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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?


El Capitan Todd
there is no advanteage in taking him down,
It's better
to run
, when possible.

Btw, I've done chapter 10 and 11 yesterday, and started chapter 12.
I really loved those two chapters, anyone else here?
I loved the outdoor parts, the diving monster part,
and so on.


there is no advanteage in taking him down,
It's better
to run
, when possible.

Btw, I've done chapter 10 and 11 yesterday, and started chapter 12.
I really loved those two chapters, anyone else here?
I loved the outdoor parts, the diving monster part,
and so on.
Seriously? Chapter 11 is considered by many including myself to be the worst, chapter 12 wasn't much better either but at least it was short and not too frustrating on Survival, chaper 10 was awesome imo, but to each his own.


El Capitan Todd
Seriously? Chapter 11 is considered by many including myself to be the worst, chapter 12 wasn't much better either but at least it was short and not too frustrating on Survival, chaper 10 was awesome imo, but to each his own.

Well, chapter 12 wasn't that good, but I'm at its half.
Chapter 10 and 11 were really good imho.
Diffeerent one to each otehr and probably I liked that:
I enjoyed a lot the "Disaster day of crisis HD edition" setting ;p
on CH11, and that
diving monster part
I'm one of those who didn't like chapter 11 and 12, but I wasn't too fond of chapter 10 either. The
Saw kind of horror with traps and stuff doesn't really suit my taste. There are a bit too many straight forward enemy encounters as well, which doesn't leave much room for stealth or other options. There's a decent amount of traps that can be utilized and the boss fights are ok though.

This is how I'd roughly rank the chapters:


This is how I'd roughly rank the chapters:

I generally agree with this, though I'd put 10 higher. The only chapter I actually dislike is 1. It's really boring on repeated playthroughs with the slow walking and heavy scripting, kinda like Leon ch 1 in RE6. 11 and 12 are super fun in comparison.
I generally agree with this, though I'd put 10 higher. The only chapter I actually dislike is 1. It's really boring on repeated playthroughs with the slow walking and heavy scripting, kinda like Leon ch 1 in RE6. 11 and 12 are super fun in comparison.
Yeah, this is exactly why it's so bad. There's nothing enjoyable in that chapter but at least it's very short. Chapter 11 and 12 are in fact enjoyable to some extent, but I think the game would have been a much better package without them. There's just way too much forced combat and over the top action present in those.
I don't think the action was the big issue with ch. 11 and 12. I think it's the atmosphere and art direction. It's a little too "normal" and feels off in comparison to basically all the other chapters

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I don't hate Chaprer 11, I enjoyed a number of moments in it. I actually liked the
water segments
and the
mannequin factory

Chapter 12, while the
Hersey boss
is fun, the rest of it was kind of typical and ehhh.

If I had to name my favorite and least favorite moment of each chapter:

Chapter 1:
Most Favorite:
Probably the title card once you get in the elevator, it's a pretty cool little sequence.
Least Favorite:
Generally this chapter is my least favorite, I don't hate it but the weakest for me, very scripted and ehh.

Chapter 2:
Most Favorite:
That middle section of the chapter where trip wires, bear traps, and exploration come into play with the few lakeside houses. I actually like this section a lot.
Least Favorite:
The forest before you get your lantern. It isn't complex, but I find the running through the dark in that sequence to not really be fun.

Chapter 3:
Most Favorite:
The Village, obviously.
Least Favorite:
I don't really dislike anything about this chapter, but if I had to name something, it'd probably be the pile of bodies you have to burn to enter the village at the very beginning. It's not bad, but I thought it was a weird, forced, and kind of lat introduction to the fact you can burn bodies.

Chapter 4:
Most Favorite:
The very beginning open area with the few houses, bonfire, and the like. I really love this part, and always have fun exploring in it.
Least Favorite:
That enemy arena before you meet Laura. I don't know why, I'm just not a fan of that particular enemy encounter.

Chapter 5:
Most Favorite:
The battle with Laura. A lot say they don't like this fight, but I actually enjoyed fighting Laura and found her to be a panic-inducing and fun boss fight that made interesting use of the burning bodies mechanic.
Least Favorite:
Most definitely the beginning with all the invisible enemies in the hospital ward. I find pushing objects around and fighting the invisible enemies not tremendously fun.

Chapter 6:
Most Favorite:
This is a tie for me. I actually enjoy fighting the Troll brothers, I actually liked the segment where you have to shoot down the spike gunners in the ruins fun, and I think it was in this chapter I most enjoyed the characters, the scenes with Sebastian and Joseph in this chapter were some of my favorite cutscenes in the game.
Least Favorite:
That burning house segment with all the enemies pouring in. I have come to loathe that segment after Akumu difficulty.

Chapter 7:
Most Favorite:
The Keeper boss fight. I found this to be one of the most intense fights in the game, and appropriately, "Oh, he's still going!?"
Least Favorite:
Honestly I didn't have any huge dislikes in this chapter, but if I had to name one, it'd be that section you have to run through all the traps while the camera is faced towards you and the spikes are falling behind you.

Chapter 8:
Most Favorite:
Dead babies.
Least Favorite:
How short and empty this chapter felt.

Chapter 9:
Most Favorite:
The mansion.
Least Favorite:
I actually really liked this chapter, but probably the barn fight at the very end.

Chapter 10:
Most Favorite:
The segment where your in complete pitch darkness taking care of enemies stealthily, then suddenly the alarms go off, the lights turn on, weird music begins and the unexpected twist your in a giant death carousal. That moment was all the right kinds of WTF for me. Boss battle at the end is a close second, my second favorite boss battle in the game.
Least Favorite:
Honestly I didn't hate any of it (like some do, it seems), but probably the actual section with the carousal. I love the reveal, didn't like the actual section as much, but didn't hate it either.

Chapter 11:
Most Favorite:
Probably the water sections, I had panicked fun with those.
Least Favorite:
That enemy garage door sequence, I was not big on that part at all.

Chapter 12:
Most Favorite:
The giant spider boss battle
Least Favorite:
Everything else. Especially the part with the armored vehicle.

Chapter 13:
Most Favorite:
The atmosphere in this chapter, as well as The Keeper butcher fight.
Least Favorite:
Hell's Kitchen towards the end there.

Chapter 14:
Most Favorite:
Atmosphere, the atmosphere in this chapter was pretty great.
Least Favorite:
That one fleshy hallway where you need to restore power and those twin-face enemies keep on appearing.

Chapter 15:
Most Favorite:
The Twin Keepers boss battle, favorite boss battle in the game personally.
Least Favorite:
I actually don't hate the scripted final boss like I usually do in these things. Probably goes to the second enemy arena with those distanced enemies shooting you/throwing Molotovs.


too bad we can't trade steam games.

4 hours in i've had enough.

Loved RE4 but there's something about this I don't enjoy..oh well

Still I understand why so many people like the game, it's very well crafted
I don't hate Chaprer 11, I enjoyed a number of moments in it. I actually liked the
water segments
and the
mannequin factory

i totally forgot about this when posting about chapter 11 and the atmosphere and art direction,
the mannequin factory was amazing. loved that part of chapter 11

The Lamp

He drops quickly from about anything, don't know how he got
to the only harpoons are helpful thinking.

my pistols did nothing and my shotguns took more than two shots which is dangerous because it's a close range weapon, meanwhile harpoon were guaranteed two-hit downs
Playing this right now, I'm on the 3rd chapter. I like how oldschool it feels, I got downright lost at the village. A minor sort of quibble I have is how samey all the environments look thus far. I don't want my hand held, but having no idea where I'm going because of poorish design is a tad frustrating.

The performance is not all that great, playing on the PS4 the frame rate is remarkably unstable. All that said, I had a great time thus far, I love the mood and the setting.
my pistols did nothing and my shotguns took more than two shots which is dangerous because it's a close range weapon, meanwhile harpoon were guaranteed two-hit downs

yeah, those two weapons are not very good for him in particular, so i can see why you thought that


Neo Member
Currently on chapter 10 and I AM LOVING IT!

Sometimes I need to take a break because the game makes me so tense. I love the feeling that I cant go shooting and need to save ammo for the boss fights... it makes me think of ways to kill the enemies without firing a shot.

I am
in that part where the spider girl is running through a series of switches that turns the fire off... I keep getting locked in a furnace and burnt to death. Kinda stuck here but I'll try to figure this out today

The Lamp

Playing this right now, I'm on the 3rd chapter. I like how oldschool it feels, I got downright lost at the village. A minor sort of quibble I have is how samey all the environments look thus far. I don't want my hand held, but having no idea where I'm going because of poorish design is a tad frustrating.

The performance is not all that great, playing on the PS4 the frame rate is remarkably unstable. All that said, I had a great time thus far, I love the mood and the setting.

The gameplay, environment variety and level design really opens up after Chapter 4/5. The pacing and variety is so good that nothing feels too old or unwelcome. The game becomes really special once you get through Chapter 6-10.
Just got through the
part in Ch13. Definitely not as bad or silly as I expected when I first heard about it. The
Ruvik clones
also aren't as much of a hinderance as I thought they'd be, but I'd still love to get the timing down on a stealth kill on them. Overall really liked it a lot over Ch11-12, even if a lot of it was walking and collecting brain juice. Seriously BRAIN JUICE EVERYWHERE

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
I'm on Chapter 7 now, fantastic game. (Man was Chapter 6 difficult)

The sheer amount of cool boss encounters I've run into so far has been great (with the Keeper right around the corner I hear).

I will say I do think these are the most terrifying enemies I've seen in a game. I don't know what it is about them but the idea of guys wrapped in barb wire with glowing lights trying to ram a knife into your throat creep me out something fierce.

So I guess without getting too spoilery, does what's happening in the story get explained exactly? It seems like all the newspaper articles and clippings are pointing in a certain direction.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
On chapter 8. Game is awesome. Took me a few chapters for it to click as the early game is a bit uneven but now it's one of my favorite of the year, it's just fun to play and emotionally unsettling without being cheap.

It's a shame the story is so nonsensical and the characters have zero actual, well, character, but some of the chapters are really well sculpted. Re4, shadows of the damned and silent hill had a baby, with a lot of their warts but too provocative to leave alone.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
It's a shame the story is so nonsensical and the characters have zero actual, well, character, but some of the chapters are really well sculpted. Re4, shadows of the damned and silent hill had a baby, with a lot of their warts but too provocative to leave alone.

I do wish Sebastian had more character to him.

Chapter 5 Spoilers:
The encounter with Laura when she's rampaging down the hallway, soaked in gore, causing Sebastian to just say, "What's the deal with you lady?" is completely ridiculous.

She's a rampaging four armed woman with claws who just appeared out of a pool of blood. BE TERRIFIED DAMMIT!
On chapter 8. Game is awesome. Took me a few chapters for it to click as the early game is a bit uneven but now it's one of my favorite of the year, it's just fun to play and emotionally unsettling without being cheap.

It's a shame the story is so nonsensical and the characters have zero actual, well, character, but some of the chapters are really well sculpted. Re4, shadows of the damned and silent hill had a baby, with a lot of their warts but too provocative to leave alone.

Wait till you finish the game, then it will stop seeming nonsensical and turn to a mindfuck instead.
I'm currently in chapter 9 and was looking for keys in the garden.
When I was walking beneath the left wing I noticed a man moving behind one of the windows, but he disappeared. I loaded the chapter again and was looking at him from a distance. He's not a haunted but a pretty average looking guy in a white shirt, a little bit reminiscent of Chris Taylor, the construction foreman that went missing. He's standing in what appears to be the library and turns around after you approach the window. Anybody else noticed him before?
I think it's cool that even on my fourth playthrough I'm discovering new stuff.


I wasted far too much ammo trying to kill
in chapter 10
(I failed - ended up just pulling the switch and booking it)
. Ended up going into the boss fight with five handgun bullets and two flash bolts. That was a sometimes frustrating six or seven reloads, but the satisfaction of carefully planning, collecting just what I needed, and finally taking him down was so good.

I love this game so much. It's challenging at times (usually because I've taken the easy road and used up ammo on weaker enemies), but only so far as it forces you to appraoch each situation carefully and intelligently.
I'm currently in chapter 9 and was looking for keys in the garden.
When I was walking beneath the left wing I noticed a man moving behind one of the windows, but he disappeared. I loaded the chapter again and was looking at him from a distance. He's not a haunted but a pretty average looking guy in a white shirt, a little bit reminiscent of Chris Taylor, the construction foreman that went missing. He's standing in what appears to be the library and turns around after you approach the window. Anybody else noticed him before?
I think it's cool that even on my fourth playthrough I'm discovering new stuff.

That's really neat o__O Gonna look out for this on an eventual replay
I wasted far too much ammo trying to kill
in chapter 10
(I failed - ended up just pulling the switch and booking it)
. Ended up going into the boss fight with five handgun bullets and two flash bolts. That was a sometimes frustrating six or seven reloads, but the satisfaction of carefully planning, collecting just what I needed, and finally taking him down was so good.

I love this game so much. It's challenging at times (usually because I've taken the easy road and used up ammo on weaker enemies), but only so far as it forces you to appraoch each situation carefully and intelligently.

props for pulling that off with the chapter 10 boss and not complaining about it being the game's fault

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I do wish Sebastian had more character to him.

Chapter 5 Spoilers:
The encounter with Laura when she's rampaging down the hallway, soaked in gore, causing Sebastian to just say, "What's the deal with you lady?" is completely ridiculous.

She's a rampaging four armed woman with claws who just appeared out of a pool of blood. BE TERRIFIED DAMMIT!

I didn't even realize that monster had a name. "Laura?" How do we even know that.
Game needs more audiologs haha.
I really wish I could play this game, but I'm still waiting for someone to release a FOV fix now that Bethesda broken the existing ones with the PC patch.
They also name her in a shit ton of marketing materials prior to the game's release.

i didn't follow any of this game prior to release. i heard some bad things about it in some previews so i basically didn't keep up with anything. so i could see how someone else would have gotten past chapter 5 and had no idea

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
For pre-release materials, Ruvik, Laura, and The Keeper were featured in a lot of promotional materials. We knew a few others, like Haunted, Sadist, etc, but those three were probably the most featured.

They actually did a good job at showing off little of the whole game though. Most of the pre-release material, outside of some things close to release, came entirely out of Chapters 1, 4, and 9. They hardly showed off any of the other chapters at all. Keeper was in a lot of promotional material, but they actually showed very little of your encounters with him in the pre-release stuff, which is why how aggressive he actually is surprised me as I was painted with the impression he might be more passive or silent, not STOMP STOMP, coming for you.

The Lamp

I wasted far too much ammo trying to kill
in chapter 10
(I failed - ended up just pulling the switch and booking it)
. Ended up going into the boss fight with five handgun bullets and two flash bolts. That was a sometimes frustrating six or seven reloads, but the satisfaction of carefully planning, collecting just what I needed, and finally taking him down was so good.

I love this game so much. It's challenging at times (usually because I've taken the easy road and used up ammo on weaker enemies), but only so far as it forces you to appraoch each situation carefully and intelligently.

So that is
Laura? Makes sense. She's weak to fire, you play "hide and seek" with her in the Ch. 10 boss fight...just like how she died in the barn fire. Very interesting

props for pulling that off with the chapter 10 boss and not complaining about it being the game's fault

I didn't use any bullets or ammo against Laura
in Ch. 10
. You mean with all the fire and stuff? You just run from her and pull the switches, wait for the fire to go down, then run like hell. Firing at her just seems to make things worse

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
They also name her in a shit ton of marketing materials prior to the game's release.

No offense to my friends at Bethesda, but I was largely media black-out on the game :).
Though I had played it a few times prior to release, I didn't ask any questions regarding the story or lore.


I wasn't on media blackout, but there was advantages to not being as well.
I was getting nervous with some of the red herring safes around in Chapter 7 that lead up to nothing, they purposely placed some around the level to make you worried if you knew.

The one time
you are in the hospital and is dark with the safe on the table. I was terrified.
So that is
Laura? Makes sense. She's weak to fire, you play "hide and seek" with her in the Ch. 10 boss fight...just like how she died in the barn fire. Very interesting

I didn't use any bullets or ammo against Laura
in Ch. 10
. You mean with all the fire and stuff? You just run from her and pull the switches, wait for the fire to go down, then run like hell. Firing at her just seems to make things worse

i'm talking about him wasting his ammo on laura and still being able to beat the subsequent boss afterwards


Just beat the game last night on Survival difficulty for PC. Took me 15.5 hours and 60 deaths. GREAT game. Exactly what I was looking for from it. Love the atmosphere and feeling of dread not knowing what could be around the corner. Seemed like every chapter introduced some kind of new enemy or twist on ones you've seen before.

I did notice something really weird in Chapter 13:
There were a SHIT TON of bolt parts, traps to disarm, and green gel jars. It was like the developers were play testing and thought "Oh...we haven't given the player bolt parts in a while. Fuck it. Make it rain parts in this chapter."

Also, there's a scene when Box Head is cutting up a body or something on the floor and then just walks away, but there were box heads all over. Did I some how skip a fight or was that little area designed to spook you a little? Found it kind of odd and I couldn't stop thinking about what the designers were trying to do in that part of the level.
Should I get it the free "fighting chance pack" DLC? I don't want to have an unfair advantage while playing the game.

I don't think the DLC provides any unfair advantage in the first playthrough. Admittedly, I never used any of the weaponry, but the additional green gel and first aid kit might give you a slight boost as single use items. I opted out of the double barrel shotgun based on the knowledge that using two shells each shot would potentially be a waste. I avoided the two unique bolts (incendiary and poison) out of concern they would be overpowered. However, having those items in your inventory means you'll have extra ammo types to cycle through in combat so keep that in mind when planning strategically.
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