As Punk said last week, the Big Gold Belt at best makes you 2nd best.
Not like Punk could have been speaking from experience or anything. Dude was treated like dogshit in his WHC runs.
As Punk said last week, the Big Gold Belt at best makes you 2nd best.
The WWE Championship is the champion of WWE, but the World Heavyweight Championship is the champion of the world. I don't get it.
Unpopular opinion time:
I don't think Owen Hart should have been world champion. He was upper midcard level at his best. I'm sorry, because I know you all will crucify me for saying this, but I think by the time he started the Blue Blazer gimmick again until his death, well, that was on the downward trend of his career. Even the nugget stuff.
Bulldog, Perfect, Bam Bam, Jesse Ventura, Hardcore Holly? (Are we talking deserve as in was super over/hated or worked super hard for the company)All this Jake Roberts talk.
In retrospect, which WWF (WWF wrestlers only!) deserved a world title win the most, in retrospect? Was it Jake? Was it Perfect? Or was it someone else?
Such bullshit too. I mean I can only blame the WWE for that mindset but the World Heavyweight Championship has always been prettier and more prestigious to me. :/
Bulldog, Perfect, Bam Bam, Jesse Ventura, Hardcore Holly? (Are we talking deserve as in was super over/hated or worked super hard for the company)
If we are just talking would've been great then Shinzaki Kensuke (Hakushi) (Yes seriously)
I think in the mid-90's he could've credibly been in the Main Event/WWF Title scene. Like 94-96 would've been perfect for him.
Well they should call it the WWE Universe Championship the damn chumps.
Also I made a video but it's not about wrestling, it's about Sleeping Dogs!
His WM match with Bret was awesome. IMO he did all them gimmick characters just to get out of Bret's shadow. It was prob hard being a bro to a legend. Cody is trying his best for a while to being his own thang instead of being Dusty's kid.
Bulldog, Perfect, Bam Bam, Jesse Ventura, Hardcore Holly? (Are we talking deserve as in was super over/hated or worked super hard for the company)
If we are just talking would've been great then Shinzaki Kensuke (Hakushi) (Yes seriously)
All this Jake Roberts talk.
In retrospect, which WWF (WWF wrestlers only!) deserved a world title win the most, in retrospect? Was it Jake? Was it Perfect? Or was it someone else?
Wtf is with your avatar Heavy is with your avatar Heavy
Wtf is with your avatar Heavy
I will be tweeting this video because it IS good.
Bulldog, Perfect, Bam Bam, Jesse Ventura, Hardcore Holly? (Are we talking deserve as in was super over/hated or worked super hard for the company)
If we are just talking would've been great then Shinzaki Kensuke (Hakushi) (Yes seriously)
Which I'd funny because the big gold belt was the main untill 2006
Laser! Check your PMs. I'm sittin' on that post.
Real talk: I'd put the NXT title above the US Title.
Bulldog, Perfect, Bam Bam, Jesse Ventura, Hardcore Holly? (Are we talking deserve as in was super over/hated or worked super hard for the company)
If we are just talking would've been great then Shinzaki Kensuke (Hakushi) (Yes seriously)
Sunflower you are awesome.
Why is it called a DDT?
I would say that Ted DiBiase deserved it the most. Henning deserved to win a world title too, but at least he got his hands on the Intercontinental Title, back when it was important. The Million Dollar Championship was novel, but IMO DiBiase shouldn't have been limited to only that during his tenure in the WWF. Likewise, Roberts should have had more gold than a short stint with a stolen Million Dollar Championship, although he had title reigns in other federations.
This is the correct answer. Ted DiBiase is one of the greatest heels in history, they should have given him the belt. His segment with the little kid dribbling the basketball alone is one of the greatest dick moves in wrestling history. for whoever is unfamiliar with it.
Why is it called a DDT?
I'm aware of the chemical spray, is that what it was named after???
drop dead twice
Not anymore. Now it means "thing that happens right before a near countout draw."Thats pretty badass if true. Although nothing beats Jake's answer of what does DDT mean? "The end"
Not anymore. Now it means "thing that happens right before a near countout draw."
Oh yeah! And "Look out! An RKO is coming up!"Or it means "lol this doesn't hurt when it happens on concrete, I'll get up and beat 5 people!"