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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business



God damn that belt looks awesome. Just looks like a fucking championship! Something you wear to make everyone know you are the best in the world, not a fucking toy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'd really like to make a bunch of transparent wrasslin smileys to use. Does this already exist? Besides a couple Vince ones.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks boots. Will be incorporating these into my posts from now on.

For Strobogo
I can't let black smileys have all the fun ;(


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Plus, don't forget this already-existing gem, Boots:


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Still need to do some cleanup, or nobody notices the edges?



Ehhh I am not satisfied :/
The classic belts photoshoot is pretty cool.

It reminded my they really need to do something about the diva's belt..... not calling it the diva's belt for starters.
Trying a new local fed tomorrow, GPW In Wigan

It looks a small set up but should be fun enough then PCW in 3 weeks featuring Elgin, Ultimo Dragon, Davey Richards and Elijah Burke

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Trying a new local fed tomorrow, GPW In Wigan

It looks a small set up but should be fun enough then PCW in 3 weeks featuring Elgin, Ultimo Dragon, Davey Richards and Elijah Burke

Sometimes those little feds are the most fun. Have a good time!

PCW's gonna be hype because Bootaaay is there. Bring him an American football and he'll go heel mode!
Lol, I won't be at PCW. Too far into the northern wilds of England, for my liking :p

Although, I am uper jealous of all the US indy talent they bring in.

I've got PROGRESS this Sunday (in the glorious heart of London), though. Rampage Brown vs Doug Williams for the PROGRESS Nazi Staff, Ricochet vs Zack Sabre Jr vs Mark Haskins, Jimmy Havoc vs Dave Mastiff, should be fun.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Lol, I won't be at PCW. Too far into the northern wilds of England, for my liking :p

I've got PROGRESS this Sunday (in the glorious heart of London), though. Rampage Brown vs Doug Williams for the PROGRESS Nazi Staff, Ricochet vs Zack Sabre Jr vs Mark Haskins, Jimmy Havoc vs Dave Mastiff, should be fun.

Gonna get a Mastiff autograph? Or a taint-print? I know you love that Mastiff man!


The Fuck?


Announced card for Toronto:

Announced card for Richmond:

So Either Ziggler and Del Rio are clones, or WWE has beaming technology.


Sandow, with the robe and the WWF title, seriously looks like a legit 1980s WWF star.

I would love it if he cashed in and brought back a rotation of classic titles (bonus points if they were unified into the big gold belt) for every appearance as champion, which would give him license to wax intellectual about history and prestige.


So not worth it
The Fuck?


Announced card for Toronto:

Announced card for Richmond:

So Either Ziggler and Del Rio are clones, or WWE has beaming technology.[/QUOTE]

They do this all the time, check a few weeks before, that's when the list is more accurate.



WCW Monday Nitro 1/25/99

The show starts with a recap of VINCE taking over the B Team and being recorded by the Wolfpac.

EARLIER TODAY. Hennig and Stevie were talking. Curt seems to have mostly quit the nWo. Stevie lets the B Team know that he's going to confront Hogan tonight.

. Bischoff is forced to sell t-shirts.

. Stevie is about to confront Hogan.

Al Green vs Disco Inferno

Disco is DA MAN. His streak is as long as Goldberg's. Al Green is so bad. Disco is OVER tonight. I think a US run would have been totally deserved for him. I kind of wish he would have gone through punk, new wave, and grunge phases. Chart Buster for the easy win. The streak continues!


TO THE AIRPORT WHICH WAS EARLIER TODAY. Stevie and the rest of the group are about to confront Hogan. Hennig and Stevie are really upset about all this shit. The rest of the guys want to tow the line. The Wolfpac get off their plane. Stevie confronts Hogan...but actually throws everyone else under the bus. SWERVE! Hennig gets a beat down. The Wolfpac get a limo. The B Team get to ride in Ford Toruses.

TO THE BACK. This might have been earlier today, I don't know, but the Wolfpac are walking around the back. The whole group heads into the locker room. They're proud of VINCE. They want Stevie to change his nice shirt off and put on the nWo shirt. During this, Bam Bam came to the ring with a ladder.

Bam Bam spits out that he came to WCW to get rid of Goldberg, but some dick head with a stun gun has been ruining shit like a cockface. He references ECW and challenges Hall to a ladder match. We have a split screen of the nWo responding. Something about Bam Bam didn't call Hall out in New York.

TO THE BACK. Bischoff is cheating people out of money and Dillinger has to get things in order.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Flair is probably going to talk about asses and murder again. He's got a few announcements. Bret will defend his title at Superbrawl and will face Booker T tonight. There will be another match in the tag tournament, and it will be a lumberjack to keep the nWo out. Finally, Hogan/2 nWo members will face Flair/Benoit/Mongo tonight. Scott Dickinson was shown sitting in the crowd.

Scott Hall vs Bam Bam Big Yellow Ladder Stun Gun Match

Disco is out with Hall. Bam Bam shoves Hall around at the start. Hall fights back and does a super bulldog. Disco is ejected after interfering. The ladder is used by both men on the floor. Teeter totter spot that the camera mostly misses the impact on. WCW's ladders always looked so cheap and shitty. Hall does HBK ladder spots. They didn't look as good. Bam Bam drops a headbutt from half way up the ladder. It wasn't even as high as the top rope. Elbow off the ladder. Hall has a purple Razor elbow pad on that is showing. Hall climbs up. Bam Bam does a belly to back suplex from half way up. Hall dropkicks the ladder while Bam Bam is getting close to the tazer. Bam Bam gets the tazer. Disco makes it back out and givs Hall another one. Goldberg comes out and spears everyone. He tazes both of them. Norton ambushes him and drags Hall away.



TO THE MEAN GENE. In the back, Gene talked with Bret Hart. Bret has always been a jam up guy. WHO IS BOOKER T? He's a LOSER! His life and career are on the line tonight. You know who deserves a shot at Bret Hart? El Dandy. He's a jam up guy! WHO ARE YOU TO DOUBT EL DANDY? What about Hypnosis?


Faces of Fear vs Fit Finlay/Dave Taylor Lumberjack Match

This tournament is now double elimination. Twice the losers! Finlay starts the match by knocking the shit out of Barb. Meng gets tagged in and goes on offense. I wouldn't be surprised at all for the MEGA nWo to come out and ruin all of these jobbers. Dave Taylor hits the old school head scissors and then he and Meng trade shots. Double headbutt. You'd expect this to be an awesome and stiff match, but nothing is really going on. Faces of Fear won after a back body drop into a powerbomb. The lumberjack gimmick had no effect on the match. No one got beat up on the floor, no one tried to run away, no nWo members came out.


Norman Smiley vs Saturn

We got a short shot of the security guarding the locker room of the Nitro Girls. Elix Skipper, Mark Jindrak, and Tommy Rogers were among the the guards. Double under hook belly to belly from Saturn. Norman comes back with a back suplex and kitchen sink. Weird and long criss cross type spot that ends in a Norman powerslam. Smiley Slam! Butterfly suplex. Stalling suplex. Norman is on a roll. Norman gives Saturn a bit of that Wiggle. Saturn didn't like it. He hits a diving knee drop and does a Wiggle of his own. DVD for the win. Scott Dickinson was staring off in the front row. Mean Gene came out to talk to him. He bitches about wrestlers always hurting refs, but refs get suspended the second they fight back. JoJo is just trying to get over with day boys in da back. He runs off.



Bret Hart vs Booker T.

I believe it has been over a month since Bret had a match. Closer to 2. Booker goes right in with kicks. Bret bails to the floor and stalls. Booker wins a test of strength, but Bret plans him with a DDT. Bret stays in charge for a few minutes with all kinds of dick head heel moves. Booker comes back with a spin kick, but Bret cuts him off with an eye poke and Russian leg sweep. Time to work over the leg. Figure four. Booker reverses it as we go to break. When we come back, Bischoff is selling merch in the crowd and no result was given to the match. I don't know if this happened for real or if there was weird editing for the tape. Research shows that Bret won by hitting Booker in the face with the title while the ref was distracted.


Goldberg vs Scott Norton

Norton throws some chops at Goldberg. Bill just picks him up and throws him, then locks on a cross arm breaker. Huge powerslam. Norton comes right back with a powerslam of his own. Spinning kick sends Norton to the floor. Goldberg jumps off the apron, but is caught and thrown into the apron. Norton be a clubberin! He gets rammed into the ring post and they brawl outside for a bit. Miscommunications lead to the guys stiffing each other and almost taking out a camera man. Norton comes off the top with a shoulder block. Big back suplex. Goldberg gets out of the powerbomb. Spear! Jackhammer. Goldberg wins. This was a clubberin fight. Goldberg is so much better when he isn't having 30 second matches. And he hasn't had any of those since Starrcade. The B Team runs out and are promptly dispatched. Herschel Walker, Bret Hull, Chuck Norris, and JCVD come in the ring to celebrate with Goldberg.


Scott Steiner came to the announce table to watch the Nitro Girls dance.

Ric Flair/Steve McMichael/Chris Benoit vs Hollywood Hogan/Kevin Nash/Scott Steiner

There is a ton of time left, so I expect there to be a big angle to end the show. Scott Steiner again comes out without the TV Championship and isn't even announced as champion. Remember when the nWo cornered Kim over the Summer and DDP said that Kim wouldn't be at shows that he wasn't at? Why would he not do that again while Scott Steiner is stalking his wife on national TV? Hogan rambles about kissing Flair off and hunting people. Flair dives right in the ring and gets stomped down. Big brawl on the floor. Hogan and Flair get in the ring. Nash ambushes him. Now they're all in the ring. Now just Flair. Now just the nWo. It finally starts with Benoit and Steiner. The announcers shit all over Alex Wright for asking to be booked and then no showing. Press slam from Steiner. Snot rockets! How is Benoit going to wrestle with no minorities to beat up and fuel his racism? Nash and Benoit match up. Mongo slams Nash. Diving headbutt. Ax Bombaaa to Benoit. Spinning belly to belly. It breaks down again. Weight belt on Benoit. They continue to work over Benoit, who has been in the ring for about 90% of the match. Hot tag to Flair. Bischoff sells Nash a foam finger with a pipe or board in it. He hits Flair with it and the match is thrown out. Bischoff has clippers. The rest of the MEGA nWo come out, but the whole mid card comes out to save Flair. Goldberg shows up on the ramp and fights everyone off. WE'RE OUTTA TIME!


DQ Count: 2 out of 7 matches

I can't believe WCW had a 20 minute main event on Nitro AND had WCW actually run the nWo off. Say what you want about Nash's booking, but this month so far has been MUCH more enjoyable the the last 3-4 months of 1998. I know it falls of a cliff over the Summer with the absolute worst few months of WCW ever, but it is enjoyable right now.

This was such a pain in the ass to upload since Minus is having trouble with multiple uploads, so I have to load every gif individually, let it get to 100%, then refresh for it to actually show up, then start on the next one. And Squarespace isn't letting me just copy images and drop them over any more for some reason, so I have to about a minute getting each one to load through them, then drag it around to where I want it.
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