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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


What would Cena be doing if he wasn't injured? Would the corporation story even be happening?

The Daniel Bryan angle was way too hot for HHH not to come in steal it.

Cena would still be wrestling for the WWE title every month and the HHH-Bryan angle would be the other main event feud.

Although it that would have had the hilariousness of Cena becoming CM Punk. Having the WWE title and constantly being bumped from the main event by HHH.
The amount of Cena praise in the earlier discussion makes me sick.

He's a bum. I refuse to be swayed from this opinion. Terrible promos, terrible technique, terrible terribleness. I don't care how many times he's carried to good matches by better opponents, he'll forever be a bum. The real Cena got replaced in 2005 by an army of android clones that never received the Personality & Technique firmware update.

preach, brother.
The amount of Cena praise in the earlier discussion makes me sick.

He's a bum. I refuse to be swayed from this opinion. Terrible promos, terrible technique, terrible terribleness. I don't care how many times he's carried to good matches by better opponents, he'll forever be a bum. The real Cena got replaced in 2005 by an army of android clones that never received the Personality & Technique firmware update.

The worst thing is that someone praised Cena selling.

You could argue hes promo abilities and hes wrestling skill, but hes selling?


I like Cena's patented "I'm dead on the outside for a 9 count...OH WAIT NOW I HAVE LIFE! ILL GET UP REALLY QUICKLY AND JUMP IN THE RING....im dead again..."

It's that champion spirit!


I like Cena's patented "I'm dead on the outside for a 9 count...OH WAIT NOW I HAVE LIFE! ILL GET UP REALLY QUICKLY AND JUMP IN THE RING....im dead again..."

It's that champion spirit!

That's actually one of the better regular spots he does....he just over-uses it. I'm surprised some heel hasn't gone out at the first sign of life at 6 or 7 and started beating him again before he hopped in the ring.
I like Cena's patented "I'm dead on the outside for a 9 count...OH WAIT NOW I HAVE LIFE! ILL GET UP REALLY QUICKLY AND JUMP IN THE RING....im dead again..."

It's that champion spirit!

If you weren't the longest tenured member of WrassleGaf, I'd be shitting all over you and your opinions right now.

But I know better and know not to disrespect the veterans. You know, like John Cena.
Cena as a performer has gotten steadily worse over the years. His promos are stale, his wrestling is sloppy, and worst of all, he constantly treats opponents as jokes - how are the fans supposed to believe someone could go over cena if cena himself acts like there's no chance in hell?

The only saving grace is it looks like his main event years are drawing to a close.


I just don't think it's right, that's all.

I thought we had freedom of speech in this country?

It's not about this country, it's about this thread. It's about what's best for this thread, and sometimes I just don't think you know what's best for this thread.
Love him or hate him the controversial DMczaf is here day in and day out for the WrasslinGAF universe.

*mild pop*

Anyway, when Cena comes back next year, I'm still betting on Cena/Undertaker for WM. That seems like like the last marquee match-up for the guy.
It's not about this country, it's about this thread. It's about what's best for this thread, and sometimes I just don't think you know what's best for this thread.

You're lucky you've been posting about wrestling here for damn near a decade. I hate when people role-play and use gimmicks when they post instead of treating the thread topic with the seriousness it deserves.

I'd have no qualms about snitching on your arse if you'd joined the thread after I did, but that's not the case so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut like I'm supposed to.
Anyway, when Cena comes back next year, I'm still betting on Cena/Undertaker for WM. That seems like like the last marquee match-up for the guy.

My heart wouldn't be able to stand that man

The Undertaker/HBK series was bad enough with all the hot false finishes, but at least there while I wanted hbk to win I didn't mind if taker did.

If they did taker/cena my heart would jump out of my mouth and hail a cab every time cena lifted taker for an fu
No qualms with snitching?

That says everything about your character right there. You have none.

I stepped up and did what had to be done for the betterment of this thread.

I had the thread title switched.

I had G-fex banned to send a message to all of you that no one is immune.

I had SoulPlaya banned for spamming Kane's private family photos to preserve Kayfabe.

I even had you banned for posting erotic fanfiction, even though I'm just a newb. Thought you would've learned your lesson by now.

The thread is what it is today thanks to my snitching and I'll do it again in a heartbeat.
I think someone should snitch on Bean Breath for his shameless and offensive pandering to the Latino crowd.

Do it, if you can.


Step aside Aiii Spindashing, there's a new king of AJ marks in town:

Match of the night had to be the Laughter7 tag I assume? Card looks really solid, and the Main Event would probably be fun given how long it went, can't wait to watch it.

You'd assume correctly, Laughter7 vs Stack of Arms and the subsequent angle that kicked off afterwards were freaking awesome, I really enjoyed Sekimoto & Okabayashi vs Hayashi & Kondo and the Junior Stars vs Fujita & Mochizuki tag matches as well. KAI vs Sanada wasn't bad, but I really don't like Sanada.

Also, KAI's chest is still fucked up from where Go Shiozaki split it open with a chop in the Champion Carnival. Five months ago. Never seen someone get so messed up from chops.
You'd assume correctly, Laughter7 vs Stack of Arms and the subsequent angle that kicked off afterwards were freaking awesome, I really enjoyed Sekimoto & Okabayashi vs Hayashi & Kondo and the Junior Stars vs Fujita & Mochizuki tag matches as well. KAI vs Sanada wasn't bad, but I really don't like Sanada.

Also, KAI's chest is still fucked up from where Go Shiozaki split it open with a chop in the Champion Carnival. Five months ago. Never seen someone get so messed up from chops.

Just to tell you how behind I am in All Japan, I haven't even seen any of the Champion's Carnival yet, and I know it produced some decent matches.

The card actually ended up looking really solid, definitely will check it out when it becomes available
Even DMczaf only gets mild pops these days. Beef the only big draw left in WrasslinGAF?

Time to bring KOG out of retirement to boost thread views
Promos like the one I just made are how you get over in This Business.™

To quote Net_Wrecker™: if you can't stand the heat, then make like a tree and get out of here.
Is Angle the biggest train wreck, personally, since Scott Hall?

He should go to DDP's halfway house.

It was really something when he got fired in 2006, because that means he must've been REALLY fucked up. We're talking about the same company that thought to give Jeff Hardy a million chances and defended Eddie Guerrero's various pushes despite the detractors("What's the worst that can happen? His heart explode from years of steroid abuse and painkillers?"). I wish he went the JBL route and just did color commentator, he'd be miles better than fuckin' Jerry Lawler.


WCW Thunder 10/8/98

From Indy! I was at this show as a youngster. It was one of only two WCW shows I ever went to. The other one was a house show at Ball State. What I remember most about it were Booker and Stevie being fucking hilarious. Tenay is at a bar about 40 minutes away and will talk with Scott Hall. Stevie Ray vs Lex Luger is the main event. Jericho has challenged Goldberg. More manacle laughing. MSA wouldn't last a whole lot longer. The Pacers moved to Conseco in the next season. I miss that place, even though it was a shithole. Conseco is so much better.

Hall is in a bar outside of Indy. It's on South and Meridian, which definitely isn't 30 minutes away from Market Square Arena. He drunkenly calls for Nash to meet him there.

TO THE BACK. Nash's limo flies out of the parking lot. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!!?


Man. I don't remember being a huge Kanyon mark as a kid, but I know I did hate Prince even back then. I hope Kanyon reinjures him. Hanging neckbreaker. The tape quality is really rough, but since it is Thunder, there probably won't be many gifs anyway. Skullfuck. Spinning fisherman suplex. Fireman Carry Flapjack Norton. This is basically just a showcase for Kanyon moves. Prince hits a dragon screw. Flatliner for the mostly easy win.

TO THE BACK. Jericho pounds away on a dressing room door, yelling for Goldberg. When he opens the door, he finds it isn't even Goldberg's dressing room.

Replay of Scott Steiner's promo from Nitro.

Buff and Steiner come to the ring. Each guy has a mic. Buff says the Steiner rematch isn't happening at Halloween Havoc because Scott is out of shape. Scott says he has a problem with Buff's mom. They get into it over Buff's mom. "You touch me again, and I'll slap you like I shoulda done your mother!" Lol. Buff walks away from Scott. Scott says Buff needs the nWo more than they need him.

Meng vs Jerry Flynn

Meng no sells everything. Now that I think about it, Meng wasn't actually a good wrestler at all. His entire career from 1994 on was "No sell everything, apply Tongan Deathgrip directly to the forehead". Which is exactly what he does here.

TO THE BACK. Jericho and Ralphus are waiting in the parking lot for Goldberg.

Chris Adams vs Wrath

Meng is still in the ring when Adams comes out. Deathgrip on Adams. I assume the match was supposed to be with Wrath since he came out as well. He and Meng start brawling.

TO THE BACK. The Horsemen arrive. Security and police won't let them in the building due to a restraining order. This is actually what I remember most about this show. I was pissed about the Horsemen not being allowed to come in. Dean was actually the only one not given a restraining order, but he left with the group.

El Dandy vs Tokyo Mangnum

I thought Magnum was back to Japan, but I guess not. As a kid, I doubted El Dandy. Who was I to do such a thing? Tony basically calls Dandy a fat fuck. Nice belly to belly from Magnum. More maniacal laughing. Lol, Tony is getting so pissed with these. Scott Norton comes out and lays both guys out. He had the IWGP Championship with him. After the break, Eddie comes out and is saying that Bischoff Sent Norton out. He wants El Dandy to join the LWO. Magnum wants in. Eddie won't let him. El Dandy has joined the LWO!

Scott Putski vs Saturn

Mark Curtis would be undergoing surgery this week. They didn't actually say what it was for, leaving it just at "ailments". Hopefully Saturn does something cool. He hits a superkick early on. Putski recovers and sends Saturn to the floor. "Snap" suplex that had zero snap. I feel like Scott Putski belongs in the same group as Ted DiBiase Jr. as second generation stars who sucked and went nowhere. Explodaah. Putski kicks out of the Superfly Splash. Falcon Arrow and DVD for the win. I guess I'll gif the splash just because the show is 2/3rd over with nothing to show for it.


Disciple vs Whoreass

Beefcake says he made a name for himself a long time ago and didn't need Hogan's help. I don't think he ever would have been hired by the WWF if he wasn't BFFs with Hogan in the first place. He says a lot of people have jobs in WCW because of Hogan, including his mutant headed nephew, Horace Boulder. He calls Horace out and we've got a match. Horace is now in a singlet. I'm sure this was and probably still is a dream match somewhere in Japan. Beefcake wins with the Apocalypse. His version that he's doing now looks like the McMahon Stunner from the Smackdown games. Whoreass attacked after the match. I'm pretty sure Beefcake now comes out to a generic NIN rip off.

. Chris Jericho comes out with Ralphus. Tony says that Goldberg isn't in the building and Jericho isn't fooling anyone. GREENBERG! Jericho makes Tony introduce Goldberg. Goldberg's music hits. Jericho makes Nick Patrick count to 10. Jericho is now 3-0 against Goldberg!

Recap of the Sting/Bret brawl from Nitro.

. Bret Hart is the guest. Sting is such a dummy. Bret told Sting for months not to listen to the fans. If he had listened to the fans, he wouldn't have trusted Bret. Wait. So by not listening to the fans, he ended up getting himself into this situation by listening to them? Bret challenges Sting to a match at Halloween Havoc.

Dean Malenko comes to the ring in his wrestling gear. He grabs a chair, sits in the ring, and he isn't leaving until he gets a match. Bischoff comes out. He brings Barbarian and Jimmy Hart out to face Dean. He'll double Barb's salary to hurt Dean.

Dean Malenko vs The Barbarian

Bischoff joins commentary. This was all a set up. Barb goes to town in the opening minutes. Things turn around when he tried to put Dean on the ropes for a superplex. Dean shoves him off and hits a missile dropkick. A dropkick to the knee. Texas Cloverleaf. Barb taps out! Bischoff throws a fit at the booth.


Raven vs DDP

More laughing as Raven came out. Raven talks about being 8 and his parents telling him he's just a a cinder in the ashes of the damned. He goes on to bitch about DDP getting the big fancy house, the centerfold wife, wrestling with Malone/Leno/Rodman. This was unscheduled. I'm okay with it. DDP's arms are basically taped all the way to his shoulders. Kanyon Cutter is spun around into a dick kick. Raven hits a suplex and settles into a chin lock. It goes to the floor. Drop toe hold on the chair. Lodi hops up on the apron. Raven gets bumped into him. Lariatooo. Terrible belly to belly. Raven comes back with a drop toe hold into the corner. Kanyon Cutter. BANG! DDP wins.


Lex Luger vs Stevie Ray

This got a Buffer intro. Why? We get a note that says one of Hollywood's biggest stars will be at Nitro. Minus 8 stars. Hall ran out and prevented Lex for getting Stevie up in the torture rack. Konnan ran in after Lex was hit with the slapjack, but got stopped.

The months worth of Raw tapings I went to at Ball State were way better. I got to see Owen at least 6 times that night.
If he was so terrible a worker, then he wouldn't have been able to have that many good matches. The truth is, Cena is a good to great worker who gets shit on by the IWC because of his character. He's had fantastic brawls, good back 'n' forth 'epic' matches, and great gimmick matches.

You think the position he's being booked had nothing to do with it? You think having those type of matches against joe schmoe in WWE Superstars would change your perception?

Fact is booking has a pretty big affect on how people view what a "four star" match is and what isn't. He works the same stale WWE main event style that any graduate of OVW/FCW/NXT can do just as well but because he gets the most tv time prior to his matches than anyone people think he's some great worker when in reality he's not.

Hot crowd + 20 minute match + same stale main event style (big move/finisher 1,2, he kicks out!!!) = 4 star match. The WWE has got it down pat for a while now but you're giving way too much credit here that's not deserved.


So not worth it
Cena is capable of good matches and promos, which makes it all the more enraging he half asses his way through most bouts and cuts the exact same promos 99 out of a hundred times,

What pisses me off most about Cena? When he loses a title match, he comes out the next night all smiles and joy. Each and every time. He gives two shits about the belt, so why should I care about a wrestler that has no interest in having the top title? He sure doesn't.

Just look at the Raw after SS, Cena lost the belt, but did he care? Nope. bryan came out and didn't do a single yes as he came out. Why? Because he was pissed he lost the belt. That's what a real person would do if he lost an important title. Cena isn't a person though. He's more like a remote controller doll with no emotion and a drawn on smiley face. It's enraging.
Babies like Daniel Bryan throw tantrums and get mad when they lose their belt.

Grown-ups like John Cena know that he'll have another chance, he just has to show some patience.


So not worth it
Babies like Daniel Bryan throw tantrums and get mad when they lose their belt.

Grown-ups like John Cena know that he'll have another chance, he just has to show some patience.

Every wrestler but Cena and his red headed clone Sheamus are not all smiles after losing their title, it's supposed to be a big deal. Have some range of emotion in your persona at least.
Every wrestler but Cena and his red headed clone Sheamus are not all smiles after losing their title, it's supposed to be a big deal. Have some range of emotion in your persona at least.

He should've stared dead at the camera and given us another great like this.

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