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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World


Meh. Punk's heel turn has been weak aside from the Heyman drive by. All we'll get is a month of "HAHAHA, TOLD YOU I'M DAH BESS" and "NUH-UH, YOU DIDN'T EVEN PIN ME, AND YOU HAD TO RESORT TO A ROCK BOTTOM, Y U SO IRRELEVANT?"


Get someone new in there. Ziggler or someone to spice this snoozefest up.

Cena's the only one who can pin Cena.

Holy Wars

Meh. Punk's heel turn has been weak aside from the Heyman drive by. All we'll get is a month of "HAHAHA, TOLD YOU I'M DAH BESS, WHERE'S MY RESPECT?" and "NUH-UH, YOU DIDN'T EVEN PIN ME, AND YOU HAD TO RESORT TO A ROCK BOTTOM, Y U SO IRRELEVANT?"


Get someone new in there. Ziggler or someone to spice this snoozefest up.

You're complaining about promos and want ZIGGLER?!




Just read the results--is there a record for how many times the same match is featured in consecutive PPVs? ADR-loses-to-Sheamus is ridiculous at this point.

Main event sounded like a monstrosity. Five finishers, repeated several times, all of them earning just near falls? I've had wrestling matches from PS1 era Smackdown games that played out better than that, at least on "paper". How did the match actually play out on the screen?


Terrible PPV and easily the worst part of the show is Sheamus going Super Cena again. He lasts through ADR's finisher for a minute (Orton taps in less than 10) and finishes him instantly with a Brogue. And what was the point of all the angles going into it?
The match that ended in a double countout and then was restarted until Cena got hit with a Rock Bottom?

Miz was the champion so he should have been done after the count out. It was restarted under No DQ rules, so the Rock Bottom was kosher. It's Cena so there's a low curve in what I'll consider "clean".


Junior Member
Miz was the champion so he should have been done after the count out. It was restarted under No DQ rules, so the Rock Bottom was kosher. It's Cena so there's a low curve in what I'll consider "clean".

Its not a clean finish then. A clean finish is about make somebody else look good which in that case they made the Miz look like shit and then blamed ppv buys on him.


Neo Member
The last time that Cena put over somebody cleanly before Punk and The Rock was Sheamus I think.

Miz was the champion so he should have been done after the count out. It was restarted under No DQ rules, so the Rock Bottom was kosher. It's Cena so there's a low curve in what I'll consider "clean".

It's a shame how far back we have to think to find Cena taking a clean loss. The faces should win more than they lose, no doubt. But they should lose more than they do today nevertheless.

I would love to see Cena face a midcarder tomorrow on RAW like Cody Rhodes, have Rhodes compete a bit, and at the end have Punk interfere and cost Cena to lose. That way Cena doesn't lose face, fuel is added to this feud, and C. Rhodes would gain a lot from beating Cena. I know this is wishful thinking, but it would kill multiple birds with one stone, the most important being pushing midcarders to the next level.


The last time that Cena put over somebody cleanly before Punk and The Rock was Sheamus I think.

Even then, it felt like a fluke win. Maybe it's because the Cena factor has been literally ingrained in every single match he's had against somebody.

When was the last time you saw a Cena match (aside from Cena vs Rock/Lesnar) and thought well, shit, Cena just might lose?

Personally, I can't think of any, because every Cena loss is usually of the shenanigans variety and if he loses, there's no consequence to him losing.
I find it amazing that Punk was wearing Yankee attire in Cena's home town of Boston and STILL got cheered harder than Cena.

I hope that's it for Cena title shots for a while.
It won't be

Kane and D Bryan parts were great tonight.

I wish Cody didn't get pinned.

Eve's theme song is so catchy.

Great to have JBL back tonight.

I enjoyed the PPV.

Can't wait for Raw!
Stale PPV what was this guy watching, besides that Cena no-sell fest it was a great ppv

Punk/Cena was pretty great, even if Cena was sloppy as fuck throughout. Sidenote: Punk's gear was Navy/White not Black/White, people need to stop pretending like the Cubs aren't a thing.
Del Rio/Sheamus have no chemistry together, nothing about their story has built over the 17 PPVs they have been given. I can really enjoy a lot of their matches separately, but they bring out the worst in each other.
Dolph/Orton similar comments as Del Rio/Sheamus, though I missed large parts of this match so I won't comment.
Tag match and follow up: Good fun match, good ongoing story. Team Friendship should really just become the protagonists of Monday Night Raw.
Diva's: lol didn't watch
IC: Expected more given the amount of talent involved but I still enjoyed what I saw. Cody continues to be the second most underused person on the roster.
US: Crowd reaction sucked for this, but Antonio looks like a star.


I think I'm the only person on the Internet to notice what happened during Layla's match.

I think I saw what you are talking about, looked like the head scissor from Eve, and turning Layla over to face slam her... was also twisting Layla's top sideways? That what you are talking about? I wondered at the time why Eve grabbed the rope and it was immediately broken up. Thought maybe it was so Layla could fix... her outfit.

Who knows.

EDIT: Actually, yeah, saw the match on Youtube and that is exactly what happened lol. The very first time Eve puts the head scissor on, she twists Layla's top sideways. I swear it even looks like the ref reaches to cover her, but that I think was just him trying to see if she conceded. Eve's boots MOSTLY cover Layla up. Silly outfits.
I think I saw what you are talking about, looked like the head scissor from Eve, and turning Layla over to face slam her... was also twisting Layla's top sideways? That what you are talking about? I wondered at the time why Eve grabbed the rope and it was immediately broken up. Thought maybe it was so Layla could fix... her outfit.

Who knows.

I did think it looked like it slid but didn't see anything.
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