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seems like there's a GH version of SOTN


yeah, and i thought a $20 brand new sealed one was a great find, which i bought at a local gamestore, till i saw loads of em at 12.99 on ebay.
i remember the game selling for 40/50/60 bucks like a while ago.
well, go get em.


Castlevania:SOTN. i dont know, it seemed to be sorta rare even a while ago, i was on the lookout for it. now its everywhere.


go eat paint
Yep - welcome to last year, or prior. Local Sam's Clubs, Wal-Marts, and Blockbusters all have plenty of copies of the GH release...
A few Gamestop's in my area have the regular version of SOTN for 30 bucks. I don't think it's in demand as much as it used to be, especially with what seems to be a recent reprinting of the GH version.
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