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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Just watched this week's NXT and here are some thoughts:

Summer Rae cut a solid promo and I had to replay it because I thought she said, "bitch".

Bo Dallas is awesome, "I think you're a good kid but you're so green!"

Regal is still as bad as I remember him on NXT: Redemption. I think he might have a legit speech impediment.



WCW Road Wild 8/8/98

Tenay looks like a fucking goof in is jean jacket and sunglasses. Tony looks like a creep in his leather jacket and sunglasses.

Meng vs Barbarian

They start out doing a full on Sumo match. Barb hits a belly to belly and goes for the powerbomb. Meng reverses and hits a piledriver. He misses a diving headbutt, but hits a super kick. They go up top and Barb hits a top rope belly to belly. Meng comes back with a powerslam that actually got 3, but the ref said it was 2. Meng goes after Jimmy. They get into a chop/headbutt battle. Barb loads his boot up, but turns around right into the Tongan deathgrip. Jimmy tries to fight Meng off and calls Hugh in. They hold him down so Jimmy can hit a Superfly splash. Then Hugh hits the moonsault. Jim Duggan runs out to make the save.



Dancing Fools vs Public Enemy

Who is this crowd supposed to support? It's a 100% biker crowd, and this match has a German who dances to techno, a guy who dances to disco music, a Japanese guy who does a lot of pelvic thrusting, and two white guys who think they're black gangsters from 1993. It doesn't seem like the most thought out match for this crowd. Never mind that these two teams have faced off at least 3 times in the last month and a half. You need to book for your crowd. This is not booking for your crowd. Alex and Rocco start out. After some dancing, Disco gets tagged and gets his ass beat. They recoup and Alex Wright hits a missile dropkick. More dancing. Double Flapjack Norton to Disco. Alex brings in a trash can and uses it. I guess this is no dq now. Rocco comes back with a ladder. He uses it once and throws it out of the ring. Disco and Alex pack up and leave. Magnum stays around. The Fools come back out with a table. Two tables now. Disco gets on the mic and says it is a street fight. The ref agrees. No shit. PE leave and come back with a kitchen sink and toilet seat. Suplex on a trash can. Kitchen sink to the back of Grunge. This is a mess. Disco and Alex aren't used to using weapons and PE are pretty bad. Just get to the table spot. Magnum accidentally hits Alex. Alex drops him, but the camera cut away, so we didn't see it at all. Both Alex and Magnum walk out. They do a hilariously bad see-saw spot with Disco. 3 tables are stacked on the road. They drag Disco up a ladder and place him on top of them. Rocco drops an elbow from the scaffolding. Magnum came back just to botch breaking up a pin. This was garbage and will actually end up being the second longest match of the show.




Raven vs Kanyon vs Saturn

This should be the match of the night, but their first triple threat was super disappointing. Kanyon actually shows up this time. Saturn lays him out as soon as the match starts. Raven just hangs out and watches. He hits Saturn with a chair, then tosses it to Kanyon to use. He gets hit by Saturn before he can. Raven then throws him into the ring post and also throws Saturn to the floor. Brain tries to get as confusing as he can with who is fighting with who. Kanyon and Saturn realize that Raven isn't doing shit and decide to both go after him. Baseball slide to the DICK. Neckbreaker/back suplex combo. TOTAL ELIMINATION! Rolling Russian leg sweeps from Kanyon. Saturn waits and hits a guillotine leg drop. Kanyon breaks up the pin. Spinning Perfect Plex that Saturn broke up with a sweet leg sweep. Raven hits both guys with a chair at the same time. Now they hit the road. "They're having a fight-by". Raven hits a suplex on the ramp. Kanyon then hits a piledriver on the stage to Saturn. A dropkick sends Kanyon rolling down the ramp. Saturn dives off the stage on to both men. Stun gun on the ramp. It goes back into the ring. They do drop down spots that ends in an exploddaaaah. Double sleeper. Double jaw breaker. Superplex/electric chair combo. Raven went for a double DDT. Kanyon held on to the ropes. Kanyon then suplex Raven on the floor. He climbs up the scaffold to drop a splash, but Lodi got Raven out of the way. DVD. Lodi also broke it up and gets suplexed. Whoreass comes in with the stop sign. Lodi threw powder, that hit Horace. Whoreass then hit Lodi with the stop sign, and accidentally hit Raven with it. Saturn hits another DVD for the win.




Hypnosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Winner will get a title shot at a later date. I'll just give you the gifs, as I'm sure they will be running through their standard spots. It was weird. It was very slow paced for these guys and had little to no flow during it. I would think that after a big man clubbering match and two garbage matches that they'd want this to be a crazy fast paced sprint, but not at all.




Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Stevie Ray WCW TV Championship

Lol. This definitely isn't a PPV match. Chavo tries a hand shake. Stevie won't go for it, but Chavo gives a pretty solid "must not fap" gif. Chavo makes Stevie chase him repeatedly to wear him out. Which was fine the first 3 times he did it. But by the 6th time, it was annoying and Stevie was tired of it. Chavo gets in the ring and walks right into the Slapjack. Eddie comes out to save Chavo from a beat down, but also tells Stevie there is no problem between them.


Rick Steiner comes out for his match with Scott. I don't know why, they already said it was called off on Thunder. JoJo comes out and tells him as much. Buff wheels Scott out on a gurney. He's on oxygen, has a neck brace, his arm, and a leg wrapped up. WCW has the right to reschedule this match with in 45 days. So the match is rebooked for Fall Brawl. If Scott doesn't show for that match, he'll be banned. He gets up and runs off.

Brian Adams vs Steve McMichael

I was hoping for none of the nWo guys getting double duty. Especially not Crush or Konnan.


Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship Special Guest Referee: Dean Malenko

Brain wonders if and when Dean reffed a match last. Obviously he didn't watch Thunder, which was 3 days ago. Jericho comes out in his kimono. Tony wonders what the hell that is. He apparently also doesn't watch the show, even ones that he calls, as this isn't the first time Jericho has worn this in the last 2 weeks. Tony says Jericho is a "big SWERVER". Jericho goes for cheap heat by talking about his Honda. Dean prevents Jericho from hitting Juvi in the ropes. Big drop kick from Juvi. Dean apparently hits or shoves Jericho down, but the camera completely missed it. He yanked Jericho down by his hair apparently. Juvi hits a missile drop kick. Juvi hits a dive from the ring all the way past the extended apron and to the floor. A good 15 feet I'd imagine. The ring itself is close to 8 and the apron is another 4 or so. Give or take. Juvi does a springboard cross body. Jericho fell back, so they just re did the spot with Jericho catching him and dropping into a TTD. Jericho works a chin lock for a while. Juvi finally makes a come back by reversing a suplex. He then gets his knees up to block the Lionsault. Spinning head scissors. Flying wheel kick. He goes for a rana and gets hit with a double powerbomb. Triangle shoulder block sends Juvi to the floor. Another powerbomb a few minutes later was countered into a DDT. Juvi driver, but Jericho kicked out. Superplex. Butterfly backbreaker is countered into a rana, which is countered into the Liontamer. Juvi got to the ropes. Jericho argues with Dean. Juvi accidentally pokes Dean in the eye. Jericho then hits Juvi with the belt. Juvi still kicks out. Dean slides the belt out of the ring. Did he not wonder how it got there? Jericho drags Juvi to the top rope. Not sure what he was going for, but Dean yanked Juvi down for some reason. Jericho then kicked Dean. Juvi ran at Dean, who popped him up to hit a super rana on Jericho. New champion! That finish didn't make any sense, though.




nWo Hollywood vs Wolfpac vs Goldberg Battle Royal

A 9 man battle royal is fucking lame. Just no way around that. It isn't made clear if this is for the title or not. I'd guess that the entrances will take longer than the match. Scott Hall looks so sad. Both the nWo and Wolfpac music played through twice during entrances. Hall is the first to be eliminated by getting back dropped by Goldberg while trying the Outsider's Edge. Nash steps over the ropes and eliminates himself to go after Hall. This is a typical shitty WCW battle royal. WWE has always been better at them. It comes down to Giant and Goldberg. Goldberg no sells the chokeslam, hits the spear, and then the jackhammer. And pins Giant to win a battle royal. There wasn't a single pinfall attempt before this, nor was it announced that pinfalls also counted.


Hollywood Hogan/Eric Bischoff vs DDP/Jay Leno

I still can't believe this match happened. And they came out to the Tonight Show theme. And then entrance focused on Jay the entire time. Remember when Jay Leno was actually funny? It was sometime before 1988. Leno throws his water on Hogan and Bischoff. DDP and Hogan start. Hogan bails after a neck breaker. Eubanks throws Hulk into the ring post. Leno gets tagged in. Bischoff runs away. Leno vs Hogan. The biggest match since Hogan vs Andre. Jay out quicks Hogan a few times before tagging out. Not only does Hogan sell for Leno, he actually drops to his knees from an arm twist. Hulk Hogan. Selling for Jay Leno. More than he sold for Sting. He gets a 2 count on Hulk Hogan. Jay fucking Leno. Hogan tried to use a chair. Eubanks took it from him, and Hulk punched it. This is awful. Hogan used an international object on DDP. Bischoff makes the pin, but DDP kicks out. Big boot. DDP makes the hot tag. To Jay Leno. Kevin Eubanks hits a Kanyon Cutter on Bischoff, which the camera mostly missed, and Leno pins Bischoff to win the match. The nWo attack after the match. Goldberg runs down with his title still on and hits an awful double spear that the camera also mostly missed. And they play the Tonight Show theme to close out the show.



This show fucking sucked. Spring Stampede 2000 levels of bad. Terrible pacing, the majority of the card was thrown together last minute, everyone was half assing it, tons of blown spots both from the wrestlers and the production team.


So not worth it
Just watched this week's NXT and here are some thoughts:

Summer Rae cut a solid promo and I had to replay it because I thought she said, "bitch".

Bo Dallas is awesome, "I think you're a good kid but you're so green!"

Regal is still as bad as I remember him on NXT: Redemption. I think he might have a legit speech impediment.

Did you know there's a NXT OT now Bean? You can talk up Bo there: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=664557


See, this is why it's an insult to Goldberg to chant Goldberg at Ryback.


Since whoever was in charge of the camera on Raw missed the end of the Bryan/Rollins match, it's nice that they showed a replay on Smackdown.



So not worth it
Adopting that finisher was a stroke of genius.

I also like how everyone so far is taking it head on and not throwing their hands up.
This is dope. I never really watched enough Orndorff in his prime - only his broke-ass WCW and WWF days where his best years were behind him.

You do a lot of analyzing the matches, but tell us Boots, how did you ENJOY it? Is it as good as we're wanting it to be?

Oh yeah, definitely - I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, it is a 'best of' set, but we're 3/3 with awesome matches so far. Especially that Orndorff vs Olympia match, I really was not expecting that to be as freaking great as it was.

I might as well chuck it on drive (WWE are going crazy with copyright claims on youtube);

Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Olympia - (Mid-South 1982/02/03)

Bob Roop was a mean old cunt. And Mr. Wonderful was pretty good before the arm thing.

I haven't seen much Orndorff stuff outside of his two Japan tours in the early 80's and the thing that's impressed me the most was his selling. Dude was doing some excellent work once Olympia got on offence and that's not something I recall seeing from him during his WCW days.

Aiii said:
I also like how everyone so far is taking it head on and not throwing their hands up.

Probably shows how much they trust Bryan as a worker to not knee them full-on in the face.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The best part about Hogan dropping the belt he shouldn't have had in the first place to start a program with one celebrity than another is that a new far more disastrous program is going to start up...and if my memory serves me it begins on the very next Nitro.
The best part about Hogan dropping the belt he shouldn't have had in the first place to start a program with one celebrity than another is that a new far more disastrous program is going to start up...and if my memory serves me it begins on the very next Nitro.

lol, ain't it the feud with Warrior?


The best part about Hogan dropping the belt he shouldn't have had in the first place to start a program with one celebrity than another is that a new far more disastrous program is going to start up...and if my memory serves me it begins on the very next Nitro.
We should all chip in a little something for Stroro counseling
Bootaaay reviews...The Best of Mid-South/UWF volume 1, part 2;

Fourth match on this set and it's a big one, with AWA Heavyweight Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs The Junkyard Dog from June 11th, 1982. The stipulation here is that if Bockwinkel wins, he get's the Dog's 'King of Wrestling' crown, but if JYD wins, he gets to fight Bobby Heenan. The crowd are going NUTS for the Dog's entrance as he clears the ring, swinging his chain about. They lock up and Bock works a wristlock, but JYD chops him in the back and forces him to release it. Bock pushes him into the ropes and throws a right to little effect, the JYD following up with a flurry of punches that knock Bock over with ease. Bock replies with some big knees to the mid-section and one to the face that sends the Dog over, but he gets right back up and Bock can't believe it, as he damn near runs out of the ring to escape! He gets back in and fires off with some punches to the ribs, but JYD shoulder blocks him hard before following up with a side legsweep. Dog goes for a test of strength, but Nick sneaks into a headlock perfectly and starts choking him out. The fans get behind Dog, who just lifts Bock up above his head and throws him into the corner! JYD applies the stomach claw, lol. Ridiculous move. Bock's selling it like he's about to die and desperately rakes the Dog's eyes. Bock punches at the Dog, but he's impervious to the pain and kicks his opponent to the floor. Bockwinkel isn't finished though and rams the Dog into the ringpost as he follows him outside. Bock rams his head into the ringpost and JYD's busted open. He crawls in the ring and Bock goes to work with boots to the face. Bock rams his head into the turnbuckle and gets a 2-count at the 10 minute mark. Nick fires off with punches, but JYD hulks up again. Bock tries to lift him, but JYD rolls him up and gets the 3-count! Bockwinkel's pissed and lays into the Dog with boots, but Heenan orders him off, he wants to fight! Bobby throws some punches, but the Dog hulks up and whips Bobby into the corner, before slamming him hard to the mat. Bobby's trying to crawl away and Bock gets invovled. They double team JYD for a bit, but Bruiser Brody comes down and starts beating the tar out of Bobby! Brody puts him hard into the ringpost and Bock high-tails it to save his manager. Fun match, Bockwinkel was awesome and I enjoy seeing JYD, even if most of his matches are very similar to one another.


Mr. Olympia (c) vs Bob Roop, July 15th, 1982. This one's for Olympia's Mississippi Heavyweight Championship. They lock up and it's obvious that Roop isn't going to match Olympia speed for speed like Orndorff did. Olympia puts on a side-headlock, but Roop runs him into the ropes to escape, they do a criss-cross, step over from Roop, Olympia goes for an armdrag, Roop jumps over and tries for one of his own but Olympia puts on the brakes and scores with a backslide for 2! Nice little sequence. Roop gets a wristlock and puts Olympia into the ropes, hitting a back elbow followed by some nasty looking rope-assisted knee drops. He goes for another, but Olympia catches Bob's knee on his foot and kicks him to the floor, his chin getting caught on the top rope as he falls. Olympia locks in an armbar, but Roop picks him up and goes for a bodyslam, only for Olympia to snake out over the top and score with a sunset flip for 1. Roop goes to the floor and Olympia gives chase. He cuts a corner and scores with a big dive on Roop, before throwing him back into the ring and locking on the armbar. Roop gouges the eyes and hits a high knee followed by a fist drop for 1. He locks in a reverse headlock. Bill Watts-ism; "If you ain't cutting off the carotid artery with a forearm, then it ain't a sleeper." Roop drops some more fists, but Olympia gets a rush of adrenaline and powers out. He fires Roop into the ropes, hits a punch to the gut and locks on the sleeper! But Roop quickly escapes and hits a reverse backbreaker to counter. Roop then adds insult to injury and puts the sleeper on Olympia, who pushes off the corner to float over and re-apply a sleeper on Roop. Bob tries to fight out of it, but to no avail, as the ref raises his hand and it drops three times. Olympia retains the championship! Fairly decent match, but already had better from both men on this set. This is the last Bob Roop match on here, incidentally, and his last year in Mid-South. He'd mostly work Mid-Atlantic & Georgia after.


First tag match on the set next, with Junk Yard Dog & Mr. Olympia (c) vs Ted DiBiase & 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan for the Mid-South Heavyweight Tag Titles! JYD is so over. DiBiase is the North American Heavyweight Champion here, but has recently turned heel in his feud with JYD. Hacksaw starts out with the Dog and is frustrated early on when he can't lift JYD. Duggan tries to tag out, but DiBiase wants no part of the JYD. Olympia gets in and hits a nice leg lariat on Duggan, who DiBiase quickly calls over for the tag. Ted & Olympia start out with a criss-cross and DiBiase goes for a powerslam, but Olympia turns it into a crossbody for a near-fall! Olympia tags into the Dog and DiBiase gets out of there FAST. The Dog's distracted by DiBiase and Hacksaw hits a stiff right that knocks him loopy. DiBiase tags in at last, but immediately the Dog turns the tables and lays into Ted with punches and a bodyslam. Hacksaw & Olympia are in again and immediately go at it with punches. Olympia counters an Irish whip and Hacksaw hits the turnbuckle hard. Snapmare from Olympia and he tags in JYD. The Dog works over Duggan's wrist, but he manages to punch out of it and puts the Dog into the ropes, where DiBiase knees him in the back. Hacksaw hits a big knee drop for 2 and tags in Ted, who tries to put the Dog away fast with some big fist drops. Junkyard fights back, but Ted rakes the eyes and tags in Hacksaw. Big back-elbow, but he misses the elbow drop and JYD tags into Olympia! DiBiase and Hacksaw try to double-team Olympia, but the Dog quickly evens things up. Ted & Hacksaw go to slam Olympia & JYD's heads together, but Olympia pushes Hacksaw into JYD, Ted clocks Olympia and the Dog scores with a atomic drop! Olympia tries to get to his corner, but Hacksaw slams into his back. He gets the tag, but JYD is knocked to the floor and DiBiase & Hacksaw still think Olympia's the legal man. Ted tags in and hits a nice powerslam before locking in the figure four! The Dog breaks it up, throws Hacksaw to the floor and hits a big scoop slam on DiBiase for the 3-count! Enjoyable match, much faster than other tag wrestling I've seen from the era. Very quick tags, no pause in the action.


Volume 01: Part 1

Can anyone avatar this for me please.



WCW Monday Nitro 8/10/98

On the heels of what was no doubt the worst PPV of the year so far, Nitro comes to you live from Rapid City, South Dakota. I find it strange that any city in South Dakota has any kind of arena. So on this shitty PPV PE vs Dancing Fools was the second longest match, Goldberg was the odd man out in an nWo battle royal that didn't even go 8 minutes and he won via pinfall, and Hulk Hogan sold harder for Jay Leno in 30 seconds than he did for Sting in any of their matches. They're not allowed to say who won or what happened in the main event, but later in the show, management will come out to tell us. Okay. Giant/Hall vs Wolfpac for the tag titles and Goldberg vs Meng for the title.

Barbarian vs Jim Duggan

I don't drop "the". Barbarian is what he's officially announced as. This feud thing between these guys and Meng is terrible. There was even an explanation for why Meng turned on Barbarian. He just did. Duggan wins with a roll up OUTTA NOWHERE. Hugh runs in and they beat up on Duggan until Meng comes out. How many times do I have to watch this? Meng even puts Doug Dillinger in the deathgrip, then kicks some other security dude. Some random scrub runs in and gets it, too.

Recap of Lex being laid out on Nitro and then his promo from Thunder.

Lex is the guest. Lex won't leave until he gets a match for fight from Bret Hart. This match was already announced, so I don't know why they're pretending it's a made up on the spot kind of thing. Bret calls Lex a damn liar and that he wasn't involved in the beat down last week. He goes on to say that Sting is like a brother to him. Bret agrees to a title match tonight. BUT IT WAS ALREADY BOOKED AND ANNOUNCED. Tony even mentioned that at the start of the segment.

Tokyo Magnum vs Eddie Guerrero

After the poor performance of Tokyo at the PPV, they make this match as a test for him. If he doesn't win, he can't be with the group anymore. Alex calls him a "stupid little Japanese" and tells him to commit hari kari. Eddie wins very easily. I guess this mean Magnum is about to go back to Japan.

Saturn vs Kanyon

Maybe we'll get some gifs a half hour into the show. They go right at it with some stiff punches and knees. Saturn hits a belly to belly and an awkward STO. Kanyon comes back with a super fameasser and skull fuck. Electric chair drop. Saturn scores a small package, but Kanyon comes back with an elbow. Sleeper reversals. A lot of them. Explodaaah. Kanyon sets Saturn up on the ropes and hits a hanging neckbreaker. He goes up top for something. Saturn catches him and hits a top rope gargoyle suplex after slipping a few times. Lodi distracts the ref and Raven hits an Evenflow on Saturn. Kanyon rolls over and makes the pin. BANG!




TO THE BACK. Meng is putting random security people in the deathgrip.

Sick Boy vs Steve McMichael

Two guys who botch in every match. Two guys who can barely even walk to the ring without botching. Let's put them in a match on live TV. Mongo wins with the tombstone.

Hogan, Bischoff, and Beefcake come out. DDP isn't in the building tonight. Hogan basically just brushes DDP and Leno aside and says he wants his title back. Bischoff hints that they might have set Meng on the war path to get rid of security so they can go after Goldberg tonight. The nWo will now act as security for the match with Meng.

We've just been given a response from production and the Wolfpac says that they will also be security for the title match tonight.

Stevie Ray vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. WCW TV Championship

Chavo shouldn't be getting a rematch. Jericho comes out with Pepe before the match. This lures Chavo to the back where Jericho apparently beats Chavo up.


Chris Jericho vs Stevie Ray WCW TV Championship

Stevie almost corpses when Jericho talks about the mean streets of Calgary. Stevie out powers Jericho. Jericho tries to come back with his speed and almost gets the win with a crucifix. Stevie then boots Jericho in the face. He hits a scary looking suplex on to the ropes. Jericho hits a cross body to the floor. He tries one in the ring and gets caught with a powerslam. The ref "accidentally" gets low blowed. The Giant runs out and chokeslams Stevie. Lol wat? Jericho puts Stevie in the Liontamer. The ref calls for the bell. New champion!



Bischoff and Liz come out. Bischoff decides to break the gag order on the events of the main event at Road Wild. He shows a series of pictures only of he and Hogan in control, and even claims they won. Then he implores us to not watch the Tonight Show and that Jay stole food.

Lizmark Jr. vs Hypnosis vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

I'll just give you the gifs. Rey wins.





Lex Luger vs Bret Hart WCW US Championship

Who would guess that the co-winners of the 1994 Royal Rumble would be in a random match for the US Championship on Nitro? Lex over powers Bret, who rolls to the floor to regain some composure. Bret for some reason tries a test of strength. Bret decides he's done and leaves. Lex throws him back in the ring. Lex then works over an arm bar for a while. Why would Lex work over the arm if his move is the torture rack? Bret gets back into it with an eye rake and stomps a mudhole in the corner. After the break, Bret is slamming Lex on the floor. Lex makes a come back, but Bret kicks him right in the dick. Bret wants the ref to disqualify him for it. Bret starts the 5MOD. DDT. Lex might be as bad as Konnan. Lex hits two atomic drops and the flying forearm, but Bret still gets out. Ref bump. The international object comes out. Lex gets Bret up in the torture rack. He taps out. New champion! Really? Already? Bret just got the title. The rest of the Wolfpac come out to celebrate, which coincides with the hour 3 pyro.

Juventud Guerrera vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

NO. Not again. Kidman looks very clean, though. White tank top, hair isn't messy. They do nothing new at all and Juvi wins in a fairly short match.

Bret will get his rematch on Thunder. We're then shown the real highlights of the Leno match.

The Flock come to the ring. Raven says the Flock has let him down. He Evenflows Riggs and decks Lodi. He starts slapping Whoreass, who stops him, but gets hit anyway.

Raven vs Whoreass

This is allegedly a punishment for the Flock. I think it is a punishment for me. It goes to the floor early on. Horace hits a suicide dive. A stop sign is set up in the comer. Raven goes flying in to it. Horace slams him on it and goes for a Superfly splash. He misses. Raven demands Lodi give him a chair. Drop toe hold. Kanyon comes out, but the Flock prevents him from entering the ring. Saturn came out from the other side and hit a DVD on the stop sign. He throws Horace on top of Raven. Horace wins!


Curt Hennig vs Konnan

WCW clearly doesn't have any problem putting on a weak Nitro after a shitty PPV. Why hasn't Hennig taken time off for his leg injury? Konnan gets disqualified for choking Perfect with his chain.

The Giant/Scott Hall vs Kevin Nash/Sting WCW Tag Team Championships

Hall and Nash start out. Nash goes for the powerbomb early, but Hall bails. Hall gets back in and does his shoulder block thing. He slaps Nash around, but Nash just puts him on his ass. Nash hits his elbows and knees in the corner, so he's used up all but 2 of his moves already. Giant hits a low blow from the apron. Big boot to Giant. Nash has wrestled this entire match. How weird. He makes the hot tag. One punch sends Giant over the top. Face buster and Stinger splashes to Hall. Deathlock. Giant walks in the ring and grabs the ref instead of just hitting a defenseless Sting. He demands to be disqualified. The ref does it and Giant chokeslams him anyway. I don't get that at all. He just walked right by Sting, who was wide open, to yell at the ref to disqualify him.


Goldberg vs Meng WCW Championship

Both nWo groups are "security", so this is basically a lumberjack match. Meng backs Goldberg into the corner. Goldberg comes back with a flying...something, but just bounces off of Meng. Meng then does a bizarre roll to the floor. Goldberg hits a spin kick and a knee bar. He runs into a Meng boot and bounces out to the floor. The nWo start fighting. Tongan deathgrip! Goldberg went down, but Meng just randomly let go for no reason. For weeks and all night tonight, Meng wouldn't let go of the hold for 2 minutes and needed 5 people to pull him off, but in a title match where he actually had Goldberg down and out, he just decides to let go and pose. Goldberg gets up and hits the spear and jackhammer for the win. Hogan sneaks in and hits Goldberg with a chair. Nash takes the chair away from Hogan. Goldberg gets up and thinks Nash him him, even though Nash got in the ring right in front of Goldberg after Goldberg had been hit. Goldberg spears Nash. WE'RE OUTTA TIME!




I really didn't expect WCW 1998 to break me, but it is getting close. For starters, DDP and PE weren't even on the show, but the people they beat at the PPV were. Hogan just completely dropped the DDP feud and is moving on to Goldberg. The nWo feud isn't leading to anything. They already split up. There really isn't anywhere else for that to go. Nash isn't really doing anything with the Hall program. Goldberg is now thrown into the nWo shit, which is the same thing that all the top faces have been doing for 2 years now. Hogan is going after him, but as we all know, that doesn't even happen.

It felt like they were hoping that Lex beating Hart for the US Championship would be the same thing as Lex beating Hogan in 1997, with the main difference being Bret has had the title for 2 weeks and didn't even really have a match to win it. I'm sure Bret is going to win it right back at Thunder. His beef is with Sting, not Lex, but Lex has actually done more in the feud than Sting. The majority of Hollywood matches still end in run in DQs. Now they're getting themselves disqualified just to not have finishes. The finish with the tag match made no sense to me. The finish to Juvi/Jericho was pretty weird, too. Meng letting go of his hold to pose after being shown to NEVER let go was pretty weird. Giant coming out to help Jericho win (which wasn't mentioned again on the show) was pretty weird.

Everything with Kanyon/Raven/Saturn is confusing. Kanyon hates Raven, but hates Saturn, but teams up with Saturn, but fights Saturn, and sometimes helps Raven, but hates Raven more than Saturn, but Saturn hates both of them, but sometimes helps....who fucking knows. I don't get it and it doesn't feel like any of the guys involved really understand it, either.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good luck Stro.

To think this was one of my favorite periods...


Good luck Stro.

To think this was one of my favorite periods...

It held up right up to Goldberg winning the title, and then it felt like they just completely lost track of everything. It took them a month to give Goldberg any kind of angle. He won the title and literally had no angle for a month. The champion. Still can't figure out how Rodman/Malone turned into Leno.
It's almost as if WCW probably knew they should hold back on Hogan vs. Goldberg until Starrcade, but Bischoff's raging boner for celebrity main events was too much to be contained. If you notice, Hogan never even gave a shit that he lost the title to Goldberg.


It held up right up to Goldberg winning the title, and then it felt like they just completely lost track of everything. It took them a month to give Goldberg any kind of angle. He won the title and literally had no angle for a month. The champion. Still can't figure out how Rodman/Malone turned into Leno.

You can tell when they couldn't coast anymore.

They were just throwing anything to the wall to stop the ratings bleeding and WWE catching up on them.

I mean if memory serves me right, this would have been the same time WWE just did King of the Ring with Taker/Mankind Hell in a Cell, the Kane/Austin double title switch, and were leading to Taker/Austin at SummerSlam.

Not to mention the DX/Nation feud which would carry the undercard all summer.

Date Raw Nitro
1998-06-15 4.3 4
1998-06-22 4.3 4.1
1998-06-29 5.4 4.1
1998-07-06 4 4.8
1998-07-13 4.7 4.5
1998-07-20 5 4.7
1998-07-27 4.9 4.7
1998-08-03 4.9 4.2
1998-08-10 4.5 4.6
1998-08-17 4.2 4.9
1998-08-24 4.7 5.2


Would that time in WCW be as terrible if you weren't marathoning it? Dancing Fools vs. PE a couple times over a month seems tolerable, but back to back like that just seems like a chore. Also, that Meng/Goldberg match with the two nWo factions around the ring reminds me of that Bully Ray/Sabin match with A&8s and MEM around the ring.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As much as I love Kurt Angle, I don't remember shit about his WWE run, so Punk beating him for that is no surprise.

The best Kurt Angle reign was the mouth guard psychopath World Heavyweight Champion Kurt when he had that awesome match with Undertaker at No Way Out.


Would that time in WCW be as terrible if you weren't marathoning it? Dancing Fools vs. PE a couple times over a month seems tolerable, but back to back like that just seems like a chore. Also, that Meng/Goldberg match with the two nWo factions around the ring reminds me of that Bully Ray/Sabin match with A&8s and MEM around the ring.

I probably wouldn't notice the inconsistencies as much, but these summer shows aren't very good by any standard. They feel JUST like when Raw started doing the celebrity hosts and then the 3 hour shit last year. Just a bunch of aimless filler. An extra hour of Nitro and then a whole other 2 hour show per week was too much to handle in such a short time. They needed to hire some extra bookers/writers, because it definitely feels like both shows are being booked by people who are spread too thin.
Picked this up off ebay;


Should be a fun read. I've been meaning to read more wrestling autobiographies, anyone got any recommendations?

So far I've read Hansen's, Funk's & Foley's.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Picked this up off ebay;

Should be a fun read. I've been meaning to read more wrestling autobiographies, anyone got any recommendations?

So far I've read Hansen's, Funk's & Foley's.

Batista's is mostly bland, as is Goldust's. I recommend not bothering with those.

Bischoff's Controversy Creates Cash was a good enough read though. I liked that.
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