You know that this group not existing wouldn't stop that tiny percentage from making false claims somewhere else right?
Like getting rid of this group doesn't prevent false accusations anyway
I am saying it as a whole, not just about this group.
You know that this group not existing wouldn't stop that tiny percentage from making false claims somewhere else right?
Like getting rid of this group doesn't prevent false accusations anyway
OK but the thread is talking about this group and this situation where the police lied to a rape victim about the evidence being destroyed or lost.I am saying it as a whole, not just about this group.
Since you literally linked to a thread to where none of that was presented... what do you expect?
Do you just make random bullshit as you go along and link things without thinking or reading them at all?
I am saying it as a whole, not just about this group.
This thread is infuriating.
Isn't it interesting how just about every woman supports this idea, and the only ones shutting them down are dudes? Yeah...
Thanks for clearing this up. Support/private groups, I'm ok with. But more so ones that are professionally managed. Private facebook groups can be a little sketchy but I'd be a little more ok with that. Once you go public, that only hurts the victims chances at real justice.
Snarky❤;245288149 said:Are there any other biological males in this thread besides me who are willing to say that they are OK with taking the burden of the potential of false rape allegations if it means more women can get justice?
On the list of things I have to worry about a false rape allegation is extremely extremely extremely extremely low on the list
I'll be sure to contact the journalist responsible for the article and request they explicitly ask the men how they're feeling about the whole mess next time, because I'm sure that won't get twisted in any way.
Let's be honest. Victims realistically never have a chance at real justice anyways.Thanks for clearing this up. Support/private groups, I'm ok with. But more so ones that are professionally managed. Private facebook groups can be a little sketchy but I'd be a little more ok with that. Once you go public, that only hurts the victims chances at real justice.
OK but the thread is talking about this group and this situation where the police lied to a rape victim about the evidence being destroyed or lost.
Be sure to ask Trump as well, i'm sure is life has been ruined and he is in a lot of mental anguish right now.
This is just too likely to be abused by spurned lovers/in custody battles/etc. The system sucks with regards to rape but extralegal avenues like this are NOT the answer. Really I don't know what the answer is, but I think a lot of it is educating men on consent. And I think us guys need to be more vigilant on each other with regards to how our friends and family treat women.
Social media just flat out gets things wrong too (see Boston Bomber). We don't want people forming lynch mobs, doxxing people, etc.
Of course it can be abused! 5-10% of rape claims are found to be fabricated. That's not that many in the number of rapes committed but it's still concerning.
And no, it's not worth the false positives. Our society is based off of the idea that it's better a guilty man go free than an innocent man be punished. Stuff like this undermines that basic tenet.
She already went through the proper channels. This is different than just a random unverified account posting someone's picture and saying "hey they raped me".The flaws in one system do not justify the creation of a system with infinitely greater likelihood of abuse. The barriers to entry are high in the justice system, which is simultaneously admirable and infuriating depending on your perspective. It has to be that way by design in order to protect the accused.
Statistics about false rape allegations made through the justice system really have no bearing on this discussion. The effort involved and the risk of prosecution for filing a false police report, while minimally present even in instances where evidence objectively demonstrates that the accuser was lying, is enough to discourage an intangible $x amount of people from making the accusation in the first place.
None of that would apply if this kind of model became more popular. You don't even have to prove that you are who you say you are on Facebook, let alone go to a police station, provide a legally binding statement, and then go to a hospital to undergo a test that would at least verify that intercourse actually took place.
I saw some terrible posts tried to help out a little. Should I have insulted Nepenthe and say how terrible the posts were so I could feel smug and superior? How about I reply to your post and you can tell me if I should be more of an asshole.Okay dad????
This thread is infuriating.
Isn't it interesting how just about every woman supports this idea, and the only ones shutting them down are dudes? Yeah...
On what planet do you live that someone, a stranger even, would suddenly confront an alleged rapist like that? Have you ever interacted with a female human who wasn't your mom? JFC
Yeah, I know you want to appeal to their sense of empathy, but it's very hard for some dudes to understand because fear of rape is not something they have lived with their entire life, it's entirely alien to them. (Fear of being falsely accused, apparently, haunts them constantly, apparently...!)
Trump got elected after the grab em by the pussy moment. Regardless of whether he is guilty of sexual assault, the former alone proves America has some massive problems it needs to deal with.
Thanks for clearing this up. Support/private groups, I'm ok with. But more so ones that are professionally managed. Private facebook groups can be a little sketchy but I'd be a little more ok with that. Once you go public, that only hurts the victims chances at real justice.
It proves that theres not as many consequences for an accusation as you say there are
So at that point what's your suggestion?
I saw some terrible posts tried to help out a little. Should I have insulted Nepenthe and say how terrible the posts were so I could feel smug and superior? How about I reply to your post and you can tell me if I should be more of an asshole.
Interesting isn't how I would put it regarding the gender divide. More like no shit. Who would gain the most from a private channel accusing people of rape? Women. Who would lose the most from a private channel accusing people of rape? Men. Yeah...
The person lives on planet earth where people dish out forms of mob justice. Hello gamergate? Are you not watching Black Mirror? If not, what is wrong with you?
Or maybe the people here that are against this have better understanding of false accusations of rape or just false accusations in general. You know the ones that led to black men being hanged, a few decades ago, or imprisoned. How about all those people Texas executed that were exonerated too late? Why don't some of you think why private channels on the internet isn't used in other crimes in our justice system if you think it is so great?
I would say yes.Snarky❤;245288149 said:Are there any other biological males in this thread besides me who are willing to say that they are OK with taking the burden of the potential of false rape allegations if it means more women can get justice?
On the list of things I have to worry about a false rape allegation is extremely extremely extremely extremely low on the list
More identity protection for those accused of rspe and who are victim of rape. Maybe the signing of papers saying names can't be named public etc.
Far more after care for both groups. Both will need therapy after going through what happened to them.
Far more police believing a victim and police questioning of the that person to be taken by a trained professional instead of just a random police guy.
Rapists to be locked up for longer and to be made to attended some kind of therapy (many rapists are abuse victims themselves).
Snarky❤;245288707 said:Like seriously guys why can't you just admit in plain words you care more about the potential of false rape allegations then the millions and millions of women actually getting raped and their rapists getting away with it.
Basically. I'd rather hear this than be lied to that rape is serious and then be told actually, nevermind, it's too hard, unrealistic, or dangerous to actually do anything about it.Snarky❤;245288707 said:Like seriously guys why can't you just admit in plain words you care more about the potential of false rape allegations then the millions and millions of women actually getting raped and their rapists getting away with it.
We have decided as a culture that it's a "necessary evil"
Rape registry. Pedophiles are forced onto such things, why shouldn't rapists
I was just drafting up this post, along with some other examples of men being accused of or actually doing terrible things to women and not really getting their careers hamstrung in the slightest (Chris Brown. R. Kelly). Men dont really get bogged down by this stuff like people think they do. They generally do just fine.
In America, clearly. If Trump said that in the UK or Australia, he doesn't even make it to the election.
Umm..I have some news for offender registries include those convicted of rape.
I found your post to be exceedingly condescending. No, you shouldn't have insulted Nepenthe instead of tone-policing or mansplaining to her, you probably should just have STFU.I saw some terrible posts tried to help out a little. Should I have insulted Nepenthe and say how terrible the posts were so I could feel smug and superior? How about I reply to your post and you can tell me if I should be more of an asshole.
Basically. I'd rather hear this than be lied to that rape is serious and then be told actually, nevermind, it's too hard, unrealistic, or dangerous to actually do anything about it.
The most I can hope for is for an already shitty police and prison system to actually pursue cases, not destroy evidence, and not treat alleged victims like shit. I understand that even a perfect functioning system where such things happen and there is no racial, gender, or sexual identity bias, that a huge number of cases (perhaps even the majority) will result in no conviction because it's ultimately down to "he said, she said." Considering that, I don't know if even then I'd ever want to take such a case to court.
Snarky❤;245288149 said:Are there any other biological males in this thread besides me who are willing to say that they are OK with taking the burden of the potential of false rape allegations if it means more women can get justice?
On the list of things I have to worry about a false rape allegation is extremely extremely extremely extremely low on the list
Are those registries public?
Rape registry. Pedophiles are forced onto such things, why shouldn't rapists
Snarky❤;245288149 said:Are there any other biological males in this thread besides me who are willing to say that they are OK with taking the burden of the potential of false rape allegations if it means more women can get justice?
On the list of things I have to worry about a false rape allegation is extremely extremely extremely extremely low on the list
Are those registries public?
Extremely public, you can look up your neighbor's right now.
There already is a sexual offenders register in the UK
Are those registries public?
What you suggest that we should accept that if anyone gets charged that person is automatically proven guilty. After a few years we would have statistics for every possible case.
Snarky❤;245289823 said:What happening in this thread is that a lot of men don't realize what they're doing is fighting to keep all their power over women. that's literally what's happening in this thread. Men believe that they should have a power over women that prevents them from having the ability to accuse them of rape. And a lot of men in this thread cannot possibly imagine a scenario where the give up that power
What if they actually did rape someone though.
Like I really like how we're all just assuming these groups are full of liars slandering people for the fun of it. Because acting like a rape victim is really fun.
Then there is already an avenue to name and shame the guilty already. Victims need to mobilize and go after the real problem, the system that denies them justice.
Vigilantism is not the way and never has been.
Yes, three famous people skated by with little to no negative outcomes => anybody accused of rape skates by with no negative outcomes. /s
This is what people call cherry picking.
Then there is already an avenue to name and shame the guilty already. Victims need to mobilize and go after the real problem, the system that denies them justice.
Vigilantism is not the way and never has been.
It is not vigilantism to tell other people in your community that you were raped. They aren't putting on a fucking costume, attacking rapists and dragging them to a guillotine.
Snarky❤;245290507 said:I think it's interesting and kind of funny how the Women in this thread and the men defending them are perfectly willing to admit that we care more about actual women getting raped than the potential of false rape allegations that are much much much rarer.
But for some reason all the guys on the other side are unable to admit that they care more about false rape allegations than women getting raped, even though that is literally the position they are defending