My posts are in line with how society practically functions, which is that we choose to have systems we think will benefit the most people at any given time, even when we know they're imperfect and will let people slip through the cracks. It's constantly why I have asked people if they are okay with the abolishing of legal systems across the world because they have resulted in innocent people being jailed and killed, and although I haven't gotten an answer from anyone, the answer is obviously "no" because the benefits of the legal system outweigh the miniscule chance of any random individual being thrown in jail unjustly.
In this case, we have a woman who has gone to the legal system she knows full and well doesn't give that much of a damn about rape, from the rape kits that go untested to the lying police officers to the social stigma against sexually active women to the common narrative that women who get to court but are dismissed were lying instead of simply failing to achieve a proper burden of proof. Police said her medical records after the fact were destroyed. She basically has no legal recourse. The person who raped her is free to do it again, and who knows if the woman in question is the first victim?
Now, I've been a victim of really mild sexual assault. Plenty of other women on GAF have been victims of the same or worse. The law is not on our side. We have little recourse for making sure our abusers see justice. So what do we do to protect ourselves and others now? Like, right now? The answer men here have is effectively nothing, or to demand social change which helps the future and not the now. The answer women have is to let other women know to stay away from shitass men so said men are less likely to be in a position where they can take advantage of another woman. Praytell which one helps the women living now? And before you say that the latter solution can be privy to abuse, reread my first paragraph and understand I've personally made the decision that I would indeed risk the reputations of a few men if it means many, many more women are armed with the knowledge of who to avoid so we don't get raped as much.
This doesn't mean I like false accusations. I mean, hell, I'm against the death penalty for this very reason- it doesn't do my conscious good to know that my government is killing people who could be innocent of crimes they were deemed to have committed, especially when you get into the issue of black victims of a legal system that has been designed from every corner and crevice to work against us.
But I'm not about to say we should get rid of jails entirely because of it.