Was always a fan of Burning Force. One of my earliest memories with the Genesis.
What did you think of it, Greg? You didn't really give too many thoughts about the game itself in the video.
I don't know what to do about the rubber contacts though. I found some in some of my controllers to be very stiff and unresponsive. I clean them as good as I can without products and massage them to give them some elasticity back, but I don't know what more to do to rejuvenate them. I read about using plastic care product, with some people saying it's fine and other saying it will dry the rubber and make it break, just like Vaseline on a condom.
I actually just nabbed a good deal. Got Wolfchild for Sega CD (fucking finally) for 20 bucks. Very pleased about that.
- That model Genesis (Genesis 3) is generally undesirable. It only outputs mono sound, and it's incompatible with a number of peripherals (most notably the Sega CD and 32X) and a few games (specific examples of which escape me at the moment).Looking to buy a Genesis and it comes with an RF cable only.
This is the console:
http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae340/xeroblade13/Various Items Sell/IMG_20110827_175339.jpg
This is my TV:
Will there be a cheap, easy way to hook it up?
Genesis 3 can't do RGB unless modified.Older models can also output RGB video; I'm not sure if that also applies to the Genesis 3.
Thanks, guys. So would it work with a composite? Or, is there a legal emulation console I should be looking at instead that would work with Genesis carts? This is all mostly because my wife wants to play the original Cool Spot and I'm woefully uninformed about this stuff....
(I don't have a CRT, BTW.)
Say, has anyone who kickstarted the Mega Drive/Genesis History book get theirs in by now? I have not seen anything yet and just wondering if those of us in the US just have to wait or something.
Say, has anyone who kickstarted the Mega Drive/Genesis History book get theirs in by now? I have not seen anything yet and just wondering if those of us in the US just have to wait or something.
Same, Canada here. You should definitely write them.I got mine quite a while ago. I would get in touch with them if you haven't received your book yet.
Look what was waiting for me at my front door!
They're reproduction carts, but I don't care (before anyone gets all upset, I don't sell my games so don't worry about it detracting value from your original copies). I'm just happy that I finally get to play these games!
I've never seen a repro of Centy or Musha, was that a local deal or something?
Nah, I ordered them from SNK Collectors ( http://www.snkcollectors.com/#!megadrive/cjqc ) which is a French based site that seems to be run by one guy. He's kind of slow as far as fulfilling an order is concerned, but he's a pretty cool guy to deal with.
They were all about $45 each which is a drop in the bucket compared to the eBay prices.
I got Soleil (Crusader of Centy PAL version) in an eBay auction for 28, complete (not repro).
Got extremely lucky there. Also got Ristar for the same price and conplete.
Crusader is such a neat game, I completed it the last week and had a lot of fun.
I got Soleil (Crusader of Centy PAL version) in an eBay auction for 28, complete (not repro).
Got extremely lucky there. Also got Ristar for the same price and conplete.
Crusader is such a neat game, I completed it the last week and had a lot of fun.
Isn´t Soleil a whole lot more common and cheaper than Crusader of Centy?
I got my own copy for just a couple of euros more than your 28 one.
Look what was waiting for me at my front door!
They're reproduction carts, but I don't care (before anyone gets all upset, I don't sell my games so don't worry about it detracting value from your original copies). I'm just happy that I finally get to play these games!
Thanks, guys. So would it work with a composite? Or, is there a legal emulation console I should be looking at instead that would work with Genesis carts? This is all mostly because my wife wants to play the original Cool Spot and I'm woefully uninformed about this stuff....
Considering Centy is a cardboard box and Mega Man never got a US release there's no risk of that.
Cool Spot's on the Super Nintendo, too, so if you already have one of those, you can just get a copy of that.
but you should totally buy a model 1 or 2 genesis, too
Cool Spot's on the Super Nintendo, too, so if you already have one of those, you can just get a copy of that.
but you should totally buy a model 1 or 2 genesis, too
There are certainly differences, to my recollection. IIRC enemies respawn when you die in the SNES version, and the lower resolution makes a lot of the leaps-of-faith even more leap-of-faith-ier.Isn't Cool Spot significantly better on Genny? I seem to recall reading that a couple times before.
My problem with Cool Spot is that, much like Global Gladiators or Taz-Mania, the game is absolutely LOADED with stupid blind jumps. I hate having to jump, not knowing if I'll end up in an instant-death pit or solid ground! That's terrible game design.
Isn't Cool Spot significantly better on Genny? I seem to recall reading that a couple times before.
Yeah, but I knew I was talking to maxcriden who I assume has every Nintendo product known to man, and has stayed in many of their love ho- alright I'm kidding but still, he makes it very obvious what his preference is.
(I was also really surprised to find out how different the Genesis version of Spot Goes to Hollywood is.)
I think he's more getting at how the game is completely different on Genesis compared to Saturn/PS1.Yeah, Spot Goes to Hollywood really isn't Cool Spot 2. Another sidescroller would've been nice, but I guess it's respectable that they tried something different.
Also of note is the OJ Simpson reference in the intro for the 5th generation versions.
I think he's more getting at how the game is completely different on Genesis compared to Saturn/PS1.
I mean, they're both isometric platformers, but it diverges beyond that fact.
Yeah, Spot Goes to Hollywood really isn't Cool Spot 2. Another sidescroller would've been nice, but I guess it's respectable that they tried something different.
Also of note is the OJ Simpson reference in the intro for the 5th generation versions.
I think he's more getting at how the game is completely different on Genesis compared to Saturn/PS1.
I mean, they're both isometric platformers, but it diverges beyond that fact.
Yep, this was what I'd meant. So I'd like to check out the Genesis one as well. Still, I didn't catch the OJ reference. Totally flew by me. Pretty outré reference for the game to make!
If you consider the time the game was made and the setting of the game itself, I guess it's not completely out of nowhere. It makes more sense for a game like Duke Nukem 3D to throw an OJ reference out there, though.
I'd kinda like to check out Spot Goes to Hollywood on the Saturn at some point.
I dunno, I just like obscure-ish Saturn games.