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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

I beat it. So fucking good.

The rocket launcher is fucking terrible. Forced kneeling to shoot is one thing, but it has the worst hit detection and accuracy and blast radius of any rocket launcher I've ever used in any game ever


Chapter 11 has good encounter design. Just don't make yourself a target, and hold your ground with opportune match use. The idea is you have to think about where you run, if you run.
Ch.10's finale is FUCKING BULLSHIT >=(

Seriously, such a cheaply, poorly designed fucking bit where your cinematic FOV finale gets to show you just how helpful it really is.
Started playing this and got to Chapter 4.

I dunno how I feel about it. Something just is not sitting right with the game for me. Might continue with it but I end up playing for like 30mins then putting it down. The black bars are super annoying though, feel like im squinting to see which is weird because black bars have never bothered me before.

Mmm thought I would be all over this game :/
Chapter 9 and 10 were awesome, I don't really get what people found to be so difficult about those segments or cheap. I thought the atmosphere and tension was still on point, and the fights themselves were plenty awesome.

Chapter 11 and 12 on the other hand was like lol wtf territory in terms of direction, feels like I was reliving the nightmare that was Resident Evil 6. Chapter 13 to forward is back to normal stuff right? because 11 and 12 were definitely some jump the shark type shit.

Agree. I actually like chapter 9 and 10. Not sure what people had problems with. And the chapters afterward definitely got weird.


Just got the game loaded up and I'm about to play. What mindset should I be in to enjoy the game and not get caught up in the hype?

Approach it as a third person action adventure game that incorporates environmental puzzle elements in the combat, not as a horror game.

As sluggish as the game might feel, there's some genuinely fresh design in it; especially with the whole matches mechanic. Game is deserving of a mercenaries mode as much as Resident Evil 4.
Just got the game loaded up and I'm about to play. What mindset should I be in to enjoy the game and not get caught up in the hype?

I'd say don't go into expecting it to be something like the PT Teaser.

It's very much a action horror game, despite what happens early on in the game. Once I adjusted, everything felt like a glove
...well except Ch.10 lol

Approach it as a third person action adventure game that incorporates environmental puzzle elements in the combat, not as a horror game.

Bingo :)
Just got the game loaded up and I'm about to play. What mindset should I be in to enjoy the game and not get caught up in the hype?

Just go with it. Don't expect The Last of Us but have fun and don't over think it. As someone who is halfway through the game and loving it, it definitely has its issues but as long as you pick up everything you can, upgrade and save often, and don't over think everything, you'll have a great time.
Also might help to look at a walkthrough for chapter 3 or at least check all the different rooms for ammo and goo and take out all the enemies before fucking with chainsaw man. Also don't focus on chainsaw man, just run and stop when you hear the chainsaw revving up, then turn and shoot, rinse and repeat. I took him out on my first try. When it comes to crab girl, just keep running. I hear the later bosses are much harder though.
Beyond that I can't tell anything you as I'm only halfway through.
Just to clarify, I didn't necessarily mean the finale in Ch.10 that I fucking hated...

when spider women is chasing you around again. Died so many times due to just not being to see what the hell I was doing and all the instadeaths that it entailed.
Forgot to say I finally did start the game the other day and left off in the middle of chapter 5 shortly after
finding Joseph.

The issues with the game aren't that bothersome. The black bars don't bother me, and only a few times have the controls failed me. Enemy movement hasn't been too much of a bother, with only (CH. 3)
The Sadist
being a bit too fast to where I had some heart jumping close calls. Shooting seems fine for the most part, though it's weird how bullets will still go outside the reticule even when standing still and not within anywhere where the weapon swayed.

I did come across a pleasant surprise when using up some spare matches in Ch. 4 where after
burning all the bodies hanging outside the Hospice
a gigantic mountain of
appeared and
supplied some greasy jelly.
The game seems to have a few of these little notable moments and secrets, and I hope they continue to happen.

I don't think the game has still hit the right spot that Alien Isolation did and seems to fall short in a few things, mostly in regards to technical decisions rather than gameplay at this point. However, I know this chapter is a bit lengthy and there's a lot more ahead, so I'm not giving any verdict beyond that I'm enjoying it for what it is so far despite the rough edges.


I'm upto chapter 9 now.

Chapter 7 boss
Found this very tense but also very easy. You only have to drop him twice in the entire battle. 2 explosive arrows each time does it.

I thought chapter 8 was
extremely short
and wasn't that good if I'm being honest.
Does anyone know if you can go back to the previous chapter to get the missing items and collectibles and keep carry on?

You can on NG+. If you're talking about doing it during your current run, you'd need to have a save at the point you want to return to, and you'd be resetting your progress to that point (no skipping around).


Junior Member
I played the beginning part of Chapter 3 on a PS3 rental and I'm already about to put the physical PC version on my Amazon wishlist (no way I'm downloading 50GB). I just don't know at what price (or when) I'll buy it. It might come down between this game and Wolfenstein.

Wow, this game really does feel like a more advanced remix of RE4. I was worried reading reviews and impressions but I shouldn't have doubted Mikami. As far as I've seen the action feels really dynamic and flows well. Honestly, I don't even mind the way the camera is set up with the black bars. I think it gives the combat a cool cinematic look when things get intense.

I just can't do this shit on PS3. I actually don't mind the 30fps (might run it that way on PC with my 760), but what I can't deal with are the decimated textures and the 720p. The environments in this game (great art that reminds me of RE1 and RE4 by the way) look like they were designed with the new consoles in mind and then just chopped up to work on the old ones. I feel like I'm seeing less than I should be seeing in 720p (and I don't think it's the black bars either). I can still play PS3 games, they just need to be games that were made for the PS3 (like Ultimax or something).

Anyway, I hear this game's main problem is that in terms of encounter design, it has major peaks and troughs. Anyone willing to illuminate without spoiling?


I played the beginning part of Chapter 3 on a PS3 rental and I'm already about to put the physical PC version on my Amazon wishlist (no way I'm downloading 50GB). I just don't know at what price (or when) I'll buy it. It might come down between this game and Wolfenstein.

Wow, this game really does feel like a more advanced remix of RE4.

You would think just about no one played a Resident Evil game prior to RE4 with how many people in this thread keep making that comparison, when it seriously doesn't fit aside from a few similarities. Also, if you've only played up to part of chapter 3, that has way more in common with REmake than anything, but it's also not the best level to judge the rest of the game by since chapters 2,3,4 have the best atmosphere that's never matched.

Anyway, I hear this game's main problem is that in terms of encounter design, it has major peaks and troughs. Anyone willing to illuminate without spoiling?

The game steadily increases the action parts (especially chapters 6,11, 12 and 15 which play a lot like RE5) and then occasionally dials it back a bit, just to ramp it back up in the next chapter. The boss fights are "mostly" balanced, but a few feel like bullshit fights your first time through. The pacing is all over the place too. Some think it's "great" or "flawless", but about the only consistent thing about it is that it's consistently all over the place. If it sounds like I don't like the game, well I do. It's just nothing like what I was expecting and as a fan of the genre in general I can somewhat overlook a whole lot of things I really don't care for at all.

It's still better than RE6, but only slightly better than RE5 (for very different reasons), but I doubt it's going to be looked back on as a "classic" like the first three RE games, REmake, RE4, the first two Silent Hill games, Dead Space etc..


There's very little difference in terms of max grain or minimum grain on the PC version. The depth of field effect is also REALLY mild compared to the PS4. The PS4 versions is better looking due to this, honestly.

A comparison:



The PC version is really robbed of the "cinematic aesthetic."

Hm, nice find. Noone mentioned that before.


There's very little difference in terms of max grain or minimum grain on the PC version. The depth of field effect is also REALLY mild compared to the PS4. The PS4 versions is better looking due to this, honestly.

A comparison:



The PC version is really robbed of the "cinematic aesthetic."

Well, that's a bummer.


Fuck Chapter 13 and those robot vacuum cleaner things.

You can actually "kill" them. Shotgun is the least expensive, while Shock bolt the easiest. I never really thought of them as robotic vacuums, although I can see that comparison. I just thought they were proximity homing sawblades.
Just beat it. Holy hot damn, was this ever Resident Evil 4 for 2014. Enjoyed it.

My only two gripes:

1) Fuck the black bars

2) The model viewer information explained way more of the story better than the actual game did.
Just beat it. Holy hot damn, was this ever Resident Evil 4 for 2014. Enjoyed it.

My only two gripes:

1) Fuck the black bars

2) The model viewer information explained way more of the story better than the actual game did.

Indeed. And the collectibes (audio tapes,newspapers,missing persons) explain even more.


Completed chapter 5 on AKUMU so far. That actually wasn't so bad. And I took down
with 2 dunks and 5 shotgun blasts. Took like 2 and a half minutes. Lol.

Chapter 6 is where shiz gets real. =[
Did chapte 9 yesterday evening. How could they possibly taint this great chapter with
Ruvik spawning around randomly
? What was going through their head? Anyway, was almost into this when in chapter 10 they started throwing trial&error shit at me again... This game is a clusterfuck and I can't understand how anyone can actually enjoy this.


Completed chapter 5 on AKUMU so far. That actually wasn't so bad. And I took down
with 2 dunks and 5 shotgun blasts. Took like 2 and a half minutes. Lol.

Chapter 6 is where shiz gets real. =[

Yes, but there's really only two parts of that chapter that are really shitty. The second part of the first action sequence
the basement
is actually quite damn easy, and when I finally passed it, I did it without even knowing what I was doing was far more effective than I first realized due to me cowering off screen under the stairs.
if you simply use a flash bolt and do NOT attack the first three enemies, no more will spawn as long as they remain alive. 3-4 flash bolts upgraded to 13s should be enough to get you past that section with ease.

The middle, and most action packed section of that chapter is actually fairly easy compared to the very first and last sequences. Just abuse Joseph and ladders. :)


I just picked this up, as the word of mouth was seeming pretty good. I'm only part of the way through chapter 2, and while the setup and presentation are all pretty good, there are already some fairly baffling design choices.

The biggest issue I have with the game is the horrendous filters that are just destroying black levels. I've cranked up the in-game brightness, but it's a band-aid on an issue that shouldn't exist. There's a difference between being in the dark, and crushing out half the image. It's really taking me out of the game, as I'm fighting the brightness levels to try and see the game I'm supposed to be playing. It's either crushed, or overexposed. I really don't like it.

The controls and also far from ideal. We have a third person camera mixed with the wide aspect ratio, yet we're given an FOV that feels are too narrow even when it's pulled back, make for an aggravating experience. Not sure what they were going for here, but it makes the game feel unpolished, rather than introducing tension via limited manoeuvrability. And the aiming aggravates this enormously. Resident Evil 4 walked the line perfectly, not sure how this got all fucked up. I'll get used to it, but it doesn't feel right, and it'll mean I probably won't want to return to this as often as I returned to RE4.

I hope it starts to come together for me tomorrow after a long session, reading through this thread got me seriously excited about playing through it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is this game a fucking joke? Is it early April fools or just some sort of Halloween trick?

Surely, my computer isn't a massive beast but it runs every game so far in 1080p@60fps with slight adjustments to AA and other graphical options - but this game... seriously?

I AM STRUGGLING TO CONTAIN 25 CONSTANT FRAMES PER SECONDS when I put my shit on 1080p with everything turned off including AA and motion blur.

Please tell me this is a (sick) joke.

i5 @2.67 GHz
560 GTX Ti


Chapter 5 was amazing and that boss fight was classic Mikami. Contrary to some people here, I am really enjoying the surreal psychological breakdown of the story and how the scenes shift from one to another. It adds a sense of mystery and gives you something to think about in terms of decoding the narrative. At the start of chapter 6 and getting some stunning
inspired vistas.
Created an unwinnable save on Chapter 15, I am seriously pissed off.

Sit rep I missed the Magnum in chapter 11.

Now I must defeat the two keepers using only. <_<

3 rifle rounds.
12 handgun rounds
4 shotgun shells
3 explosive bolts (used all parts to craft these)
1 crossbow bolt

I can finish off one of them but that uses most of what I have got.

Now facing the possibility of restarting the whole damn game and collecting parts like a madman and making sure I get the magnum.

Trying very hard to not throw my controller either at the TV or out the window at this point.

Damn it. <_<
Is this game a fucking joke? Is it early April fools or just some sort of Halloween trick?

Surely, my computer isn't a massive beast but it runs every game so far in 1080p@60fps with slight adjustments to AA and other graphical options - but this game... seriously?

I AM STRUGGLING TO CONTAIN 25 CONSTANT FRAMES PER SECONDS when I put my shit on 1080p with everything turned off including AA and motion blur.

Please tell me this is a (sick) joke.

i5 @2.67 GHz
560 GTX Ti

It's most likely your CPU that is the bottleneck.



Neo Member

Since so many of us have finished the game now and want to talk about our different theories lets get this spoiler thread more active so we can do so without worrying about having to filter our discussions for those who are still working through their first playthrough.

There's already a lot of interesting theories that have been posted in there.


Created an unwinnable save on Chapter 15, I am seriously pissed off.

Sit rep I missed the Magnum in chapter 11.

Now I must defeat the
two keepers
using only. <_<

3 rifle rounds.
12 handgun rounds
4 shotgun shells
3 explosive bolts (used all parts to craft these)
1 crossbow bolt

I can finish off one of them but that uses most of what I have got.

Now facing the possibility of restarting the whole damn game and collecting parts like a madman and making sure I get the magnum.

Trying very hard to not throw my controller either at the TV or out the window at this point.

Damn it. <_<

Sounds obvious, but did you collect all the stuff laying around before the fight? There is plenty of ammo and parts. Disable both traps, check the corridor on the right, area behind the fallen column on the left of the second room. Do not fret about the magnum, I had 1 round for it before this fight :)
Try to lure them together into the narrow corridor on the right. That way you can use your explosive bolts on both at the same time.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
The controls and also far from ideal. We have a third person camera mixed with the wide aspect ratio, yet we're given an FOV that feels are too narrow even when it's pulled back, make for an aggravating experience. Not sure what they were going for here, but it makes the game feel unpolished, rather than introducing tension via limited manoeuvrability. And the aiming aggravates this enormously. Resident Evil 4 walked the line perfectly, not sure how this got all fucked up. I'll get used to it, but it doesn't feel right, and it'll mean I probably won't want to return to this as often as I returned to RE4.

My feelings too. I played through RE4 in like two or three sittings, with TEW I'm taking a break from it every hour, it feels like. Honestly, I thought RE6 was more fun that this game is so far.


Created an unwinnable save on Chapter 15, I am seriously pissed off.

Sit rep I missed the Magnum in chapter 11.

Now I must defeat the two keepers using only. <_<

3 rifle rounds.
12 handgun rounds
4 shotgun shells
3 explosive bolts (used all parts to craft these)
1 crossbow bolt

I can finish off one of them but that uses most of what I have got.

Now facing the possibility of restarting the whole damn game and collecting parts like a madman and making sure I get the magnum.

Trying very hard to not throw my controller either at the TV or out the window at this point.

Damn it. <_<

Keepers can always be taken down no matter what's in your inventory because they'll continue to drop traps which you can disassemble for bolt parts.

Also, for future reference, the Magnum appears in two briefcases, but doesn't make a big difference to that fight anyway unless you power it up.


Neo Member
Spoilers about the plot.

Did anyone else catch that after Ruvik was saved by Laura his father lied and hid him in the basement of the manor for years due to his disfigurement. His mother, via notes found in the game, would describe hearing her sons cries but Ruviks father would constantly tell her that both children died in the fire. That certainly added a lot to the deranged frame of mind that he was in.


Going to CH8 now, I'm a little low on ammo thanks to
The Keeper.
I have almost 80 crafting materials for the Crossbow though so that's good. I've also been hoarding all the items and ammo which I unlocked with the keys so I'm probably gonna be fine. Unless if this chapter is gonna be full on horde mode like CH6 was.
From what I've seen, almost every combat situation in this game can be done by using very little ammo, those
2 headed
enemies in CH7 I killed almost entirely by using traps so I had plenty of ammo for the boss.
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