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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Is it true maxing out melee is a waste? I wanted to Mike Tyson some zombies, bummer if so.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
OK I'm at chapter 6 and I'm really starting to think this is what RE4 should have been, ie RE4 shouldn't have been a Resident Evil game
Mikami should have made this ages ago and kept RE how it was, it's fantastic and is probably what Mikami had in mind when he made RE4.


I ended up focusing a lot of my upgrades into the harpoon bolts. They're so cheap to make and the final upgrade for them is ridiculously good.

I actually haven't touched my bolt upgrades yet, I felt like whatever one I dumped points into would kinda force me into crafting the same bolt over and over.
Is it true maxing out melee is a waste? I wanted to Mike Tyson some zombies, bummer if so.

Even after three upgrades I've found it to be all but useless. The only time it's ever come into use is for trying to stomp zombies. But you risk getting hit if they flail around. Matches are a much safer option if they're on the ground.
I ended up focusing a lot of my upgrades into the harpoon bolts. They're so cheap to make and the final upgrade for them is ridiculously good.

I'm thinking of doing this too. So far I've been finding a lot of them in the environment as well.

Am i really suppose to kill this chapter 6
Chainsaw 'boss'
just by shooting?

Yes. He goes down quicker than you might think.


I've only made it through the first chapter at this point, but every moment for me has been sheer pleasure. I honestly didn't know if I'd ever get a full on survival horror game like this again. The sense of atmosphere, the sound design, the tension... it's a horror game that actually lets you play it. Haven't had much of that in a long time.
I already did a video review on my thoughts of the game, but I wanted to go ahead and detail some of my inner thoughts on the overall game and various chapters. This is def a post you don’t want to read if you haven’t finished the game yet. Here is the first 7 chapters:

Chapter 1 –
This chapter starts off very intriguing and get’s extremely dark in a matter of minutes. Your alone, no weapons at your disposal, and with a huge crazed chainsaw wielding maniac on your heels, you can only try to escape. This level introduced the stealth mechanics interestingly enough. Hiding in lockers, throwing bottles to distract, and it put you in a severe state of vulnerability. I thought it was a very interesting start and a great way to throw you into the nightmare so to speak. This chapter was pretty narrow and guided but still tense and a very “in your face” way of starting off.

Chapter 2 –
Now that you have escaped Beacon Mental Hospital, your world is turned upside down. The world breaking apart was pretty crazy, but soon you find yourself alone once again and in a forest. This level kicked off the extremely atmospheric, dark, and creepy vibe. You obtain the pistol here and run into your first haunted (which was a nice nod to RE 1) and now you find yourself avoid enemies, sneaking up behind them to kill undetected, and hoping you find more supplies, as limited as they are at this stage. A slower paced level and if you take your time exploring the entire map, plenty to see and collection.

Chapter 3 -
Here is where the training wheels start to come off. You have a completely open map, filled with lots of houses to explore. You collect the shotgun and crowsbow. You have tons of enemies littered throughout. This level really gives you a lot to play with and truly grasp the game mechanics with. Traps to avoid, traps to use to your advantage, and ultimately you can either have a very intense moment with the boss battle, having him chase you and using traps to your advantage…. Or If you collected enough trap parts can easily use your explosive weapons for great results. This chapter was a whole lot of fun cause it really sort of let loose and give the player a better grasp of the gameplay your going to endure over the next hours.

Chapter 4 –
I felt that this chapter was nice, but it felt a little too similar to 3 at least from the start, granted that’s not a bad thing. Very similar in premise and location/design, but it’s also the level that really starts to throw the mind fuck stuff your way,including showcasing an invisible enemy. The end sequence in particular was intense, scary, and downright GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. It also ended pretty trip. Overall a good chapter that ended BETTER.

Chapter 5 -
This chapter starts you off in a new location? Mental Asylum? and not only that, really starts to add to more of the mind games. It’s also the first chapter that is significantly longer then the one’s prior. You have a puzzle section that is creepy, if a bit simple, and more invisible enemies, which never return after this chapter (which I found a bit odd) This chapter also introduces the rare partner sections to the game. Partner AI is rather well done and healing them is as simple as standing next to them and holding a button. Never felt like a bother or babysitting. This chapter also showcases one of the handful of moments littered throughout when you have to stand off against tons of the Haunted. This is where the game showcases it can be extremely action heavy, yet still scary due to managing the horse that comes your way. Lastly you find yourself stuck in a rather small area fighting Lara, who has a one hit kill. She can come at you fast if you’re not careful and if warp using dead bodies on the ground (pro-tip, burn as many bodies as you can before the fight) Fighting her was intense and the way the game let you use torches, barrels, and traps to kill her was very thrilling. This chapter was intense as it got further and further along. Partner is competent and the action was fantastic. Def a adrenaline fueled moment/chapter for me. The boss was more than just shooting, and felt puzzle like in nature.

Chapter 6 –
New location this time and it’s during daylight/dusk hours. Very beautiful and very different from anything seen prior in the game, this level really goes a long way to make me feel reminiscent of RE4. You start off almost immediately defending yourself against tons of Haunted again, only this time inside a burning building. Tension rises and once again you see the action roots really shine through. The next area, you obtain the rifle, and you’re taking pot shots at enemies and spike turrets. Suddenly your trapped in a small area and fighting the chainsaw man again. This all reminded me once again of RE4. Not a bad thing. You worked your way through a small market place and into a cemetery where you fight two insanely huge twin brothers. All while your partner can sometimes get shots off from his vantage point. Beating them you would think the chapter would end, but NOPE. You experience another interesting yet simple puzzle, then continuing onward and you fight ANOTHER boss, a gigantic dog. While the boss battle was a bit tough at first, I easily overcame it. I thought the comment about the glasses was hilarious and at that point you can also either fight the thing more or run away. Fighting it yields a silly remark from Sebastian. You end up at the church, some more mind fuckery occurs and it ends suddenly, really enjoyed the variation and location for this chapter. Game continues to keep me on my toes.

Chapter 7 –
Now you’re underneath the church. It’s dark, creepy, and full of traps. You get a glimpse of the Keeper before a big chunk of stone cuts you off from him. Now you’ll be on the hunt for three pieces to a stone mural before you can progress. This level also introduces deadly gas. This level isn’t as much action as the previous 2 and sort of dials it back just a bit. You end up in boss sequence with the Keeper that will have you running around, trying to open up ways to progress and escape him. Kill him and he just keeps coming back, granted you get green gel so it’s up to you and your ammo count if you want to fight for that. Enjoyed this boss battle and felt it was just enough tension for the situation I was in. Just like Laura before, I thought it was more along the lines of a puzzle, instead of straight up battle.

That’s all I got for now. Can do chapter 8- 15 later.
Is it true maxing out melee is a waste? I wanted to Mike Tyson some zombies, bummer if so.

I've done 2 or 3 upgrades and it's just as useless as the first level. I tried to melee kill a Haunted and didn't even manage to knock it down after 6+ punches.

fucking wasted gel right there.
Holy shit. This game keeps getting better. Off to start chapter 7. Having a blast and can't wait to play more. Going on a holiday though :/ Can't play for a week :/ I'm sure gonna mis playing this game. The atmosphere is right up my alley.


OT's are a funny place. On one hand you have people defending the game they enjoy immensly (somtimes too much and too defensive). On the other hand you have people who dislike it (which is fine) but then claiming it's the new RE6 (going overboard). You have to find a good balance otherwise either side can look a little silly. Comments and thoughts are welcome cause that brings the discussion and that's all we want. Sometimes people just get caught up in things or interpet things the wrong way.

My RE 6 comparison was more about a game with a high pedigree not living up to expectation than absolute quality. RE 6 ranks a solid D unless you're really into
Ada Wong sex clones.
Back on track, I understand some people like the game. I think its exceptionally poor in many regards and I'd be interested in hearing a defense of it that doesn't reduce to "lol casual."

The biggest problem is the terrible camera and the hilariously poor animations. Everything is so choppy, nothing blends together; you're constantly being push and pulled about by these weird transitions. Opening a door in stealth takes me out of the game every time, it looks so bad; aiming feels like someone actually messed up and put the camera too close. At the end of the day its just placing a reticule on a head but why they got to make it look so silly?

Dozens of little things too. So say you're in stealth (toggle) and you aim. Ok, weird you can't aim from stealth and the Sebs feel compelled to stand, but now for some reason it doesn't just default back to crouch. But it does it you stealth kill or interact with the environment. There's no consistency here. Why? Its all these flaws, minor in isolation, that combine to undermine the experience so completely.


Fucking love headshots in this game. And using the shotgun reminds me of The Last of Us.


YouTube video to hear enemies get blown apart.
sweet, this thread is still a "no criticism allowed" zone. You can still like your game. It's okay if not everyone gives you validation on your video game taste.



can you kill the chainsaw man with your knife? The achievement sounds like it but I've stabbed him almost 10 times now.


Didn't you know OT's are a designated hug box zone? Its great for people who are insecure in their own enjoyment.

They also seem to house a fair number of people whose only goal is to always suck enjoyment out of games to be fair. Stands to reason that people who like a game will far outnumber those who don't in OT's.

Honestly what you are doing sounds quite a lot like "thread whining", it's bannable in case you were unaware.


Anyone know how long this game will take to finish? Is it about the same length as RE4?
I finished mine in about 11 hours. I think 15 hours is a generous mark. There is an achievement for finishing it in 5 hours. Which I'm going to aim for on my 2nd or 3rd play through.


I finished mine in about 11 hours. I think 15 hours is a generous mark..

Damn 11 hours? You were flying. Were you on casual?

I'm just now starting chapter 8 w/ 7 hours 15 min played.

can you kill the chainsaw man with your knife? The achievement sounds like it but I've stabbed him almost 10 times now.

Yes you can,
someone said it only had to be the killing blow too.


Not nearly as salty as you get every time somebody compares this to RE4...which it is

Try playing RE4.

It's cheap on Steam now, pretty fun game.

When someone harrashes you on GAF and your personal youtube channel. I've had enough. Not acceptable in the slightest.

Usually when he gets going about half a dozen people point out how ridiculous he sounds and he lays low for a few pages. Let's see if it happens again.
On Chapter 4 now.

Apart from the performance issues and texture-pop ins, I would like to state that I'm deeply in love with the cinematic approach.

The Blackbars don't bother me the least and combined with the film grain + 30fps feel, the lighting and the movement, it all really is giving me a cinematic feel...

This game only made me hype up for The Order 1886 a lot more than I previously was.

I'm liking the approach and the story so far.
The "run away from Ruvik" thing is a bummer. The camera is so claustrophobic that I can never tell where he is and I usually end up running right into him. It's killing my enjoyment of what is otherwise a pretty cool level.


They also seem to house a fair number of people whose only goal is to always suck enjoyment out of games to be fair. Stands to reason that people who like a game will far outnumber those who don't in OT's.

Honestly what you are doing sounds quite a lot like "thread whining", it's bannable in case you were unaware.

That assumes your enjoyment of something is so frail that the comments of an internet stranger can suck it away.


Two spoilers for the tone and a couple moments in the chapter 11 in particular (first spoiler is just tone of them, second spoiler includes gameplay moment descriptions).

Chapter 11 & 12
go in something like The Evil Within's version of the island in RE4, but it feels weirder in The Evil Within because of the rest of the game. There's sections that feel like they'd be right out of RE4's end game scenarios, but feel completely out of place almost with TEW. It's a complete tonal shift from the two chapters right before it, that are very horror heavy.

But that's not to say the whole chapter is like that, there's actually some really fun gameplay moments in that chapter that only happen in that chapter.
There's a swimming mechanic only used in chapter 11 in the whole game, and with that there's an underwater monster that can eat you in one gulp. Some really fun frantic moments of trying to get to land and distracting the monster as you move from haven to haven. And a moment where you can't shoot any guns as flammable gas is in the air, and have to make your way through a mannequin factory full of Haunted without being allowed to shoot a single bullet.

In the end I actually liked them, and think they'll be more fun to replay, but when I first was playing the chapters, I was thinking to myself, "Oh dear, this is really not what I want from this game." It does get back to it's business right after these, though.

The REmake OT will be both hilarious and depressing.

"I wasted all my ammo on the first zombie what do I do?"

"The knife is so weak why is it even in the game?"

"I ran out of ink ribbons. Fuck."

"Why doesn't
Barry give me that magnum. POS acid rounds.

"I grabbed the
shotgun off the wall and the room crushed me.
Playing as
The "run away from Ruvik" thing is a bummer. The camera is so claustrophobic that I can never tell where he is and I usually end up running right into him. It's killing my enjoyment of what is otherwise a pretty cool level.

Sounds is key here. A humming static like noise plays and gets louder the closer he is, keep that sound fairly loud and don't run away too much to wear you can't hear it, otherwise he will warp when you get to far. Hope that helps.


Damn 11 hours? You were flying. Were you on casual?
I'm just now starting chapter 8 w/ 7 hours 15 min played.
was on survival, in this game matches are the savior. If you can knock down a group of enemies with a shotgun blast or two. You can effectively burn them all at once with one match. Plus I find distracting them and then run to the next area or behind them then stealth kill them make quick work as well

Hey Gaz! long time no see! glad to see you're enjoying this game mate!
I haven't even finished chapter 3 and I already dig it. Glad to hear it gets better!

So, what's the verdict on exactly what the benefit of burning bodies with matches does?

Good for killing downed enemies instantly, it kills any enemy standing on or very close to the body, and it's good for a few gimmick sections where seemingly dead bodies come back to life.
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