stock up and make bank then
That is absolutely insane.
stock up and make bank then
That is absolutely insane.
Is it going up? I can get boxed NTSC-U copies for $10 all day long, and $5 for loose copies. It shouldn't be more than that anywhere really.
I will look around and see what they are going for hereEverywhere. Its not rare and has never been very desirable until very recently apparently. This is the kind of game you find tons of copies of at flea markets or game stores that have their $5 wall.
those ridiculous games priced at 100s of dollars.
The MLiG cats are also affiliated with Rerez,. So check it out if you want more.but I find most of the other videos on that channel unwatchable
Saturn games have always been priced out-of-control, though. Part of why I've never gotten into it. A god damn shame, too.
Like Bapho I've come across TJ&E quite often at goodwill. It's fucking insane it's gone up in price like that. Used game market man... smh
This shit is really getting out of control. Current Nintendo games going out of print, people still want 100+ for a used and beat up DSi, and it seems any decent game is going for 30 bucks or more now. I'm so glad I'm pretty much finished buying games. I'm just saving up for flash carts now, for those ridiculous games priced at 100s of dollars.
Bottom one is lighter. Barely.
That's it?
If i have a 50/60hz mod switch on my Megadrive and insert a PAL 32X into the Megadrive will it run 32x games at 60hz?
Nah. Need to mod switch the 32x with a 50/60 hz switch too.
The best mod for the 32x is the "garbage" mod. That is where you take it and toss it into the garbage, because that is where it belongs. :3
Saturn games have always been priced out-of-control, though. Part of why I've never gotten into it. A god damn shame, too.
I think this is a fan-created one, and uses different artwork for the cover, but looks really nice.edit: Does anyone have a Wily Wars instruction manual PDF I can print off and make an instruction booklet with?
I think this is a fan-created one, and uses different artwork for the cover, but looks really nice.
Man it has been a long long wait but the wait is finally over. So nice to finally see Pier Solar arrive. As an added bonus I also got #49/100 of their limited Sacred Line print.
The best mod for the 32x is the "garbage" mod. That is where you take it and toss it into the garbage, because that is where it belongs. :3
Man it has been a long long wait but the wait is finally over. So nice to finally see Pier Solar arrive. As an added bonus I also got #49/100 of their limited Sacred Line print.
Just got my Everdrive today! So excited.
you know normally i play 32X defense force but i gotta admit
finding out that mine may not work with my Mega ED makes me wanna throw it inna bushes right now
Could somebody guide me a bit on these everdrives? Which version do I need for a PAL Mega Drive. There seems to be few released.
I could recommend you some After Burner ports that would put your 32X in the garbage tonight.
Man it has been a long long wait but the wait is finally over. So nice to finally see Pier Solar arrive. As an added bonus I also got #49/100 of their limited Sacred Line print.
Man my salt levels are just maxed out right now.
For Pier Solar, or Sacred Lines?
I'm curious to know what number of Sacred Lines I'll get.
My boss got a LE copy, i just got the cart bundle. He isn't opening his, so i don't know what number he got.
the LE was just a proper box & some certs of authenticity yeah? i just couldn't justify it
i mean i stay broke but i just gave a dude $10 for a PS IV box and i still gotta figure out this TJ&E kickstarter
The fact i can add-on the figures just drained money out of my pocket like crazy
The fact i can add-on the figures just drained money out of my pocket like crazy
For Pier Solar, or Sacred Lines?
I'm curious to know what number of Sacred Lines I'll get.
Starting to wonder if that TJ&E Kickstarter is going to make it. The latest update made it sound like pledges have slowed down, and if they don't pick back up...
Could somebody guide me a bit on these everdrives? Which version do I need for a PAL Mega Drive. There seems to be few released.
The best one to get is the one pictured. That's Mega Everdrive v2, which was release this past January.
You can go slightly cheaper with Everdrive v3, but it's older, slower and doesn't support the USB interface for advanced stuff like netplay and is also limited in ROM sizes.
Both are going to work just fine on your PAL Mega Drive- and both will play a large chunk of Mega Drive / Genesis / Master System games.
Its even possible to run Game Gear games but is extremely buggy due to the Game Gear's superior color palette.
man i want those so baaaad but $150+? nahhhh
that ship though!
Thanks! I was wondering about these V2 etc.
Super stupid question: PAL Mega Drive will run everything at 50Hz? Even Japan/USA only games? Or will it only run PAL games? I'm guessing I need a mod for 60Hz?
Genesis games ive seen go up: Moonwalker, TJ&E, Gunstar, Ghostbusters...several others i thought common before
+1 so hard
I was watching one collecting show on YT and basically we're just paying for the carts, boxes, manual and artwork.
There are many means, legal and illegal, if you just want to play these games, but the collection scene is mostly about the physical product--carts, manuals, boxes, now anyway.