got 18 today doing a couple quests, haven't played much lately.
I had found a couple nice pieces of equipment, so went to the blacksmith to put something in the sockets when I noticed those nice pieces of equip were set pieces (was socketing when I noticed the word set ><). It was pretty cool, altho only 1 was for my build really. Didn't expect to start finding them before like level 30 or 40.

About the quests, I kinda hate myself for a couple of them.
The dude I had to bring to the big city to comfort her sister about ther deceased man... he died, so when I told her, she killed herself XD
The hermit... I took the stuff for his medicine, went to the witch and I clicked ok too fast... byebye poor hermit.
Today I didn't pay the bandits, so another quest with a big X.
I find it pretty cool, actually accepting a quest/deal or not accepting can have some drastic different outcome.

I've also been building a mini set for my Battle Stance. I find it pretty cool how you can retain the buff upgrade without any of the drawbacks by wearing the set, casting the aura, and removing the equip.
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