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Sharapova banned for 2 years (doping)

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Cant she just do show matches in rich Arab countries, like Nadal and Federer use to do.

Like the old days when amateurs made more then pro's


She should have used the Gasquet defense. Some years back he tested positive for cocaine and said that he got it from making out with a girl at nightclub who had been using. Nadal spoke out in support of the Frenchman:
'While most other players have been reluctant to comment on the Gasquet case, Rafael Nadal said he was convinced of the Frenchman's innocence. "You know what the world is like today," Nadal said. "When you go to a party, anything can happen these days. If you kiss a girl who's taken cocaine, anything can happen, and that's the truth. That's reality, and this can destroy your life or your career and it is most unfair."


With no uncertainty at all I can say that literally 100% of elite athletes take steroids and PEDs in literally every sport. Then you have all the actors who are shredded or jacked, and a shitload more regular folk than you would expect.

Its time we have a discussion as a society on whether or not we should give a fuck.

No uncertainty at all, right. Everyone's on drugs, it is known. If everything could be that simple.


No uncertainty at all, right. Everyone's on drugs, it is known. If everything could be that simple.

I doubt you honestly think there are some athletes that are so special, so inhuman that they could outperform their competitors taking PEDs because they just gosh darn try harder.


The ranges of "natural performance" for the markers they detect even natural hormones like testosterone at are stupid. Like 300-1200ng/DL. If you are below 1200 then you can be prescribed TRT for your "naturally low levels" (despite whatever age you may be or the median being ~550ng/DL) and with a doctors certificate you are no longer taking illegal steroids. .

you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's very hard to get a tue for testosterone. Just because your "anti-agimg doctor" prescribed you testosterone does not mean you're allowed to compete with it

US Anti Doping said:
The Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee (TUEC) must review the entire evaluation for hypogonadism. They need enough medical information, clinic notes and laboratory testing notes to make the same diagnosis, and arrive at the same treatment plan as you without ever seeing the patient.

 It is extremely unlikely that a Therapeutic Use Exemption will be approved for "functional" hypogonadism (a diagnosis of hypogonadism based on low testosterone (T) levels but without a defined etiology).
 The International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions specifically states that "low-normal" levels of any hormone will not justify the granting of a TUE.



It seems there are more doping scandals in top-level sports then actual sports.
Part of me wants the official doping-friendly competitions to exist just to stop this madness. Let the big pharmas clash!.. or something.


With how the entire Russian doping system is built up and endorsed by the political heads, it's unlikely this had been a mistake.

How is it unlikely when she's been clear about it the whole time and it only became bannable on Jan. 1st?

One thread about Sharapova without a Serena dancing gif or picture. Is that too much to ask for? It doesn't even make sense looking at the head-to-head.

This. Serena can have all the head to head wins all she wants, but damned if the fans want to force Sharapova into retirement.


How is it unlikely when she's been clear about it the whole time and it only became bannable on Jan. 1st?
There's very few things she's been clear about. The tribunal concluded that she'd been taking meldonium with the intention of improving her performance.
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