Kev Kev
did that not kill you in the process?My friend and I just sunk a Galleon in a Sloop.
We were being chased by a Galleon. Full of skulls. They were catching us, and we were resolved to losing the ship.
Until we saw some debris in the water, including two gunpowder barrels.
They were directly behind us. I had my friend take the wheel and I jumped out and grabbed a gunpowder. I waited until I was right under the Galleon and then BOOM. Sunk the fucker.
whats the price for dying in this game? seems like i just respawn but dont really lose anything
Captain Newbie's Journal Entry #1: Trouble On The Bad Kid Sea's
ok so i just finished up a 2 hour or so session and had so much fun!!! but i was legit stressed out for nearly the entire time lol. my anxiety is actually piquing right now and not in a good way. yaaaaay that's.... fun? jk it was fun but PvP just isnt normally my thing so... its a big adjustment for me
after a dozen or so hours with the game total, it seems like i have no choice but to play with at least one other person (if i want to avoid having anxiety tweak outs). i kept running into the same sloop with 2 guys on it (i was solo), and they were following me around and stealing my shit, which i get it its "sea of thieves" not "sea of sunshine and rainbows", but it was soooo fucking annoying.
they would repair my ship and say sorry we need this chest and not kill me, but that honestly made it more annoying. they even followed me back to an outpost and stole another chest while i was trading stuff in. so i just quit after that. one of the chests they stole was a "reaper chest" which i was really excited to find because it was a ship wreck in the middle of the ocean. im not even sure what it was, but 10 minutes later they stole it and it was such a let down.
i mean.... i get the whole aspect of it not being a "peaceful" experience, and sea of thieves is mega popular so its obviously serving them fine, but i feel like a surrender option (like a white flag that makes you invulnerable but freezes your movement), or at the least making outposts a safe haven would help keep players from quitting like i just did. id have been happy to make an afternoon out of it and play for a couple more hours but i was so pissed off and exhausted from running away from those guys that i was just sick of the game.
none of that is going to happen tho, so i guess ill just do open crew for now on. im just more of a loner i guess, i dont care to have to work together with people in this game bc they tend to just shout directions at me and get pissed when im not sure why the hell they just jumped off the boat lol.
literally one dude said "we gotta go vote on blah blah blah" (not even sure wtf he was talking about), so he steers the ship straight into an outpost, gets off the wheel and jumps overboard. no anchor, no slowing down, no turning, he just bails lmao. and i had no idea he bailed because i was down stairs. so i come back up and right as i get up the stairs the ship slams into the shore, obviously breaking into a bajillion pieces. and the dude says to me "BRO WTF!? FIX IT". and i'm like mother fucker that was your fault what are you yelling at me for!?!?
i was like fuck off lol. there were a couple other situations like that before i got annoyed and quit. he clearly wanted to play with someone as he was very talkative, but we werent actually playing together if you know what i mean? he was going a million miles a minute and the whole time im typing "so wait what are we doing? where are we going?" and he wasnt very specific, he just kept running around shouting orders and jumping off the ship right before it crashed into an island, and then hed yell at me to fix it lol. i made it 20 minutes or so before i quit.
i have had some good experiences with others however, and i felt more protected, so thats good. maybe i just need to go up to the next size ship and try to stick with a crew of 2 or 3. i still havent tried out the biggest one yet.
anyway, im having some really good times with the game. def gonna keep playing, definitely not gonna stop coming to this thread to bitch and complain (hehehe), but i dont know how long im gonna last if it gives me anxiety this bad. hopefully sailing with a decent crew will help alleviate some of the head aches. i might take you up on that offer to play together one of these days

what a cool experience this game is. now that i think of it, its really my first MMO experience. i usually avoid MMOs because of there monthly sub fees, but since this is rolled into gamepass i dont have to worry about it
if anyone wants to add my GT feel free to join me or message me if you see me on SoT on xbox. i dont have a microphone but i have hooked my keyboard up so we can communicate effectively enough
GT: Kev Kevn