I'm disappointed.
The guy should have been less grabby grabby, and more punchy punchy.
Throttling asshole kids looked pretty good, but it'd been better to see one of em really hurt.
You can actually see the kids acting as a little mob unit... kinda cool but totally fucking stupid. They're all smirking while one kids getting told off, they play up to impress each other, and when one of them looks in danger of getting what they deserve they defend one another. Sadly, sweet justice and authority wasn't quite displayed here.
I was an asshole kid myself once... when I look back I can respect the people who put me down and showed me a lesson. I think I'm a better person for it. We're too fucking PC about punishment these days.
I've seen things like that happen - where some degenerate will say something not too dissimilar to "hey motherfucker" to someone just minding their own business or trying to do their job.... they front up, and because the person in a position of responsibility doesn't immediately know how to act, the attacker is imbued with confidence and acts even worse for the crowd, escalating to one-sided violence. This guy did the right thing.
There was a good story in the UK news recently... as you know, we don't have readily available guns here. Nevertheless, this woman was getting sick of all the behaviour in her neighbourhood... she attacked yobs in her street with an air gun. She got put away for it, then released after a big sympathetic media campaign.