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Saints Row The Third |OT| Oscar Worthy Gameplay


Gold Member
I wasn't sure about this game, so I rented it from Redbox over the weekend. I don't remember the last time I paused a game so many times because I was laughing so hard.
Tiger escort
I'm now sitting at my desk and I see that BB has it on sale for $40. I can't wait to get over there and buy this after work.

No, it is really good. I think they even put out an OSt somewhere.
Yea, I see it on Amazon mp3 for $8 so it's probably up on iTunes. It's not very long though at 8 songs.
... Also it's impossible to make a hot girl charcter for some reason.

I think I got my character looking pretty good. Of course, different strokes and all. What I like might not be what you like.

I paid more attention to her head and face more than anything else. I'm an absolute sucker for a beautiful face, especially a doll-like one. I think I was pretty successful.


How do the PS3 and 360 versions compare? I have both consoles but wanna get the best version.

Digital Foundry said the Ps3 version is better since the 360 has screen tearing (not enough to bother me personally). Also you get a free download of SR2 if you buy the PS3 version, for a limited time.
Digital Foundry said the Ps3 version is better since the 360 has screen tearing (not enough to bother me personally). Also you get a free download of SR2 if you buy the PS3 version, for a limited time.

360 version does have the option to enable v-sync at the expense of framerate however. Both console versions seem to have pretty good parity though. I am on PC myself, but wouldn't hesitate to pick up SR3 on either console, the game is just too much fun.
Combat is slow moving, boring, and somehow uncomfortable. Enemies are massive bullet sponges. Saint's Row 2 the better game by a wide margin.


Combat is slow moving, boring, and somehow uncomfortable. Enemies are massive bullet sponges. Saint's Row 2 the better game by a wide margin.

You funny. The enemies are bullet sponges only in the sense that you shouldn't be using a pistol, should be aiming for the head and should be experimenting with all the crazy weaponry. The only thing that annoys me about combat is the awkward selection wheel.
i found it on iTunes only so far. gonna settle for Youtube for now. only 8 tracks. wish they released the OST with the licensed tracks as a complete CD set.

If you have an X360 disc you can rip everything from the disc in WAV files. Radio, commercials, mission music, all of it.

But you should buy the OST to support the devs of course. Too bad it's so limited because the audio rip reveals so many other good original music that's not on the OST. Especially the Initiation Station themes.

Woo, so what's your favorite mission (spoiler it). Going to try this when I wake up later.

I'm going to play a lot of missions again with a different gender and different voice profiles. Should be interesting to see if they are very different from each other.


You funny. The enemies are bullet sponges only in the sense that you shouldn't be using a pistol, should be aiming for the head and should be experimenting with all the crazy weaponry. The only thing that annoys me about combat is the awkward selection wheel.

My level 4 pistol with exploding bullets thoroughly disagrees with this statement.


You funny. The enemies are bullet sponges only in the sense that you shouldn't be using a pistol, should be aiming for the head and should be experimenting with all the crazy weaponry. The only thing that annoys me about combat is the awkward selection wheel.

Dual pistols at level 4 are still the best <_<


This goes beyond even fashionably late but oh well.

My review is up: http://www.the-nextlevel.com/review/360/saints-row-the-third/

The more I play, the more I agree with your final paragraph - but from an optimistic perspective. I do find myself reminiscing about SR2, but I don't think the polish of the third game has spoiled it for me. I'm ecstatic about the DLC now that I've played a decent chunk of the game because I don't feel that anything is missing and I know I'll want more.

I do feel a bit of the spirit of the second game is missing. I can't put my finger on it, but I think you nailed it when you said Steelport feels a bit contrived compared to Stillwater. I'm a bit weirded out by the safehouses, because the constant button prompt makes them feel like a menu backdrop, and they've lost all the interactivity. No more newspaper clippings or TV/games console, and no more wardrobe that I can walk up to and use, or custom decor. I wish the diversions were handled in the same way as the last game; because I played them to death and was disappointed to find that so many had been rehashed and passed off as regular missions this time. There are also several which have been cut, but which haven't been replaced by enough new diversions in this game. Genki is awesome, but the game could use more besides Guardian Angels, especially since FUZZ is out.

I also hate new Shaundi. Poorly acted, and written to be a stereotypical angry chick. But I think Volition are still knocking it out of the park with the Boss. Somehow they created a character who could be male or female, could have pretty much any personality imposed upon him (within the obvious context of the game); and yet everything scripted which he says or does somwhow serves to enrich and reenforce the player's creation rather than contradicting it. And he says plenty. There are so many places the Boss could pull a Mass Effect and leave you wondering why the hell your character just said that, but for me, it never happens, no matter how I'm playing. I loved the little jamming session with Pierce. I think it flowed beautifully from their relationship in the last game.

So far, I'm disappointed by the bad guys. The gang leaders and Vogel were magnificent antagonists in the last game, and the Boss spent plenty of one-on-one time sparring with them before finishing them off. They're much more disconnected this time around. Story-wise, I'm getting what I want from the Boss and his crew rather than the fistful of interesting plot lines from the previous game.

None of these criticisms spoil what is otherwise an extremely fulfilling sequel. I'll probably cave and buy the shark gun tomorrow...
You can upgrade your weapons?! Where? I can't find it in the safehouse weapon cache. Is it in the Upgrade bit on your phone? I barely touched that throughout my playthrough.

Friendly Fire. Make sure you fully upgrade molotovs, they explode cars in one hit when you do, and because they explode on contact they're arguably more useful than frag grenades.


You can upgrade your weapons?! Where? I can't find it in the safehouse weapon cache. Is it in the Upgrade bit on your phone? I barely touched that throughout my playthrough.

Isn't that the first objective when you get into Steelport? Upgrading a weapon at the Friendly Fire?

Best weapon upgrades are the Level 4 pistol (Explosive Rounds), Level 4 SMG (Incendiary Rounds), Level 4 Assault Rifle (Grenade Launcher) and Level 4 RPG (Lock-On/Zoom to follow).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Just got my 30 hour achievement. Hope the DLC is out soonish. Skyrim broke on me, so I have no urge to play that anymore, so SR3 is pretty much all my free time now

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Okay so
Killbane's mask
isn't that useless compared to the other one. If you taunt with it,
it lights people on fire


I'm 14 hours in, 65% done with the game, only 30 of the main story missions completed, and have not seen Prof Genki anywhere. I am really looking forward to the challenge of beating him, but I cannot find him.

I also hate this fucking challenge for 'Taunt X Number of Gang Members.' I'm only at 20 right now, but it seems like the number never climbs. I know I have to taunt gang members who are not pissed at me already and that it has to be a new person, but that number doesn't move.
I'll boot up the game, exit my safehouse, and start walking down the street. I see a Morningstar member, so I walk up in front of them, do my 'jerk-off motion' taunt, and he whips out his guns to shoot me. I then either kill him or call up my 'Reduce Gang Noteriety' homie and check the challenge number. No change.
Could it be because the 'Jerk-Off Motion' taunt is always interupted by them? That wouldn't make since though because that has been the only taunt I have used and I have gotten some points for it.

I spent a while last night at the airport farming challenges. The wheelie, stoppie, powerslide, and Big Air challenges got knocked out pretty quickly on a bike.

I did have something funny happen to me last night. I had a long day at work and ate a huge dinner when I got home, so I wasn't surprised when I got tired out of nowhere at 9 or so. I was playing the game and flying a helicoptor to one of my last diversions I needed to do. I get there, figure I will do a basejumping challenge while in the air, and fly to max helicoptor height. Then a bail out. I woke up to the sound of me splatting against the concrete and dying. Apparently I fell asleep after jumping out of the chopper and failed to open my parachute. I was pretty amazed.
I called it quits for the night after getting into a firefight and falling asleep and waking up to find myself spawned at the hospital. Musta gotten blasted...

My level 4 pistol with exploding bullets thoroughly disagrees with this statement.
My dual 'exploding round' pistols are awesome as shit. It makes me want to try the incendiary rounds or armor piercing rounds on a different gun. But then I think about how much I love the pistols and how awesome they are and I can't bring myself to spend money on the other upgrades.

Dead Man

Weirdly enough, it only seems to count when you bail out just before your car hits a wall, nothing else (pedestrians, garbage cans etc.) at least that's my experience.

Best place to do it for the Saints Book challenge is the airport, just drive around ramming brick walls and hangers.

Okay, I must be some sort of idiot. There is bugger all to hit that gives any car torpedo value at the airport. I can bail and hit shit but get no score. That is even worse than getting a score and not having it tracked on the challenges!


Okay so
Killbane's mask
isn't that useless compared to the other one. If you taunt with it,
it lights people on fire

FUCK if only I would have known that I would have picked that one!

Oh man if only there was a way to replay missions on consoles.. OH WAIT I CANT THX VOLITION :<. Damn bullshit about exploits and whatnot who the hell cares the previous 2 games were buggy as shit let me have my cake and eat it too guys.

I finished the storyline a couple of days ago and I really enjoyed this game but I think in the end I feel kind of sour about it compared to SR2. The city isn't as good as Steelport ( FACT )...it just feels kind of empty. So many clothing options and stores removed that it just boggles the mind, why am I not allowed to put an awesome Adidas like Volition logo on my shirt or hoodie? You wanna sell it as DLC or something?

The storyline imo sucked ass.. Sure the cutscenes were cool and the boss was cool as always but the heads of the other gangs felt flat as well. Especially since from the start it kind of seemed to me like they were all working for the same guy? Who then just.. kind of died.

Just like my other favorite character from the previous SR games, who apparantly got murdered pretty soon in the game and I never really felt connected to what had just happened. What an amazingly lame way to write out one of the funniest characters from previous games, jesus. I know the reason, the VA guy wanted to focus on his dumbass cop show but shit, could have done something better with this.

And that's basically how I felt throughout most of the story.. replacing missions with all activities was just ridiculous as well, as was driving to a guy for a cutscene and that counts as a fucking mission ( WUT? ). In the end it picked up for sure with some interesting missions but the middle was just like..eh.

Removing cool activities like bodyguard and Fuzz also don't make sense to me. Especially Fuzz. Guardian Angel sucks ass. And I liked that in previous SR games each activity had a lvl, that was much better. It just seems like I'm ranting here but honestly there is so much fun to be had with this game. The new upgrade system, the performance and graphics are much better, the action is great and its just plain fun. I'd give it about an 8 because of all the stuff they took out, and I'm not a fan of the clothing selection, and there wasnt enough music in the game either. Although the hiphop channels had some GREAT stuff like Madvillain and Tyler the Creator.

All in all a really solid game, very fun and great to play on Ps3 without pretty much any performance issues.


So with the
Killbane's Mask
It is a one-time choice right? There is no way to get both of them on the same save?
I haven't beaten the game yet, but there are near the end of the game correct? Why not get the other one after completion? It seems kind of lame to have an open-world game that they want you to go crazy in and then lock you out of getting one of the cool items. It certainly makes that choice more important, but I don't know. I want to use both of them.



I pretty much agree with everything you said. They sacrificed substance for style and they prioritized flashy missions, of which many were just side missions, over the open world and all the stuff related to it, which is the most important part of the game. Hopefully they take some more time developing the next one so it combines the best parts of both SR2 and 3.


An blind dancing ho
FUCK if only I would have known that I would have picked that one!

Oh man if only there was a way to replay missions on consoles.. OH WAIT I CANT THX VOLITION :<. Damn bullshit about exploits and whatnot who the hell cares the previous 2 games were buggy as shit let me have my cake and eat it too guys.

I will personally welcome you to the PC clan anytime. :p

MMaRsu said:
I finished the storyline a couple of days ago and I really enjoyed this game but I think in the end I feel kind of sour about it compared to SR2. The city isn't as good as Steelport ( FACT )

you mean Stilwater..

I kinda agree it's better then the old Stilwater (SR1) the Neo Stilwater (SR2) is better,what cool about neo Stilwater was all the secret places and islands all over.

if they going to reboot Steelport in SR4 ( I guess this is the idea they are hinting now ) I hope they make it like SR2.

MMaRsu said:
I know the reason, the VA guy wanted to focus on his dumbass cop show but shit, could have done something better with this.

can't they just change the actor? and bring someone who sound like him.

as the rest of the post, well Vol already said why they cut many stuff, it was a lame excuse( making from scratch..new Engine,city)but now I am waiting for something like SR2-2 with SR4.
Been looking around for the tracks from missions on YouTube, does anyone remember which mission starts with the instrumental intro from this track playing while the player, Pierce and Shaundi are slow-motion walking towards the camera packing massive gats?


And of course, there's Power from everyone's favourite hostile takeover:


And who can forget Honeys in the Place, cos OH SHIT THESE HOES AIN'T HOES:


God I just love everything about this game.


An blind dancing ho
Really? Don't like that so much.

Yeah I guess Vol will rebuild the city for SR4 since
both ending hints that SR4 will still be in Steelport

It's not a bad idea, Neo Stilwater that Ultor entirely rebuilt in SR2 was very different than the old Stilwater in SR1 it was like a new city.

if they do that and we get SR4 sooner with shit tons of stuff like in SR2, it will be great.

Dead Man

Been looking around for the tracks from missions on YouTube, does anyone remember which mission starts with the instrumental intro from this track playing while the player, Pierce and Shaundi are slow-motion walking towards the camera packing massive gats?

Such a great cutscene. I wish the whole song was just instrumental.

Yeah I guess Vol will rebuild the city for SR4 since
both ending hints that SR4 will still be in Steelport

It's not a bad idea, Neo Stilwater that Ultor entirely rebuilt in SR2 was very different than the old Stilwater in SR1 it was like a new city.

if they do that and we get SR4 sooner with shit tons of stuff like in SR2, it will be great.

When you put it like that it does sound good. Stillwater was just great in SR2, so much variety.


Been looking around for the tracks from missions on YouTube, does anyone remember which mission starts with the instrumental intro from this track playing while the player, Pierce and Shaundi are slow-motion walking towards the camera packing massive gats?

Isn't it the first stronghold mission? The one where you get
Just got my 30 hour achievement. Hope the DLC is out soonish. Skyrim broke on me, so I have no urge to play that anymore, so SR3 is pretty much all my free time now

I distanced myself from Skyrim. Sold it on Ebay and got $51 shipped for it. Went to Best Buy with a $10 Gift Card and Bought 2 Copies of SR3 and a copy of Mario Kart 7 3DS (Buy 2 get 1 free). Sold a copy of Saints Row 3 on Ebay for $43 shipped, and to make this stupid story short.......I basically traded out my copy of Skyrim PS3 for a copy of Saints Row 3 and Mario Kart 7 3DS. Pretty good deal and it feels good to get Skyrim off of my hands.

Cannot wait to try out SR3 tonight.
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