Saying Good bye to the Playstation Family! Sold my PSN accont.


Has Man Musk
My man Gamer79 Gamer79 actually had a conversion arc. Dramatic as it is, I mean he's kinda... based?

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Gold Member


Gold Member
I may not be buying many games on PS platform anymore and certainly won’t buy the Pro, but it would be silly to sell PS5 for me.

I have couple of hundred physical PS4 and PS5 games plus a crapload of cheap digital titles I got over the last 10 years (and more with PS3 and PS1&2 classics).

It’s not worth it to lose the ability to play so many titles for a few hundred $. This is the same reason why I have an XSX.
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Gold Member
My man Gamer79 Gamer79 actually had a conversion arc. Dramatic as it is, I mean he's kinda based?

Gamer79 Gamer79 is a national treasure


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
My man Gamer79 Gamer79 actually had a conversion arc. Dramatic as it is, I mean he's kinda... based?



Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Normally I would say something along the lines of "you're being a little too extreme" " you're overreacting" etc
But... I've got nothing.


And then theres a family i know that's buying 3 PS5 Pro this Christmas. Guess some join, some leave.


I don’t blame you OP. PC is the promiseland right now for gaming. I’ve been playing a lot of emulators and games I missed out on the original Xbox like otogi and ninja gaiden black. If it wasn’t for pc right now I would have hung up gaming since console isn’t really doing it for me currently.
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Gold Member
My man Gamer79 Gamer79 actually had a conversion arc. Dramatic as it is, I mean he's kinda... based?

Enjoy my special UE5 traversal stutter GIF to welcome you to PC



Gold Member
I'm having fish and chips at the Sheraton bar because it's about to snow and I don't want to drive for food.
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