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Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Appreciation Thread: Alien Storm > Golden Axe


I've played entire levels in multiple Sonic games this way (at least one on Genesis and maybe two? of GBA ones), so I'm sorry if my experiences with them offends you or diminishes your enjoyment of the series.

And yes, there are some maze levels in Sonic games, obviously that doesn't apply to those levels.

Found the problem. Just hold right is a valid criticism of the GBA games for sure, though they can still be enjoyable. As for the Mega Drive games, is it possible you played the first level or two of one or maybe two games? Obviously the difficulty increases as you progress, so if you want to you can hold right (and miss your chance to get Super Sonic, in most games) to some extent in the first level, but be prepared to defend yourself if you're going to hold that opinion about the games as a whole. It makes it sound like you either haven't played the games much at all, or you're some kind of super player who can magically hold right to win the whole way through, lol. Even I'm not that good!

I know you're saying you've played them a lot, but it's really hard to believe that. And it's at odds with what it seems like you're saying above. I'm not calling you names or anything. Just saying.
it doesn't sound like you've played a lot of them. But if you have, then your criticism only applies to maybe a single level in the Genesis games, which doesn't seem to be much of a fault at all? If I misunderstood, I apologize!
Found the problem. Just hold right is a valid criticism of the GBA games for sure, though they can still be enjoyable. As for the Mega Drive games, is it possible you played the first level or two of one or maybe two games? Obviously the difficulty increases as you progress, so if you want to you can hold right (and miss your chance to get Super Sonic, in most games) to some extent in the first level, but be prepared to defend yourself if you're going to hold that opinion about the games as a whole. It makes it sound like you either haven't played the games much at all, or you're some kind of super player who can magically hold right to win the whole way through, lol. Even I'm not that good!

I know you're saying you've played them a lot, but it's really hard to believe that. And it's at odds with what it seems like you're saying above. I'm not calling you names or anything. Just saying.
The problem here is you're taking one the thing I said about a handful of levels over a few games (which was derived from a comment I had on parts of levels elsewhere) and applying it as my opinion of the entire franchise. My wording on that was very clearly "I've played entire levels," not "entire games," and surely you would be remiss to think there aren't levels in the Holy Sacred Trilogy that that doesn't apply to, especially the early levels. I have indicated an over-arching stance on my opinion a couple of times here already, so I won't repeat it again, but it's there if you want to dissect that and not the one comment or part of the comment.

Anyway, no ill will meant towards anyone here (just Sonic, haha), I'd love to banter more but I'm out for the rest of the night (part of which will be making a few stops hoping to find some Genesis games) and while I'll have my phone, touch keyboards are useless for long form discussion.

And yes, as much as you won't buy it because I don't like them, the honest truth is that the ONLY thing I played on the Genesis when I was a kid (which wasn't mine) more than the Sonic games was Lunar: The Silver Star. I even conned my friend into letting me take his Sega CD home with me when Sonic CD came out and I tore the game inside and out at the time.

We also played a lot of Sewer Shark. A LOT. So maybe I do have weird shit in my brain.


Nothing wrong with Vay. It's no fucking Lunar 2, though, I can tell you that much.

And that's despite WD's best efforts to fuck it up.
I still kinda want to try James Pond 2. I know that it doesn't have a great reputation (not helped by later, apparently-inferior ports made to everything ever), but it's a game by the Rolo to the Rescue guys (Pond making a cameo appearance in that game, too), so I'm kinda curious to see it myself.

Plus, I like how they made the cheat codes involve spelling things out with collectibles.


Hit up the local shop yesterday and came home with this


I'll have to clean it up a bit, but it's in pretty good shape. Now I've got a better place than a shoe box to put my loose carts. Can't wait to assemble my altar to the Genesis! lol


oh man, first party ones with the old-school logos are just the best

it sucks ill likely never get the proper SNES one to go with my NES & Genesis ones, they're just perfect for looseys....prolly just grab the next garage sale N64 one since they fit both i believe


I like how it has enough clearance/room to house the Genesis with a Power Base Converter attached, but I'll probably end up putting the 32X on instead. The whole thing has a rather large footprint--I don't know where the hell I'm gonna put it. lol

Storage units from the 16-bit era can get kind of expensive (especially on Ebay). I've been lucky at several shows/conventions, thankfully. My loose SNES carts have homes, but I can't say the same for all my loose NES and Genesis carts. =(

I just noticed in the picture that 4 game cartridges actually get stored underneath the Genesis, 2 each both below and above the controllers. Strange.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I always feel left out of the conversation with loose carts. Kind of a CIB purist/elitist with Sega stuff. I should show you guys my collection sometime this month. Approaching the 1 year mark of my retro buying spree.
Mines pretty ridiculous. I haven't added it all up recently but its probably $7500-$10000 worth of games in the past year.

My collection app says i broke 10,000 bucks for value just on my Genesis games. I don't believe this, but i suppose if you count all my Genesis stuff, its possible


loose genesis (and famicom and master system) carts fit well in old audio cassette storage racks

It fits so well I'm starting to think it was intentional.

But only the Famicom deserves such treatment. Megadrive and Master System games are much better in their sturdy plastic boxes, keeping their manual, cover and label in pristine condition.
Yeah, I'm really glad my retro collection was mostly built up a decade ago.

I mean, I'm dabbling a little bit more now (PC-Engine primarily, a few Genesis things), but to get what I got then now would be insane.

And speaking of Lunar 2, that came in the mail on Saturday. I've been putting off finishing Lunar 1 for a few days while I get a set of speakers for that setup, but those come in on Wednesday so I'm pretty excited. This will be my first time playing Lunar 2 (maybe I played a little bit of the PS1 version, but I'm kind of fuzzy on that).

EEE. As I was typing this I just got a tweet winning a $50 iTunes card from my credit union. Now I gotta find out if I can trade it for Amazon/eBay credit so I can buy retro games, haha.
How many Genesis games do you have?

Roughly 340, and only about 5-10 of those are generic sports games. I'm really not collecting generic sports titles, besides stuff i get randomly or that i played as a kid (Like NHL Hockey or Madden 95)

Working at a retro game store has its perks, even if the Sega trade-ins have been basically non-existent. Still, Alex Kidd complete for a 1.50 because are price is way under is not a problem to me!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Roughly 340, and only about 5-10 of those are generic sports games. I'm really not collecting generic sports titles, besides stuff i get randomly or that i played as a kid (Like NHL Hockey or Madden 95)

Working at a retro game store has its perks, even if the Sega trade-ins have been basically non-existent. Still, Alex Kidd complete for a 1.50 because are price is way under is not a problem to me!

That's about $30 per game. I'd say thats on the high side but maybe plausible for a CIB collection? If you have a lot of loose carts I wouldn't believe it.
That's about $30 per game. I'd say thats on the high side but maybe plausible for a CIB collection? If you have a lot of loose carts I wouldn't believe it.

I only have 4 games not in box (Ecco Jr., Contra, McDonald's, and Caliber .50). However, yes, i think they over-estimate a bit too.


loose genesis (and famicom and master system) carts fit well in old audio cassette storage racks

see i knew atari ones did, didn't know this though, that's cool

I always feel left out of the conversation with loose carts. Kind of a CIB purist/elitist with Sega stuff. I should show you guys my collection sometime this month.

down to see your collection! yeah i vastly prefer CIB on the sega side but honestly, if im at a garage sale & there's $1 master system games im even remotely interested in, i don't mind. most of the interesting ones on the genesis side, i end up getting cases & print out high quality covers, maybe track down manuals one day...but there's numerous games ive either been given, found or picked up in lots that came loose and im not gonna turn them down for lack of materials, personally.

just saw this one

that's not bad either, i don't use them for my systems so this is the one i have

as woody said, it's vastly overpriced & no one should ever BIN these things


aw, man i just saw Buck Rogers somewhere locally for $10 and knew i should've jumped,

Nooooo! you must go back! Having thought about it the other day I'm now looking for a copy myself now. The bits right at the beginning are a bit rubbish, but when you get past those it's AMAZING (well, I'm pretty sure it's amazing. Haven't played it in about 15 years or so...)

eh, kinda yes/kinda no on revisionism because i absolutely understand where the notion that EA sports was all that mattered to them came from, that era was the beginning of it & all and they sold really well as i recall, even boring stuff like PGA Tour. its just the pc ports & other adventure stuff they published that gets forgotten/slept on in comparison is all - honestly, for me the biggest unreleased catalogs on DD still remaining are LucasArts & EA, hands down.

I see where you're coming from as it did seem to fall apart at the end (and it's a shame the likes of Urban Strike were clearly rushed out before they'd finished baking,) but for a good chunk of the 16-bit era I'd argue that EA was what you'd want from a big publisher, using revenues from their highly populated sports titles to help cover the cost of the less mainstream stuff.

ZealousD said:
I always feel left out of the conversation with loose carts. Kind of a CIB purist/elitist with Sega stuff. I should show you guys my collection sometime this month. Approaching the 1 year mark of my retro buying spree.

haha, I'm the other way. As much as I love the old Megadrive boxes, lone cartridges are so much easier to store.Giving stray, unloved carts a home also seems a positive thing to do. Even if it does sound a bit crazy cat-ladyish.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
down to see your collection! yeah i vastly prefer CIB on the sega side but honestly, if im at a garage sale & there's $1 master system games im even remotely interested in, i don't mind. most of the interesting ones on the genesis side, i end up getting cases & print out high quality covers, maybe track down manuals one day...but there's numerous games ive either been given, found or picked up in lots that came loose and im not gonna turn them down for lack of materials, personally.

I'm big on consistency. If I have manuals with most of my games, then I want manuals for all of my games. If I have boxes for most of my games, then I want boxes for all of my games. I saved all my boxes as a kid so now I gotta suffer and save them as an adult too. Even if I could get a loose Crusader of Centy or Musha for $10, I would probably just resell the cart and put the money towards a CIB copy.


I'm big on consistency. If I have manuals with most of my games, then I want manuals for all of my games. If I have boxes for most of my games, then I want boxes for all of my games. I saved all my boxes as a kid so now I gotta suffer and save them as an adult too. Even if I could get a loose Crusader of Centy or Musha for $10, I would probably just resell the cart and put the money towards a CIB copy.

Pretty much my view too. Ironically it makes the manual the single most expensive piece in a game, as its presence can double or triple the value of the complete box. Single manuals are virtually unknown on auction sites
save for handhelds
as they are all taken to consolidate an otherwise incomplete and worthless cartridge and case game. Not bad for something you will probably never read anyway.
Box and manual collecting is a mad man's pursuit, although if you're going to do it, Genesis is the least threatening.

I have a few Genesis box and manuals by chance, I'll probably sell 'em or give 'em away, except for the only one that I care about, MUSHA.
Box and manual collecting is a mad man's pursuit, although if you're going to do it, Genesis is the least threatening.

I have a few Genesis box and manuals by chance, I'll probably sell 'em or give 'em away, except for the only one that I care about, MUSHA.

Its really not too terrible, save for a handful of games. At least, the clamshell stuff anyways. Only system that is brutal for CIB stuff from Sega is Game Gear.
Its really not too terrible, save for a handful of games. At least, the clamshell stuff anyways. Only system that is brutal for CIB stuff from Sega is Game Gear.
I did note that for Genesis, it was a lesser evil.

The people trying to do CIB NES stuff, I bow to their ability to throw money away like that.

One day I will have that kind of expendable cake (although it certainly won't go toward boxes).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Its really not too terrible, save for a handful of games. At least, the clamshell stuff anyways. Only system that is brutal for CIB stuff from Sega is Game Gear.

Getting CIB for the cardboard stuff is a little more ridiculous. Lots of really good cardboard box games are $40+

I did note that for Genesis, it was a lesser evil.

The people trying to do CIB NES stuff, I bow to their ability to throw money away like that.

One day I will have that kind of expendable cake (although it certainly won't go toward boxes).

Yeah NES/SNES CIB is crazy town. I do like boxes, though, so I just ended up getting BitBoxes for my NES collection instead. Then I got just a few manuals for the games where I thought having the manual would be nice (Zelda and Metroid, basically).
Yeah NES/SNES CIB is crazy town. I do like boxes, though, so I just ended up getting BitBoxes for my NES collection instead. Then I got just a few manuals for the games where I thought having the manual would be nice (Zelda and Metroid, basically).

Why I can't wait for the bitboxes for snes games. Having a nice box that I can just print out a cover for will ease my ocd about getting some really expensive games without the cardboard.
How much did it run you?

It ran me 250, and it has the registration card in it (not that i care, but i guess that makes it super complete, so neat)

Also, Irish, shockingly enough, i'm still missing 4 games, but they are Toughman Contest, Virtua Fighter, Star Trek, and BC Racers. I'm gonna get them as i can, but yeah, it is basically done.
Update: So, after playing Spider-Man, its very average. Its basically a nicer looking version of the Genesis game that Sega did. At least, it feels very similar.

Now, i will say something crazy: I kind of dig the music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD6ezEbDThg)

Like, i can totally see why its probably actually awful to some people, but it just has this really raw, industrial feeling sound going on. I don't know, i kind of dig it.
Now, i will say something crazy: I kind of dig the music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD6ezEbDThg)

Like, i can totally see why its probably actually awful to some people, but it just has this really raw, industrial feeling sound going on. I don't know, i kind of dig it.
I was with you until the... what I'm assuming are supposed to be guitars, but sound more like the kind of static noise you get when your game hard-locks, kicked in.

This "Russian" Crusader of Centy art cracks me up!

What do you want to bet it's not even Crusader of Centy on the cartridge?
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