it doesn't sound like you've played a lot of them. But if you have, then your criticism only applies to maybe a single level in the Genesis games, which doesn't seem to be much of a fault at all? If I misunderstood, I apologize!
Found the problem. Just hold right is a valid criticism of the GBA games for sure, though they can still be enjoyable. As for the Mega Drive games, is it possible you played the first level or two of one or maybe two games? Obviously the difficulty increases as you progress, so if you want to you can hold right (and miss your chance to get Super Sonic, in most games) to some extent in the first level, but be prepared to defend yourself if you're going to hold that opinion about the games as a whole. It makes it sound like you either haven't played the games much at all, or you're some kind of super player who can magically hold right to win the whole way through, lol. Even I'm not that good!
I know you're saying you've played them a lot, but it's really hard to believe that. And it's at odds with what it seems like you're saying above. I'm not calling you names or anything. Just saying.
The problem here is you're taking one the thing I said about a handful of levels over a few games (which was derived from a comment I had on parts of levels elsewhere) and applying it as my opinion of the entire franchise. My wording on that was very clearly "I've played entire levels," not "entire games," and surely you would be remiss to think there aren't levels in the Holy Sacred Trilogy that that doesn't apply to, especially the early levels. I have indicated an over-arching stance on my opinion a couple of times here already, so I won't repeat it again, but it's there if you want to dissect that and not the one comment or part of the comment.
Anyway, no ill will meant towards anyone here (just Sonic, haha), I'd love to banter more but I'm out for the rest of the night (part of which will be making a few stops hoping to find some Genesis games) and while I'll have my phone, touch keyboards are useless for long form discussion.
And yes, as much as you won't buy it because I don't like them, the honest truth is that the ONLY thing I played on the Genesis when I was a kid (which wasn't mine) more than the Sonic games was Lunar: The Silver Star. I even conned my friend into letting me take his Sega CD home with me when Sonic CD came out and I tore the game inside and out at the time.
We also played a lot of Sewer Shark. A LOT. So maybe I do have weird shit in my brain.