Nigeria would be ace, but yeah, it'll never happen. Generally I just want more settings that don't adhere to the usual neon-urban sprawl established by Blade Runner.
I'd like to see a campaign in Elvish Oregon and Amerindian Washington.
Nigeria would be ace, but yeah, it'll never happen. Generally I just want more settings that don't adhere to the usual neon-urban sprawl established by Blade Runner.
Seems like a good thread to ask: for those who have played both the original Dragonfall and the DC, is it worth the replay?
I'd like to see a campaign in Elvish Oregon and Amerindian Washington.
Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll replay it later in preparation for SR:HK.If you think you'd like to try another Dragonfall playthrough, absolutely. The five missions they added are all pretty stellar, as well as the new endings/epilogue screens. It all fits right into the main campaign. If you just completed DF or don't really feel like another go through, I wouldn't say it's worth it just for a few more hours of content on a 20~ hour experience.
They tried "reviving" it with a C-tier mobile developer in the format of a Fisher Price F2P game that ended up scamming anyone who pre-ordered it with the publisher shutting down the website and closing down their company without telling anyone.
Are they at least gonna upgrade the main character models? Character models for both Shadowrun Returns games are pretty bad, while unique NPC models like Lucky Strike and Monika had a pretty good character model.
I'd like to see a campaign in Elvish Oregon and Amerindian Washington.
Now that weve hit our funding goal for the Revamped Matrix, we thought youd like to hear a bit more about what were planning. As we said, our goal is to evolve the gameplay along with the look & feel of the Matrix in Shadowrun: Hong Kong. Overall, we want the deckers gameplay to feel like dangerous legwork, investigation, and hacking.
One of the ways we hope to achieve this is with increased opportunities for risk & reward. The more chances you take outside the scope of achieving your core objectives, the more potential benefit to you and the greater chance of being discovered. Combat will still be a factor, but it wont be your entire Matrix experience.
To that end, weve created a list of new Intrusion Countermeasures (IC) that we plan to add to the game. The new IC is intended to expand Matrix gameplay beyond simple combat mechanics by adding new types of interactions. All have been designed on paper and reviewed by our engineers and artists. Once theyve proven out through prototyping and were confident in our ability to execute on them, well share them in a future Backer Update.
As with DMS and DF, youll still break into a corporation's secure local systems during a run to gain access to a variety of tactical objectives but there will also be places in the story where youll travel through distinct areas of cyberspace to sculpted systems - distinct digital representations of their owners.
By revising the basic look and sound of the Matrix and creating small set pieces of sculpted systems, we hope to give you a better feeling of traveling through cyberspace (for illicit purposes, of course). Concept art for our updated Matrix environment, including an image of a sculpted system will appear in a future Backer Update.
They've updated on what to expect from the expanded Matrix. Just got the email.
Finished Dragonfall yesterday. Fantastic game. The home stretch really made me wish that I had invested in some conversational stats. Strength only goes so far.
That's why shamans are the most fun class to play. High charisma opens doors for you + their spells and spirits are good combat support. And it always feels rewarding to summon a spirit for free from a skull point in the midst of enemy ranks.
They've updated on what to expect from the expanded Matrix. Just got the email.
One of the ways we hope to achieve this is with increased opportunities for risk & reward. The more chances you take outside the scope of achieving your core objectives, the more potential benefit to you and the greater chance of being discovered. Combat will still be a factor, but it wont be your entire Matrix experience.
This is actually one of my central issues with character progression in DMS / DF: Charisma is a must for every main character, because he or she is always the one doing the talking. However, if you're not playing a shaman, then charisma is a useless investment beyond that. In DF, I played a decker that was also skilled with assault rifles (seems to me the most natural choice considering the other party members available and that you're basically replacing Monika) and had to dump a lot of karma into charisma that I could've used otherwise.
I doubt that HBS can do something about it though. Having the NPC with the highest charisma taking over conversations certainly wouldn't be right.
best part of the Matrix on the SNES and Genesis was stealing data to sell or cash from bank acounts hahaThis sounds great. The Matrix definitely needed a revamp, and I'm glad they're specifically looking at non-combat aspects.
I honestly hate the way etiquettes work in the game. It would probably have been more interesting if they did something like spread the different types of etiquette out across all the stats, so if you put enough points into strength you can pick stuff like "Gang" or "Security" while charisma allows you to have "Socialite" or "Street", Intelligence for "Academic" and "Corporate", and so on.
Yeah, having the primary conversation attribute also be the primary attribute of one class is clearly not very good for balancing. There are of course some opportunities to use other attributes (intelligence, willpower, even strength) in conversation, but they are much more rare.
I'm not expecting that at all.Intelligence is probably the most used stat in checks. Between it, decking and drone control I feel it easily matches if not beats Charisma + etiquette. Frankly expecting INT and CHA not to have more checks make me wonder what rpgs you guys have been playing. Thats standard.
I'm not expecting that at all.
The central issue is that charisma is both the main stat used in stat checks and as important for combat for shamans as any other primary stat for other classes.
This is what I rolled for my only Dragonfall playthrough. Didn't occur to me until just now that it was probably the best way to go.Also most fun is combat decker specced into Charisma with str as the dump stat.
RPS: Zallgrin says How do devs intend to approach the theology of China? Lots of Western devs tend to fetishise and simplify the Chinese culture, and as consequence it becomes a parody of itself. Do the devs have spoken to people living in Hong Kong or do they have by chance any freelancers from China on their team?
Mitch: We do have gamers in Hong Kong that are Shadowrun Gamers, who are helping us out. We also have someone from the university of Washington Asian Studies department helping us out. We have an employee stationed over there too, for Golem Arcana, who does quality control of our manufacturing too, so we have our own employee boots in the ground.
Its just like with Dragonfall, because we did the same thing with people in Germany who helped us out, were not interested in making a cartoon version of Hong Kong. I think we succeeded in turning Berlin into something really cool in 2054, and were looking forwards to making something really cool and authentic-feeling in 2056 Hong Kong.
RPS: VexingVision says Please ask them about branching plotlines. Will the new plot be as rail-roady as the other SR Modules?
Jordan: One of the things were extremely focused on is more content. One of the reasons were careful about responding to requests for more feature sets is we want more content, and more content means less linearity. With Dragonfall we took that next to step to less linear, and with this one well take that step even further to less linear. Its not an open world game, its never going to be GTA, but in terms of more branches and choices for a player to move down, we are incrementally getting better and better.
I hope they adjust the difficulties for the next game, in addition to all the stuff talked about in the posts above. Feels like raising it just ups the dodge and accuracy of the enemies, and because the enemies are never truly dangerous, the encounters turn into long slogs made long only because of my immense miss rate. Only time I got above 90% accuracy was when I stood on a major leyline with Aim III up.
I'd prefer it if going to hard or v.hard allowed the enemy ai to attack more than once per round, and to utilize grenades on single targets, rather than everyone turning into evade tanks.
The second part of the Rock Paper Shotgun interview has just gone up, with the developers answering some user questions.
I hope they adjust the difficulties for the next game, in addition to all the stuff talked about in the posts above. Feels like raising it just ups the dodge and accuracy of the enemies, and because the enemies are never truly dangerous, the encounters turn into long slogs made long only because of my immense miss rate. Only time I got above 90% accuracy was when I stood on a major leyline with Aim III up.
I'd prefer it if going to hard or v.hard allowed the enemy ai to attack more than once per round, and to utilize grenades on single targets, rather than everyone turning into evade tanks.
We've passed $750k. I guess it's going to need a bit of an extra push towards the end to get to 1 mio, but I'm confident that it's going to get there.
Decker with a pistol is just weak period. Should went decking and shotguns or rifles. Pistols are just weak for main combat. You need that big overwatch damage.I started up Dragonfall DC and made a straight Decker w/ a pistol. I could NOT get passed the tutorial.
Lessened my Decker stats to put more into shooting plus took Assault Rifles instead. Doing much better. Kind of lame though.
I do notice that INT and Decker checks pop up a lot in conversations and to insta-hack things, but man do I barely do any actual decking. Makes me miss my Street Sam since mostly just shoot things in meat space anyways. Those high INT convo stuff is nice though.
I hope in Hong Kong that if you play a Decker that actually means something besides being just OK with a gun and giving a % boost to shoot a guy.
Decker with a pistol is just weak period. Should went decking and shotguns or rifles. Pistols are just weak for main combat. You need that big overwatch damage.