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Shadowrun: Hong Kong Kickstarter - $100k; already in dev, mid-2015 release, PC only

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Like most things about this KS, the "small high-end expansion" idea is smart and I approve.
Meaningful bonus for backers, no delay on the game itself, and Harebrained can sell it as DLC to non-backers :p

Damn, that's cool. Part of me hopes that it'll only be a single, massive run and the preparation for it. My one quibble with Dragonfall is that while the missions were generally quite well done, they weren't particularly complex, generally (the Aztechnology run is probably the only one I'd really put up there). One seriously grueling 4-5 hour mission sounds like it'd really hit the spot :)

I think they're definitely going to clear the 700k stretch goal with ease, so I have high hopes the final push will be enough to put us over the 1mil mark!
On my current DC playthrough, I fulfilled all the requirements to do the Aztech run without alerting anyone until the very end. Probably took less than half an hour for the entire thing :p

It's probably the msot option-rich run though, and we do need more like that.
Seems obviously spiffy---quite a gap to breach to get to that point outside of just riding current momentum, but definitely an epilogue of this sort could well serve as a catalyst for another funding surge alongside whatever more robust updates they've got planned for the next couple weeks.

Adepts the world over are probably doing a happy dance as they are so starved for karma to spread out to cover most things! It also bolsters my hopes for a deeper bench of enemies and whatnot as this sort of thing is very nearly tantamount to a "more of a fair number of things" goal.
Smart way to include an additional big stretch goal without it affecting the development schedule of the primary campaign. $1M should be possible if it keeps up at roughly 15k per day. And if not then there's always the boost during the final days.

I also like the idea of a high-level campaign. CRPGs have tended to overemphasise playing at lower levels (i.e. create your character from scratch, start at level 1, kill dozens upon dozens of rats and goblins, and focus on developing the abilities of your character), so a Throne of Bhaal-style campaign is a very welcome diversion indeed.
Like most things about this KS, the "small high-end expansion" idea is smart and I approve.
Meaningful bonus for backers, no delay on the game itself, and Harebrained can sell it as DLC to non-backers :p

On my current DC playthrough, I fulfilled all the requirements to do the Aztech run without alerting anyone until the very end. Probably took less than half an hour for the entire thing :p

It's probably the msot option-rich run though, and we do need more like that.

Yeah, that's true. But being a two parter and, like you said, very option-rich made up for the length; most of the longer missions were really straightforward in comparison. Take the range of options on Aztechnology and expand the scope of it, and I think you'd have a winner.


Holy shit, guys, mini-campaign!

You got your wish.

Yesss. Now I really hope they make it to one million. It'd be a shame if they failed to reach the final stretch goal and I'd have to play the game knowing it could have been five hours longer.

The audio commentary will be really nice for the second or third playthrough, so that's good, too.

I already maxed out on the digital reward levels, so if I invest more money it'd have to be for the bag. The bag looks really neat, too, but the shipping costs to Europe are insane. I think I'll wait a while to see if they won't put up an additional reward level to fill that massive gap between $75 and $150.

The interview was interesting. It's crazy to think how much they had to cut down their original vision for Dead Man's Switch, although it was obvious during the final levels that HBS had to rush through the story
which is a shame, too, since Harlequin is such an awesome character and would have greatly benefitted from more and better exposition
. I'd like to play a Director's Cut version of DMS one day.


I have high hopes for this high level epilogue campaign. It's a pretty smart move. Instead of doing a pie-in-the-sky second campaign stretch goal, this would instead allow them to reuse most of the existing assets while telling another story. Another issue with Shadowrun Returns thus far is that the games have been kinda easy. By actually creating an official mini-campaign designed for players to carry over their characters after beating a primary campaign, it should address that complaint very nicely if done well.


I ... I still haven't backed. Please forgive me.

We will forgive you once you have backed this project. Now go, let the legend come back to life.



Yeah, that was brought up a few pages ago. I also just remembered that she mentions that the circuitry on her face was installed in Hong Kong. I assume we'll see her again.
Ha I'm going to take this opportunity to point and laugh at everyone who said an extra campaign as a part of the Kickstarter was out of the question :p

Seriously though, this is pretty cool.

Still haven't backed it because I'm not keen on giving out credit card information when I can avoid it. Not really sure why Kickstarter had to drop the Amazon payments totally when they could have kept it as an option. So I'll wait for the Paypal option to show up.


Ha I'm going to take this opportunity to point and laugh at everyone who said an extra campaign as a part of the Kickstarter was out of the question :p

Seriously though, this is pretty cool.

Still haven't backed it because I'm not keen on giving out credit card information when I can avoid it. Not really sure why Kickstarter had to drop the Amazon payments totally when they could have kept it as an option. So I'll wait for the Paypal option to show up.
It won't. They already said so early on.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Wow we might get the Matrix goal by Monday. I wonder how the gap between that and the mini campaign will effect funding.


Shadowrun has novels? I need to read them!
I read a ton as a youngun but don't remember any specific ones other than one that was a collection of short stories (edit: This might be "Into the Shadows"?). Would love if anyone had some recommendations - I don't think I could really evaluate quality back then since I just inhaled every Shadowrun and Dragonlance novel I could find as a kid.

Failing that, I'll probably just reread Neuromancer until this comes out. :p


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I read a ton as a youngun but don't remember any specific ones other than one that was a collection of short stories (edit: This might be "Into the Shadows"?). Would love if anyone had some recommendations - I don't think I could really evaluate quality back then since I just inhaled every Shadowrun and Dragonlance novel I could find as a kid.

Failing that, I'll probably just reread Neuromancer until this comes out. :p

You cant summon fire elementals to devour security forces in Neuromancer though.
If you liked Dragonfall's theme : Never Deal With A Dragon ? ;p

Novel is getting pretty old, though. It was originally penned around 90, something like that ?

(edit: This might be "Into the Shadows"?).

Failing that, I'll probably just reread Neuromancer until this comes out. :p

There are dozens of novels, including some written in languages other than English. They're all rather pulpy, but some of them are the good kind of pulp. I'd say start with something written by Findley or Sargent.


Thanks guys/gals, will get on that ASAP.
I remember I used to see them a lot in the 90s when I was addicted to Dragon Lance novels haha

I was into cyberpunk too but some reason I just never thought they looked all that compelling. I had more fun reading the stories and entries in the actual Shadowrun PnP books :p I still remember... I think was the Cybernetics manual for Shadowrun, had a running sort of story or theme about a decker becoming more machine than man, with BBS posts, journal entries, news reports ... was really interested. Shadowrun always had the best manuals. I remember I had weapons and arms catalog of sorts, and almost every entry had a cool or funny story, entry,etc about the item.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Seems like a good thread to ask: for those who have played both the original Dragonfall and the DC, is it worth the replay?


I wish battletech and mechwarrior and mech commander would have gotten the same kind of yearly revival that Shadowrun has gotten.
Totally just donated $15. I had no idea I didn't already do it so I've fixed that mistake. Though now seeing the $35 tier getting some cool rewards, I'm thinking about just putting down the extra $20.


I'd kill for another MechCommander.

They tried "reviving" it with a C-tier mobile developer in the format of a Fisher Price F2P game that ended up scamming anyone who pre-ordered it with the publisher shutting down the website and closing down their company without telling anyone.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Nigeria would be ace, but yeah, it'll never happen. Generally I just want more settings that don't adhere to the usual neon-urban sprawl established by Blade Runner.

I'm pretty sure we'd just get that but in India or Africa. Its rare to make a new visual style of scifi, particularly one as evocative as Blade Runner.
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