Basically, the governor, the prosecutor, and the head of the police union are all besties, the police chief is a fucking liar, and Darren Wilson will not get convicted (making the massive assumption that there is even a trial in the first place).
Strap in kittens.
Yoo. Read that shit again.
On it.
In case you forgot, Mike died on August 9th.
One every 28 hours
TL;DR. Fucking read it anyway.
Basically, the governor, the prosecutor, and the head of the police union are all besties, the police chief is a fucking liar, and Darren Wilson will not get convicted (making the massive assumption that there is even a trial in the first place).
In 15 minutes, I'm going all in. Putting all of my chips on the table for Ferguson, St. Louis, Mike Brown, Justice. It's now or never.
11:39 AM - 17 Sep 2014
I put my name on everything I'm about to tweet. I will share every source document & stand by it all. The scandal is deep & ugly. Here goes
11:53 AM - 17 Sep 2014
I fully believe that Mike Brown was murdered, illegally, in cold blood. Here's our timeline of what happened.
11:55 AM - 17 Sep 2014
This injustice, stands all by itself, as a crime, and must be dealt with. I'll circle back on that shortly. Now though, the scandal.
11:56 AM - 17 Sep 2014
From day 1, I mean that literally, people on the ground were baffled by the lack of action & overall insensitivity of @GovJayNixon
11:57 AM - 17 Sep 2014
It is clear to me now, in no uncertain terms that @GovJayNixon NEVER had any intention of truly advocating for justice for Mike Brown. None.
11:58 AM - 17 Sep 2014
Last night, @GovJayNixon was the keynote speaker @ a fundraiser for the dirtiest man in Missouri politics @RoordaJ
11:59 AM - 17 Sep 2014
I have to press this hard. @RoordaJ was behind the fundraisers for Darren Wilson. Here's the charity w/ his name.
12:00 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Before @RoordaJ became a surrogate for Darren Wilson, he was FIRED as a police officer for FALSIFYING REPORTS
12:02 PM - 17 Sep 2014
After @RoordaJ was first cited for falsifying police reports, he did again & again until he was finally fired & lost an appeal.
12:02 PM - 17 Sep 2014
One would think that @RoordaJ, fired as an officer would have to be done with law enforcement, but he was then HIRED as a Police Chief.
12:03 PM - 17 Sep 2014
In essence, @RoordaJ, shamed for misconduct in one precinct, got a promotion in another, and became a police chief.
12:04 PM - 17 Sep 2014
After becoming Police Chief, in spite of his dubious record, @RoordaJ was then elected to the Missouri House & is on the Public Safety Board
12:04 PM - 17 Sep 2014
INCREDIBLY popular among officers, @RoordaJ became the head of the St. Louis Police Union (in spite of being fired for misconduct).
12:05 PM - 17 Sep 2014
While head of the very powerful St. Louis Police Union, @RoordaJ REGULARLY argued against the rights of black people left & right.
In a case that actually BLEW UP in St. Louis but didn't catch on nationally, this man was assaulted by officers
12:06 PM - 17 Sep 2014
In this case, and in this video, @RoordaJ flat out LIES about what happened & saves the officers
12:07 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Follow me. It's about to get damn ugly...
12:08 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Strap in kittens.
Just weeks before Darren Wilson murdered Mike Brown, @RoordaJ created a bill to protect officers who murder citizens
12:09 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Now, just this week, @RoordaJ, who has abandoned Twitter after we blasted him, is stopping police cameras.
12:10 PM - 17 Sep 2014
At EVERY SINGLE TURN any time anything that protects citizens from officers comes up, @RoordaJ is the DEPENDENT VARIABLE in Missouri. ALWAYS
12:11 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Now, all of this being public knowledge, @RoordaJ would seem to be a political pariah, but @GovJayNixon LOVES this man. They are besties.
12:12 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Anytime @RoordaJ has asked @GovJayNixon to appear somewhere, like this fundraiser last night, he's there.
12:12 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Now, Black folk, who put @GovJayNixon in office TWICE, begged this man to appoint a special prosecutor in the Darren Wilson case. PLEADED.
12:13 PM - 17 Sep 2014
I say this with all sincerity, if I was Darren Wilson, I'd pay MILLIONS to have Bob McCulloch as the man to prosecute me. MILLIONS.
12:15 PM - 17 Sep 2014
In fact, St. Louis police REVERE Bob McCulloch. He is a legal HERO for police officers & this has ALWAYS been his primary campaign pitch.
12:16 PM - 17 Sep 2014
. @RoordaJ & Bob McCulloch have worked together FOR YEARS advocating for St. Louis police officers. Formally & informally. They are CLOSE.
12:17 PM - 17 Sep 2014
You have to read this article about the lengths Bob McCulloch will go to protect officers who kill unarmed black men.
12:18 PM - 17 Sep 2014
In St. Louis, police killed 2 men, lied & said the men were going to run them over w/ their car (like Sean Bell). Feds found car never moved
12:19 PM - 17 Sep 2014
This is hard to fathom, but when asked about why he wasn't going to prosecute the officers, McColloch called the men they killed "bums".
12:21 PM - 17 Sep 2014
Yoo. Read that shit again.
The @washingtonpost & @Milbank said that the Prosecutors have DELIBERATELY set the Wilson case up to fail. "A Farce"
12:23 PM - 17 Sep 2014
From the top (@GovJayNixon) to the middle (@RoordaJ) to the bottom (Ferguson Police) we are witnessing a HOUSE OF CARDS level scandal.
12:24 PM - 17 Sep 2014
When @GovJayNixon showed up with a BIG SMILE last night raising money for @RoordaJ that was him spitting in the face of Black people.
12:25 PM - 17 Sep 2014
When I see @GovJayNixon smiling in front of that sign, I see man with his middle finger up to Black folk in St. Louis
12:26 PM - 17 Sep 2014
How could the Governor, in these conditions, in this time, show up to raise money for the man he knows stands against black folk daily.
12:27 PM - 17 Sep 2014
When we learned @roordaj was fired for police misconduct & was helping the Wilson fundraisers we said Nixon would NEVER distance himself
12:29 PM - 17 Sep 2014
But I'll be honest, I have a bit of egg on my face b/c even I didn't think that @GovJayNixon would show up to raise money for him yesterday.
12:30 PM - 17 Sep 2014
God bless Mike Brown and his family. This young man's murder has exposed corruption & evil & incompetence at every level in Missouri.
12:31 PM - 17 Sep 2014
If you love yourself, if you love truth/justice, if you love black people, NEVER trust @GovJayNixon again a day in your damn life. PERIOD.
12:32 PM - 17 Sep 2014
I'm past my time and now I'm fully riled up on my birthday, but I have at least 5 more things to say. I hope you share those tweets.
12:37 PM - 17 Sep 2014
On it.
We need the news like @jaketapper & @Lawrence & @JoyAnnReid & @chrislhayes to cover the connection between @RoordaJ & @GovJayNixon
12:38 PM - 17 Sep 2014
5 more things...
12:39 PM - 17 Sep 2014
The Ferguson Police Chief has been caught in a FULL OUT LIE about why he released the videos of Mike Brown. No FOI requests made him do that
12:41 PM - 17 Sep 2014
. @RoordaJ knows where Darren Wilson is. The charity Roorda manages has ALREADY received Wilson's money from @GoFundMe. May be giving funds.
12:43 PM - 17 Sep 2014
I am convinced that @GovJayNixon & @RoordaJ would let St. Louis burn ALL THE WAY DOWN before they let Wilson spend one night in jail.
12:44 PM - 17 Sep 2014
McColloch & advisers thought they were killing the momentum of protestors by pushing the jury back FIVE MONTHS, but he's DEAD WRONG.
12:46 PM - 17 Sep 2014
By pushing the Grand Jury back to January 7th, which is preposterous, McColloch not only delayed justice, but gave us time to organize.
12:47 PM - 17 Sep 2014
In case you forgot, Mike died on August 9th.
I kid you not, every damn day I wake up and Darren Wilson is still at home watching Price Is Right somewhere, I get angrier. We all do!
12:48 PM - 17 Sep 2014
I'm angry that the list of names of unarmed men and women killed by police is so long I'm having a hard time remembering them all.
12:50 PM - 17 Sep 2014
One every 28 hours
I have to go for now. You have until Friday to join this justice group, then we're going dark for two weeks.
12:51 PM - 17 Sep 2014
TL;DR. Fucking read it anyway.