It's what I play on. Same issues as BB and DS3, but improved a bit. I never noticed the frame pacing as much as those games, and seems to be a solid 30FPS most the time.How is performance on PS4 amateur?
Can't believe this is the first time I'm reading about this game!
E: let's say I didn't mind bloodborne issues to much. How it compares?
Hit it very early. The window is huge.Man I am loving this game more than any other souls game.
I love the thrill of finding new secrets and ocassionally fluking a boss on the first go is very enriching.
I badly need to master that Mikami counter though. Even during the training sessions I botch it.
I thought Lady Butterfly was pretty good, but the music in this game does have a bit of "it's music and it's there" vibe.Anybody else not too hot on the soundtrack? Seems very samey to me, I was always waiting for some Bloodborne-tier boss music to show up and it never did.
It's a ton more fun than Nioh in my opinion. Nioh had seriously the ugliest most generic levels.
I enjoyed my time with nioh but this evolved the formula. You may be able to argue combat but getting around the world and the level design is a lot better in Sekiro.
What stuttering? I have seen only one moment of stutter and that was very early on killing base enemies. Every boss has been stutter free.
What endless boss fights? Each fight lasts 5-7 minutes at most (which I can count how many bosses took that long on a single hand) - which is pretty dang short. If you are taking longer, then you are doing something wrong.
You can make any game's gameplay sound overly simple when you state it in the broadest possible terms. Devil May Cry, all you do is spam the attack button with the occasional gun or grab. Forza, all you do is press RT and LT with the occasional button press to reverse time. Not every battle is the same. Owl does not play the same as Demon of Hatred. Guardian Ape does not play the same as the Giant Carp. Lady Butterfly does not play the same as Genichirou. If you are spending hours of "homework" and doing "trial and error" - you are playing the game incorrectly and need to stop blaming it and blame yourself.
Sounds like you suck at the game, continuously blame it instead of yourself, and rage quit.
I personally never felt cheated in any of Sekiro’s bosses. Most my death came from reading enemy’s attack wrong.
For me Sekiro’s combat felt very satisfying. I played the demo for Nioh and I honestly vastly prefer Sekiro’s combat.
I'd say that's the only thing the game does better than others.
I suck at the main game. I suck at some of the bosses. The rest of the game plays well, so I'm here to complain about the imbalance with certain bosses as I consider it a flaw.
It annoys me that the game gets praise for mechanics that are considred poor in other games.
The only bosses I've had problems with were (are) The chained Ogre and Genichiro Ashina. I've cleared out 95% of the rest of the area (bar one boss and the sections after Genichiro).
I consider a long boss fight the length that you're talking about (5-7 minutes). Every boss I've encountered in Souls is 1-3 mins at most. I simply don't enjoy playing boss fights / rhythm games for this long.
DMC is far more complicated and fluid than the fighting in Sekiro so comparing it doesn't ring true. The combat here is more like Batman or a similar title on a harder difficulty setting.
I think the main problem I'm having is that the game isn't designed for a fast play style. Whenever I try to play is quickly and actually react like I would in other fighting games (not souls obviously) all I see are poor hitboxes. When I slow down, the game is managable, but I get bored and lose patience. I am well aware that this is precise skill the game is testing you on but I'm not down for that. A one minute boss fight x30 is half an hour. A 7 minute boss x 30 is is 3/12 hours. That's serious time wasted, far more than I'm willing to spend on one task.
So, I've decided that because the game is seriously unbalanced, and that ithey've artificially extended it's playtime, to stop playing for now.
I'm very interested in what Activision will do with the DLC as From usually release late game content -- Something I seriously doubt will happen here, because most players won't be able to access it.
My tip with this one is when the before the apparitions appear try and lure the shadow creatures to one side of the room and go to the opposite side behind a pillar, the butterflies should hit the wall and you don't even have to bother fighting the shadows.i actually hate lady butterfly. i know what to do but her fucking butterfly attacks are bullshit. also i don't know if it's my controller but a lot of the time nothing happens when try to block or use the prosthetic. my controller is working fine in other games so i don't know. i'm so angry right now with this game.
Blaming the game for sucking at it is a DSP move. ;b
So here's a thought: Souls DLC is generally a lot harder than the base game.
Uh oh.
I have to say I'm flying through this game. Last night I found 6 different sculptor idols.
I'd say it's very designed for a fast play style thanks mostly to the grappling hook in combination with the stealth aspect. If you're good enough you no longer need to even fight enemies.
Also you can sprint in this game a lot faster than in most action games. The grappling hook also makes it extremely easy to avoid enemies if you need to in most cases especially when you're outdoors.
It's unfair to compare it to DMC because as far as I know DMC is a linear action game and linear games can always balance things better because they know where the player will go and what they will do next.
Also boss balance: there's always an item that you can get to help you in another area if you just explore around such as the Shinobi Firecracker.
This game is designed around the idea that if a boss is too much for you, you can always come back to it later in most of the cases anyway. Once you get to around 5 hours into the game it really opens up and allows you to go your own way. There's always other options if you're finding a boss too hard. Like right now I have about 6 different potential bosses on standby and I'm still pressing on into new areas until I'm confidence I can face them properly.
Thanks, so I should be fine.It's what I play on. Same issues as BB and DS3, but improved a bit. I never noticed the frame pacing as much as those games, and seems to be a solid 30FPS most the time.
Games are usually judged somewhat on their accessability
Thanks for your help but I'm talking about specific boss battles, and combat. I don't really have any problems with the rest of the game. It's pretty easy.
It sounds like I'm ahead of you as I felt the same way a few days ago. I'm at a boss that needs to be completed in order to advance.
Interesting, have you typically over-levelled your character in Souls games? I regularly had fights much longer than 3 minutes in Souls games. I think Kalameet took me about 10 minutes straight the first time I got him. In Nioh I also had a number of bosses that took me beyond 3 minutes: Onryoki, Nue, Umi-Bozu, Joro-Gumo, Gasha-dokuro, Ishida Mitsunari, Oda Nobunaga and Yamata-no-orochi (Centipede took me more than 15 but that was because I was being stupid, so I don't count that). A few of them were longer than 5 minutes. The only way I could significanty shorten these was by over-levelling and going in with an optimized build and much stronger weapon. By the end my character was so ridiculously overpowered that no "fight" took longer than a minute, doing my usual routine and ripping the boss apart, but before that it was rather tactical and I needed to concentrate and read the animations correctly.I consider a long boss fight the length that you're talking about (5-7 minutes). Every boss I've encountered in Souls is 1-3 mins at most. I simply don't enjoy playing boss fights / rhythm games for this long.
I don't see poor hitboxes, what I see is that you might simply be too impatient for the game? Not every game needs to cater to everyone. For example, I really tried to get into the Bayonetta series, since the games seemed to be a lot of fun, but I simply don't gel with it. I think it plays horrible, but that is just the rhytm of the game not matching mine.I think the main problem I'm having is that the game isn't designed for a fast play style. Whenever I try to play is quickly and actually react like I would in other fighting games (not souls obviously) all I see are poor hitboxes. When I slow down, the game is managable, but I get bored and lose patience.
Excuse me sir, I believe you dropped your "I don't have a clue about game design" club membership card.Do you guys realise you can turn any game up to extreme and get gameplay that's comparable to this?
Excuse me sir, I believe you dropped your "I don't have a clue about game design" club membership card.
Interesting, have you typically over-levelled your character in Souls games? I regularly had fights much longer than 3 minutes in Souls games. I think Kalameet took me about 10 minutes straight the first time I got him. In Nioh I also had a number of bosses that took me beyond 3 minutes: Onryoki, Nue, Umi-Bozu, Joro-Gumo, Gasha-dokuro, Ishida Mitsunari, Oda Nobunaga and Yamata-no-orochi (Centipede took me more than 15 but that was because I was being stupid, so I don't count that). A few of them were longer than 5 minutes. The only way I could significanty shorten these was by over-levelling and going in with an optimized build and much stronger weapon. By the end my character was so ridiculously overpowered that no "fight" took longer than a minute, doing my usual routine and ripping the boss apart, but before that it was rather tactical and I needed to concentrate and read the animations correctly.
I don't see poor hitboxes, what I see is that you might simply be too impatient for the game? Not every game needs to cater to everyone. For example, I really tried to get into the Bayonetta series, since the games seemed to be a lot of fun, but I simply don't gel with it. I think it plays horrible, but that is just the rhytm of the game not matching mine.
YES!!! i finally beat Lady Butterfly!
i was trying to block all of her attacks which was overloading my posture. dodging around her made it much easier and she didn't get much time to attack. it damaged her posture much faster this way. fighting her is so much easier that way. i didn't even bother fighting the apparitions so just ran around the room letting the butterflies hit the pillars. it was the butterfly attacks she'd make when fighting her that was messing me up.
so glad that she's out the way now! been at it for hours. now i'm just above the leave the area of the horse boss battle. also managed to upgrade my gourd and cure everyone of dragon rot so things are going well now!for how long i wonder....
Burden of proof lies with the accuser. You're going to need to provide evidence that cranking the numbers in any old game is going to result in something that plays like Sekiro if you want to make such a claim.Prove it.
Literally none of these are relevant to my calling you out for making a stupid claim about difficulty. Address the first point, and then perhaps we can move on to discussion of further game elements.The best fighting games have better hitboxes, don't rely on constant finishing animations to impress, have better AI (like ones where the bosses don't fall off cliffs for instance) and certainly don't have frame rates like this. I'm calling this one out. It's a combination of From art direction and Activision forcing them into a more mainstream design.
no they aren't.
not every game is for every person. i don't get this need to make every game accessible to every player.
Yoshi's Crafted World is dead easy. that's ok! not a flaw of the game, a feature. this is super hard. that's ok! not a flaw. i don't want these games to be altered so that everyYoshi's Crafted World player can play through Sekiro. they are two different games. there doesn't need to be a Sekiro-hard option in Yoshi's Crafted World. again, two different games.
every art medium ever offers a full range of experiences. you have simple short films and you have long ass magnum opuses with intermissions. you have simple folk music and you have full symphony orchestras or prog rock. you have simple line drawings that can be done in an instant and on the other end you have oil paintings that take years to make. play dough vs marble sculptures, community theater vs broadway, etc. etc.
this idea that every game needs to appeal to every player is ridiculous. again, even in gaming world there are many experiences. in playing cards you have War and Go Fish and then you have more complicated things like Bridge or Rummy. in baseball you have little leagues for kids, soft ball, farm leagues, on up to the Majors. nobody complains that major league baseball is inaccessible to little leaguers. basketball can be played 2-on-2, or a simple game of HORSE, or you can play major league full court. there is room for all types of play.
honestly im tired of people complaining about difficulty. especially when they turn around and claim "the rest of the game is easy". at that point you don't even have a coherent argument.
I'm a bit stuck now.
I just killed Corrupted Monk and gained the ability to dive underwater. I found the rock in the cave behind the boss room and tried to offer it in that little shrine thingy, but I can't do anything there. So I thought I'd just give it to Kuro, but his chamber, and in fact the entirety of Ashina Castle is locked. I can't get in there. I found some old granny saying a war was coming near the Castle Gate Idol, but otherwise I haven't been able to find much else going on. I killed all the spooky bosses I could find in the meantime (Including a new one where the headless ape and its buddy used to be) but I've absolutely no clue where to go now. Any tips as to where I should go?
I can't just accept any game that suddenly STOPS for a five hour boss fight, no more than I can stand a film that just stops for a hour close up of Gwenth Paltrows nose, or an hour long drum solo at a gig.
Burden of proof lies with the accuser. You're going to need to provide evidence that cranking the numbers in any old game is going to result in something that plays like Sekiro if you want to make such a claim.
Literally none of these are relevant to my calling you out for making a stupid claim about difficulty. Address the first point, and then perhaps we can move on to discussion of further game elements.
There are no five hour boss fights unless you suck. It's your responsibility to get better if you suck, and the game provides all the tools to facilitate getting better and overcoming its challenges.
It's not the game's fault that you're bad. It's your fault. Sekiro's challenges are fair. Get better or give up.
i.e. mashing buttons until boss falls over? ;-)No. I just like speedy, agressive play.
We must have been playing very different games, since I always played Dex builds for my first go in any Souls game and had not much more problems with Aldrich than with any of the other bosses. I can't remember a single boss one-shotting my character in Dark Souls 3?The only time I've ever got stumped like this in Souls was on a playthrough of DS3 as a dex build. Game was easy up until Aldrich, Devourer of Gods, where dex build was useless. At that point he one shotted you with every attack, which if you remember is quite tough as you have to be very good with the camera and he's quite aggressive. I considered that part badly playtested as it was such a roadblock and not in line with the experience that other builds gave you.
I'm apparently not a gaming genius as you are, since I don't consider most of the game "too easy", but then I also don't think a few encounters would be "too hard". So far I've found the game very consistent with it's inclination of beating the shit out of me. But with every enemy, mini-boss and boss it's getting better and I find the difficulty quite well managed. Every time I hit a wall there is another area to explore and when I come back the wall from before is surmountable. So far the difficulty curve has been excellent, much better managed than the Souls series for example, where there was always the risk of either being overlevelled or underlevelled for an area. Sekiro relies much more on player skill than character stats and expects you to learn it. You seem to think the game needs to adapt itself to your playstyle not the other way round?But Seikro has less room for error -- which is why I think the game isn't balanced properly.
Previous From games always had rather simple combat systems at their core, I don't see how Activision would have anything to do with this?This sort of simplicity is really not what From excel at, and it's just not what I'm after, but I guess it's what Activision wanted.
You need to pay closer attention to what I wrote. "Usually" and "somewhat" aren't hard facts to be argued with. Games ARE usually discussed in terms of their accesibility, and whilst this has been advertised as tough, I haven't seen anyone talk about it being this innacessible, except by the public.
This game has mostly been given a free pass by reviewers because of the hype when they should be pointing out it's problems (IGN even said it was easy) --mainly that the bosses take hours to defeat, and there technical issues with the framerate that get in the way of play -- and because both of these are well known problems for a lot of gamers, this should have been highlighted. Saying 'git good' doesn't make actual gameplay issues disappear.
I completely agree that games should be made at different skill levels so I can't discuss that -- But the rest of the game IS easy compared to some boss fights. 95% of my game has been spent with those. The majorioty of the game you can play just running round, cheesing people, or stealthing it, or fighting slowly as the game wants. Either way I opened up the map pretty quickly.
If I'd bought an indie title I would expect it to have some of these issues. But a full price AAA game? For that I want a gaming experience that scales with my skill level like other From titles
And that's for the simple reason that scaling a game requires skill from the programmers. Just throwing in varying difficulty levels like this seems lazy and I can't just accept any game that suddenly STOPS for a five hour boss fight, no more than I can stand a film that just stops for a hour close up of Gwenth Paltrows nose, or an hour long drum solo at a gig.
It's indulgent and padding at it's worst.
It is kind of annoying. Despite the bluster it just seems to amount to "I'm not very good, this game is flawed".I put the troll on ignore. This pointless argument shitting up an otherwise good thread. Maybe make a separate thread to complain about that if u want. Difficult spikes were in the first Demons Souls released ten years ago. Get over it
I'd say that's the only thing the game does better than others.
I suck at the main game. I suck at some of the bosses. The rest of the game plays well, so I'm here to complain about the imbalance with certain bosses as I consider it a flaw.
It annoys me that the game gets praise for mechanics that are considred poor in other games.
The only bosses I've had problems with were (are) The chained Ogre and Genichiro Ashina. I've cleared out 95% of the rest of the area (bar one boss and the sections after Genichiro).
I consider a long boss fight the length that you're talking about (5-7 minutes). Every boss I've encountered in Souls is 1-3 mins at most. I simply don't enjoy playing boss fights / rhythm games for this long.
DMC is far more complicated and fluid than the fighting in Sekiro so comparing it doesn't ring true. The combat here is more like Batman or a similar title on a harder difficulty setting.
I think the main problem I'm having is that the game isn't designed for a fast play style. Whenever I try to play is quickly and actually react like I would in other fighting games (not souls obviously) all I see are poor hitboxes. When I slow down, the game is managable, but I get bored and lose patience. I am well aware that this is precise skill the game is testing you on but I'm not down for that. A one minute boss fight x30 is half an hour. A 7 minute boss x 30 is is 3/12 hours. That's serious time wasted, far more than I'm willing to spend on one task.
So, I've decided that because the game is seriously unbalanced, and that ithey've artificially extended it's playtime, to stop playing for now.
I'm very interested in what Activision will do with the DLC as From usually release late game content -- Something I seriously doubt will happen here, because most players won't be able to access it.
Smacked by controller against the wall because of that boss. Controller is undsmaged, wall has a notch.Ok, so I just got to
demon of hatred
And I’m about to throw my pad through the tv...
Yesterday i think i died 20+ times to the Owl and could not beat him no matter what.
Today i beat him on my second try without using any ress.
Sometimes the best approach to a boss is to just rest a little after learning how to fight him.
This always happens with Souls games.Yesterday i think i died 20+ times to the Owl and could not beat him no matter what.
Today i beat him on my second try without using any ress.
Sometimes the best approach to a boss is to just rest a little after learning how to fight him.
I decided to do this 5 minutes ago. I know I can beat him but I need to go in fresh tomorrow.
Slapped O'rin about earlier so it wasn't all bad this evening. Also went swimming andfound that weird surgeon bloke again. I sent some guy down to him earlier but he basically told me to piss off this time. I eavesdropped and heard him plotting against me. No doubt I'll see him again at some point.
This always happens with Souls games.
I remember in DS1, got to NG++ and headed for the 4 kings kind of early (trying to get the skull armor, don't remember its name). Got there all confident since I was breezing through the game up to that point. Died a lot and thoght I couldn't do it because I lacked damage. "Fuck this", and I stopped playing altogether for a few months. Then, a few months later I load the game, die once at the kinds, change 1-2 things in my gear and kill them on my second try, easily. "I had trouble with this?"
Weird that Souls games are the only ones where this happens.
Guys, use spoilers when referring to a boss, especially if it's the only plot twist.
It's time to........GIT GUDI'd say that's the only thing the game does better than others.
I suck at the main game. I suck at some of the bosses. The rest of the game plays well, so I'm here to complain about the imbalance with certain bosses as I consider it a flaw.
It annoys me that the game gets praise for mechanics that are considred poor in other games.
The only bosses I've had problems with were (are) The chained Ogre and Genichiro Ashina. I've cleared out 95% of the rest of the area (bar one boss and the sections after Genichiro).
I consider a long boss fight the length that you're talking about (5-7 minutes). Every boss I've encountered in Souls is 1-3 mins at most. I simply don't enjoy playing boss fights / rhythm games for this long.
DMC is far more complicated and fluid than the fighting in Sekiro so comparing it doesn't ring true. The combat here is more like Batman or a similar title on a harder difficulty setting.
I think the main problem I'm having is that the game isn't designed for a fast play style. Whenever I try to play is quickly and actually react like I would in other fighting games (not souls obviously) all I see are poor hitboxes. When I slow down, the game is managable, but I get bored and lose patience. I am well aware that this is precise skill the game is testing you on but I'm not down for that. A one minute boss fight x30 is half an hour. A 7 minute boss x 30 is is 3/12 hours. That's serious time wasted, far more than I'm willing to spend on one task.
So, I've decided that because the game is seriously unbalanced, and that ithey've artificially extended it's playtime, to stop playing for now.
I'm very interested in what Activision will do with the DLC as From usually release late game content -- Something I seriously doubt will happen here, because most players won't be able to access it.
Where did you swin to find the npc in your spoiler tag