Has Man Musk
My man
actually had a conversion arc. Dramatic as it is, I mean he's kinda... based?

Older Gamer new to PC building. Help!?
I am in my mid 40's and always been a console gamer. My son gave me his hand me down PC about 5 years ago and I had some fun with it. (it was packed with an i7-4670k and a 1660ti and still played most games at normal or high) but I stopped using it years ago and sold it off. I am going to...

Average PC gamer vs the illusion of "Pc master race"
I am building a new modest rig and on other forums I got some shit because "its not future proof enough" My mid range budge build plan: Ryzen 5 5600x cpu, 4070 gpu, 32gb ddr4 ram, along with a 2tb 1.4 nvme drive and another 1 tb backup. Will my system be a world beater? No but should it...

I apologize PC brothers: Pc games is much cheaper than consoles in the long run.
I'm new to the pc world after being a life long console gamer. (mid 40's) Yes the initial cost is high if you want a decent rig (mine will be around $1100 all in but I figure a console times X years of ps + will be close to the same.) I have even seen crazy black friday deals like pre-builts...

Is the PS5 pro on par with a RTX 4070 like Digital Foundry claimed before launch?
Before the PS5 pro there were some crazy claims being thrown about. So did this statement hold true or is Richard from Digital Foundry caught talking out of his ass? https://wccftech.com/ps5-pro-like-pc-would-cost-a-fair-bit-more-says-df-rtx-4070-is-the-closest-gpu/

Saying Good bye to the Playstation Family! Sold my PSN accont.
I have been a PSN member for nearly a decade and had a decent Digital Library connected to my account. Lately Sony and the Playstation has just left a sour taste in my mouth. PS+ prices are absolutely nuts, There are very few good games releasing on the Platform, along with Sony has been anti...
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