Tell me about your favourite game ever.


Gold Member
If I had to only truly pick one... Witcher 3 is my all time favorite game.

Its just such a masterpiece, I've never been more engrossed in a game's world. And it might have my all time favorite gaming soundtrack to set it off extra. I still play this probably once a year with mods and reshades on PC, and that last update with the revamped combat for spells was amazing. And I still think the DLC for it are probably better than other full games that came out in their respective years.

Super close honorable mentions:

Mass Effect Trilogy - Absolutely loved the overall story despite the whack pre-dlc ending. The world building and characters were amazing, its was just fun and special.
World of Warcraft (Vanilla through Wrath) - This was my first MMO ever, ill never forget exploring a map that big and interacting with other players online for the first time. That was a special game, I still get goosebumps when I hear the login music in those nostalgia youtube shorts.
Battlefield 2, 3, 4 - The Battlefield golden era. Logged endless hours on these games. I liked Battlefield because there was so much more to do besides just sweating about your kdr.
ROME: Total War - Got me into the empire building strategy genre. Lots and lots and lots of late into the night "one more turn" here. Love the Total War series overall but this is the GOAT. Also special props for having the GOAT theme music.
X-COM - The original X-COM baby, got me into turned based games as a kid. Taught me patience and rage at the same time. Obviously its super aged compared to the rest of the list, but still has a special place in my heart and helped usher young me into gaming.


Gold Member
Mass Effect 1 is so effing good. :messenger_loudly_crying:

For me it's the sense of mystery and comradery/story delivery. What a freaking game. Every time I play it's just as good as the last.

This track in particular hits me so hard and perfectly captures what I feel inside when I think about the game and when I play it.

Exactly. I'd never had a game reach those feelings. I loved GTA 3 and really got into that world, but Mass Effect did me in.


Gold Member
Mass Effect 1 is so effing good. :messenger_loudly_crying:

For me it's the sense of mystery and comradery/story delivery. What a freaking game. Every time I play it's just as good as the last.

This track in particular hits me so hard and perfectly captures what I feel inside when I think about the game and when I play it.

I just finished ME1(Legendary edition this time) again tonight on my steam deck, was excellent, I skipped a lot of the secondary missions so I could keep track of the story. The music is brilliant.

The last time I played it was on PC release, 2008 I think.


i've replayed this game a number of times, &, weirdly enough, it always manages to move me emotionally. few games manage to do this at all. this one does it every time...


Hard question, i got several which i cant decide well...

- Metroid Zero Fusion and SR...
- FF6,9,12
- BoTW & ToTK, First Zelda, Minish Cap, and
Wind Waker
- SMT 3, Strange Journey,
Digital devil saga 1-2
- Persona 2
- Dragons dogma 1&2
- Breath of Fire 4
- Yakuza Like a Dragon
- Farcry 2 & 3

Dang, so many choices ....

Probably, BoTW, i am amazed with the game at first time, it's like dreams that come true. I even stop smoking for one day, because i fully played the game in one day and forgot to smoke. 13/10 game IMO
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Gold Member

Came out around 2000 or 2001. Best PC game I ever bought. And it was $20.

- Awesome turn based strategy game. Gritty looking detailed sprites and animation
- 8 or 9 factions. Pretty balanced, but there's a couple not too good, and a few a touch better. But overall close. Never use the Devil faction. Its the worst one
- This edition comes with both expansion packs and most importantly the random map generator (which was included in one of the expansion packs)
- I never played any campaign modes. Since I'd played HOMM1 and 2 to death, I just zoomed right to random map matches against the cpu
- There's cheat codes too! lol. So if youre pissed, just google search some codes. Although it's finicky as you got to type in the right code as each game/expansion had its own codes, so you got to play around with it and find the one that works
- The AI isnt great after you become good at the game and can bait the cpu into stupid moves, but to slightly balance it off the cpu cheats on higher levels starting with better resources or city structures. You can tell it cheats some kind since the cpu could have monsters or building structures that would be impossible to build in such a short time frame due to resources needed or needing enough days to build it (there's a mandatory pathway to build structures). The cpu also cheats by knowing where and how to move in fog of war to maximize movement efficiency, and going through warp doors it cheats by being able to immediately go back through without needing to step out one space and then go back in. So if you go through a warp gate and come through the other side and an enemy is beside it, you'd have to fight it. But if you planted an army beside a warp gate and the cpu comes through, it can notice that and go back where it came from without stepping out. lol. Bastards
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.



Resident Evil 1996 North American version. OG OST, no auto-aim, no nerfed hunters or final tyrant, 2 ink ribbons instead of 3.

This game does not get the credit it deserves because REmake is the go to for RE1, and the OG NA version is only available via emulation or on disc. For years the only PSN version was Dual Shock Director's Cut with the awful OST and baked-in auto-aim, etc. Euro bros got the OG Director's Cut on PSN and that at least has the OG OST but auto-aim is baked-in and certain enemies are nerfed. PS4/PS5 finally have OG Director's Cut release, and GOG has the PC version but outside of the uncensored intro, the OG NA version is still the definitive way to experience the game. Also, the PC version is ugly as balls.

The OG NA game is brilliant and is absolutely timeless, it is legitimately a perfect game. Most people don't realize the attention to detail when it comes to leaving clues for the player. As long as you examine rooms and items, the game will help guide you. Most people know the puzzles and route by heart so they just speed run and dodge zombies. That's fine and all but it's not a good way to present the game, it loses it's charm and turns the game into a door opening simulator that relies on directionless voice acting for entertainment. If I'm being honest, it's disrespectful and shows poor taste.

If you actually engage with the enemies, you cannot truly dominate the OG NA version. The Hunters will wreck your run, the chimera are annoying as hell, and the final Tyrant fight is a nail biter every time. Manual aiming is satisfying as hell and incredibly accurate and fair. The inventory management is spot on. The OST and set pieces are God-tier. Good replay value; roughly 3 different scenarios for Chris and Jill. The Jill Sandwich line is fantastic but how many people know that you'll get a completely different scenario with Barry if you ignore Barry's advice in the main hall and end up meeting him on the 2nd floor balcony where Forest was killed? "Oh My Cod!" The Broken Shogun Route, my personal favorite route and the canon scenario for Jill.

With Chris and Rebecca, you can avoid her outright in the beginning of the game and end up meeting her when you encounter Richard. In that scenario Rebecca comes off as far more capable and suited for the situation, rather than completely helpless.

The game is so effing good and it is a damn shame that the gaming world has largely forgotten the ORIGINAL RESIDENT EVIL, the game that caused an absolute sensation amongst gamers in 1996. Everyone was talking about it, beating the game was a rite of passage and schoolmates would quiz you if they overheard you telling someone that you beat the game. More people need to experience how brutal the first game is and feel the rush and sense of accomplishment when you get the timing down to stun-lock Hunters, or when you're down to your last red/green herb and Tyrant has taken 6 direct magnum shots and Brad still hasn't dropped the fucking rocket launcher, lol. And no, the HD remastered version is not the best version. We're not trying to skip the door opening sequences, we're not trying to do a quick turn. Fuck that. The point is that the OG 1996 version is the game that gave us RE and also inspired RE7. When Capcom went back to the drawing board, they went back to the OG game. I realize too that manual aiming was added due to rentals, and Capcom themselves said play-testers found it too difficult, but that's also why the game was such a cultural event when it released. It's an amazing experience, this game does not fuck around. Director's Cut will never give you that experience because auto-aim and nerfed enemies break the game. Go play the OG NA version if you never have. Stick with it and have an absolute gaming experience of a lifetime.

OG North American Resident Evil 1996 is my GOAT and always will be.

I really sat down and played (and finished, twice) 1 for the first time in 25+ years recently, and I was reminded of how good it is and how underrated it is.

People talk about REmake, which is a very fine game, but the OG has certain qualities to it that REmake sacrificed and not even 2 had. It's truly unique in the franchise.

I did admittedly play the Classic Rebirth version that added things like tactical reload, quick turn, and let me use a texture pack, and it's the Japanese version so all in all it's bastardised from your vision, but my playthroughs were all as Chris so I'll have to do a Jill run on your preferred version.

A small thing that fills me with nostalgia is the inventory sound effect set. Something about it has a more powerful nostalgic effect than most things, and I don't really know why. But I love it. When you combine that with some early game soundtrack it's like nothing else. Even my favourite, 2, doesn't do things like OG does.

For years my favourite RE was always a toss up between 2 and 3, and having reminded myself of 1 I can safely throw it in there. The classic trilogy are all brilliant for their own reasons, but I completely understand why there is a niche of die hard OG fans that don't like where the series went after.


witcher 3 is my favourite game of all time, it's one of the few games that's always installed on my computer, brilliant game from start to finish.


A list of some of my fave games ever:
Ape Escape
Ape escape 2
Klonoa door to phantomile
Nights into dreams
Jet set radio future
Panzer dragoon Orta
Outrun 2006 coast to coast
Sonic 2
Sonic 3 & knuckles
Lost odyssey
Final fantasy 8
Tetris Effect Connected
Street fighter third strike
Street fighter 6
Blazblue Chrono phantasma extend
Guilty gear accent core +r
Guilty gear strive
Metal slug X
Mushimesama Futari 1.5
Ori will of the wisps
Like a dragon: infinite wealth
Lies of P
Psychonauts 2
Mario 3D world
Armored core 6
Bullet Soul Infinite Burst
Castlevania aria of sorrow
Castlevania symphony of the night
Story: KOTOR
Honorable mention: Alan Wake
Honorable mention: BioShock

Gameplay: F.E.A.R.
Honorable mention: Halo

Multiplayer: Battlefield 3
Honorable mention: Gears of War 5 (horde mode on insane difficulty)
Honorable mention : Portal 2

Overall Game design: Resident Evil 4 (so long as you avoid exploits)
Honorable mention: Uncharted 2

Other favs:
Zelda 1 & 2
Mass Effect Trilogy
Demons/Dark Souls series
Elden Rng.
Lost Odyssey (very, very underrated game. 4 dvd’s!!)
Puzzle Quest
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey (my fav assassin’s creed game)
Half -Life. 2
Too many more to list!!


I cant talk about my favorite game of all time .. it was viciously murdered with a gold club in a plot orchestrated by the biggest woke cuck in the industry and I still mourning.


PC 90s Duke Nukem 3D, it was fun and the time was perfect for a shooter game who keeps running his mouth,

Ps1 I'd say Resident Evil but it's Silent Hill, the game is literally what we wanted,

PS2 Silent Hill 2, the game is timeless,

360 Assassin's Creed, I like how the story started in the middle east,

PS3 Killzone, a shooter with heavy guns, the shooter we wanted,

PC 10s Bioshock Infinite, it was Perfect,

PS4 The Wolf Among Us, The first Telltale game for me, it changed my perspective on story games, now I understand where real stories come from,

Xbox One The Witcher 3,

Wii U Super Mario 3D World,

Xbox Series X I liked many games but it's still not the right time to pick one.
Great post, I’ll copy that!

This is what first pops up in my head for each system:

C64: The Last Ninja, clunky today but it was so ahead of it’s time, I still love it, and the music is at the top of the industry.

Amiga 500: Turrican, well-known classic, superb game design, fantastic music.

SNES: Super Metroid, the best metroidvania and perfection in game design.

PS1: Resident Evil, for me this is peak early 3D era, I’ve played it more times than I could count.

N64: Golden Eye. But I didn’t like this console and dropped it fast.

DC: Soul Calibur, one of my favorite fighting games and the game that has impressed me the most in a new generation.

PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2, lots of talk but a fantastic game and technically advanced and one of the best stealth games ever.

GC: Metroid Prime. Not really my thing to be honest but this was another Nintendo console I didn’t use much, so not much to choose from.

Xbox: Dead or Alive 3, this was before they ruined the IP with dlc. Just a fun brawler with nice visuals and still the coolest counter mechanic.

Xbox 360: Oblivion, Skyrim, can’t choose but both are among my all time favorite games and they instantly turned me into a Bethesda fan.

Wii: Donkey Kong Country Returns, platforming perfection and lots on nostalgia.

PS3: Uncharted 3, everybody choose 2 but I like the story telling more in 3 and it’s just a perfect action adventure.

WiiU: Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, unique and fun, deserved more recognition at the time, just brilliant game design.

PS4: Uncharted 4, fantastic action adventure and a superb ending. ND needs to drop TLOU and revive Uncharted somehow!

Xbox One/PC: Ori and the Blind Forrest, one of my all time favorite metroidvanias, looks amazing too.

Switch: Zelda Breath of the Wild, deserves all the hype it got, one of the all time best games ever.

Xbox Series X/PC: Ori and the Will of the Wisps, metroidvania perfection and looks like a painting brought to life.

PS5/PC: Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, great platforming action adventure and still looks amazing.

PC: Elden Ring, The Best. And Shadow of the Erdtree is The GOTY.
  • Love
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It's Chrono Cross.

It's my favourite game of all time. Everything works for me - music is outstanding (not as a game music, but as a whole), characters are weird and cool, story is just so "out there" with complex themes around multiverses and what if's (but not im retarded Marvel style), world is just beyond beautiful (i wish i'd live in a peaceful village like Arni or Guldove)

This game juggles between sentimental feelings, uplifting, depressing and hopeful of furore.

Legit only one game I can think of where at the end credits of goodbyes etc, i am on verge of tears.

I love it so much, one classmate in middle school told me about this 15-16 years ago. Played it countless times and love it the same today.


Phantasy Star IV. A timeless masterpiece. Grew up playing this game, so it was a first for me on a many aspects, be it in terms of gameplay/mechanics but also in life (and death) events. Replayed it a few months ago, didn't age one bit. This game is as perfect as RPGs go. Chrono Trigger comes to mind as an all time classic comparable to Phantasy Star IV, in my opinion. I have a sweet spot for Phantasy Star II (that I completed again recently, with the modernization hack from romhacking), which offers more replayability than Phantasy Star IV, as well as having an exceptional setting that I prefer to Phantasy Star IV.

Shining Force III on Saturn was a very strong experience for me as well. It was incredibly engaging and left a super strong impression. The world was very unique and detailed, and the political aspects also helped me understand better these themes. Gameplay was a blast and visuals were excellent without loadings. Camelot were doing some serious magic back then. Worth noting : Dragon Force on Saturn as well.
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A game I used to hate, but grew on me immensely:


- While the whole "everyone is a protagonist" thing is not exactly accurate, what they did worked incredibly well.

- Gameplay wise, there's A LOT to dive into. Long story short, it's a fun ass game!

- Flurry is still one of the most hilariously cool things I have seen.
A Samurai circling around his opponents, slashing them up, WHILE LAUGHING, gets me hyped every time.

- When it comes to the sprite work, you can't get better then this. Every animation and expression is filled with charisma and personality, everyone looks beautiful, specially Edgar.

- Ambition wise, FF 6 is a PS5 game on a Super Nintendo.

- While the plot can be quite clichéd at times, specially with the not-subtle-at-all World War 2 nods, it works really well.

- And World of Ruin, searching and gathering up your brothers and sisters to tackle the ultimate challange, the Kefka Tower, is still one of the most badass things I ever seen in any game.

Oh, and every Top 50 games of all time list, should have Darkstalkers 3 in it.


Is not only one of the best fighting games ever made, is one of the best games ever made, period.
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It's Chrono Cross.

It's my favourite game of all time. Everything works for me - music is outstanding (not as a game music, but as a whole), characters are weird and cool, story is just so "out there" with complex themes around multiverses and what if's (but not im retarded Marvel style), world is just beyond beautiful (i wish i'd live in a peaceful village like Arni or Guldove)

This game juggles between sentimental feelings, uplifting, depressing and hopeful of furore.

Legit only one game I can think of where at the end credits of goodbyes etc, i am on verge of tears.

I love it so much, one classmate in middle school told me about this 15-16 years ago. Played it countless times and love it the same today.
It's always bothered me that some people absolutely shit on the game because it's not chrono trigger 2. I love chrono cross. I pre-ordered it back in the day, it was between CC and Legend of Mana. I'm glad I went with CC.
A game I used to hate, but grew on me immensely:


- While the whole "everyone is a protagonist" thing is not exactly accurate, what they did worked incredibly well.

- Gameplay wise, there's A LOT to dive into. Long story short, it's a fun ass game!

- Flurry is still one of the most hilariously cool things I have seen.
A Samurai circling around his opponents, slashing them up, WHILE LAUGHING, gets me hyped every time.

- When it comes to the sprite work, you can't get better then this. Every animation and expression is filled with charisma and personality, everyone looks beautiful, specially Edgar.

- Ambition wise, FF 6 is a PS5 game on a Super Nintendo.

- While the plot can be quite clichéd at times, specially with the not-subtle-at-all World War 2 nods, it works really well.

- And World of Ruin, searching and gathering up your brothers and sisters to tackle the ultimate challange, the Kefka Tower, is still one of the most badass things I ever seen in any game.

Oh, and every Top 50 games of all time list, should have Darkstalkers 3 in it.


Is not only one of the best fighting games ever made, is one of the best games ever made, period.
Thread theme.



Gold Member
I think it's weird when people are asked "what's your favorite game"

They can't pick one and have to make a list, and it's always a list including multiple hyper popular stuff.

Like can you honestly not stand back and immediately think what game has stuck with you throughout the years, more than any other title?

Like this isn't a list of games that "arguably" changed the industry, although your favorite game could be ONE of those, it's a game that means something to you.

For me it has to be...


Something about the journey I had when playing this just stays with me, and recently replaying (with the retranslation patch installed) only reinforced that. There are a few other titles I think about but this is the one that I always end up coming back to in the end.

It's hard to describe why but I guess in many ways it's because of how much I started to actually care for my party in this. Which given the amount of time you can put into them (especially the 3 main heroines) makes a lot of sense.

Nevermind the fact the creators made a whole language up from scratch that actually works, which you can translate any script and it will mean something.

And oh god the music

Like i really struggle to this day to find a better soundtrack (and I pay close attention to that shit) and the way your emotions attach onto the tracks is something else. If I get one more person to play this game I'm a happy man, I can't recommend it enough.

Gust struck utter gold with this, I forever wish we get a remaster so it's easier for people to get a hold of and play.
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Metal Gear Solid 1

Blew my mind. So many wow moments, moments in gaming i had never seen before in a game. It was cinematic like a movie.
What this game brought to the table has had a lasting effect on gaming.
Err, no you don’t. It’s Ayami Kojima :pie_grinning_sweat:

Funnily enough, Alucard is a badass baritone™️ only in the English version. In Japanese he sounds much less badass and confident.
Ah..., damn I always thought it was Amano this entire time. You learn something new every day.. I retract that portion of my statement and now have a new artist to check out.

And the voice just adds another level of awesomeness. It just feels off it is coming from Alucard lol,
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1This, the only game I sank nearly 2000 hours in, setting up clans, organising matches against other clans, truly amazing, I was so excited for the future of the franchise then it turned to shit, dumbing everything down so it became a CoD meat grinder clone rather than an organised clan team play strategic game.

I'm so happy I got to experience it though, what a time to be gaming on PC!
One of my favourite experiences playing BF2 was when I randomly partnered up with another player. We fought using one of the combat helicopters. I was the pilot and he/she was the gunner. We worked so well together.

Hunter 99

Hard to pick just 1 but life changing moments for me from childhood to teens.

Ff 9
Mario 64
Mgs 2

The awe I got from playing these growing up from the 90s to 2000s was just absolutely incredible, amazing.i will never forget any of these games. Literally the reason I'm still gaming today.chasing that feeling...


For me it would have be Halo, as it represents a pivotal point in my life (and it’s a fantastic game).

Story time

At the turn on the century, after completing my Uni degree I moved to a new city as it had better job prospects than my home town. All I had to my name was some cloths and a blow up mattress. No consoles at the time as I had sold them for money to move.

It was a shit time in my life as I was unemployed, had no money, was very isolated, very depressed and had terrible anxiety. I’d also recently broken up with my girlfriend of a few years. This went on for about a year. Honestly I was pretty much ready to top myself as I couldn’t see a way forward.

Eventually i had enough of getting rejected job applications in my chosen field and feeling like a complete loser, so decided to just get any job, which was very hard as I had very poor mental health at the time. I ended up being employed as a part time labourer, pretty shit money, but much better than having nothing.

Not long before I began the job I saw an ad on TV advertising a new console, Xbox and there was a video of a game called Halo that accompanied the ad. The game looked incredible. I decided I would treat myself to a new console with my first few pay checks. I was actually still trying to decide between a PS2 or Xbox, but seeing Halo had pretty much sealed the deal. I was pretty much obsessed with the idea and spent a lot of time dreaming of the day when I would pick it up.

The day had finally arrived when I was going to pick up my new console. I still remember well the bus ride into the city. It was a beautiful clear sunny winter morning (beautiful weather in Queensland, Aus). To say I was excited would be an understatement. On the ride back I kept glancing at the big shopping bag with my new console and halo contained within. I felt I had finally made it in life. Funny how the small things can mean so much when you have nothing.

When I arrived home a relished the moment by making a coffee, smoking a cigarette and staring at my new purchase, before setting it up. Excited about the day ahead and how awesome it would be to own an Xbox.

After setting up my new Xbox and finally beginning the campaign. I couldn’t believe how amazing Halo looked, sounded and played. I was blown away when you’re first introduced to an Elite on the Pillar of Autumn and when you first step foot on the Halo ring. It was better than I had imagined! Man what a day that was.

That same year a met my now wife of 18 years who we have two beautiful teenage girls with. I also began my career in my chosen field after only a few month of toiling in the labourers job.

Moral of the story. Things do get better if you put your mind to it and drag yourself out of misery.

I still replay Halo often. Probably why I also have a soft spot for Xbox to this day.


This is hard because each game are different:

Ar tonelico: The first JRPG I played that made me fall in love with the genre. I really love music and they implementation to the gameplay and story is really great.
Ace Combat 5: The best Ace Combat for me. I really like planes and the game is perfect in every part. Great planes, great story, great music
Xenoblade X: I already love Xenoblade. But with controllable mecha? Perfect.



People will say the game has aged - and they're not wrong... but Ocarina of Time is so fucking good and special to me that I can't put any other game above it. I love the world, the music and story, the weapons and quirky characters. OOT oozes charm and personality and there's a reason why it's the GOAT.

Mass Effect 2 in my #2 though.

Jenga. You build a tower made of rectangular blocks layered in sets of three with each level perpendicular to the level below it and take turns removing one block. Whoever causes it to collapse loses.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Chrono Trigger

Made me discover raw emotions in writing in games

Same year same I first heard Tool and discovering raw emotions in writing in music

96 what a fucking year



The Legend of Zelda. No subtitle needed.

I fully admit nostalgia plays a major role in this choice. But it doesn't matter. The feeling of adventure was perfect, and a feeling that nobody managed to fully replicate for over 30 years.

I remember clearly my first day or so with the game. My brother and I took turns grabbing the sword and heading right for as far as we could get before dying. Always heading right. After all, that's what you do in videogames. It might look like you could move up or left, but clearly that's impossible. It would probably make the NES explode, so don't risk trying. Just go right, that's all you can do.

Wait, that's not all you can do? You can go anywhere? ANYWHERE? Any tree or rock could hold a secret? You can go to level 2 before level 1? You weren't constrained where to go or what to do? This was completely and totally mindblowing to my 5 year old brain. It's no wonder that it came in a solid gold cartridge (totally not just cheap paint, solid gold!). This was above and beyond anything my little brain could comprehend.

There's something to be said for the good old days, before the internet, before walkthroughs and completionist checklists and trophies and datamining. When you don't understand limitations, your imagination can run wild. I remember the rumors and stories swirling around school. You think those red soldiers are hard? There's blue ones later that are super fast and take all your hearts if you get hit! There's a secret black sword that is even more powerful than the magical sword. After you beat the game everything is different and there's a lake where level 2 is and level 1 looks like an E. There's a secret boss somewhere even more powerful than Ganon. There's bubbles that will take away your sword forever. I looked everywhere for that skeleton key in level 8, surely there's a weird secret? You can walk through walls in the second quest! There's a super secret third quest. With so many true secrets packed into this game, is it any surprise that there were rumors about things that never were mixed in with all the true items? Is it really outside the realm of possibility that such things could be?

Miyamato stated that the inspiration for the game was from his days exploring in the woods around his home. I had no idea who he was, never heard that quote, but I knew that, felt that. That was exactly how I felt too. I too explored around the undeveloped part of my neighborhood, getting lost, always thinking there was something amazing just around the bend that no one had ever seen. And that's what Zelda was. That's what Zelda is. Exploration. A sense of discovery. Just you alone with endless possibilities.

While I enjoy many other games, and certainly there is more exciting gameplay in many others, it is this high, this feeling that I really crave, despite being so rare. It's no surprise that Ocarina of Time, being my first 3D game, is also very near the top of my list. Once again, the possibilities seemed endless. There were so many unique elements, so much weirdness, that the same feeling of wondering how deep the rabbit hole goes was still present. And it's no surprise that, as the Zelda series became more and more formulaic, my interest in the series, and even in gaming in general, started to subside. And it's no surprise that Nintendo returning to the original Zelda roots with Breath of the Wild was also my return to this hobby. Sure, I'm older, wiser. I know there's no magic, I know that all must be programmed in and there are limits to what can be done. But I felt that high again when jumping off the Great Plateau for the first time. It was like being a kid all over again.

It's a magical world, Link ol' buddy, let's go exploring.


Gold Member
Xenogears (1998)

Amazing game for me. Puberty coming in hot. Neurons firing.
Elly is my forever crush. Peak 90s anime aesthetic, lovely graphics, killer story.

I don't remember it well nowadays (should replay it) but it felt like I was playing through a really good anime.
Characters I connected with, story beats, locations that just clicked. The sewers, the desert... being on the ships.
mutha fuk*n greens?!
Heavy themes and badass-edness throughout. Love it all.

The combat was awesome as well.
I did not know you could input more than one attack command. I played a sizeable chunk of the game not aware of that at all.
Once I figured it out, it was very fun to play around with the combos, stocking points, strats.

I like the second disk. It is a bit of a bummer knowing why the game turned out the way it did. I still love it and for me, it adds a timeless charm to what is, Xenoears™
The music is also absolutely beautiful. Some of those tunes/lyrics are seared into my memory.

My password since the dawn of the internet (for regular joes), with slight variations, for added security, has been the same Xenogears themed password.

Thank you Squaresoft Team. You made a classic.


Gold Member
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2 with Commissioners Disk for PC. Circa 1991-ish.

- The shittiest graphics and sound ever
- But it had real players, teams, stat tracking
- Full player/team creation and editing abilities
- You could call plays, had referee temperament, adjust period length etc...
- Commissioners disk had salaries
- CPU always tried to cheat doing a cheese goal where they score by stuffing the puck in the edges of the net, but you could do it too. CPU had higher shooting % so it was best to pass to teammates and let them shoot
- It's a Bethesda game, so the most bugs ever in any sports game I've played. And they didn't account for second assists right. it's like they didnt even test it. Player names were spelled wrong
- An easy game to win as you should be able to double the shot on net vs CPU, but to even it out you can edit player attributes. So I'd purposely boost all opposing goalies a few pts making them all 6, 7, 8, 9. So even the worst goalie was a 6. While purposely dumbing mine down to a 5 or 6. The game was very bad at setting goalie stats. so a bad one would get 0, 1, 2 etc... While top goalies rated 7, 8, 9. A bad goalie would let in 10 goals easy in 10 min periods.
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Pandora's Tower

In all my 43 years of gaming know other game has resonated quite as well with me; i just love it . I can't say why, but it just works.
My favorite game has potential to change if another game manages to be that much better. So far, it has not changed since 2015.


I could type a full-on essay about why Bloodborne has been my all-time favorite since 2015. It is, without a doubt, a collection of great artistry, great gameplay ideas, really great level design/secrets, very good replayability, a story of vast interpretations, and it somehow manages to retain a sense of a fresh adventure in a mostly dark and dreary environment.

The fact that people keep begging for this game to be remade over any other Fromsoft game, 10 years later, just speaks to the magnitude of it's greatness. Even Elden Ring could not dethrone Bloodborne on my list, and that game is a masterpiece in it's own right.


My absolute favorite game of all time is Mass Effect 1 and by extension the trilogy. I had been out of gaming for several years and decided I wanted an Xbox 360 in 2009. Mass Effect was a random game I decided I wanted to try.

And the game changed my life. I played it at a time when a lot of stuff in my personal life was not in a good spot. I has never played a Western RPG before. The lore. The world. The characters. Everything felt real and sucked me in. Mass Effect 1 showed me what gaming could be and I've never looked back.
It's Chrono Trigger..

What can I say? I'll save you a lot of reading by just saying it's perfect in every way. It's the ultimate JRPG experience..

I was a big Square fan back in the day. I really don't remember Chrono. I'll revisit it at some point.
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