Angelus Errare
I don't feel bad for Milo at all, dude can get hit by a car for all I care, wouldn't donate a dime to his medical bills.
Pretty much the opposite:
Well damn, my #381504 ass is going to start claiming my great-great-great-great grandfather's English blood.
Claim away! If you take a DNA test it will be there. That's the difference between what is real vs this socially constructed nonsense that has the world looking at America like it's a damn Insane Asylum.
Only in America would we be arguing over the blackness of a man that doesn't even look black.
Stop playing the victim! Others don't get to define you. Pay attention to the changing census of people identifying as they choose and not because some ignorant fools are some how magically making them identify as black.
I think the real issue is that some black people are afraid of loosing the identify that has been crafted for them for the past 400 years and that is the crux of the issue for some of you.
This entire debacle has proven that "looking black" is a very subjective thing.Only in America would we be arguing over the blackness of a man that doesn't even look black.
Take pride in your heritage, as King is. Why would he try to embrace some ambiguous label as "mixed"? Something that in itself is used as a pejorative in places. I'm black/cajun/creole, and constantly get asked which of my parents are white. But at the same time, I'm still an outsider to whites, especially with my first name being an old family name from slavery days. I celebrate what my life has been, the black experience. If you can "pass" for whatever you're mixed with, why not?
And take heart that King is not tossing off the mantle of being mixed. He recognizes that, but as you can see in what he wrote about this, and what others from his past have said, carrying that mantle was dangerous for more than just him.
Please tell this to society, which doesn't allow this to happen. Or are you not paying attention to race relations at the moment?
Claim away! If you take a DNA test it will be there. That's the difference between what is real vs this socially constructed nonsense that has the world looking at America like it's a damn Insane Asylum.
Only in America would we be arguing over the blackness of a man that doesn't even look black.
Pretty much the opposite:
Claim away! If you take a DNA test it will be there. That's the difference between what is real vs this socially constructed nonsense that has the world looking at America like it's a damn Insane Asylum.
Only in America would we be arguing over the blackness of a man that doesn't even look black.
Oh I am and I and others do. I live in NYC where people apparently have the ability to express themselves very differently than most of the country. Most people that I have encountered have no problems identify with their other ancestry and no one bats an eyelash or makes them conform. The term mixed race isn't some sacrilegious term that's met with 'No you're black! One drop rule! One drop rule!!!!'
Not all people saw him as black. See the cop that did the police report. He made a choice based on his life circumstances. I'm pretty sure that had his mother been upfront about his background he probably would have had a different outlook on how he identified.
Yes, but I think it's disingenuous to imply that he has no agency in how he chooses to represent himself outside of his upbringing. Him being identified as black does not automatically mean that he has to identify himself as such.
Latinos aren't see as white. They're viewed on the same levels as blacks...which is fucking why they too were stopped and frisked.
Stop talking, it's embarrassing.
I wouldn't say always because there are people in the minority communities(Asian, Black, etc) that try to pull the purity card too which annoys me to no end. But largely minorities are more accepting of mixed race people claiming that side's identity.
Not to mention that there are Latinos of African descent. See: Zoe Saldana.
Anyways, I said in the original thread that there was a chance that King's mother didn't put the biological father on the birth certificate. I was right.
Speaking as the mother of a mixed child and as someone who knows mixed children and mixed friends, it would be super nice if there was a space for them to identify as mixed, and that space exists and it is growing. But this is still a country founded on slavery and racism and that one drop rule hangs over all our heads like the Sword of Damocles. If Shaun King, or any mixed child, wants to identify as black, then so be it. It's not like they won't have to deal with racism anyways, as Shaun King's experience has shown.
Also, re: NYC...tell that "they wouldn't call him black" shit to Dante DeBlasio.
Not to mention that there are Latinos of African descent. See: Zoe Saldana.
Anyways, I said in the original thread that there was a chance that King's mother didn't put the biological father on the birth certificate. I was right.
Speaking as the mother of a mixed child and as someone who knows mixed children and mixed friends, it would be super nice if there was a space for them to identify as mixed, and that space exists and it is growing. But this is still a country founded on slavery and racism and that one drop rule hangs over all our heads like the Sword of Damocles. If Shaun King, or any mixed child, wants to identify as black, then so be it. It's not like they won't have to deal with racism anyways, as Shaun King's experience has shown.
Also, re: NYC...tell that "they wouldn't call him black" shit to Dante DeBlasio.
Literally every post by dbztrk is making my eyes bleed from the display of ignorance. I'm impressed.
You've got to be joking. You really have no clue what you're talking about now.
Please stop? Please? Blacks don't have family trees other than the one they were all buried under hundreds of years ago. For you to continue on posting in sheer ignorance like this is baffling and insulting.
This is simply not true. He chose to identify as black either because of the pressure to do so or because he wanted to. Either way he chose to identify as black. Other people don't get to define him. Pay attention to the part where he mentions that the white police officer checked off his race as white on the police report. Did he up and decided to identify as white because a white person identified him as white? Nope. Choosing black was the most convenient choice for him.
When people choose to identify as only one race it always reeks of disrespectful to your other ancestry to me. He most likely not even half black but probably around 25% black or slightly more considering that his father was a light skin man (mixed race) and his mother is white. The fact that people were calling him black simple tells me this is more of a regional thing because here in NYC he would not be viewed as black.
Not to mention that there are Latinos of African descent. See: Zoe Saldana.
Anyways, I said in the original thread that there was a chance that King's mother didn't put the biological father on the birth certificate. I was right.
Speaking as the mother of a mixed child and as someone who knows mixed children and mixed friends, it would be super nice if there was a space for them to identify as mixed, and that space exists and it is growing. But this is still a country founded on slavery and racism and that one drop rule hangs over all our heads like the Sword of Damocles. If Shaun King, or any mixed child, wants to identify as black, then so be it. It's not like they won't have to deal with racism anyways, as Shaun King's experience has shown.
Also, re: NYC...tell that "they wouldn't call him black" shit to Dante DeBlasio.
This was in regards to socially constructed view on what is "black".
Of course their are Latino's of African descent but they are viewed as black. Obviously this was in regards to the many more latinos that do not look black. Dante DeBlasio is not one of them. He looks far more black than Shaun King.
All this because someone was giving black people a voice that white people couldn't control.
So they tried to control the very ethnic heritage of one of their leaders by declaring him white.
And a whole bunch of people ate that shit up like they were starving fat kids.
America shouldn't be so hungry for overt racism. can anyone respond like this to a piece this moving?
The people who started saying this are already not taking his response at face value, and have instilled doubt from what I've seen around the net. Whether or not those people actually care or are just making noise, I feel this will escalate into wanting Shaun to get a dna test or something. People are going to start claiming he is a liar and want more proof, if they haven't already done that.
My block list is about to be +1
The people who started saying this are already not taking his response at face value, and have instilled doubt from what I've seen around the net. Whether or not those people actually care or are just making noise, I feel this will escalate into wanting Shaun to get a dna test or something. People are going to start claiming he is a liar and want more proof, if they haven't already done that.
I don't understand the objection at all. He said he never really sat down and made the choice and explained how it was that he never made the choice. Remember this is in response to people accusing him of being white and choosing to identify as black. Whether or not he could make a decision to change his mind and assert a new racial identity really is entirely irrelevant. His personal story, the actual story under attack by some in the media, is that that identity wasn't a conscious decision on his part.
The people who started saying this are already not taking his response at face value, and have instilled doubt from what I've seen around the net. Whether or not those people actually care or are just making noise, I feel this will escalate into wanting Shaun to get a dna test or something. People are going to start claiming he is a liar and want more proof, if they haven't already done that.
What exactly do you mean by convenient choice?
You mean the one society reinforces every single day? Or is this in your utopia version of America where we're post racial and shit?
Oh man this is hilarious as hell to read after reading your other posts. LMAO!
That's the thing. Society is very much regional which plays into the subjectivity of race. I've never seen Dante not identify as mix race or only identify as black despite the fact that he has obviously black ancestry and obviously white ancestry as well.
This is ultimately a non-story and gone down a pretty dark road that's handwaved Shaun's suspected profiteering off of fundraising for charity causes that's gone unanswered, but then again that might require some actual journalism.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with anything he said or validating the attacks on him, I'm just trying to emphasize that whether the accusations are true or not don't depend on anything empirical. MIlos is obviously wrong, but the reasons WHY he's wrong can't be strictly proven. Hell, that's why he's still considering himself vindicated on Twitter.
Oh yea I forgot in your version of America, New York is post racial and shit.
That's the thing. Society is very much regional which plays into the subjectivity of race. I've never seen Dante not identify as mix race or only identify as black despite the fact that he has obviously black ancestry and obviously white ancestry as well.
LolWell, maybe King likes Dark Souls soooo damn much that he "chose" to play it in real life.
By being a complete sociopath blinded by ideology, I would can anyone respond like this to a piece this moving?
Oh yea I forgot in your version of America, New York is post racial and shit.
You mean the one society reinforces every single day? Or is this in your utopia version of America where we're post racial and shit?
Sounds like the New York I grew up in.It's cool, the version of America I grew up in; Eastern New Mexico, is totally post racial. They kicked all the black people out and declared racism dead to all the white kids left behind.
It's not post-racial. However, the diversity of it allows people a better understanding of race and less of a need to put people in simplified boxes.
Of course it can be empirical. The story in the letter is almost entirely reliant on his treatment by other people, and that can be verified.