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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

The big spoiler is seeing how many chapters there are.
I'm glad I'm not as sensitive to information (not spoilers, in this case basic information is bad) as you.

I'll warn you now, this thread will be information city when this game drops, the information to non information ratio will be staggering to the point of exhaustion.

Here's a big reveal can you resist?
people DO find a way to be offended by anything nowadays this is a fake spoiler but I bet you looked :p
He would say that the game doesn't feel exactly like an old-school horror game, but it also feels more like an old-school horror game than most anything that's released recently.



I feel like the worse review scores this game gets, the better it will actually be. My tastes have been so out of line with reviewers this year.

Ironically, Gies gave Wolfenstein a 9, and has one of the reviews that I feel most closely aligns with my own opinion of my favorite game of this year, so far.

Stopped clock or whatever

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
At this point, review wise I'm expecting a lot of 6 through high 9s critic wise. From all I've seen, heard, played, read, it sounds like one of those games that won't be a game changer like REmake or RE4, but maybe more like Dino Crisis. Dino Crisis reviewed very all over the place back when it came out, and blended more action with horror to RE's formula. It was still a horror game, but more of an action direction than RE. However, it went on to find people who absolutely adored it and has become something of a cult classic.

I think Evil Within will be all over the place review wise, though I suspect maybe more centered around 8's. Some will dock it down for some jank the game has and some technical things. Some will rate it higher as they absolutely adored their time with the game and its different from a lot of games that release and really strike it out within certain niche groups. Some will dislike it for not going full-on old-school horror or not being super scary focused like Amnesia or Outlast (not saying that's my definition of super scary, but general opinion). Maybe for some it will have the adverse effect of being liked more by trying things different and with good pacing and design.

My prediction at this point is that the metacritic will probably be somewhere between 7.8 - 8.4, I think I personally am going to love it, and I think it's going to become like Mikami's other games like God Hand and Vanquish where people tell others it's so good and some crowning achievement that does really well at what it tries to be. Some flaws, but worth playing.

My prediction, at least.
I hope there's an ability or cheat to make melee weapons last longer, they look so satisfying when one hit killing haunts, just one more ususage or a hidden unlimited durability melee weapon would make my pee pee place shoot through the roof like a makeshift chimney.

Baby steps, this at least seems to have similar combat design philosophies going by the trailer.
Agreed, i can say the aspects of RE4 that captivated me to the point where I actually felt like replying and earning the perks that made me feel powerful in such an oppressive game are in place in this game.


I'd be in the dick
Ironically, Gies gave Wolfenstein a 9, and has one of the reviews that I feel most closely aligns with my own opinion of my favorite game of this year, so far.

Stopped clock or whatever
That's the only game I've totally agreed with him on. Even games that we've both liked, he tends to like for reasons vastly different than my own.


i have vanquish for the 360 but n4ever played it hahaha lol at me guis

it is sad to know it will die with those consoles. We need teh emulation right fast.
It's fantastic, get it cheap, it looks really good on ps3!

Good. I'll get it this December when I plan going on a Resident Evil spree!

He likes it a lot, but he thinks the game will be the type people are at first going to want a straight up sequel or something similar to RE4 or REmake and they're going to be disappointed with what is,

From the get go it was obvious that TEW was going to be compared with RE4 and I wish someone makes a good video of why people shouldn't be expecting another RE4 in TEW. Gameplay wise, sure they may be similar (and even then they have enough differences that they shouldn't be compared), but I think regarding atmosphere TEW it's headed on a different direction. TEW strikes me as a true survival horror while RE4 was just another action game with a cool atmosphere.


i have vanquish for the 360 but n4ever played it hahaha lol at me guis

it is sad to know it will die with those consoles. We need teh emulation right fast.

Sort of why I don't sell any of them even when I upgrade to the new gens. Especially since backwards compatibility sort of died (except for Wii U so far). Why I really would love it if there was a way that like after companies officially stop producing the consoles to play the games that they release some way for the games to be emulated on PC or something. Just give me anything that assures me I can play the older games I love in the future. 'Cuz so far it doesn't seem like I'm getting any sequels or spiritual successors to some games I love like Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, or Okami.


Unless you suck at it and play it like a cover shooter instead of a stylish action game with guns

It's...it's not a cover shooter? Gonna have to go back and play it again!

lol j/k I tried not to "camp" or take cover too much. Did love leaping over cover in slo-mo and capping people n the head before coming out of slo-mo though. XD
Vanquish is only a cover shooter when you run out of health and AR. Otherwise, boost dodging gives enough invincibility frames that the player can really do whatever they want. It's probably the only shooter I can think of where the player can "get in there" on higher difficulties and not get creamed.
I hated vanquish when i played the demo, tried twice and couldn't understand why certain things were the way they were and kept trying to gears of war my way through it. One day I was able to get it for dirt cheap and decided to give it another chance. I actually paid attention to the instructions had other games to check out so I was only going to play an hour..

before I knew It 6 hours had passed and I had beaten the game and wished as I sat there that a sequel would materialize.. That is still a wish of mine.
defeating the twins was so satisfying.


You kow what fascinates me is every now and then you see different media share exactly the same things at around the same time. For instance im watching a movie right now called Deliver us from Evil and it has a character in it that looks exactly like Ruvick. This creepy guy with a fucked up face in a hoodie that follows people around. Movie is a 2014 release. I see these types of things all the time and cant tell if its a coincidence or talent int he industry stealing ideas.


last one


You kow what fascinates me is every now and then you see different media share exactly the same things at around the same time. For instance im watching a movie right now called Deliver us from Evil and it has a character in it that looks exactly like Ruvick. This creepy guy with a fucked up face in a hoodie that follows people around. Movie is a 2014 release. I see these types of things all the time and cant tell if its a coincidence or talent int he industry stealing ideas.

Isn't that called like the collective unconscious or something? I think I remember my high school psychology teacher talking about some shit like that.
lol I did too last night. Waiting for pre-load to happen.

There are like 5 people streaming on live with playstation and I'm doing my best to ignore them. lol.

I ended up watching like 10 minutes of a stream the other night and the part I came at was so RE4 it hurt. Needless to say, I'm hyped.
I bought this and Preloaded on my PC, made some money doing oddjobs so I could get this game. Feels good to be making some money again.

I should've waited longer, now its just sitting there taunting me on my desktop. lol. THE HYPPPPPE.



I don't know if it's been posted already, and frankly I don't care enough to look through 32 pages either, so here goes.

Best Buy is giving a free ten dollars gift card to those who preorder The Evil Within.


So I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague but I do have one question and wondering if it's known now that people have played the game; Does it become more action-oriented with more abundant ammo drops later in the game similar to RE4 or does it stay super restricted all the way through?


The Last of Us: Remastered only confirmed that The Last of Us was the best game I played in the entire previous console generation, but it does still have some flaws.

After I had finished it though, all I could do was give it a shrug. It was what I considered a "good game" (in relation to the hype and it being a ND AAA release) and probably the only Uncharted game I really liked. Yeah, I know, that's a really "dumb" and easy comparison, but people love to overlook just how many similarities it really does have to Uncharted and not soley because it's ND and has great production.

Take the amount of shooting and stealth sections from Uncharted and inverse them. I don't even count the fact that Uncharted had "platforming" either, because how can you really consider holding up, left or right and mashing a button to auto grab the next highlighted grab point as platforming anyway? Mechanically speaking, it felt the same. If you remove all of the cutscenes and the production, almost no one would have really cared about the game. Bioshock Infinite is similar in that regard, but the actual gameplay is even worse. Too much focus on trying to be "cinematic" or "provacative" and it's as though the gameplay was considered last for us. It doesn't help that the actual story was cobbled together from its so obvious "influences", which were not limited to just The Road. For what was there, I liked it. But that's about it.

In basic, he says it's like a modern game with old-school tendencies. That was his first reply, and I asked him what he meant by that. He went into it deeper saying that the game at many times has less to do with old-school survival-horror than the game let's on. It has the sort of mechanics that gamers are used too from modern trends; Stealth capabilities and sometimes reliance, crafting things, free movement and camera, some cinematic set-pieces. But it blends these with some old-school game design and theory. Ammo is scarce, the enemies are tough, not everything is trying to be super realistic with things like items are unrealistically large or very game-y situations and environments, the game isn't throwing a ton of enemies at you all the time to keep you entertained. And then this mixed in with the sort of things you expect from a Mikami game, like hammy dialogue, excellent pacing and design, atmosphere.

He also said something interesting. The game shifts tones and moods multiple times through its going time. He's in Chapter 13 right now. He says there's moments that it harkins more to the old school survival-horror of yesteryear, moments that feel more novelty as being designed like old-school horror games. There's moments more designed like Resident Evil 4, with a lot of enemies, encounters and design. But there's a lot of other stuff in there also. There's moments that seem more surreal and like a nightmarish version of the world, ala something like Silent Hill. There's parts that feel more action-y and something in line with Gears of War or F.E.A.R.. And there's other parts too.

He would say that the game doesn't feel exactly like an old-school horror game, but it also feels more like an old-school horror game than most anything that's released recently. He also interestingly says the game shifts more into a horror tone in its second half. There's still action, and over-the-top moments, but he says there's more parts in the second half of the game that tones things down and the game gets weirder. And moments the atmosphere is absolutely oppressive and tense.

He likes it a lot, but he thinks the game will be the type people are at first going to want a straight up sequel or something similar to RE4 or REmake and they're going to be disappointed with what is, but if they can let that go there is an excellent, a little janky, but well designed and paced game here that gets better and better the deeper into it you go. He thinks it will find an audience and that it's going to really strike with some players, but is really uncertain how it's going to do with reviewers and mainstream audiences.

That actually sounds pretty damn good to me. Combining more modern conventions with old school design. There are a lot of things in modern games that really are an improvement over games from 10+ years ago, but usually pacing, level design and fun aren't among them. I'd rather see a game by Mikami that shows his influences and previous works without firmly being stuck in the past, which is what this is reading like to me.


So I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague but I do have one question and wondering if it's known now that people have played the game; Does it become more action-oriented with more abundant ammo drops later in the game similar to RE4 or does it stay super restricted all the way through?

I read earlier in the thread that ammo because more scarce is the second half of the game.
After I had finished it though, all I could do was give it a shrug. It was what I considered a "good game" (in relation to the hype and it being a ND AAA release) and probably the only Uncharted game I really liked. Yeah, I know, that's a really "dumb" and easy comparison, but people love to overlook just how many similarities it really does have to Uncharted and not soley because it's ND and has great production.

Take the amount of shooting and stealth sections from Uncharted and inverse them. I don't even count the fact that Uncharted had "platforming" either, because how can you really consider holding up, left or right and mashing a button to auto grab the next highlighted grab point as platforming anyway? If you remove all of the cutscenes and the production, almost no one would have really cared about the game. Bioshock Infinite is similar in that regard, but the actual gameplay is even worse. Too much focus on trying to be "cinematic" or "provacative" and it's as though the gameplay was considered last for us. It doesn't help that the actual story was cobbled together from it's so obvious "influences", which were not limited to just The Road. For what was there, I liked it. But that's about it.


I think you enjoyed the game more than you let on and you hate yourself for that, so to save other potential victims you find a way to mention it's overrated nature on every other page hoping to dissuade them from the torment you endure through loving TLOU.
What a brave selfless soul you are!!
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