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Saints Row 2 |OT|


MrHicks said:
are there any bulletproof cars?
even my customized ultor bear doesn't survive @ lvl 6 drug trafficking

im playing on hardcore and refuse to lower the diff
any tips or suggestions?

walk me through this plz
Unless Hardcore is different to Normal in this respect, you can use any other car for drug trafficking. Just jump into another car and the dealer will follow you.


Artadius said:
Yes, you can legitimately get the Hunter Assault Helicopter before you normally do (beating the storyline) by doing the following:.

This works great, I used it to get both the SWAT and Ultor Tornadoes. The Ultor one is a little tougher because they leave if you go too high and are less likely to not move; I had to do it while still moving.

Sinatar said:

1. Go to the roof of the police headquarters and take one of the assault choppers that are randomly parked there.

2. Profit.
I've never seen anything there a except a regular police helicopter that was part of a mission.


People called Romanes they go the house?
AgentOtaku said:
Anyone here played SR2 on 360 with an NXE HDD install yet? ....if so impressions please

Are you worried about issues?

Aside from the occasional clothing related slowdown, I've had two freezes out of 30ish hours, and one or two stuttersteps, on a launch era 360.


This game is so. fucking. good.

I played and loved SR1, and they improved on everything this time around.

The most amazing thing is, there isn't a single bad story mission, they're all fun. The over the top action is great, the shooting mechanics are awesome, lots of stuff to unlock and play around with, customization is top notch, the activities as a whole are better than most other games entirely.

Online, the little I've played, is as terrible as in SR1 though, don't know why they bothered.

Anyways, I still have a lot left to do in the game and after 20hrs I'm still having a ton of fun with it.
Wasn't there a demo coming? I doubt it, but thought I read it somewhere a long time ago.

How is the vehicle handling and especially the cars? Yes, you can compare it to GTA iV (preferably) because I thought that was the greatest car handling I ever met in a free-roamer :D


AgentOtaku said:
Anyone here played SR2 on 360 with an NXE HDD install yet? ....if so impressions please

I played for 15-20 minutes. The initial load was faster, everything else seemed the same.

JetSetRadio said:
Wasn't there a demo coming? I doubt it, but thought I read it somewhere a long time ago.

How is the vehicle handling and especially the cars? Yes, you can compare it to GTA iV (preferably) because I thought that was the greatest car handling I ever met in a free-roamer :D

It's nothing like GTA4. The cars handle like they did in the first SR, which is to say very arcady and similar to how they handled in GTA3, VC and SA.


I prefer GTA4's handling, each car felt different and while it was still arcadey, there was a bit of realism too. In SR2 the cars are floaty and handle way too well. Sports cars turn at a perfect 90 degree angle, for example.

Bikes are better though, I find. In GTA4 they're way too touchy, with the slightest hit sending you flying
Holy shit I need that no-fall damage bonus.
So many of my deaths came from jumping off ledges. =/

Also gonna start a new game and do co-op only.


Loudninja said:
Finally got the game just now :D

They game shipped on October 8th and here we are on November 3rd ;(
Wow, what kind of shipping did you use?

Whatever it was, I'd never go that route again. :lol


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Woo just finished it. All missions cleared, all activities cleared all in coop to boot. What a fucking spectacular game to play in coop, truly awesome stuff.
Would it be wise to play co-op before single player? I bought the game but waiting for a good friend of mine to get it this weekend.


DJ Crimson said:
Would it be wise to play co-op before single player? I bought the game but waiting for a good friend of mine to get it this weekend.
Doesn't really matter since both the story and the content is the same in either mode. Also, the cutscenes will be shown from each players POV as the main character, so you aren't missing anything there either.

If you're the host, you can always just replay the missions he missed at one of your hideouts. If he's hosting, you'll start from the beginning anyway and get to keep all the skills, money etc you've gained since you've ben playing.

Linkhero1 said:
Are we able to change our height in the game? I'm looking but I don't see a height option anywhere.

Well, unless you count high heels, boots, platform shoes etc. ;)


DJ Crimson said:
Would it be wise to play co-op before single player? I bought the game but waiting for a good friend of mine to get it this weekend.

It's exactly the same as single player (cutscenes as well) except your friend is there and it's about 100000000000000000000000x times more fun.
Really great game so far, I just wish so many achievmants weren't tied to co-op. I still liked GTA IV better, but really don't feel like they're comparable games. And the soundtrack is fucking ACE

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Sorry for the newbieness but:

1) Isn't there a damn button to reset the camera's position behind the player?

2) There's only one view for the whole game, even when driving? I hate doing killing passing-by this way... help!

3) Can you mute the radio off while in-game?
You'd think with the sequel they'd have ironed out the kinks. Instead of letting players choose between framerate drops or tearing, how about you remove both of them, you damn developer.

Also if the Dust something Samedi mission breaks due to Mr. Gabby not showing up, don't reload, fail the mission by going outside of its radius and retry. Worked for me. Also most enemies turned invincible when co-oping on another mission.

Other than that it has been surprisingly fun and oddly addictive. My character is currently donning the Borat outfit and a traffic cone. Restecp. He feels like dancing a lot. And throwing people into the sea.
Wow...these job diversions are fucking infuriating. I just failed on level 10 of the stupid fucking fire truck diversion because the people decided to block the entrance for a minute and now I have to play level 1-9 again? What is this shit, with the other diversions if you fail you get to go back to the level you were on.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
VibratingDonkey said:
You'd think with the sequel they'd have ironed out the kinks. Instead of letting players choose between framerate drops or tearing, how about you remove both of them, you damn developer.

That is true, though if anything I'm glad they're letting me choose (well, not really choose since it's impossibile to play with that many fps' drop) and that the frame rate isn't as bad as GTAIV.

fake edit:
1) Is there a damn button to reset the camera's position behind the player?

2) There's only one view for the whole game, even when driving? I hate doing killing passing-by this way... help!

3) Can you mute the radio off while in-game?

The first one especially is infuriating, am I doing it wrong?


Dash Kappei said:
The first one especially is infuriating, am I doing it wrong?
You know, you could've just looked in the manual/game options...

-Only in non-air vehicles: RB/R1.
-While in a vehicle, scroll through the stations (digital pad left or right) 'till you get to "off" or go into the options and either turn off all the stations or see if you can default the radio start to "off/none". Never tried the latter.


funkmastergeneral said:
Wow...these job diversions are fucking infuriating. I just failed on level 10 of the stupid fucking fire truck diversion because the people decided to block the entrance for a minute and now I have to play level 1-9 again? What is this shit, with the other diversions if you fail you get to go back to the level you were on.

no you don't your talking about "activities"
"diversion" need to be completed in one go like taxi,drive by etc etc

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
raYne said:
You know, you could've just looked in the manual/game options...

-Only in non-air vehicles: RB/R1.

Sorry mate, I've rented the game from BB and they didn't have the motherfuggin manual :-/

So I have to push both (R Button and R trigger) at the same time? :eek: Seems a bit messed up.
Because pushing just one of those two doesn't cut it for me.

Wait a sec, "only in non-air vehic."? I meant how to get the camera behind the player while walking (so "on foot"), since with the cars and whatnot the camera recenters automatically (and I hate it).

And btw, thanks :)

Shame about the one and only view for the whole game, it fails me a bit especially while driving.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
OK, I've got the manual now... tell me what are you on man because I've made the trip back to BB just to get it (damn) since the button combo you said was golden doesn't seem to work at all for me and I didn't want to bother anymore: well my friend, in no pages whatsoever it mentions how to reposition the camera behind the player.

I've got it here, under my eyes itvm: "On foot controls" and "Driving Controls", pages 4 and 5 of the manual.


After playing Gears 2, I've come to the conclusion that they must add the Hammer of Dawn (or a similar weapon) to this game as DLC.
I've only put in about 3 hours so far, and I can say most of that was not doing the story missions....something I couldn't say about GTA4. The coolest thing is I was listening to the radio and my character started singing along to Sister Christain, totally off time and off key...and
I get an acheivement

I can live with the graphical glitches, we all know Saints Row 2 doesn't have a budge like GTA4 did. It's a balls out fun open-world game.

Ploid 3.0

Ok, I just got the game today, and it's so good. Like very very good. There's a lot of fun everywhere, and it feels weird. The game's city feels more alive than that other game on the ps3/xbox360. I was messing around on rooftops that had planks I could cross to different roofs. As I walked around above I looked down, and listened and observed the graphics. Most say it looks ugly but the game looks very gamey and it has a good personality. Feels like a type of world crazy taxi PS3/360 would look like in style. The game feels bigger, and the interiors is much better. The cave area for example. You just push open doors on a lot of buildings it seems like what I expected from that other game as far as interiors go. I haven't played far though, maybe they have fewer (doubt it). I saw the arcade room that you couldn't enter. I think that was a jab at another game lol.

Oh and I spent like 30 minutes making the character at the start hah. Now I'm looking for high class clothes shops. I bought some gold from a uppidy jewelry store. The lady was like, "who did you have to kill to be able to afford this". Love it. Feels very much like GTA:SA. And oh the gangs, this is the game I wanted. So glad they didn't give up and let GT.. uh that other game have everything to itself.


all good things
So i had a follower and i jumped on a motorcycle, and there was another one laying there, and he hoped on it and followed me!

I thought that was so cool

Although he didnt make it to far lol, he crashed and died haha.

Ploid 3.0

Ok man, this game is pretty darn solid. It has some great graphics actually. The characters definitely looks better than GTA4. The world is huge as well. I ran across a singing group at the dock somewhere. I took a look at them sing, and the people in the background doing whatever, and I noticed how sharp, and well done the character modeling is. Obviously I noticed it while creating the character, but the singing group reminded me of the park in GTA. When I saw pictures of karate students stretching and such in gta4 preview screens, I thought it was cool. This singing group was just one thing of the world in Saints Row 2. I was surprised to see them. I decided to smack one, and they started running, one saying "We should be able to sue the city for this!"

There are a lot of funny moments in this game as well. Also the exploring, and rewarding is well done so far. I'm still 6% but I'm finding a great amount of distractions. SR2 is bearly basing itself solely on it's missions.


Do you not get the co-op mission achievements if you've already done them?

I've completed the game on my file, but I helped my cousin do all the Ronin from start to finish and I got nothing for it. He got 2 for it.


Loudninja said:
:lol Damn the Push Backs are crazy but really fun,really enjoying the game.

Good to hear man..it would have sucked if you waited that long for the game, only to find out you hate it :p.


Where can I find the "Company of Gyros" mascot mask? (if available) I'm about 72 hours in, and I keep seeing this dude wearing the mask/outfit, but I can't find it in any store!

Also, Pimp rampages are quite hilarious. I can't count how many times I kill 1 pimp, and have 20 of them come out of fucking no where and chase me down the street. :lol
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