These poor fucks can't catch a break.
With Jack in the Box, people- children- actually died. Not the same thing.
These poor fucks can't catch a break.
The fact that the system automatically clocks out employees at 12:30 is extremely sketchy and obviously an attempt at shorting people their pay. I work an hourly food service job, and there are plenty of times when we have to stay over our scheduled time...you are always on the clock for that time though, and you are only off the clock when you clock out yourself, with a fingerprint scanner and everything. Automatically clocking out employees seems like a system that would be rife with abuse.http://money.cnn.com/2016/08/29/news/economy/chipotle-lawsuit-nearly-10000-workers/index.html
I can sympathize that when your company is forcing you to work extra hours off-the-clock without compensation, food safety probably isn't the number one thing on your mind anymore.
I mean, I like a good burrito too, but I can't understand the absolute obsession with loyalty to one particular moderate-quality casual restaurant that's constantly making people sick, using deceptive marketing, and shitting all over employees. I'm glad I live in Texas where there are alternatives that taste better and are cheaper. Yikes.
Chipotle serves about a million people a day. People not eating there because they fear getting sick should never leave their rooms if those odds are too terrifying.
Chipotle can't catch a break. I stopped going to them as often earlier this year after my debit card got compromised because they had malware on their point of sale devices. Really upsetting that they still aren't setup to take chip cards yet. Huge pain having to get a new debit card.
Shitpotle strikes again
Christ. What the hell is Chipotle doing differently than places like Taco Bell that causes them to have all of these awful outbreaks in their food?
I guess I'll be going to Hot Heads or a local place for a little while. I really love Chipotle's tomato chile though and I hate HH's hot sauce. Is Hot Heads national?
You from Ohio? Hot Head is based in Dayton, only has locations in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.
I wouldn't doubt corporate sabotage at this point. Its easy to have a couple infecteds just drop by and fuck all your shit up, plus kill your stock.
edit: or I guess it could be the supply chain. but they're usually good about tracking that stuff down by now, the CDC, I mean.
Unlike most fast food franchises, Chipotle serves fresh food all prepared in house. Problem is it's made by a rotating staff of people who really don't care and are just trying to make ends meet. Their fresh take is what is killing them. I almost guarantee that in a year or so all Chipotle food will prepared in a factory and simply reheated in stores. Wendy's may use fresh beef, but its patties are put together offsite.
good thing i never go to that shit tier chain food.
hope they go the way of the dodo bird
we dont need em.
They get shit because of their smug fake "ideals" about clean food/I feel like Chipotle gets called out for this a lot more than other restaurants if only because it continues a media circus guaranteed to get views
I'm sure you only dine on the highest quality burritos.
I feel like Chipotle gets called out for this a lot more than other restaurants if only because it continues a media circus guaranteed to get views
Chipotle will never catch a break
Shitpotle strikes again
If any other chain caused 135 cases of norovirus, you'd hear about it.
There's not some anti-Chipotle agenda in the FAKE NEWS liberal media.
Eat shit Chipotle.
How the fuck does this keep happening to them all the time?
They've probably been the most active in trying to keep their stuff as safe and homogeneous as possible and they fail basic food safety?
How? I've been working in the food industry for a long ass time and I've seen some terrible shit, but even then nothing as on the scale of this. How do you fail so badly?
That's how they got norovirus.
How the fuck does this keep happening to them all the time?
They've probably been the most active in trying to keep their stuff as safe and homogeneous as possible and they fail basic food safety?
How? I've been working in the food industry for a long ass time and I've seen some terrible shit, but even then nothing as on the scale of this. How do you fail so badly?
Honest question: Why do people still eat there? If even one case of norovirus popped up at a restaurant I like, I'd abandon it.
This is why you even have independent analysts wondering how the unlikely probability of this is coming true and also wondering about people shorting the stock.
For all we know it could be Chipotle owners themselves doing this. They did have that one guy arrested for coke and stuff, and Chipotle has been known to be a greedy company. I wouldn't put it past them to sabotage their food chain and make millions on the short end. LOL.
At any rate I don't plan on going back for awhile since my last two burritos sucked balls.