but why would anyone straight want to attend when you label an event with for Gay people?
So that the people who don't care about or don't like gay people leave them in peace... hey, wait a minute?!
It's nonsense IMO...but whateverz...everyone has to stand up for gay rights today it seems...
You can do whatever you want to do. They're not saying "everyone has to stand up for gay rights today", they're saying "Live your life, be happy, we are so glad for you Omnistalgic, you're an awesome guy." See, you don't need to stand up for gay rights. The gays told me.
... but in the mean time, they've chosen to stand up for gay rights. Is that ok? They don't want or need your help. You don't need to do anything. Don't worry, you're not being drafted into the gay rights army. You don't need to stand up for them. Keep on keeping on.
Are they impacting you too much? How could they impact you less? Look, they're really sorry about gathering too much of your attention. From now on, instead of trying to crash your gaming conventions and try to make you stand up for gay rights nonsense, they'll have their own convention. You don't need to go. You don't need to click the thread. I personally will make sure that every thread that's about a gay gaming convention will have a title that makes this clear. The original thread title, "A gaming convention for everyone, but there's a catch*" and the original OP "* YOU MUST NOW STAND UP FOR GAY RIGHTS" was very misleading, and for that gays are sorry. But now that it's clear, they can't possibly impact you any less, right?
but why would anyone straight want to attend when you label an event with for Gay people?
So, the thing about a question is that people are more likely to answer you if they think you'd believe them. So if someone said "Because we are interested in LBGT issues", that'd be true. Or if they said "I'm straight, but I love what a good time you can have at a campy drag event", that'd be true. Or if they said "It's important to my loved ones because of who they are", that'd be true. Or if they said "To show support and solidarity", that'd be true. Or if they said "Because even though I'm straight, seeing perspectives from different people helps me understand" that'd be true, or if they said "Because although I identify as straight, I've been the victim of prejudice from people who assumed I was gay", that'd be true, or if they said "Because I go to every convention and this one is no different", that'd be true, or if they said "I'm running for office next year and I need to attend public events", that'd be true, or if they said "because I want to network with others", that'd be true. But if you read those answers and think "Yes, but that answer doesn't make any sense", then chances are it wasn't a real question to begin with... and if you didn't know those answers before I told you, then you didn't read the thread... or any other thread on this subject ever... or ever spoken to a gay person or someone who is interested in LBGT issues...
... and if that's the case, what on earth possessed you to weigh in that you had made a definitively judgment on the value of this kind of event, right?