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Shadowverse |OT| Anime Hearthstone now on Steam

I used all of my coins on a whim yesterday, lol. I managed to get tons of legendary and completed RoB and DE both, The problem is I have nothing for the new set now, I can't save coins in this game, it's no problem in HS since drop rates are awful anyway but here I must have all the emblems damn. No self control.

I hope there are more freebies when next set is patched, I need the help...

maybe if I start saving now, I get 2000 coins by the end of month.

You can easily make 100+ gold each day so there's a lot you can get before new expansion hits. And we should get 10 packs for free like last time.
I cannot for the life of me get this third win for my Dragoncraft deck for granblue tie in. Today's failure against a havencraft dude:

Had guy down to 1 point with Bahamut, and two other cards. I'm thinking this is in the bag, he only has two cards in his hand. He puts down path to purg twice. gg no re

god damnit


I cannot for the life of me get this third win for my Dragoncraft deck for granblue tie in. Today's failure against a havencraft dude:

Had guy down to 1 point with Bahamut, and two other cards. I'm thinking this is in the bag, he only has two cards in his hand. He puts down path to purg twice. gg no re

god damnit
Do you have 3 Dark Dragoons for face dragons?

So, decks that utilize flute/dragoon forte are aggro, and the ones that utilize genesis dragon is ramp?

Thank you so much! Your explanation really helps me understand what's people is talking about.

Really, thanks :)

Glad to hear it. :) While there is a time and place to focus on bleeding edge top tier cards, I think you would miss out on a lot of cool mechanics and interactions if you don't give everything a chance..

Yeah, that's my direction going forward, me trying to build a deck centered around flute and another centered around prince of darkness and a forestcraft is one of the most fun part of the game.

I don't really want to play competitive anyways (at least right now). Just want to be strong enough to battle my friends :))

Btw, there's no limitation of how card rarities spread over packs? I traded 5 standard tickets, not getting a single gold at the first four and then gets 3 legendaries out of the last pack :/ So it's possible to open a dozen pack without any gold?
EDIT: nvm, somehow missed the chance explanation on the pack details lol


'enry 'ollins
So, decks that utilize flute/dragoon forte are aggro, and the ones that utilize genesis dragon is ramp?

Btw, there's no limitation of how card rarities spread over packs? I traded 5 standard tickets, not getting a single gold at the first four and then gets 3 legendaries out of the last pack :/ So it's possible to open a dozen pack without any gold?
An aggro deck is one that wants to end the game fast. Typically by turn 6 or 7. Flute is not aggro because it doesn't even activate until around that time. The dragons it makes are not storm, so they cannot immediately attack the opponent directly. Instead, they are rush so they can hit other minions, clearing the way for your bigger minions. Flute allows you to build a lighter deck that has more playable cards early because those early game minions are still useful in the lategame. A handful of 2/2s will not help you against a hulking 8/8, but 2 4/3 rush dragons will make quick work of it for only 4 mana.

Every card in a pack is determined independently. And every pack is also independent. You're not guaranteed to get a gold every x packs and you could feasibly open an 8 legendary pack. The rates are in the client under the details button in the shop. I think on average, you open one legendary every 8ish packs.


So, decks that utilize flute/dragoon forte are aggro, and the ones that utilize genesis dragon is ramp?

Thank you so much! Your explanation really helps me understand what's people is talking about.

Really, thanks :)
Some Ramp decks also play dragoon forte , but also cards like Bahamut and genesis dragon, while she is the most expensive card in aggro decks.
It seems we have interesting meta now - aggro sword/shadow and tons of control decks

I put together Control Blood and it's really amazing without roaches to spoil my fun :)


It seems we have interesting meta now - aggro sword/shadow and tons of control decks

I put together Control Blood and it's really amazing without roaches to spoil my fun :)

Yeah I made a control blood deck aswell, such a fun deck, and feels very rewarding to play!


'enry 'ollins
Opponent is on their last turn before decking out their Satan deck. They have one card in hand. I have 1 ward and 4 regular followers. On-field Tribunal hits the 20% on my ward and I lose. Sigh.


Going second in this game is way to strong. Cardadvantage + 1 extra evovle + evolve a turn earlier...hmmm yeah no.

And damn I wish aggro sword wasnt a thing. Its pirate warrior all over again.


Going second in this game is way to strong. Cardadvantage + 1 extra evovle + evolve a turn earlier...hmmm yeah no.

And damn I wish aggro sword wasnt a thing. Its pirate warrior all over again.
Depends on the deck, really. Something like Aggro Sword or Aggro Blood wants to go first as long as they draw good. Those decks going first on a clean draw are really goddamn hard to beat as they are getting tons of pressure early and force people to either get control of the board or lose outright (or both). I actually think it's in an OK place overall in constructed, although some decks definitely have a side bias. Take two still has a huge advantage for whoever is going second, though.

Pre-nerf Rune was comical going 2nd though, as it could run Nevi, evolve him, and then play two one-point spells giving them a total of 11 points of damage to spread with a lot of flexibility. That's really hard to make up especially if they barf their hand and then play Daria on turn 5. (Pretty much nobody was winning if Rune hit that jackpot.)


I think sword anything is far far better going second, those evos on Albert are just stupid...
For slower Sword decks I agree with you, but I still think that aggro Sword decks can be really nasty 1st if they get a good start. The problem there is that you're basically gambling for something that has a higher peak but a bigger chance of catching bricks, whereas going second is generally more stable. For what it's worth, the statistics Gamepress pulled from Shadowlog show a 7-8% increase when going 2nd for control and midrange Sword decks, whereas aggro decks only see a 1-3% increase going second.
Err is Havencraft top tier at arena?

Because as newbie I get 2-3 4 wins run already with Haven.. feel really easy too.

Sword is by far the strongest, but you can do well with most other classes depending on skill/draft. Forest and Rune are arguably the worst, I'd say Haven is like #4 or so.


Sotop 3 is sword, blood and dragon?

Makes sense because looking to card selection from my experience in card games those 3 that had the most tempo swing card thst surely the most important for draft mode.


Sotop 3 is sword, blood and dragon?

Makes sense because looking to card selection from my experience in card games those 3 that had the most tempo swing card thst surely the most important for draft mode.

I would say:

#1 Sword
#2 Shadow
#3 Haven

I almost strictly play arena in this game. I rarely ever see Bloodcraft and if I do they typically lose. Forest seems quite bad in arena as well.


I would say:
1. Sword
2. Heaven
3. Dragon
4. Shadow
5. Blood
6/7. Forest and Rune (not sure which is worse since I never pick them anymore, but I guess rune is a bit better)

To be fair, Dragon and Heaven fit my playstyle the most, so your results may vary.
I belive rune is a bit better than forest, since a great runecraft deck can be really scary, while even good forest deck usually aren't that hard to beat.

Doesn't really matter since you should never pick either of them.
We're getting 8 free RoB packs for 8M downloads of shadowverse. Login rewards starting tomorrow lasting until march 30th are:
Day 1 4 RoB packs.
Day 2 1 RoB pack.
Day 3 1 RoB pack.
Day 4 1 RoB pack.
Day 5 1 RoB pack.

Pretty amazing considering we got 7 free packs just last month for 7M downloads.


So guys any idea what class should I prioritize with these legendary that I get from pack?


I have preference to Haven, Dragon or Bloodcraft I think from what I play, but if those too expensive I didn't mind starting ladder with cheaper class

I also had another account that in my phone that opened far fewer pack, but the 4 legendaries is 2 Merlin, 1 Daria and Bahamut which I hear all is preeeetty good.
So guys any idea what class should I prioritize with these legendary that I get from pack?


I have preference to Haven, Dragon or Bloodcraft I think from what I play, but if those too expensive I didn't mind starting ladder with cheaper class

I also had another account that in my phone that opened far fewer pack, but the 4 legendaries is 2 Merlin, 1 Daria and Bahamut which I hear all is preeeetty good.

When you first start out, you can just throw together a deck, and then change things based off of what you see working and not working. You won't have all the cards to create a meta deck yet, but you don't need a meta deck to climb through the lower ranks. Out of those crafts you want, the best would probably be a ramp dragon deck. Throw in 3 dragon oracle, 3 aiela, and 3 draconic fervor if you have those. The concept is to use those to get a lot of mana so you can play big followers earlier than usual. Forte is extremely good, and while fafnir isn't the best, he should be good enough for early ranks. One prince of darkness in the deck is great too as a finisher. Other good dragon cards to include would be imprisoned dragon, dragon warrior, and genesis dragon. Early on I would advise against crafting golds or legendaries since you should be able to open a lot of packs from all the mission rewards. Really just mess around with some decks and see what you like


I'm pretty familiar with ramp deck because I play a lot of Druid in Hearthstone.. but ramp deck is usually pretty expensive so I already thought getting good ramp dragon deck is pretty hard.

Thanks for advice tho.. I appreciate it! I still grinding all initial mission for all ticket like you say but I want to know what I can start to looķ into to build.


I have no clue about how drafting Shadow in T2, just take a lot of Lich I gues?
It obviously depends on what cards yout offered, but usually shadow has a very strong early game.
Slower decks can also work really well if you get strong late game cards, such as Lord of The Flies, Satan or Mordecai, and a few wards to survive long enough.
So guys any idea what class should I prioritize with these legendary that I get from pack?


I have preference to Haven, Dragon or Bloodcraft I think from what I play, but if those too expensive I didn't mind starting ladder with cheaper class

I also had another account that in my phone that opened far fewer pack, but the 4 legendaries is 2 Merlin, 1 Daria and Bahamut which I hear all is preeeetty good.
Like he said, you can build a decent ramb deck with these cards, but there are still many ways you could to improve that deck afterwards.

Interestingly enough Serapha Heaven often only runs 2 copies of the card,so you are halfway there already.
The problem is that you still need quite a few golden cards for that deck.

Aggro blood is very cheap (as well as good) , because the most expensive cards is Vania, a golden card, and the rest is bronze and sliver.


Is there some scum tactic to disconnect straight after concede?

I lose game that surefire won but game hang on "waiting for response" so switch a tab for a sec, and when I back I lose..

oh well lesson learned

Edit: one of opponent concede straight away when he see Monika on curve lmao
Is there some scum tactic to disconnect straight after concede?

I lose game that surefire won but game hang on "waiting for response" so switch a tab for a sec, and when I back I lose..

oh well lesson learned

Edit: one of opponent concede straight away when he see Monika on curve lmao

You have to wait until game resolves from timeout.


Seems even in control they just use Albert and Tsubaki

Aurelia is a staple in control decks, much more so than Tsubaki.
Tsubaki is primarily used for removal. Aurelia grants a ward and gets stronger for each enemy follower. If three enemy followers are in play then she also gets a barrier from direct effects. So 3 enemy followers + an evo makes Aurelia very strong.


'enry 'ollins
I just got blasted by a Call of Cocytus + Shrine Knight Maiden "combo" in A0. Wish I could've sent them a gg afterwards.

I almost lost my 5-0 TT match to a 20% Tribunal again. It killed my one ward instead of the other four 1/1s I played. I hate that card.


I just got blasted by a Call of Cocytus + Shrine Knight Maiden "combo" in A0. Wish I could've sent them a gg afterwards.

I almost lost my 5-0 TT match to a 20% Tribunal again. It killed my one ward instead of the other four 1/1s I played. I hate that card.

Ouch xD Yeah no matter what happens to heaven at this point I pretty much have 3/3 of every card they use so I'm set for the expansion.

Pretty much the only faction Ive played since release though Ive made an cheap easy forest deck recently to rotate around. Been going through rank with the 1 forest deck, my healing deck, my amulet deck and my seraph deck. If I wasn't busy with Zelda since the switch release I'd probably be A0 or higher but havent played in a little over a week xD


'enry 'ollins
Ouch xD Yeah no matter what happens to heaven at this point I pretty much have 3/3 of every card they use so I'm set for the expansion.

Pretty much the only faction Ive played since release though Ive made an cheap easy forest deck recently to rotate around. Been going through rank with the 1 forest deck, my healing deck, my amulet deck and my seraph deck. If I wasn't busy with Zelda since the switch release I'd probably be A0 or higher but havent played in a little over a week xD
I've always wanted to main Haven. Banishes + 6m board wipes are such a strong threat, whether or not you actually have them in hand. I'm still missing a few of the legendaries before I experiment with some midrange variants I've been thinking about.


I've always wanted to main Haven. Banishes + 6m board wipes are such a strong threat, whether or not you actually have them in hand. I'm still missing a few of the legendaries before I experiment with some midrange variants I've been thinking about.

Yeah the control it gets is really nice, I'm hoping the healing decks get a boost in the expansion as that is my favorite but it's a bit weak atm
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