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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls


Alright I just got a message from ebay that the offer (mentioned above) was deleted because it was a scam.

Do not buy sekiro on eBay if the price looks suspicious! Even if the seller has 100% good rating, it's a scam!
Alright I just got a message from ebay that the offer (mentioned above) was deleted because it was a scam.

Do not buy sekiro on eBay if the price looks suspicious! Even if the seller has 100% good rating, it's a scam!
i take it you've never heard of the saying "if it sounds too good to be true it probably is". the game has only been out over a week and it's doing really well. the only people charging that kind of money are scammers and thieves.


Do you guys think the offers on ebay for 20 Pounds (shipped from uk) are legit for that game? Seems a bit weird to me thats already sold that low...

Sorry if its not allowed to ask this here, just looking for a well priced copy and i got burned so much in the past
Price is irrelevant if you don't want to get burned always check the sellers history and who is leaving good reviews.


Do you guys think the offers on ebay for 20 Pounds (shipped from uk) are legit for that game? Seems a bit weird to me thats already sold that low...

Sorry if its not allowed to ask this here, just looking for a well priced copy and i got burned so much in the past
Price is irrelevant if you don't want to get burned always check the sellers history and who is leaving good reviews.


Man, fuck O'rin of the water. That boss pretty much forces you to be perfect. She gets one combo in and your done for. Took like 3 hours, but she's down.
i'm actually getting into the second stage of Butterfly now!

the trick i guess it just to block everything, let her attack, and then get your hits in. the butterflys in the second stage are fucking me up. i can deal with her moves and the stupid ghost part (just run around the room until they disappear) but the butterfly's fuck me up. guess i just need to try stay near the pillars.
Do you guys think the offers on ebay for 20 Pounds (shipped from uk) are legit for that game? Seems a bit weird to me thats already sold that low...

Sorry if its not allowed to ask this here, just looking for a well priced copy and i got burned so much in the past

Who knows? All I know is that the one time I bit down on a similar deal (new controllers for super cheap) it was a scam. On the other hand, ebay/paypal did reimburse my loss. But it’s still a hassle if you’re scammed.

Ask yourself: how can they sell a new game for that cheap? Perhaps they are stolen copies or something shady like that...


Man, fuck O'rin of the water. That boss pretty much forces you to be perfect. She gets one combo in and your done for. Took like 3 hours, but she's down.

I guess this From games in general. I am shocked to hear people having trouble with that fight, as I did it pretty effortlessly (at least by Sekiro standards). Yet, there are a few bosses that literally made me question if I could ever beat them and looked online and so many found them some of the easier fights.


I..... aaaaaaa , I kept walking down some path and beat a guy called snake eyes and then eventually came to the O’rin of the water fight, she killed me a few times but then I locked her in a corner and she didn’t get a hit on me.....

Anyway, I suppose I took the wrong direction after Seven Spears. Apparently I should have been looking for Genichiro... or gone up to the castle-top.


Ok, so I just got to

demon of hatred

And I’m about to throw my pad through the tv...

  • The Malcontent tool can be used up to three times per phase to temporarily stun him for free damage. It's always a good way to open the fight because you can get up to 14 R1 hits in before he unstaggers if you're quick.
  • His only symbol attack is a charging sweep that can be safely jumped (but not head bop countered), so keep an eye out.
  • Try to fight him in the middle of the arena whenever possible to avoid being cornered or screwed up by the camera
  • When he's at distance, let him come to you. He has a chance of throwing fireballs when you get in range, which deal big chip damage on block and are more consistently avoided with backpedaling than trying to sprint under them.
  • When he's close, try to find an opening to get behind and attack his rear. He doesn't have a turnaround attack, so you can wail away pretty safely until he jumps out of range.
  • The overhead fire arm smash with the big windup is easily dodged by sprinting sideways and leaves him open for a long time. The hitboxes do get a bit ropey at close range though.
  • Parrying the sumo stomp when he does it raw is a good damage opportunity, but there's a chance he'll follow it up so you have to be watchful.
  • When he does the headbang attack, there's a chance he'll follow up with two more. It's a similar case to the stomp- good opportunity, but dangerous if he catches you unawares.
  • Be wary of delayed follow-ups after blocking melee hits from his non-firey arm. There's a specific upward claw that comes out as the 2nd or 4th hit in a string and is designed to bait you into eating raw damage. Wait it out and go in after parrying.
  • The big jumping explosion is easy to read, so run back to safety (preferably putting him between you and the middle of the arena) and grapple back in for some free damage

He gets some new attacks in phases 2 and 3. Keeping it vague:
  • Strafe long-range projectiles and patiently close the distance
  • Learn how to get in position for the new grapple opportunity and abuse it
  • When the new symbol attack happens, don't let him trap you

Good luck defeating the Optional Bloodborne :messenger_winking:


DoH down!!!

It actually wasn't THAT hard. Still took me a bit over an hour though. The thing with this boss is that he is basically a test of endurance. He isn't too fast and most of his attacks have a counter to not just avoid damage but also get in a few hits of your own. But he takes quite a beating before going down, has 3 health bars and punishes you hard for every mistake.
It's also totally the Sculptor, right?

I think I only have the final boss to go.
Quick question for those who have finished it. After beating the final boss are you thrown right into NG+ or do you get to move freely through the world to finish some pending side stuff? (upgrades and such)
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I kept walking down some path and beat a guy called snake eyes
Ye gods I hated that room so much. Without a doubt the saltiest I ever got at the game on account of trying to do it from the lower idol and making the stealth run way harder for myself.

Quick question for those who have finished it. After beating the final boss are you thrown right into NG+ or do you get to move freely through the world to finish some pending side stuff? (upgrades and such)
Right after beating the final boss you can go back and do whatever so long as you don't hit the interact prompt that triggers the ending.

It also gives you a post-credits prompt to pick between starting NG+ immediately and continuing to explore with the option of starting playthrough 2 from the dilapidated temple idol.
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Dr. Claus

Good for you. You must be better at the game than me, or have more spare time, or have a greater tolerance for dying due to the game suttering. Either way I'm bored.

What stuttering? I have seen only one moment of stutter and that was very early on killing base enemies. Every boss has been stutter free.

I thought these sort of endless, interminable boss fights had gone the way of the dodo. But no, they've now been resurrected by From and hailed as genius.

What endless boss fights? Each fight lasts 5-7 minutes at most (which I can count how many bosses took that long on a single hand) - which is pretty dang short. If you are taking longer, then you are doing something wrong.

It's not the skill that it requires to deflect the blows that's the problem, it's that at the end of the day the gameplay is too basic. Deflect, hit, rock, paper, scissors.
Knowing that every, fucking, battle is going to be the same, and that every ... fucking ... battle, you're going to have to spend time doing an hours homework, just through trial and error working the cues out.

You can make any game's gameplay sound overly simple when you state it in the broadest possible terms. Devil May Cry, all you do is spam the attack button with the occasional gun or grab. Forza, all you do is press RT and LT with the occasional button press to reverse time. Not every battle is the same. Owl does not play the same as Demon of Hatred. Guardian Ape does not play the same as the Giant Carp. Lady Butterfly does not play the same as Genichirou. If you are spending hours of "homework" and doing "trial and error" - you are playing the game incorrectly and need to stop blaming it and blame yourself.

I'm genuinely glad that people are getting enjoyment out of this, as I usually love From games, but as someone who loves difficult games of all kinds, this is far, far too hard for a mainstream title and requires too much of my time.

If Miyazaki and co, had put as much care and effort into the programming / loading times / AI etc as they did trying to fuck me up, I'd be with them. But a lot of this game seems lazy and regressive, so fuck em.

Sounds like you suck at the game, continuously blame it instead of yourself, and rage quit.

Dr. Claus

DoH down!!!

It actually wasn't THAT hard. Still took me a bit over an hour though. The thing with this boss is that he is basically a test of endurance. He isn't too fast and most of his attacks have a counter to not just avoid damage but also get in a few hits of your own. But he takes quite a beating before going down, has 3 health bars and punishes you hard for every mistake.
It's also totally the Sculptor, right?

I think I only have the final boss to go.
Quick question for those who have finished it. After beating the final boss are you thrown right into NG+ or do you get to move freely through the world to finish some pending side stuff? (upgrades and such)

Yes, the Demon of Hatred is The scupltor. Wolf insinuates such at the beginning of the fight, then you hear Sculptor thanking you when you defeat him.


The nicest person on this forum
DoH down!!!

It actually wasn't THAT hard. Still took me a bit over an hour though. The thing with this boss is that he is basically a test of endurance. He isn't too fast and most of his attacks have a counter to not just avoid damage but also get in a few hits of your own. But he takes quite a beating before going down, has 3 health bars and punishes you hard for every mistake.
It's also totally the Sculptor, right?
This one the few boss that you are much safer being close to him rather trying to keep your distance.
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Dr. Claus

This one the few boss that you are much safer being close to him rather trying to keep your distance.

My biggest problem with him was timing the jumps to not get smashed when he dashed. Once you get that down, it is pretty easy pickings. Use the whistle on phase 3 for easy win :D


The nicest person on this forum
My biggest problem with him was timing the jumps to not get smashed when he dashed. Once you get that down, it is pretty easy pickings. Use the whistle on phase 3 for easy win :D
Same, I was having really hard time avoiding that dash attack at first but once you get the timing right, it becomes much more manageable. Also most his attack does ton of damage, I can imagine if you didn't upgrade you health he can basically one hit kill you.
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Who the fuck though its a good idea to
put this fucking monkey for the second time as a boss

Its like they run out of ideas or smth


The nicest person on this forum
Who the fuck though its a good idea to
put this fucking monkey for the second time as a boss

Its like they run out of ideas or smth
His head is already severed for this and his not too hard to beat, the difficulty is when he summons the second ape on his second phase. I went after the brown ape first, you can easily finish that guy off with firecrackers.


His head is already severed for this and his not too hard to beat, the difficulty is when he summons the second ape on his second phase. I went after the brown ape first, you can easily finish that guy off with firecrackers.

Yeah, i just killed him, fortunately it was possible to parry all his blows without loosing stamina

Codes 208

I laughed a little bit last night.
i didn’t realize that going to the divine realm pretty much meant being kidnapped by a literal giant rope man


Lil’ Gobbie
I feel like a complete idiot, just realised today that I can easily take out archers with shuriken...

I go and stand in the corner for a bit...

What about Nioh are you missing? I like Nioh, but it has its share of issues and no wonder it didn't show up in too many GOTY lists.

I do feel bad for somewhat derailing this thread with my stupid Nioh comment. I just saw someone before me mention it and it resonated with my experience thus far. But to answer your question, what I miss is the insanely tight and super responsive gameplay in Nioh that I've never quite experienced elsewhere.. But it's just completely different and they should not really be compared which was my mistake. Also I've put hundreds of hours into Nioh and maybe 5-10hrs into sekiro...

That being said, I'm sure there is much more you can criticize in Nioh than you can in sekiro...
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Took a few days off and upgraded from an i5 7500 to an i7 7700 and saw a huge performance increase, to test my cpu temp I fought Genichiro a bunch. Made it to the third phase one time! Really tough fight but it feels totally doable. The extra smoothness really helps with the split second battle timing.
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I smacked that Ogre degenerate and slapped around some chubby general in the next area. I've been ganked a few times by your standard run of the mill enemies, but because I don't really understand what I'm losing when I die, I don't particularly care.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
God this has been the slowest start ever for me. Finally beat the damn Shinobi Hunter. I was making that Mikori Counter 100x harder than it really is. I had no idea you hit it that early. Had to train on the undead guy and it's been fairly easy since then.

Codes 208

Finally got the dragon mask, I should be set for NG+ now.

Anyone know what the max vitality and attack power levels are? (I’m currently at 16 and 9 respectively)


Went back to Hirate Estate today and said hi to my old flame Butterfly. Last time we met she was wiping the floor with me. This time I returned the favor.

I think I got way too distracted by the DANGER symbol. When it flashes I got so distracted I didn't see the actual tells I need to look for, e.g. the glint of the blade when getting ready for a counter. Now that I figured that out, Britney Spears was really easy, just Mikiri until the red dot appears.

What in the seven circles of hell am I supposed to do against terror? When exploring the abandoned dungeon I was torn to pieces by some... sorcerer?
Finally got the dragon mask, I should be set for NG+ now.

Anyone know what the max vitality and attack power levels are? (I’m currently at 16 and 9 respectively)
I think 20 for vitality, now sure if attack is capped or if you can infinitely upgrade with skill points after dragon mask.


God this has been the slowest start ever for me. Finally beat the damn Shinobi Hunter. I was making that Mikori Counter 100x harder than it really is. I had no idea you hit it that early. Had to train on the undead guy and it's been fairly easy since then.

Yep, that was a big problem for me early on. I'm pretty sure the game specifically tells you to time it out so you're hitting the button right when their attack lands, but that's actually way too late. You just hit it early as hell into the attack animation and you get it every time. It seems like parries are kinda the same way.
It's funny. I was having trouble with

He killed me many times. But then it happened. I learned his attacks. Dogded/deflected everything and killed him without dying.

I know he is not easy. But it felt easy.


I think i'm close to the end of the game. If i beat the final boss can i keep playing or does it go straight to NG+?
Any fuckery (like the question Gerhman asks you in bloodborne) that i should be aware of?
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Gold Member
TheDuskwalker TheDuskwalker your CM tips worked like a charm. I had my last 3 (literally) snap seeds and 3 divine confetti(s). The fight was much easier after I saw your tips. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I fought this guy for a while. I had some tries where it was going ace. Then I got him on a very sloppy try . I felt amazing afterwords

Codes 208

Pretty much have defeated every boss up to
divine dragon, but I heard he’s a real pushover
so far in order the hardest bosses I’ve faced have been. (In their respective time frames)
-Seven Spears of Long Schlong
-Guardian Ape (I found the headless ape fight later to be a breeze in comparison for some reason.)
-Great Shinobi Owl
-O’Rin of the water (pre-cheese)
-Phantom Butterfly


Phantom Corrupted Monk is down. Was having a bunch of trouble with her. Got like 4 beers in me and was like "fuck it, I'm using all my divine confetti" and I got her down. Surprised I was able to beat her 4 beers deep.
Stealth is broken. I'm doing the exact same thing and it's completely random if they spot me or not. I swear. He can see me behind his back.
I could be spending my time actually fighting this fucker.
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So, how did you guys beat

The Owl?

I cant even get past the 1st phase in this fight. I know this probably has been answered before in the thread but i dont want to run in accidental spoiler about the last boss trying to find it if possible.


What in the seven circles of hell am I supposed to do against terror? When exploring the abandoned dungeon I was torn to pieces by some... sorcerer?
You'll be wanting Pacifying Agents (or better, a Mottled Purple Gourd) to reset the terror build-up and increase your resistance to it.

And, unless you're feeling particularly god-tier, some Divine Confetti so you can do good damage to him.

The reward for beating him is hands-down the best utility item in the game imo.

The Spirit Emblem equivalent of Blood Bullets from Bloodborne
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Welp I slammed my fist onto my recliner arm not realizing my phone was laying there on Snake Eyes Shirafuji, so time to take a break and play other games.


Seems great but im gonna lose my hair if i play too much. 5 attempts at chained ogre and not one close to killing him, and he can only be a fucking mini boss.


Seems great but im gonna lose my hair if i play too much. 5 attempts at chained ogre and not one close to killing him, and he can only be a fucking mini boss.
What sucks about him is the bullshit hitboxes for his grabs. You can completely dodge a grab and then you get teleported into his arms anyway. Other than that, he's a pushover and you'll beat him in no time. I think you're supposed to struggle on him a little bit. Other minibosses are way more satisfying IMO since they are all about timing and skill and not broken grabs.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Seems great but im gonna lose my hair if i play too much. 5 attempts at chained ogre and not one close to killing him, and he can only be a fucking mini boss.

After I watched this, I beat him first try. Don't even worry about the grappling hook attack. Just back up, hit him with oil, then fire blast, then wail on him. Then circle around him. Once he misses, hit him with oil again and repeat.


How is performance on PS4 amateur?
Can't believe this is the first time I'm reading about this game!

E: let's say I didn't mind bloodborne issues to much. How it compares?
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The nicest person on this forum
Finally beat the game. That final boss is pretty brutal but it was epic battle, so god damn satisfying!!!


Man I am loving this game more than any other souls game.

I love the thrill of finding new secrets and ocassionally fluking a boss on the first go is very enriching.
I badly need to master that Mikami counter though. Even during the training sessions I botch it.
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