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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


Dave Meltzer has compiled a list of the biggest draws in WWE history based on gates/ratings the wrestlers drew as main eventers.





5. HHH


7. STEVE AUSTIN (Undertaker and HHH have passed him in recent years since he finished his career in 2003. Had he not retired at the age of 38 due to injuries, as well as missed what probably would have been his biggest drawing year in 1999 with neck surgery, he would have been No. 2 on this list by now. Nobody ever in company history was a bigger drawing card or merchandise seller then he was at his peak.)




People can hate him all they want, but he has been around for a long time and put on a ton of great matches and has been over with crowds since the late 90's. I am semi joking with this list since it's somewhat old and the way he compiled the rankings without figuring in the number of main events for each person skews the results a bit, but to say HHH was never a draw is a bit silly.

How's HBK in this top, didn't the experts say he couldn't draw shit as champion back in the 90's?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He had an extra 8 years to add to his draw total. How is Cena not on the list at all? That seems impossible to me.

I think a bunch of Cena's 'draw' is in merchandising which doesn't have a spot on it. Unless you got that Pedro Morales shirt money


He had an extra 8 years to add to his draw total. How is Cena not on the list at all? That seems impossible to me.

He presided over the years of wrestling most people don't remember because they stopped watching circa 2003-2005? That's my best guess.

But yeah, ouch. Ten years at the top and not even beating out people with runs half that long. That's got to sting.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Just read about the Billy Jack Haynes shoot where he claims that Daniel Benoit was actually Vince's son, and that Chris snapped and committed the murders when he found out.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just read about the Billy Jack Haynes shoot where he claims that Daniel Benoit was actually Vince's son, and that Chris snapped and committed the murders when he found out.


Just read about the Billy Jack Haynes shoot where he claims that Daniel Benoit was actually Vince's son, and that Chris snapped and committed the murders when he found out.


Boy it was in poor taste to have the Vince's illegitimate son angle immediately after Benoit's demise with this revelation brought to light.
Vinny Mac and his twisted humour.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh fuck you both :p

I'd also like to start the rumor that Sunflower is really Groot


The books were so good. Not the current GotG run but the cosmic stuff from the late 2000s. Soooooooooooooo goddamn good.


Boy it was in poor taste to have the Vince's illegitimate son angle immediately after Benoit's demise with this revelation brought to light.
Vinny Mac and his twisted humour.

I don't think it was in poor taste because of it being done right after Benoit went full racist. I don't even see why those two should be connected besides Vince dropped Who Killed Vince for it.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Does Busaiku actually mean anything or is it just Engrish for bicycle?

Busaiku means poorly made or not constructed well basically. In regards to a person, it's a face that doesn't look at that great naturally or has been altered somehow (like a knee to the face or a punch that breaks and shifts the nose). It's not quite calling someone ugly, but it's calling someone "not great looking" or "hit with the ugly stick" depending on how forceful you say it.

Used for any athletes with a lot of physical contact like boxers or people who go through plastic surgery and end up looking worse or "fake plastic, maybe not human" result.
I still haven't gotten around to finishing Raw. The main event sounds wacky, but I'm curious. Is it worth watching?

Also, I don't think I can play GTA 5 anymore........this fucking Amerie song has been stuck in my head for a goddamn week straight now. I just can't take this shit.
I don't think it was in poor taste because of it being done right after Benoit went full racist. I don't even see why those two should be connected besides Vince dropped Who Killed Vince for it.
I'm not quite sure if you got my rip roaring joke based on the totally legit words of Billy Jack Haynes.

No the angle itself was never actually in poor taste, unless you count its poor conclusion that left an awful taste in everyone's mouths.


Wow, WWE had to discount top price tickets to WWE Battleground. Some 5th row tickets are now $95 instead of $300. They had to do this last time they were in Buffalo too. Ignoring Toronto sure is working great for you isn't it Vince?
Busaiku means poorly made or not constructed well basically. In regards to a person, it's a face that doesn't look at that great naturally or has been altered somehow (like a kneeo the face or a punch that breaks and shifts the nose). It's not quite calling someone ugly, but it's calling someone "not great looking" or "hit with the ugly stick" depending on how forceful you say it.

Used for any athletes with a lot of physical contact like boxers or people who go through plastic surgery and end up looking worse or "fake plastic, maybe not human" result.

So he should call it The Unprettier then.
Or just go with the literal translation and have it be The Kinda Crappy Knee

But apparently they actually said Busaiku? I know they did on the website...so I guess that's the name?

Also KENTA should get royalties from WWE at this point. At least he stole the Lebell Lock back for Japan


Dave Meltzer has compiled a list of the biggest draws in WWE history based on gates/ratings the wrestlers drew as main eventers.





5. HHH


7. STEVE AUSTIN (Undertaker and HHH have passed him in recent years since he finished his career in 2003. Had he not retired at the age of 38 due to injuries, as well as missed what probably would have been his biggest drawing year in 1999 with neck surgery, he would have been No. 2 on this list by now. Nobody ever in company history was a bigger drawing card or merchandise seller then he was at his peak.)




People can hate him all they want, but he has been around for a long time and put on a ton of great matches and has been over with crowds since the late 90's. I am semi joking with this list since it's somewhat old and the way he compiled the rankings without figuring in the number of main events for each person skews the results a bit, but to say HHH was never a draw is a bit silly.

Wow, how the hell isn't Cena on there at all? What does that say about the product post Attitude era?

Too bad about Austin. Crazy that he'd even jump Hogan if he didn't retire early.

Wow, WWE had to discount top price tickets to WWE Battleground. Some 5th row tickets are now $95 instead of $300. They had to do this last time they were in Buffalo too. Ignoring Toronto sure is working great for you isn't it Vince?

Seriously. Did we not sell out Raw this month?


Wow, how the hell isn't Cena on there at all? What does that say about the product post Attitude era?

Too bad about Austin. Crazy that he'd even jump Hogan if he didn't retire early.

Seriously. Did we not sell out Raw this month?

There were a couple of rows at the back of the top level that had covers over them, but that could have been on purpose due to sightlines with the staging and lights etc.



WCW Monday Nitro 1/18/99

David Flair was brutalized by Hulk Hogan. Goldberg won a ladder match. Van Hammer and Mike Enos got PPV pay days.

EARLIER TODAY. The Horsemen were going crazy about Hogan. Ric Flair is literally going to kill Hogan tonight. He should just send Benoit.

TO THE LIMO. We're inside the Wolfpac limo. As soon as Hogan stepped out, the Horsemen attacked and busted out windows. They drove off. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!

TO THE MEAN GENE. Ric comes right to the ring. Gene follows him. At Superbrawl, Hogan will wrestle Flair's ass for the title! ABUSE OF POWER! ABUSE OF POWER! He wants to be the man that kills Hulk Hogan dead. I hate that phrase. It's so redundant. He wants Bischoff in the ring right now. Flair books them in another match tonight. Bischoff says it isn't in his contract to have to wrestle. Flair then offers to shave his head if he loses. Bischoff still said no. Flair then offers control of WCW. David walks out pissed and says he'll be the one to fight Bischoff. Ric then says if David wins, they'll shave Bischoff's head and his ass.


Chris Jericho vs Booker T.

This is based on Jericho interrupting a WCW.com interview Booker was conducting during the PPV. A lot of stalling from Jericho. Spin kick from Booker. Slingshot and back suplex. Booker rips his dick trying a Harlem side kick and falls to the floor. Jericho comes out with a big springboard dive. Front suplex on the floor. Booker's corner roll up only gets a 2 count. Back to the floor. Jericho does heel stuff like a heel. Booker comes back with a big flying lariatoo. Ax kick. Spinebuster! 2 count! Flapjack Norton from Jericho. Spinarooni! Harlem side kick. Missile dropkick. Booker wins!


TO THE MEAN GENE. JoJo is back to being a guest again. That fat cunt. He suspends Scott Dickinson for 30 days. He wants Goldberg vs Bam Bam vs Hall tonight. He confirms David vs Bischoff.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene conducted a special interview with Rey Mysterio. Rey has Brown Pride and didn't feel like it was his time to remove the LWO colors. Gene asks if the mask still matters as much to Rey. Of course it does. Fucking Gene. He challenges Lex.

David Flair vs Eric Bischoff Hair vs Hair/Control of WCW

I figured this would be the main event or something. David's second ever match and it is against another non-wrestler. Bischoff throws some truly bad strikes. David similarly hits the worst wrestling punch of all time, which knocked Bischoff out. David wins! David reveals he had a roll of quarters in his hand for the punch. Bischoff's head is shaved. Half of it, at least. And it was all gray hair, so now he looks like a skunk. Tony made the same sounds Eric made during the Wolfpac reuniting. We found out that Randy Anderson was actually the one to slip the roll of quarters to David.


TO THE BACK. Jericho gets JoJo to enforce the dress stipulation against Saturn.

Konnan comes to the ring and talks about breaking the prototype of being a star and then about crying with the Wolfpac when his baby boy died. Konnan had a son that died? Basically, he's going to murder all the Wolfpac members. A lot of murder going around on this show.

Faces of Fear vs Mike Enos/Bobby Duncum Jr.

I'll assume this is part of the tag tournament. There still have been no brackets or announcements of which matches are part of the tournament. Tenay says it is part of the tournament. Was the Thunder match not part of the tournament? Enos powerslams Barb. Spike piledriver. Meng kicks Bobby, who falls on Barb. 2 count. Ugly side slam from Barb. Double diving headbutts. Meng attempts a backslide. It breaks down. The match should be thrown out since all four men were in the ring for a solid minute and a half. Piledriver on Enos. The Wolfpac Limo finally returns. The B Team tells Hogan what happened to Bischoff. The come to the ring and ruin this match for the second time. "This is the Armageddon for the WCW." Hogan accepts Flair's challenge for Superbrawl. Somebody is gonna die. More death and murder.


Disco Inferno vs Wrath

Disco now wears a Wolfpac shirt, has red and black pants, and has nWo drops over his theme. Wrath dominates until Scott Hall comes out. He doesn't do anything, but it inspires Disco to get some offense in. Hall comes in and tries to use the stun gun. Wrath knocks him out of the ring, but he turns around into the Chart Buster. Disco wins! Fucking lol. Disco beat Wrath pretty much clean. There goes Wrath's push. Losing clean to Bam Bam and then Disco the next night.

Scott Steiner interrupts the Nitro Girls. Kim gets the girls away from him.

Scott Steiner vs Saturn

Steiner doesn't even bring the TV Championship with him. Buff is weird nWo matador hat and mask. Saturn's dress is so ugly. Steiner pulls out the steers and queers line again. Saturn knocks Scott to the floor. Scott hits the spinning belly to belly. Scott takes a Michigan hat from a fan and never gives it back. Saturn wipes him out with a superkick. Dropkick sends Scott to the floor. He follows it up with a pescado. Superfly Splash in the ring. Buff pulls Scott out of the DVD. Belly to belly. Steiner Recliner for the win.


Lex and Nash is the first to speak on this: OIL OF OLAY! The problem they have with Konnan is that he has no heart or endurance. Lex and Kevin Nash talking to a guy about a lack of in ring endurance? They will beat the shit out of Rey unless they give them his mask.

TO THE BACK. Steiner went into the Nitro Girls' locker room. Security escorts him out. He's going to fuck all of them.

Psychosis vs Juventud Guerrera

Hypno with Shake, Rattle, and Roll right at the start. Juvi comes back with a run up victory roll. We'll be right back! Hypno is hitting a spinebuster when we come back. He misses a whisper in the wind. Wheelbarrow bulldog. Juvi gets crotched trying for a super rana. No more Juvi Juice. Dive from Hypno. Reverse suplex. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB JUVI. Top rope sit out gourdbuster. Guillotine leg drop. Hypno wins.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Lex Luger

Lex gives Rey one last chance to give up the mask. He doesn't take it. Even Rey can't get something good out of Lex. Nash comes out after Rey gets some offense. Nash interferes when it looks like Rey might win. Rey fights back, but gets powerbombed. Torture Rack. Where is Konnan to help his bro? Oh, he comes out after they already beat Rey up. Nash has been at ringside for a few minutes. Why didn't Konnan come out right then?

Highlights of the ground breaking ceremony for the Nitro Grill.

TO THE BACK. Steiner is still trying to convince Kim that she wants to fuck him.

Scott Hall vs Goldberg vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

Disco comes out with Hall. What does it say for the B Team members that Disco was instantly promoted to the A Team? Bam Bam and Goldberg double team Hall. I find it had to believe that Bam Bam is on the level of these guys when he had a 10 minute competitive match with Scott Putski on Thunder. Bill kicks Bammer right in the mouth and now Goldberg is getting double teamed. Double spear! Jackhammer on Hall. The B Team hits the ring and the match is thrown out. Goldberg fights them all off. The Wolfpac make it out. Out come the Horsemen. The Wolfpac bail out and leave the B Team to get an ass kicking. Flair chases the Wolfpac limo and WE'RE OUTTA TIME.


DQ Count: 3 out of 8 matches

Disco pinning Wrath was great. Another Flair/Hogan title match being set up isn't. Show ending in a big brawl isn't. No Norman isn't. Rey, Juvi, and Hypnosis being on the show but the guy who beat all of them not is weird.
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