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Senate Minority Leader Reid : Comey's actions handed the presidency to Donald Trump

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Horseshit that you guys keep regurgitating in every thread discussing the many reasons she lost. You all say this in the threads where we discuss Clintons failure to visit the rust belt. You say it in the threads where we talk about Russias influencing the election, you say it in threads like this that show data that Comey's action helped influence the loss, and you say it in threads where we discuss the DNCs lack of a 50 state plan that aided in the loss.

Basically everyone is discussing ALL of the different factors that led to her losing, of which there were MANY. But you all are carpet bombing said threads with anger because the truth is that you don't want to accept that presidential elections are lost for a MYRIAD of reasons. You want to embrace a simplistic view of it that isn't true. That the only reason clinton lost is because Clinton.

Save us the empty threats for elections to come. You aren't really interested in anything other than telling us how terrible Hillary is. So just get it out of your system and keep it moving.
I agree completely that the reason for the loss was multifaceted and not due to a single blunder but that doesn't absolve the campaign's mistakes or the fact that Clinton was a poor candidate. You're right we should not adopt a simplified view on what cost the democrats the presidency but there's been a notable avoidance of blame from both Clinton's campaign and her most diehard supporters that's quite aggravating as well.


Let's not forget Donna Brazile leaking a primary question about Flint, MI to Hillary while she was about to do a primary debate in fucking Flint, Mi.
But nobody wants to talk about that stuff! Hillary and her campaign can do no wrong.

She resigned to appease Bernie supporters and unify the party. But they still can't let it go.
lol HUH?

She couldn't do that BEFORE? I call bullshit on that. She was corrupt. Simple.
But nobody wants to talk about that stuff! Hillary and her campaign can do no wrong.

Who has said or implied anything nearly close to this?

This projecting is embarrassing. Engaging in reasonable discussion is pointless with this kind of tunnel vision.

You can be spiteful to Hillary, her supporters, or whomever, but it doesn't hurt her or them in the slightest. We're now in a worse off place because of her loss. Us, not her.


But nobody wants to talk about that stuff! Hillary and her campaign can do no wrong.

You're literally in a thread where people have been doing nothing but blaming Hillary and her campaign for the loss. In fact, I don't see single person in here claiming 'she can do no wrong'.

Serious question- How old are you?


She resigned to appease Bernie supporters and unify the party. But they still can't let it go.

She resigned under accusations of stacking the deck in favor of Hillary and then promptly joined Hillary's campaign. It was a shitty way of trying to appease concerns of corruption and even then, Bernie supporters largely fell in line for Hillary anyway.
lol HUH?

She couldn't do that BEFORE? I call bullshit on that. She was corrupt. Simple.

When do you think she should've done it? It was very clearly done as a move to appease Bernie supporters and unify the Democratic Party before the convention, but Bernie supporters have just been unable to let the primary go.

"Appease" haha she resigned because she got caught cheating on the primary.

How did she cheat?

She resigned under accusations of stacking the deck in favor of Hillary and then promptly joined Hillary's campaign. It was a shitty way of trying to appease concerns of corruption and even then, Bernie supporters largely fell in line for Hillary anyway.

She was appointed Honorary Chair. Which is a symbolic position with little to no power.

Oni Jazar

I agree completely that the reason for the loss was multifaceted and not due to a single blunder but that doesn't absolve the campaign's mistakes or the fact that Clinton was a poor candidate. You're right we should not adopt a simplified view on what cost the democrats the presidency but there's been a notable avoidance of blame from both Clinton's campaign and her most diehard supporters that's quite aggravating as well.

You're mistaken if you think the dems are not taking the mistakes Clinton made to heart. You can admit mistakes and investigate outside influences at the same time. The reason you're hearing more on one over the other is the unprecedented nature of it all.


Junior Member
Comey's actions actively harmed our republic. No excuse for his actions and history should condemn him.
History? Lock him up!

I'm more for a tangible punishment. It's precedent for a reason. Next time, it may be against the Republicans. After all the talk of a rigged election, it was rigged for the incompetent white guy.

But if enough Democrats focus on Killary, Democrats will ineptly fail to do something else: ensure our elections are fair.


You Bernie guys are absolutely insufferable and just as complacent as Republicans in letting a foreign power succeed in manipulating our election. The arguments you are making are literally the result of Russian hacking. You are complacent in allowing these manipulations to take place and continuing to defend them and attack fellow liberals does nothing but empower the other side.


It helped Trump, but a whole lot of things "handed him the presidency". The Democrats and Hillary first amongst them.
This isn't an either-or situation. You can be aware of the Clinton campaign's flaws and still be bothered by an FBI director pretending the Hatch Act doesn't exist.

Jeanine Pirro hates the shit out of Hillary Clinton and even she felt it necessary to call out Comey for he did.


I don't think even the hardest of hardcore Hillary stans on GAF have ever said that Hillary was a flawless candidate who ran a flawless campaign and only lost because of Comey. Clearly, the fact that Comey pushed things over the edge in Trump's favor, is proof enough that Hillary and her campaign took enough missteps to get to that edge in the first place.

According to 538, a lot more than usual.

Yep, there was an historically unusual number of undecided voters all year. Which is fucking mind boggling to me.


Since you guys seem to have not have payed attention during the convention.

So this is the part where you provide evidence for tampering or altering the results of the primary, not just 'they didn't like Bernie!' which should have been relatively obvious to anyone that follows politics even passively.

Yep, there was an historically unusual number of undecided voters all year. Which is fucking mind boggling to me.

See, I'm also having a hard time believing that- So I wonder if a lot of these people simply said 'undecided' because they were afraid to publicly support Trump. Of course, I have no data to back this claim up so I have no choice but to accept that as truth. Mind-boggling all the same.


She was appointed Honorary Chair. Which is a symbolic position with little to no power.

It DOES NOT MATTER if it was a symbolic position. She should have been distanced from the campaign as much as possible, just like the campaign should have reported the leaked question despite it being an incredibly obvious such a question being asked.
Since you guys seem to have not have payed attention during the convention.

Wikipedia says most of the examples came late in the primary, after Hillary Clinton was already headed for victory. Another person suggested they should bring up Sanders's atheism, but that was quickly shot down. And someone suggesting using Sanders access to Clinton's voter information as a way to put forth a story about Bernie not having his campaign put together.

None of that seems particularly egregious. But:

What are your thoughts on the Bernie Sanders campaign unauthorized access to NGP/VAN and Clinton voter information?
So this is the part where you provide evidence for tampering or altering the results of the primary, not just 'they didn't like Bernie!' which should have been relatively obvious to anyone that follows politics even passively.
I never said the results where altered. I said that they backed a campaign when they should have not.


there is joy in sucking dick
I doubt anyone will address Comey specifically. The new gaf pattern is to defer the conversation to Clinton's flaws, or Bernie shoulda won, or bad sportsmanship, but just to be super clear:

The director of the FBI releasing a vague public statement he knew would be damaging to a candidate, and also knew was hot air, the week before the election is utterly bizarre.

I love how people seem to disregard all of this as a small part to other issues with Clinton. The email scandal was being reported on 24/7. It was ridiculous. While there were, what felt like, rumors in regards to Russias solid ties to disrupting our election and Trumps implication. You would think subverting the democratic process would take priority. Hope Comey is taken to task.


Kills Photobucket
Since you guys seem to have not have payed attention during the convention.

Show me the email where the DNC forced Bernie and his campaign to focus almost entirely on college towns and ignore minorities and southern states. Show me where the DNC refused to give Bernie the primary rules that he failed to learn before running.

You can't. Because the DNC did nothing to sabotage Bernie's campaign, even with a few people having a bias for Clinton.

Not to mention, the Democratic National Committee wanting the Democrat to win, and not the guy who changed party affiliations a few months prior to the primaries should take no one by surprise.

The DNC stealing the election is something the die hard Bernie fans try to tell themselves to justify not voting for Clinton. At some point, they will realize how bad they played themselves for buying into the lie.
I never said the results where altered. I said that they backed a campaign when they should have not.

So then how did it influence primary, where fellow Sanders voters didn't come out to vote?

I'm unsure as to why you're unable to process this. Debbie could've wanted to open mouth kiss Hillary, that wouldn't stop voters from showing up.


You mean Democrats backed a Democrat running for President, instead of an Independent? Such shock, much scandal.

Seriously, I didn't get the shock then and I don't get it now.

He was a Democrat for 30 minutes, she was a Democrat for 30 years. She raised money for the party, he did jack shit for the party.

This really shouldn't be that surprising to anyone.


Show me the email where the DNC forced Bernie and his campaign to focus almost entirely on college towns and ignore minorities and southern states. Show me where the DNC refused to give Bernie the primary rules that he failed to learn before running.

You can't. Because the DNC did nothing to sabotage Bernie's campaign, even with a few people having a bias for Clinton.

Not to mention, the Democratic National Committee wanting the Democrat to win, and not the guy who changed party affiliations a few months prior to the primaries should take no one by surprise.

The DNC stealing the election is something the die hard Bernie fans try to tell themselves to justify not voting for Clinton. At some point, they will realize how bad they played themselves for buying into the lie.

People also forget that Bernie's campaign was not completely infallible as the campaign did somehow acquire the Clinton campaign's donor list with sensitive information.

But we are well past the primary and the general to reinvent this wheel. Again.


Stop fighting about the god damn 2016 democratic primary in every fucking thread related to Clinton, Bernie and Trump. Both Hillary and Bernie lost, they're both losers who'll never be president.


Strap on your hooker ...
If Comey didn't come out and conclude that no new information was discovered before the voting started, then yeah, I'd say some people would have probably gotten swayed. But the last hour voters knew that nothing came out of that initial BS Comey announcement.
Eh, I wouldn't be so confident of that. News outlets collectively shouted the news that there was another email concern, but faintly whispered "oh by the way that was actually nothing." Conservative media certainly didn't make much effort to set the record straight, and for huge swaths of the country, conservative news is the only news.


Hillary was a weak candidate in a strong anti-establishment election with tons of baggage who ran a bad campaign.

Im very sure Bernie would've done better. Before anyone says "he's a socialist!". Labels didn't matter in this election. Calling Trump racist, homphobe, sexist, xenophobe etc. didn't matter.

A goddamn self declared socialist won 22 states in USA.


He was in a lose lose situation. If he hadn't said anything and there was indeed something serious there then he would have been blamed for being a dem lackey who didn't blow the whistle on time. Assuming Clinton had won, of course.

The consensus seems to be forming that the first letter suppressed the Hillary vote, while the second letter spurred more Trump voters from the "She keeps getting away with it!" meme.
He was in a lose lose situation. If he hadn't said anything and there was indeed something serious there then he would have been blamed for being a dem lackey who didn't blow the whistle on time. Assuming Clinton had won, of course.

That would be a reasonable interpretation if Comey had earned the benefit of the doubt, but the statement was incredibly vague, and then he just kind of shrugged his shoulders and said woops lol nvm.

It was incompetent at best and outright sabotage at worst.
I'm amazed that some people are still trying to win the primary for Bernie lol.

The time has long past for all left-leaning people to unite against our common enemy.
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