Shameless Bragging Thread. Tell me about your greatest gaming achievement.

Go public about your moments that weren't caught by a camera, a friend, whatever.
Feel free to brag!

And it doesn't need to be an "objectively" impressive achievement, just one that  you are proud of.


After 30+ tries, very limited ammo, forcing myself to learn dodging and thinking through how I would use each single bullet and weapon, I beat Nemesis.

And got a piece of my favorite RE gun.


Which I only got in the past by using GameShark codes.
What followed was a lot of jumping around, and saying "Fuck yes" countless times.


Gold Member
I've got two feather on my cap regarding video game achievements.

There was an old video games exhibit in a huge paris museum a few years ago.
Part of the expo was playable consoles from the 90s. One was a genesis with Sonic. I bet my friend i could finish the game in under 5min right here right now. He foolishly took the bet so i turned the game on, did my little up down left right A+START, missed the input, hit reset, did it again, opened the stage selection screen, choose the final boss level and beat the crap out of Robotnik in under 3 minutes, got paid, and proceeded to billionaire walk my way out before the astonished eyes of a few kids that came to watch me play.

Another great gaming achievement is when i was 7 or 8, i was at the arcade on summer watching grown ups play house of the dead. They ran out of coins during the last level so they gave me a few banknotes to go and make change at the desk, which i did the quickest i could and went back just in time to save them from a game over screen. They managed to finish the game eventually, and i was part of it :messenger_sunglasses:
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This might seem a bit plain, but for me it was beating every boss solo in the Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss DLC in 2017. It took me a long time to try out From games, because I didn’t like to play really hard games back then. I tried Bloodborne in 2015 and they got me.

The reason I choose AotA, specifically soloing Manus, is that I learned that I have the dexterity and ability to play difficult games, and to overcome challenging tasks which I previously considered beyond my ability. 2017 was a hard year for my family, and Dark Souls was the perfect medicine.

Second place is from a Rocket League match on Switch, back in 2017-2018, coming back from a 5-2 deficit to win in the final minute. What an absolutely thrilling experience that was.


NES Ninja Gaiden trilogy deathless back to back to back. in the early 90s.

ninja gaiden vintage GIF by G1ft3d

Turns out you get pretty good at certain games when that's all you own.

Achieving HighWarlord on my rogue in the old PVP system of World of Warcraft though that was more of just a massive time sink than actual skill
God damn that grind was ridiculous. I never had enough free time to reach the peak and even then the people at the very top in both factions (on my server) wound up win trading to ensure everyone in their clique got the rank.


Gold Member
NES Ninja Gaiden trilogy deathless back to back to back. in the early 90s.

ninja gaiden vintage GIF by G1ft3d

Turns out you get pretty good at certain games when that's all you own.

God damn that grind was ridiculous. I never had enough free time to reach the peak and even then the people at the very top in both factions (on my server) wound up win trading to ensure everyone in their clique got the rank.
The grind was insane

Back when an AV battle would literally last days :)


Was on the cutting edge of the Icecrown raid with my 10 man group when the first few wings released. That was pretty cool? I think we would have been one of the very few guilds to first kill 10-man Arthas on our server... but we fell apart due to real life shit hitting key members just before he unlocked.

Was in an Unreal Tournament CTF clan that got some pretty excellent wins vs some relatively good teams... felt pretty good at the time. Played well a number of times on one of the top pub CTF servers. ggs. That was an excellent game with a really solid, dedicated community for a number of years.

And for one of the sequels, UT2k4, I was briefly in one of the "top" clans... but that was a quite uncompetitive scene compared to UT, so not exactly a massive achievement there.

And at the height of our collective (and mutual) obsession with Tekken (this was I think during Tag), I went 92-46 vs my friend. The only time I've ever kept a record of W-L vs him. I still bring it up to this day, and it still bothers him.

That's the best I got, I think.
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One of my first animations in Dreams impressed Shuhei Yoshida enough to have him share it on Twitter to promote Dreams.

Along with my kung fu animations in Dreams being the highlight of the first Community Creations upon release.

And providing fighting animations for a animated short made in Dreams that was shown at the Tokyo Short Film Festival in 2022 or whenever it was.
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The grind was insane

Back when an AV battle would literally last days :)
Man, I loved old school AV. Take part in the back and forth fighting all day for for inches of ground, go to sleep, wake up and do it again. Frantically racing to protect your own general, sniping graveyards to cut off reinforcements and completely stall the offensive. Good time. No, great times.


In sixth grade I managed to beat Sigma's final form with Zero on X4 without getting hit once. I could hardly believe it, and I told friends at school and even said I don't blame them if they don't believe me as I have no fuckin idea how I managed it lol. Played that game quite a lot.


My personal achievement are not much:

fighting final boss in ff tactic, defeat final boss with counter...

ff6, with only one turn, 4 renzokugiri+two handed weapon: ultima weapon at both hand, 8000+ damages, and the final boss down 8 attack in one command.

Dang i like older turnbased FF, i can try to abuse it with some grindings and builds.


I fairly shite at games. By fairly, I mean very.

But I do have the platinum on Sekiro and have finished both Last of Us games on Grounded.
You are absolutely not shite at video games sir lol. I earnestly attempted The Last of Us 1 on grounded, did ok too but threw in the towel towards the end, and Sekiro was just too much for me. You're very, very good at video games, and a very humble person to boot. I wish more people had your humility, it's refreshing and classy.


Gold Member
Man, I loved old school AV. Take part in the back and forth fighting all day for for inches of ground, go to sleep, wake up and do it again. Frantically racing to protect your own general, sniping graveyards to cut off reinforcements and completely stall the offensive. Good time. No, great times.
I had my most fun doing that very thing in AV and had a blast on a PVP server slaughtering people going into old 40 man Molten Core raids

Right there with you, that was great fun, peak WoW


You are absolutely not shite at video games sir lol. I earnestly attempted The Last of Us 1 on grounded, did ok too but threw in the towel towards the end, and Sekiro was just too much for me. You're very, very good at video games, and a very humble person to boot. I wish more people had your humility, it's refreshing and classy.
Cheers man. I'm just good at certain types of games if I put the effort in. Sports games, shooters etc I'm absolutely terrible at. Shift the shooter to 3rd person and let me hunt and I'm weirdly in my element.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Sifu, platinum
Wanted: Dead, Japanese Hard completed
Ninja Gaiden Black, Master Ninja completed
Ninja Gaiden 2, Master Ninja completed
Streets of Rage 4, arcade completed co-op on Mania+
Soul Calibur 2 and 6, played it a lot. I'm pretty good.
Vanquish, platinum. I think it was challenge #6 that was the bane of my existence.
Starfield, platinum. 500+ hours.
Morrowind, probably over a thousand hours. Did all the things.
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A few come to mind...

Completed Halo 1 in Legendary by myself
Completed Bayonetta in Infinite Climax
Completed Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge in Normal difficulty lol
Completed the Legendary Survival in Dead or Alive 5 (to unlock a swimsuit lol)
Completed Quake III in Nightmare on Dreamcast

Nowadays I don't really have the patience anymore for games that require a ton of skills though. I prefer puzzle games (Catherine, Talos, Witness, Outer Wilds, Shiren) and always complete them without looking for help. Then, once I think I have seen all I could, I will check for some secrets I might have missed.
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I'm an old man who never played a souls game and I've beaten everything in Elden ring and DLC except promised consort radahn.. I've come close and I hope to finally beat him in the next week or so.
It feels good as I bought the game when it came out and was just so intimidated by it all I would not even play it for the longest time.
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Mine is more personal, but finally beating my dad in Tekken 2 as a young lad. I put a lot of time into learning combos and throws for King that I basically mastered it. I’ll never forget that feeling after months of beatings.

On a normal gaming level, probably getting the COD MW remastered platinum trophy. On the really hard difficulty, it was like the AI never missed a shot or grenade throw. I understand why it only has a 0.3% plat rate.
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Gold Member
Probably getting my full tier sets in WoW, back then I raided wearing them most of the time vs min/maxing as it was different back then. When Burning Crusade hit, I min/maxed as much as possible, as that expansion was just unforgiving. Still had the full sets out when I was shit talking in barrens though.

However recently I got this in Darktide.


That's 4500 penance points in Darktide, penances are achievements in darktide awarding 5-20 points (most award 5-10 very few rare 20's) there's only around 4900 penance points total in the entire game and some of these take weeks to do... so it took me just shy of 750 hours to get.

I'm that's not a reward you work towards I don't what is.


Probably beating the original SEGA Master System version of Phantasy Star back in the '80s, without a strategy guide or walkthrough, when I was all of ten years old.

Edit: For something more modern, probably beating Demon's Souls PS3 without any artificial aid. Meaning no walkthrough or strategy guide, no YouTube referencing, no online summoning help for bosses. Just solo offline all on my own, and I didn't use any magic either. Pure melee build.
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