Why do people still eat at Chipotles? I would have figured all the ebola stuff would have stopped people from going.
Rats falling from the ceiling.There was a report of a rat in one of their restaurants too. Lmao Chipotle.
It's just anecdotal, but here's my own experience with Chipotle, maybe last year.I would almost say they being setup, almost
id rather have norovirus than tacobellarrhea
How is this always happening to Chipotle?
No, norovirus is passed through poop on your food.Is this because they don't allow antibiotics on their meat? Chipotle made from sick animals?
It's just anecdotal, but here's my own experience with Chipotle, maybe last year.
I used to eat there fairly often. They were very popular and I never got sick. Then the news about people getting sick started, and I started dating a girl who hated Chipotle. I quit going.
Eventually I figured hey, what are the odds my particular store, many states away from these outbreaks, would have a problem? I went there, ate lunch with a friend, and ended up vomiting repeatedly, literally within an hour or two of the meal. My friend was fine and I think the only difference in our meals was that I got lettuce?
Now MAYBE it was all in my head, but it made sure I wasn't going there anymore.
Thankfully it wasn't norovirus. I've had food poisoning for a day or two from a seafood restaurant, and that was horrible, but norovirus sounds even worse.
Why do people still eat at Chipotles? I would have figured all the ebola stuff would have stopped people from going.
Free burritos for everyone!
I don't know how anyone still gives these clowns business.
Christ. What the hell is Chipotle doing differently than places like Taco Bell that causes them to have all of these awful outbreaks in their food?
No it's because an employee took a dump and didn't wash their hands before returning to work.Is this because they don't allow antibiotics on their meat? Chipotle made from sick animals?
No it's because an employee took a dump and didn't wash their hands before returning to work.
Is this because they don't allow antibiotics on their meat? Chipotle made from sick animals?
I'm sure every Taco Bell employee takes a dump and doesn't wash their hands. And yet we're still fine.
Didnt Taco Bell have an outbreak or am I thinking Jack in the box?
Is this because they don't allow antibiotics on their meat? Chipotle made from sick animals?
Jack in the Box had E coli.
Pretty much every restaurant chain has probably had some kind of norovirus exposure.
Didn't the Jack in the Box outbreak result in several deaths?
Literally eating shit particles...ughhhh.
Antibiotics treat bacterial diseases not viral diseases. So if it were through the meat, having antibiotics would not make a difference.
Like others have said though, it is transferred through human fecal matter.
Ebola? Chipotle never had an issue with Ebola.
Christ. What the hell is Chipotle doing differently than places like Taco Bell that causes them to have all of these awful outbreaks in their food?
Using real meat maybe?
Using real meat maybe?
Know how I can tell you've never had norovirus?
The first couple hours of non-stop shitting and vomiting you are worried you are going to die. For the next couple hours, you're worried that you aren't
Why do people still eat at Chipotles? I would have figured all the E. coli stuff would have stopped people from going.
Companies today seem much more resilient about this kind of news, even with social media. I remember when some shit happened with Jack n the Box way back in the early 90s, it nearly destroyed the company. Still isn't what it was back then.
Damn, those Monsanto ninjas don't fuck around!
I stopped (my very rare visits to an overrated chain) when they went all-in on the stupidity of being anti-GMO.