show me your skeleton
haha, cheers!Ploid 3.0 said:
haha, cheers!Ploid 3.0 said:
Marleyman said:The quick finish in comparison to SR2 and his idea that he had "no compulsion to return to Steelport anytime soon" sucks as well.
X26 said:Wonder if this would ever get a complete edition
ViewtifulJC said:Yeah, took me almost 20 hours to beat all the story missions for Saints Row 2(that includes the occasional side mission for Respect and gang stronghold takeovers and such), so 12 hours is pretty lol. Then top it off there's a shit ton of DLC already gives me the idea they had to cut some things to make it for holiday release and they can sell it to us later.
ViewtifulJC said:Yeah, took me almost 20 hours to beat all the story missions for Saints Row 2(that includes the occasional side mission for Respect and gang stronghold takeovers and such), so 12 hours is pretty lol. Then top it off there's a shit ton of DLC already gives me the idea they had to cut some things to make it for holiday release and they can sell it to us later.
Speedymanic said:Two separate reviews have said it took them 16hours to complete the story missions and one mentioned 22hrs to get to 85% complete.
Jim 'prof troll' Sterling shouldn't be trusted.
He wanted to return to Stillwater? What the hell for? It was dull arse city with nothing to do. Trollers be trollin', I guess.
Speedymanic said:Two separate reviews have said it took them 16hours to complete the story missions and one mentioned 22hrs to get to 85% complete.
Jim 'prof troll' Sterling shouldn't be trusted.
He wanted to return to Stillwater? What the hell for? It was dull arse city with nothing to do. Trollers be trollin', I guess.
diffusionx said:And another review said 20 hours for 100%.
Think about it, this guy says that SR2 is one of his faves this generation, why in the hell would we just troll the same people who made one of his favorites?
Pair up the shorter length + endless DLC and that's good enough for a skip. It's not like I have nothing to play.
Marleyman said:THQ shit all over Red Faction and they could possibly be doing the same thing with Saints Row; I really hope not considering the lack of quality open world titles not named GTA and Just Cause.
ViewtifulJC said:Rental status confirmed :/
Mr.Swag said:I was going to way for a price drop, now that I know the game is kinda short, it makes it a lot easier. I think I got SR2 for like 30$ 3 months after release.
diffusionx said:I'm sure this game is good. But it also sounds like they kept a lot of shit back to sell as DLC later (SR1 and SR2 had some of the worst DLC this gen). This doesn't sound like a piece of shit like Red Faction. I'll just wait for them to finish the game.
The Boss of the Saints is no longer a psychotic villain, having been softened up and turned into a lame antihero who fights against characters far more despicable than he is.
Snkfanatic said:Really want this but I think I am going to wait and see how the PC version fairs.
If you want to take a break from the main story mode, there are plenty of side activities to participate in. Whether youre stealing specific cars for a chop shop, assassinating targets, quelling rival gang operations, committing insurance fraud or simply finding hidden sex dolls and photo opportunities, there is a bunch of stuff that will keep you busy. Sure, you can just play around in the sandbox if you want, and believe me, it is tons of fun to do so, but if youre in it for the mayhem, THQ and Volition have you covered outside of the main mode.
SmokyDave said:Something tells me this game is going to get one hell of a backlash when all is said and done.
Marleyman said:I don't trust Sterling usually but he was a huge fanboy of SR2; if he felt let down I tend to agree with him in this case.
diffusionx said:And another review said 20 hours for 100%.
Think about it, this guy says that SR2 is one of his faves this generation, why in the hell would he just troll the same people who made one of his favorites?
Pair up the shorter length + endless DLC and that's good enough for a skip. It's not like I have nothing to play.
Nope, for the DLC, I reckon. Not sure exactly why yet, my crystal ball is murky.Marleyman said:Do you mean for the graphic/sexual type of content?
Speedymanic said:Which review, if you don't mind my asking.
Good to know. I've seen a couple people call SR3 "Super-sized SR2" and others whining about the length, so I would assume the truth is right in the middle.OneLetter said:One thing to note about the 100% figure being tossed around is that it does NOT include all of the Saints Book activities, which can easily add a ton more time onto your game. A fair number of these were the side diversions in SR2, such as:
- Hitman assassination contracts - Where we give you a person to find a clue and you take them out
- Vehicle Theft Shopping List - Find a specific car and bring it back
- Challenges
SmokyDave said:Nope, for the DLC, I reckon. Not sure exactly why yet, my crystal ball is murky.
And this leads to one of greatest truths about Saints Row 3. It is immaculately paced because it loves you. Most games can be insensitive clods with occasional rough patches. You get stuck for a while, or it's slow to start, or you cruise through some filler, or certain design choices are clunky, or the characters are flat and you don't care about them, or you know exactly what's going to happen next and therefore when it happens you don't care. None of this happens in Saints Row 3, which is a textbook example of how to keep me into a game from beginning to open-ended end. I don't have to slog through a few early missions with a derringer and a puttering ATV. I don't hit a crazy difficulty level spike half way through. I don't fight a stupid boss battle at the end. Well, okay, maybe I do because Saints Row 3 knows exactly how to set it up. You're in good hands. Here is a game that starts you out doing the sorts of things you wouldn't normally do until the end of other games. And yet, it never stops delivering surprises, twists, and "I gotta get me one of those!" moments. Which is followed by one of those being immediately given to you. Saints Row 3 doesn't go to 11, because it's there from the beginning.
"Awesomer and awesomer!" you'll cry as you plunge down the deliriously wondrous rabbit hole that is Saints Row: The Third. This is no mere videogame. It is more than 25 hours -- probably far more -- of unadulterated delight straight to the ol' amygdala. Go with it. Let it work its magic. It's so good it's nearly chemical.
obonicus said:
Tasty.It is more than 25 hours -- probably far more -- of unadulterated delight straight to the ol' amygdala. Go with it. Let it work its magic. It's so good it's nearly chemical.
diffusionx said:It was in the other thread - Saints Row 3 First Review or something like that.
And the aforementioned missions and Activities? All of it is framed within a simplistic gang-war plot that works because its both self-aware characters actually joke about how ludicrous their actions and predicaments are and straight to the point. True, we finished The Third in 16 hours which we could easily stretch to 20 by going for full 100% completion, although even that pales in comparison to the 40-plus hours of the average GTA but literally every mission was an eccentric riot. You wont find any of GTAs fetch quests or filler here. Each Saints mission throws you right into something cool, whether its pancaking your foes with a tank, nuking pursuers with a sonic cannon, warring with dozens of rival gangsters in one intersection, or, yes, stumbling naked through a hooker-infested labyrinth.
Speedymanic said:Sounds like an estimate.
Fine Ham Abounds said:Maybe this is Saint's Row for people who never got into Saint's Row 1 or 2? That'd be me I guess.
diffusionx said:Good enough for me. I'm waiting. Go nuts. I'm sure you'll love it. Shit, I am sure I will too. I just don't want to spend $60 on a game noticeably shorter than it's predecessors (I played SR2 for more than 40 hours) with a season pass DLC schedule.
Deadly Cyclone said:ITT: Gaf flip-flops on buying game based on conflicting reviews.
Fine Ham Abounds said:Maybe this is Saint's Row for people who never got into Saint's Row 1 or 2? That'd be me I guess.
Deadly Cyclone said:ITT: Gaf flip-flops on buying game based on conflicting reviews.
Me too, one for me, one for a buddy.obonicus said:Not me, I've preordered it. Twice.