Tell me about your favourite game ever.


Too hard to do, so I'll try and do one per gen:

Treasure Island (Commodore Plus 4)
Bubble Bobble (C64)
Worms (Amiga)
Final Fantasy 7 (PS1)
Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
The Last of Us (PS3)
God of War (PS4)
Final Fantasy 7 (parts 1 and 2) (PS5)



Don't underestimate my love of dinosaurs mixed with a dash of Resident Evil seasoning. I won't ever shut up about this game even a 100 years later and I've finished it 60 times in the heyday.

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Gold Member
I've been gaming for more than four decades and yet my favorite "game" is a recent one:

MS Flight Simulator in VR.

Tbh I don't know how to explain it well. To understand it I guess people just have to experience if for themselves with a solid yoke and throttle setup and a study level GA aircraft in a good VR headset.
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Gold Member
Mine is Morrowind. The reason it's my favorite is that I was relatively new to gaming at the time, and it was my first ever RPG. I had only played simple shooters, action games, and platformers prior to that. I found it mind-blowing that a game could create a world like that - mysterious and alien - and let you explore it at will. It was incredibly immersive. I got a guide to help me figure it out, because I was an RPG noob, and Morrowind threw me in the deep end. I loved it.

I can't replay it, though. After 20+ years of playing RPGs, I can't recapture the sense of playing Morrowind for the first time. It's better left as a memory.


Going with Mass Effect 2. Replayed it many times. Love the gameplay loop, the story and cast. It was the perfect blend and most ideal action and RPG I've played and nothing really has come close to offering that experience.

Whether chatting to your crew on the Normandy, npcs on the Citadel or doing side missions on Omega.. that game is just pure perfection.


Gonna have to cop out and pick more than one for games in different roles. I can't exclude any one of these.

Ocarina of Time
Smash Melee
Turtles in Time
Halo CE
Phantasy Star Online
Sonic 2


Gold Member
I think it's weird when people are asked "what's your favorite game"

They can't pick one and have to make a list, and it's always a list including multiple hyper popular stuff.

Like can you honestly not stand back and immediately think what game has stuck with you throughout the years, more than any other title?

Like this isn't a list of games that "arguably" changed the industry, although your favorite game could be ONE of those, it's a game that means something to you.

For me it has to be...


Something about the journey I had when playing this just stays with me, and recently replaying (with the retranslation patch installed) only reinforced that. There are a few other titles I think about but this is the one that I always end up coming back to in the end.

It's hard to describe why but I guess in many ways it's because of how much I started to actually care for my party in this. Which given the amount of time you can put into them (especially the 3 main heroines) makes a lot of sense.

Nevermind the fact the creators made a whole language up from scratch that actually works, which you can translate any script and it will mean something.

And oh god the music

Like i really struggle to this day to find a better soundtrack (and I pay close attention to that shit) and the way your emotions attach onto the tracks is something else. If I get one more person to play this game I'm a happy man, I can't recommend it enough.

Gust struck utter gold with this, I forever wish we get a remaster so it's easier for people to get a hold of and play.

This one is real good. I’m going to play it.


I will be talking about one and then talk about the other. Everything from the weapons, to the environment, the lore and the music. I feel like these two games have replaced a lot of games that were originally in my GOAT.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, each part of that game was hand crafted and the act of exploration itself was so good, the lite rpg elements, the addictive collectathon, it did all these things so well - it spawned a fucking genre. Other games had elements before, but SotN is where is all came together. And then, when you think it's all over, mother fuckers inverted the map and gave you a second half to the game.

I know the inverted castle is known now but I remember being a young and dumb asshole, and it blew my mind. I went back to that game often, stoned out of my mind, for late night zen sessions of getting every item to drop and maxing out all the familiars.

You get Yoshitaka Amano art. You get an amazing soundtrack. You get fluid action and platforming. You get a suspiciously deep voice on Alucard whose character portrait doesn't look like it should have that voice. You get everything. It is considered by some to be the quintessential Castlevania game, in a series with damn fine and iconic games, for a reason.

I have played it over and over again throughout the years and it never ceases to be amazing.

Edit: The box art was by Ayami Kojima. My dipshit ass thought it was Amano all these years. Shout to NeoIkaruGAF for the heads up.
Just like Mega Man 2, this is a game that I frequently have replayed over the years as it's just so easy to get back into. Couldn't agree more.


Gold Member
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, each part of that game was hand crafted and the act of exploration itself was so good, the lite rpg elements, the addictive collectathon, it did all these things so well - it spawned a fucking genre. Other games had elements before, but SotN is where is all came together. And then, when you think it's all over, mother fuckers inverted the map and gave you a second half to the game.

I know the inverted castle is known now but I remember being a young and dumb asshole, and it blew my mind. I went back to that game often, stoned out of my mind, for late night zen sessions of getting every item to drop and maxing out all the familiars.

You get Yoshitaka Amano art. You get an amazing soundtrack. You get fluid action and platforming. You get a suspiciously deep voice on Alucard whose character portrait doesn't look like it should have that voice. You get everything. It is considered by some to be the quintessential Castlevania game, in a series with damn fine and iconic games, for a reason.

I have played it over and over again throughout the years and it never ceases to be amazing.

Edit: The box art was by Ayami Kojima. My dipshit ass thought it was Amano all these years. Shout to NeoIkaruGAF for the heads up.
Awesome game.

One of the few times in history I rebought a game by buying it on XBLA. Bad thing is I never considered buying games an investment. So after I'm done with old cartridges and CDs I'd sell them for $20 to gaming and movie rental stores back in the day.

I even had the original PS game (not the green greatest hits). Who knew some of these games would be worth big bucks. I never knew game collecting was a thing until the internet came about and you read up on resale values of oldies.

But getting back to the game, great game. When I played on XBLA, I totally finished it 200+% scoping out guides. Never knew during the PS days about some of the secret rooms, or OP powered weapons like crissycross.
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Gold Member
This one is real good. I’m going to play it.


I will be talking about one and then talk about the other. Everything from the weapons, to the environment, the lore and the music. I feel like these two games have replaced a lot of games that were originally in my GOAT.

Just one thing, if you can play with this.

The official NIS translation is one of worst "localisation's" ever. The oposite of normal, they tried to "sex up" the dialog, this patch fixes all that, and restores the full japanese voice acting (which they removed most of to make room for the terrible dated memes & sex joke dub)

Despite all this, enough of the original game is still there to be something special without this patch, however when I replayed years later with the patch it made me actually angry what they did to this game. It's one of the reasons I'm so anti censorship on even minor things in games today, because stuff like this happens if you let it.
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Al Pachinko, Konami President

Resident Evil 1996 North American version. OG OST, no auto-aim, no nerfed hunters or final tyrant, 2 ink ribbons instead of 3.

This game does not get the credit it deserves because REmake is the go to for RE1, and the OG NA version is only available via emulation or on disc. For years the only PSN version was Dual Shock Director's Cut with the awful OST and baked-in auto-aim, etc. Euro bros got the OG Director's Cut on PSN and that at least has the OG OST but auto-aim is baked-in and certain enemies are nerfed. PS4/PS5 finally have OG Director's Cut release, and GOG has the PC version but outside of the uncensored intro, the OG NA version is still the definitive way to experience the game. Also, the PC version is ugly as balls.

The OG NA game is brilliant and is absolutely timeless, it is legitimately a perfect game. Most people don't realize the attention to detail when it comes to leaving clues for the player. As long as you examine rooms and items, the game will help guide you. Most people know the puzzles and route by heart so they just speed run and dodge zombies. That's fine and all but it's not a good way to present the game, it loses it's charm and turns the game into a door opening simulator that relies on directionless voice acting for entertainment. If I'm being honest, it's disrespectful and shows poor taste.

If you actually engage with the enemies, you cannot truly dominate the OG NA version. The Hunters will wreck your run, the chimera are annoying as hell, and the final Tyrant fight is a nail biter every time. Manual aiming is satisfying as hell and incredibly accurate and fair. The inventory management is spot on. The OST and set pieces are God-tier. Good replay value; roughly 3 different scenarios for Chris and Jill. The Jill Sandwich line is fantastic but how many people know that you'll get a completely different scenario with Barry if you ignore Barry's advice in the main hall and end up meeting him on the 2nd floor balcony where Forest was killed? "Oh My Cod!" The Broken Shogun Route, my personal favorite route and the canon scenario for Jill.

With Chris and Rebecca, you can avoid her outright in the beginning of the game and end up meeting her when you encounter Richard. In that scenario Rebecca comes off as far more capable and suited for the situation, rather than completely helpless.

The game is so effing good and it is a damn shame that the gaming world has largely forgotten the ORIGINAL RESIDENT EVIL, the game that caused an absolute sensation amongst gamers in 1996. Everyone was talking about it, beating the game was a rite of passage and schoolmates would quiz you if they overheard you telling someone that you beat the game. More people need to experience how brutal the first game is and feel the rush and sense of accomplishment when you get the timing down to stun-lock Hunters, or when you're down to your last red/green herb and Tyrant has taken 6 direct magnum shots and Brad still hasn't dropped the fucking rocket launcher, lol. And no, the HD remastered version is not the best version. We're not trying to skip the door opening sequences, we're not trying to do a quick turn. Fuck that. The point is that the OG 1996 version is the game that gave us RE and also inspired RE7. When Capcom went back to the drawing board, they went back to the OG game. I realize too that manual aiming was added due to rentals, and Capcom themselves said play-testers found it too difficult, but that's also why the game was such a cultural event when it released. It's an amazing experience, this game does not fuck around. Director's Cut will never give you that experience because auto-aim and nerfed enemies break the game. Go play the OG NA version if you never have. Stick with it and have an absolute gaming experience of a lifetime.

OG North American Resident Evil 1996 is my GOAT and always will be.

Its sad but I cant think of a single favorite game


Metal Gear Solid 3

Great gameplay (camouflage, stealth, survival with hunting, combat, shooting...)
Amazing story
Beautiful soundtrack
Incredible graphics for a 25 year old console
Great Boss battles
Creatieve ways to play the game
Fun and out of the box secrets

GTA Vice City is like perfection to me. Even with the gameplay of the 3D era games showing their age, I just still love it to death and I'm always replaying it. Rockstar basically took all of the things I love and put them in a game. Scarface is one of my favourite movies ever and the game is heavily inspired by it. 80's music is awesome. Like, just cruising around and listening to the Radio stations is my zen zone.


It's FFVI for SNES. Impossible not to be drawn into the story, it's so good it doesn't need 3D graphics or an open world like newer games. It still is but... if I replay Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society again it might change.
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