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Saints Row 2 |OT|


Nozdeuce said:
Your character will sing along with various songs, one of which is Take On Me.

My 53 year old dad does the same thing. The protagonist of Saints Row 2 is my 53 year old dad.


only played the tutorial so far after messing round for a while with the character creation and it's already more fun than gtaiv
loving this game totally, way exceeded my expectations

had great fun picking up a parking meter which makes a great club weapon (like something out of the hulk) but what was awesome was that bunch coins fell out and fell to the ground. by moving over them, I got like a buck or two. so I kept on just running around busting parking meters, eventually a cop car siren went off. So I thought 'WTF is that for'? Then I realized, that its you know illegal to bust parking meters and grab the cash so I legged it :lol


Man the Phoenix is one hell of an awesome ride, it kinda looks like the new Ford.

Also, ronin fightstyle is fucking awesome...

Egg Shen

Liking the game so far, but I'm pissed that my character who I crafted to look like Jet Li is forced to talk like Jason Statham, Ice Cube, or Benicio Del Toro. I wish I had checked out the voices first before I spent time on the face stuff, but damn...I wanted to get a Lethal Weapon 4 thing going on there.

Otherwise, I like the improvements so far along with the activities. Crowd Control is awesome fun, especially on top of a skyscraper. :)

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
I didn't have a crash, but had an interesting glitch. During my first Fuzz run, on the last stage of it, I had to stop some frat boys who were Trailblazing. Apparently that amounts to setting one's self on fire and riding a four-wheeler? Anyway, when I came around the corner to find the flaming frat boy, the game crawled to a halt. The flaming dude wasn't moving at all, and I had to deal with slideshow-esque framerates until I blew him up with a satchel charge. Worked fine after that.

This game is off the hook. I, too, wish there were more than 3 male voices. As I said earlier, I made my guy look like Jesus, then gave him the "Evil" facial expression and the British accent, along with the Pimp Walk and the Smack Your Ass taunt. It works on so many levels. He's now dressed in a full Pimp suit, including a belt buckle that says "BIATCH".

Fuzz is one of the funnest game modes I've ever seen, I'll be sad when I get them all complete, but with so much other stuff to do at least I know I won't be bored!

Double D

Played about 45 minutes last night. This game is just what I expected/wanted. I just sratched the surface of what this game has to offer, but so far I'm having a blast. On the downside, however, you can add me to the list of people disappointed with the male voices. Is there any way you can change to a different voice once you've started the game?


Vik_Vaughn said:
Played about 45 minutes last night. This game is just what I expected/wanted. I just sratched the surface of what this game has to offer, but so far I'm having a blast. On the downside, however, you can add me to the list of people disappointed with the male voices. Is there any way you can change to a different voice once you've started the game?

You cant do that at the plastic surgeon?


a Master Ninja said:
I currently work at a Best Buy in Champaign (same place Volition is located). Early on a bunch of Volition guys I recognized came in on some "information gathering" mission, took some pics of the SR2 display he had set-up, etc. I shot the breeze with them. They told me the 360 version was the version to get, which is hardly a surprise considering it was the lead SKU. They did stress they were proud of how close the PS3 version is considering they have way fewer PS3 dev kits.

Later on a guy bought nine (9) 360 Collector's Editions. Clearly he was from Volition, but can't they get free copies of their own game? :lol

Then later in the day, a customer came up to me and causally asked:
"So, any new releases today?"
Me-"Yeah, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Socom, Saints Row 2..."
"Saint's Row, eh? Were a lot of people buying that one? Like Grand Theft Auto popular?"
Me-"You...you work for Volition, don't you?"

I felt a little weird outing the guy, so I then preceded to paint a realistic picture of sales to the guy. Solid, but not the swarms of people MGS4/GTAIV brought.

Long story short, Volition is good people and I wish them success.

There is a Sushi restaurant on the ground floor of their building called Kofusion, go have a few Saki shots with them. =)
FoeHammer said:
I played three hours of co-op last night and it was some of the best since Crackdown.

Agreed. In fact I think this may end up surpassing it as far as the best co-op sandbox game. There is just so much to do in this world, it's overwhelming at first. But in a good way. It's clear Volition knows what makes a sanbox game fun. I played for 3-4 hours with no lockups or freezing, but I did run into a couple glitches. No biggie though, they are expected in games of this size and scope.

I strongly urge anyone that liked Crackdown to give this a chance even if the "gangsta" vibe might not be your thing. There is much more to this game than some silly spoof on hip-hop/gangsta culture.

ice cream

BobJustBob said:
I played for eight hours straight on my PS3 and it never froze up.

It feels so good to be right.
Can you give impressions on the PS3 version? Like loading times, is there installing, framerate etc? I would rather get this on my PS3 than my 360.


ice cream said:
Can you give impressions on the PS3 version? Like loading times, is there installing, framerate etc? I would rather get this on my PS3 than my 360.

Well I can tell you ,there is installing.


Played for 2 hours last night.
Went through the story to get the first achievement.
Did a few activities Fuzz, Racing and Mayhem.
It's as I remember Saints Row 1 though it doesn't have the same shine as SR1 since GTA4 does look a lot better. What SR2 does though is have a lot of goofy fun in there, so much so that you're almost overwhelmed with things to do, which is a good thing.
The graphics are improved over SR1 but not to the level of GTA4. The character polycounts and environmental changes (rain etc) is much better than SR1, I turned on Vsync for both cutscenes and gameplay though you could play with them off either way.
I'm a little disappointed that their sandbox engine still needs tweaks, it's still easy to have vehicles disappear simply by spinning the camera which I hoped wasn't in SR2. The AI (both NPC and enemy) isn't all that great too, Johnny often got stuck on geometry and had pathing issues and the enemy AI regularly just sat around to get killed.
I suspect the AI has problems indoors only though because outside it did a lot better trying to find cover and generally did a lot less stupid things.
It's a great game so far and a great sequel, I'm disappointed they took out their custom MP3 player (if it's in there I haven't found it).
I need to spend a little more time in the game then I'll jump in some coop. There are a few friends on my list playing so that shouldn't be a problem.


Reading this thread made me go from 'Maybe when the price drops' to "Getting it tomorrow'.

Whats zombie infections got to do with SR2 though? :s


Coop is fun! Glitchy though!



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Played a good bit, I do like it, alot of different things to do. Going to have to try CoOp later today :D
Yeah I have a perfectly fine working 360 and I've had 2 freezes in about 3 hours of game times. Sad :(

Do we know if bad copies went out or if its just random luck?


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Agreed. In fact I think this may end up surpassing it as far as the best co-op sandbox game. There is just so much to do in this world, it's overwhelming at first. But in a good way. It's clear Volition knows what makes a sanbox game fun. I played for 3-4 hours with no lockups or freezing, but I did run into a couple glitches. No biggie though, they are expected in games of this size and scope.

I strongly urge anyone that liked Crackdown to give this a chance even if the "gangsta" vibe might not be your thing. There is much more to this game than some silly spoof on hip-hop/gangsta culture.


Also, it's hard for me to get a "gangsta" vibe when I'm tearing through the streets in a tank to "kama chameleon". The 80's soundtrack in general makes every police chase and engagement just ridiculous (in an awesome way).


I just checked out the soundtrack this time. It's alright, better than GTA4's that sucked.

Although the "Heavy Metal" station is a joke. No Iron Maiden? No Motorhead? Not even bloody Slayer? I'm not even a big fan of Slayer but it's Metal.
Instead theres Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold and As I Lay Dying? My god, the station is called "Heavy Metal" not "False metal and awful bands".
What the hell is Wolfmother doing there as well? That's hard rock, and if they include hard rock, why not other good ones like Airbourne?

pr0cs said:
It's a minigame that you can play in your house(es) in the game. Fully 3d, wave survival type game.

Oh, ok. That sounds awesome. I'll be picking this up tomorrow for sure!

gamerecks said:
Does anyone want the preorder vehicle codes?

I do, if that's ok. Thanks.:D


RE freezes: Watched my brother play for 5 hours straight with no freezes. Then I played for 6-ish and no freezes then either.

Anyway, I love the random stuff that happens in the city. I'll be walking down the street and a police car rolls by and half a block down he hits the lights and busts a high speed U-turn after seemingly getting a call. If you manage to follow them, you end up seeing all sorts of chaos.

I've seen the Ultors do the same thing in the city. Came out of a clothing store and watched as one drove up on the sidewalk, hopped out of his car and started beating on some lady with his nightstick. Ten seconds later, another one pulls up and joins him. Everyone's running and screaming and the lady's trying to escape by running up & down stairs, through water fountains, everything. Eventually someone tries to help her, but it's too late and they corner her and beat her to death. :/ They then turn on the good samaritan and beat him until he starts to run, but he runs right into the street and gets hit by a truck.

Then there's another time where I was heading back home and saw a pimp slap the shit out of his Ho. So of course, I stop to watch the action :)lol). He starts yelling something and slaps her again, but she pulls a gun and grabs him in human shield mode. Another pimp comes running out the alley to help, but she lets off a few rounds and kills him before he could reach. Then pushes the original pimp down and executes him with a gunshot to the head. She stands still, seemingly oblivious to what just happened and starts walking down the alley. It's at this point that I notice she's stumbling all over the place and she slurs her words when she sees me and yells, "What the FUCK are you looking at!?". Obviously she's drunk, her pimp didn't like it leading to the confrontation and she gets fed up and kills him. :lol!

MMaRsu said:
Man the Phoenix is one hell of an awesome ride, it kinda looks like the new Ford.

Also, ronin fightstyle is fucking awesome...
That's exactly what I'm doing. Going through just enough of the Ronin's main story to unlock their style 'cause it's badass.

Where the different fighting styles really shine is in the Fight Club (Which I <3). Early in the game, I'm just swinging away with my brawler style and two combos in, a guy grabs me outa nowhere and Rock Bottoms me onto a cinder block. I was like, :O. Then not 5 minutes later, I had a guy stagger me with a sweep kick, leap on my shoulders while I'm still standing, punch me in the face a few times and grabs me with his knees + hands and catches me with a Hurricanrana. :O :O And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Even though I beat the mode, I'm definitely going back to it after I unlock new styles.
My character started singing Final Countdown! "da da da dum...da da dum dum dum..." Hahaha, it was great especially during a pretty tense mission.


They're all the same preorder codes

#728237 Unlock D-STROY UFO
#7266837 Unlock Peewee Mini Bike

Other one is floating about.


Oh, the civilian NPCs have a much wider range of actions this time around. Off the top of my head, I've seen street performers breathing fire, people playing steel drums, mimes, people gardening, skateboarders, rollerskaters, people doing yoga, tai chi... man a lot of stuff. In addition to the usual smokers, drinkers and the like.
raYne said:
Oh, the civilian NPCs have a much wider range of actions this time around. Off the top of my head, I've seen street performers breathing fire, people playing steel drums, mimes, people gardening, skateboarders, rollerskaters, people doing yoga, tai chi... man a lot of stuff. In addition to the usual smokers, drinkers and the like.

I noticed that to, along with each part of the city having really distinct pedestrians. One of the first things I did after breaking out Johnny was pick a fight with a pimp. Next thing I know I am running down the street with like 20 pimps after me. I lol'ed so hard.

The driving took a little getting used to after the freaking moon buggy like controls in GTAIV, but I already prefer SR2 driving mechanics. Nice little touches like getting burnout ratings, oncoming lane bonus, etc make even just driving around aimlessly enjoyable.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
I noticed that to, along with each part of the city having really distinct pedestrians. One of the first things I did after breaking out Johnny was pick a fight with a pimp. Next thing I know I am running down the street with like 20 pimps after me. I lol'ed so hard.
Same thing happened when I first got off the prison island. Beat up a few people on the docks, threw a brick at some girl's head and kicked a pimp in the balls when he tried to stop me. Then all of a sudden it turns into a pimp convention and I have 12 pimps wearing all the colors of the rainbow trying to be me up. Needless to say, I ran. :/

The driving took a little getting used to after the freaking moon buggy like controls in GTAIV, but I already prefer SR2 driving mechanics. Nice little touches like getting burnout ratings, oncoming lane bonus, etc make even just driving around aimlessly enjoyable.
...and the cruise control. Every chase is now automatically more awesome. *bow*


I got my copy yesterday and omg the soundtrack here is surprisingly good. Gameplay is just like SR1(duh), but yea I'm enjoying this game so far.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Oh ya forgot about that. Yet another little touch that contributes to the overall awesomeness.
Want to know the best thing ever? Aim a car towards a target, ie a bunch of people from a rival gang, turn on the cruise control and bail out. :lol

Combine with Satchel Charges & co-op for maximum hilaritude.


2 Quick questions. Can Satchels be detonated inside of a car? Also in co-op can you choose who does what or does it automatically assign you (example the mission where 1 drives a truck and the other throws fireworks)?


Unconfirmed Member
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I noticed that to, along with each part of the city having really distinct pedestrians. One of the first things I did after breaking out Johnny was pick a fight with a pimp. Next thing I know I am running down the street with like 20 pimps after me. I lol'ed so hard.

The driving took a little getting used to after the freaking moon buggy like controls in GTAIV, but I already prefer SR2 driving mechanics. Nice little touches like getting burnout ratings, oncoming lane bonus, etc make even just driving around aimlessly enjoyable.

I had something similar, I was doing the Mayhem mission and I killed a pimp and next thing I know there is this huge group of skittles colored pimps trying to kill me. I can honestly say I did die laughing.
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