How can WWE continue this Cena v Punk feud, but with good reason? Cena got his rematch, and even though he "won" the draw result, at the end of the day he didn't get the job done. If the best WWE can do is just give Cena a rematch, then that's sorry. At least make him wrestle for #1 contendership again.
No way in hell do they sign JBL to an extended lucrative contract after RAW. My trust in the WWE to do the right thing is shit right now.
No way in hell do they sign JBL to an extended lucrative contract after RAW. My trust in the WWE to do the right thing is shit right now.
They can't, he still has mountains to climb in his charity drive. Can't really seem him walking out on that.
In his podcast, Colt talked about how Heyman would shit on him during his time in WWE, and he thought Colt was a joke that didn't take things seriously enough.
The commentary was fantastic. JBL and Cole on Raw and Cole and Matthews on Smackdown will be fine for awhile.
I think it was a good PPV. Can't think of any outside of WM I enjoyed more, and it really didn't have a bad match.
do i even wanna know what happened ?
Yeah, according to his Twitter he's off to Africa on Friday.
He'll get his rematch simply because it was an indecisive finish. Makes sense.
Wat... why the hell not. This fucking pro wrasslin hahahaI understand that, if it was just any 'ol match. But this was for a championship, you either win or you lose. Having a draw with the champ is just as good as losing. You can't just be given another WWE Championship match, even if you couldn't win it due to an indecisive finish.
is there going to be a LAW tonight??
I didn't take Colt seriously until a few years ago. He came off more inclined to sell merch.
Make me wonder where Striker fits in this, has he fallen off the map in people eyes. He was excellent in 2010-2011 and hasn't match that level since then.
J.R will most likely be on raw and it will be same old Cole again, nothing ever changes.
is there going to be a LAW tonight??
He did slap Cena around a few times, but other than that, you wouldn't have known he was a "heel."If Punk was a heel you sure wouldn't know it based on that match. He wrestled clean, the crowd was mostly on his side, and he still retained the belt.
I understand that, if it was just any 'ol match. But this was for a championship, you either win or you lose. Having a draw with the champ is just as good as losing. You can't just be given another WWE Championship match, even if you couldn't win it due to an indecisive finish.
If Punk was a heel you sure wouldn't know it based on that match. He wrestled clean, the crowd was mostly on his side, and he still retained the belt.
hello. looking for the results. what happened tonight?
hello. looking for the results. what happened tonight?
Sheamus Wins Again? the heck is going on? Im gonna go fight me an Irish person to see if they really are invulnerable.
Brogue kick was reinstated because they don't teach people what cameras look like at Harvard Law School.Sheamus Wins Again? the heck is going on? Im gonna go fight me an Irish person to see if they really are invulnerable.
I now want Kane/Bryan skits at DisneyLand.
Sheamus Wins Again? the heck is going on? Im gonna go fight me an Irish person to see if they really are invulnerable.
It would legitimize tout.Oh that Mickey, groping Kane.
Yeah they can't really afford to do skits for television, but then, they do have Tout.
Miz retains IC title
Cesaro retains US title over Zack Ryder
Team Friendship wins Tag Team titles
Eve wins Divas title
Orton beat Ziggler
Sheamus retains WHC
CM Punk retains WWE title in a double pinfall draw
Mostly boring show aside from the 2nd half of Punk/Cena. Nearly piledrove myself when Seenuh got the win, but thankfully they made the right call tonight. I don't really see where this feud goes from here or how they'll keep it fresh. There will obviously be a rematch because of the "controversial" draw finish but mehhhhhhhhhh, this feud has no heat.
Wat... why the hell not. This fucking pro wrasslin hahaha
I think that is the point so that this feud can continue, look at most feuds over the past couple years, Orton-Christian Punk-Jeff Hardy; the title switch hands at some point as a way of keep the feud going.
In this case there is value in Punk holding the championship till rumble so Cena has to stay relevant in some form or another in order for this feud to go till December.
Sheamus Wins Again? the heck is going on? Im gonna go fight me an Irish person to see if they really are invulnerable.
I guess I'm giving this too much thought. I just get tired of the WWE being afraid of having their top superstars lose cleanly. It's always either a countout or a DQ, and in this case it was a draw. I feel like feuds could be more effective if the wrestlers actually suffered losses, instead of these results that save the superstars' faces.
Punk's mic skills will be the thing that keep the feud fresh also I guess Heyman can be a vocal factor now.
The last time that Cena put over somebody cleanly before Punk and The Rock was Sheamus I think.