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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

I wonder if there is something you Can get in the main game if you complete the DLC. Has that ever happened with a game before? I'm sure there would be some backlash though.


Tears in the rain
Can Magnum ammo appear in the lockers? Been at it two hours and nothing. Should I move on?

Edit. 30 mins later and no magnum ammo I think I answered myself...


Can Magnum ammo appear in the lockers? Been at it two hours and nothing. Should I move on?

Edit. 30 mins later and no magnum ammo I think I answered myself...

You should be able to get magnum ammo in lockers atleast I remember getting once or twice. It is rare though.


Neo Member

Finished my akumu run, my goal was to stay under 100 deaths so I'm happy with that number. The double building in chapter 6 and the shutter door in chapter 11 were the biggest hold ups but other than that those chapters went pretty smoothly. Chapters 12/13 were surprisingly intense/stressful but I never really see people bring those up when they discuss akumu.

Played with letterboxing on w/ a controller too for the folks that say it's impossible to see anything :p

Where's my DLC now?

brass knuckles detected.

Peace Tea

Finally finished TEW.

This game really wasn't for me. Just a quick recap/seudo review:

Narrative wise, there is none. None worth taking in anyways, like engrossing yourself in. Ever since MGS4's mind fucking storyline & script, I stay completely detached from a games narrative, until (or if) its made obvious the story is worth obsorbing. The
chapter finally sparked an interest, and provided meaningful context, but ultimately the story went nowhere for me.

Aesthetically and art design wise, the game was fine. Subways and abandoned housing weren't dissapointing. The Saw (film) levels of gore, in certain areas & with certain enemies, I could do without though. Sometime ago Mikami mentioned a huge emphasis on "disturbing imagery," so maybe I just went in with the wrong expectations. More than anything, that
1-hit kill floor traveling death girl
would hurt my ears, and was just difficult to look at, rather than being paranoia inducing.

The black bars, cover camera, and texture pop in didn't bother me much during the playthrough. Though in hindsight, I share the sentiment of other gaffers who would prefer seeing the black bars scraped.

The trip wires were an annoyance. The bear traps were also that, with the exception of boss battles, where they added heavily to creating more tension.

I'm pretty torn with rating this game either a 65 or 70.

On a more positive note, and what probably bumps TEW up to a 70, is the fuckin pistol on zombie action! Man is that shit on point! The zombie movements (whether just subtle or fast), their Ai, the pistol hovering, the strafing (left thumbstick), 1 bullet for critical shot, 2 bullets for critical shot, half the brain sliding off and having to get your aim really on point, I almost want to say its masterfully crafted. Its hands down The Evil Within's most reedming quality for me, and why I write this last paragraph with a smile on my face. :D


Only just got this on pc. I really didn't expect this game to be so good.

Just reached chapter 6. The level design and encounter variety so far has been masterful, but wouldn't' expect anything less from the master himself.

Battles are incredibly tense but almost always have a way to exploit the environment of enemy behaviour if you're quick enough to discover it.

As Peace Tea said, the pistol/headshot action is incredible. Agony Crossbow is insanely fun. Encounters become puzzles to sovle in the most efficient way. Burning bodys, grenades, stun/stealth, shoot dynamite out of hands, it can get really tense but if you're focused they're hugely satisfying to solve.

Playing with the widescreen fix. I just can't take the tunnel vision FoV. however, I've kept the black bars on. I honestly think the game looks more atmospheric with them. Using a gamepad too as I'm laid back on my beanbag playing, but I think I'll try a playthrough with my kb&m after (headshots will be easy mode).

I love the UI, the pop ups for picking up items or interacting look incredibly stylish and help give the game a very professional look. I'm really a bit baffled why people call this game janky, so far it seems pretty slick...

Performance is decent. 15@2500k, 670 sgb, 8gb of ram, ssd. etc... Hovers around 50fps with everything maxed, feels smooth. looks quite nice imo.

Enemy design is the best part. The masked "zombies" are creepy as hell, Laura was actually terrifying, the invisible clicker type guys, everything is suitably horrific which adds a lot to the overall tension.

Sound design is, of course, fantastic. The cracking mirror, the Resident Evil style sounds when you pick up items, creaking doors, enemy footsteps, fizzing lights, the environment itself feels like it's about to jump you any second.

I'll report back when I'm done with it, but this is a strong contender for GOTY right now.... Really glad I bought this on a whim.


Tears in the rain

Annnnnd done. Nobody does survival horror like Mikami. Perfect pacing. Sublime action. For the most part, lol. The latter chapters sometimes feel straight out of RE6 with some really dumb, totally unfair segments. But the bulk of the experience was pure heaven. I am sure glad I sat on my Magnum ammo until Chapter 14's end. It made some of the final encounters go down butter smooth. Season Pass is PURCHASED.

Can't wait to see Juli's campaign. Hopefully both parts will be long. And that she gets to upgrade herself with gel too.
I'm surprised as to how this game wasn't that well received. I admit the story was poor but it served it's purpose to push the player to a new environment. Speaking of the enviroments, I was surprised how different they all were. The combat was perfect with a pistol maxed out in the critical stat. Each headshot felt amazing. I went in expecting a medicore game based on reviews and came out suprised.
In case anyone is interested, some crazy guy has an Akumu no upgrade, no key, no checkpoint, sub 5 hour speedrun up on Youtube.


I haven't watched the full thing yet, but I highly recommend watching chapter 3 at least. Some insane strats in that one.

I was expecting JoeFenix, who's seriously great at the game (and games in general). I believe he did a checkpoint-less run.

Run sounds godlike, regardless. Akumu is so insane.


Neo Member
You can't NG+ on a higher difficulty

You can finish in akumu and then NG+.

In case anyone is interested, some crazy guy has an Akumu no upgrade, no key, no checkpoint, sub 5 hour speedrun up on Youtube.


I haven't watched the full thing yet, but I highly recommend watching chapter 3 at least. Some insane strats in that one.



Tears in the rain
For some ungodly reason, I have all of the lockers open, got the trophy...and have a key left haha.

EDIT. Found why. I was farming Chapter 3's crows and the statue in the watchtower somehow reappeared. Reloaded to make it go away. Don't want no ghost keys!


I love the UI, the pop ups for picking up items or interacting look incredibly stylish and help give the game a very professional look. I'm really a bit baffled why people call this game janky, so far it seems pretty slick...

There is occasional jank in the mechanics, like a match failing to set a body on fire - you're lucky if you didn't come across it yet, but it can get pretty aggravating. I do agree the complaints are overblown though.


For some ungodly reason, I have all of the lockers open, got the trophy...and have a key left haha.

EDIT. Found why. I was farming Chapter 3's crows and the statue in the watchtower somehow reappeared. Reloaded to make it go away. Don't want no ghost keys!

There are more keys than lockers, because there's a chance of getting keys as random gifts from opened lockers. I still have one or two left and despite that I already got the trophy.


There are more keys than lockers, because there's a chance of getting keys as random gifts from opened lockers.

Yeah the one you're referring to is a single locker that offers two keys, I don't think you can find that locker twice in a single playthrough though.



So I finally finished the game (on Survival no upgrades). :) Took my sweet time to enjoy the locations so that's probably it took me 16+ hours. Would've been less deaths if I didn't repeat some stupid decisions. ;)

I liked it overall, but I admit I was playing more because I wanted to see what they came up with next gameplay-wise. The story sadly was pretty weak, especially character's interactions and how they reacted to what was happening around them. The bosses in the game were great, I liked most of them. Only the final boss fight was surprisingly short and easy, but at least the fights that came before it were much harder.


There is occasional jank in the mechanics, like a match failing to set a body on fire - you're lucky if you didn't come across it yet, but it can get pretty aggravating. I do agree the complaints are overblown though.

Yeh, that hasn't happened at all yet. Maybe recent patches improved things?

So far the game feels very respsonsive, I'm easily anjoying it as much as Re2 and 4.


Yeh, that hasn't happened at all yet. Maybe recent patches improved things?

So far the game feels very respsonsive, I'm easily anjoying it as much as Re2 and 4.

Admittedly I didn't play it for a while (waiting for the DLC) so I might not know about some fixes that arrived in the meantime. Good thing if they did, otherwise enjoy your good luck ;)


There are more keys than lockers, because there's a chance of getting keys as random gifts from opened lockers. I still have one or two left and despite that I already got the trophy.
Huh, I was wondering why I had one more key left. I thought maybe there was one secret locker that I missed, but could never find anything about it.


FINALLY finished.

You are not seeing things, that does say
124 Deaths

I sometimes just leave games running so the hours are probably a few hours off.

Still, this is a pretty accurate portrayal of what happens in my life. I only really played 15 hours of Far Cry 4, 10 hours of DriveClub and 20 hours or so of various other games since The Evil Within was released. It was the game I focused on playing. I had it since Day 1.

Getting old sucks, but it is what it is. Honestly I thought I might not beat it at one point, so proud of myself that I did.


not me
Just beat Chapter 10 and I think this game's pretty great. I'm not a fan of the way they sometimes set up the One Hit Kill sequences, but when it works (ie, when you get through it without trial and error dying) it feels incredible.

Call me crazy but I think the story's actually pretty interesting? I think they've established Ruvik's past pretty well and I love seeing it warped and reflected in the world (like Laura). It takes some of the best parts of Silent Hill 1's story and uses them to pretty good effect. I'm also seeing glimmers of something else going on below the surface - such as the slow reveal of Seb's saga - that make me think something else is going on, too.

I like how each weapon feels useful. It makes me want to actually upgrade them all slowly instead of just max one weapon like I do in most games.
I enjoyed the story as well. The problem is that they deliberately not answer many questions, no hints even. Probably gonna answer them in the DLC v_v

You should check the spoiler thread after finishing though. Just about anything can be answered by what info we have is there. Some good explanations and theories.
I am having such a difficult time on the chapter 10 boss. Have been on this for a couple days, watched walkthroughs...still get stomped. If anyone could help me just get past this jerk so I can continue the game thatd be great. Would totally shareplay if ya wanted to just beat it for me (yes cheap..but I want this game beat) hit me up on PSN at cantthink9


I am having such a difficult time on the chapter 10 boss. Have been on this for a couple days, watched walkthroughs...still get stomped. If anyone could help me just get past this jerk so I can continue the game thatd be great. Would totally shareplay if ya wanted to just beat it for me (yes cheap..but I want this game beat) hit me up on PSN at cantthink9
There are multiple bosses in Ch. 10. Which one?


not me
I am having such a difficult time on the chapter 10 boss. Have been on this for a couple days, watched walkthroughs...still get stomped. If anyone could help me just get past this jerk so I can continue the game thatd be great. Would totally shareplay if ya wanted to just beat it for me (yes cheap..but I want this game beat) hit me up on PSN at cantthink9

The end boss? Hide until he pops his eye out, then shoot it and shoot his heads then run away and hide, repeat. Eventually his mouth/vagina opens up so you can pop rifle shots into there.


Yeah that boss battle can be a pain in the ass if you're not good at doing precise shots (best to do them with the sniper rifle), especially since you'll anger the boss if you miss.


ugh, this fucking game.

Played some at friends house,
encountered the girl from The Ring / The Grudge, fucking freaky shit, I turned the game off and went home.
I can't handle this.


Any news how much content will the new scenarios deliver? I don't want them to be 30-60 minutes long (recently I was veeeery disappointed with Alien Isolation's DLC's).

The director of the dlc said this to someone asking how long the content would be


finally finished the game in 25 hours, the game is so amazing. mikami is truly a genius, this game was so hard to put down once i start playing, i'm hooked 5 hours straight, every time i play, can't wait for the DLC. best game this gen so far for me.

It's hard to believe we're finally picking up where RE4 left off. Luckily for us Mikami decided to toss in some Silent Hill, RE3, REMake and a little of everything else horrible under the sun.[/QUOTE]


He was listed under 'game designer' when the credits rolled iirc

He was featured in this video, info says 'level designer' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6AWI8uqq5I&list=PLSHdOA4o6T_dh3R-AOk-BHpOeZydzUY4e&index=23

Haven't played in a month or so. Left off at chapter 6 and came back to it tonight. Can't do it, just don't have the motivation to play this anymore. Anyone else?


Haven't played in a month or so. Left off at chapter 6 and came back to it tonight. Can't do it, just don't have the motivation to play this anymore. Anyone else?

Dumped 80 hours into the game over multiple playthroughs so I can't relate, waiting for the DLC right now.

The Goat

How in the hell did you guys play through this game, with its exceptional amount of jank? I am constantly in awe of how rough around the edges this game is. The framerate and controls are really making me want to stop. Having zero fun, so I guess I should shelve it. PS4 btw.


How in the hell did you guys play through this game, with its exceptional amount of jank? I am constantly in awe of how rough around the edges this game is. The framerate and controls are really making me want to stop. Having zero fun, so I guess I should shelve it. PS4 btw.

I can understand having framerate issues but I just don't see the issue with the controls. I feel like my brain must be wired differently to most gamers as I've recently been playing that critical darling The Last of Us and I struggled way more controlling that then I ever did with Evil Within.

The only issue I had was that until a patch it would crash out out on me all the time on my PC, which was a very major issue but since being fixed it was my game of last year. Can't wait for the DLC, which is a sentence I almost never say.
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