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Series X wifi speeds

Ev1L AuRoN

Don't have a series console, on PS5 wired I get around 700~800 I have 1gbit fiber, downloading gamepass games on PC is trash, rarely I go above 350mbit, 100mbis is the norm, and that's wired. Steam hits 900mb depending on the game my CPU is the limit since steam decompress during the download.


What ? you can see the DL speed on the PS5, just go to the download section/icon on the dashboard, it shows both the DL speed AND remaining time.

It shows how much is downloaded so far and remaining time. It doesn’t give you a mbps reading or anything like that. Unless there is a setting I don’t know about to show this.


Make sure you are not playing a game while downloading on xbox that cripples the speed. Suspend the game and watch Netflix or something while the game is downloading.


Gold Member
Are you outputting a Type 1 - OPEN NAT? I was using the 5G Verizon Home Gateway device and could never get it to that type. My speeds were somehow slow with that, so had to go back to Optimum.


Make sure your Xbox is within a ~20 foot radius of the router and connected to the 5ghz Wi-Fi.

honestly if there are walls in between the console and the router it might be better to use 2.4ghz. the longer wavelengths can penetrate walls and other obstacles more easily
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