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Shogun 2 |OT| This is Total War


Slackbladder said:
In my case my trade fleet was in the trade spot near China. I clicked them on but could not move them anywhere and all my trade vanished. If you have a trade fleet not on a trading spot you may be okay.


I just wanted to know if their might be a way to avoid the bug as I have now seen a few people mention it on the web.


Man, drop-in battles are proving to be really crappy, I'm either completely outnumbered or have a stupid army setup. Still, its fun to park your army at the far end of the map and hide some units in a nearby forest to inflict maximum damage. Problem opponent?
Ikuu said:
How effective is it? They keep rebelling even with some Metsuke, it's not a huge deal since they get stomped if they try and take the town.

A monk adds something like an extra -2.5% conversion rate per turn. Still a little slow but better than nothing, and you can combine it with a Metsuke and a small occupation army too I think.


What is the "extra historical scenario" included in the Limited Edition? I don't see any historical scenarios much less an extra one?

Bust Nak

Sethos said:
Could someone enlighten me. The first ( lowest ) tier of spear infantry have a deploy spear ability to use against cavalry charges. The second tier, supposedly better against cavalry charges ( First tier are 20 points, second are 25 points versus Cavalry charges ). Yet the second tier's don't have a deploy spear ability? They will just stand around with that spear pointing up, not much good I'd say? So does that mean you need to unlock it, is it a bug or do they just automatically get the bonus without deploying?
You don't need to form a spearwall for the anti cavalry bonus to apply. The spearwall special ability give you another bonus on top of that (not sure but I think it's melee defence.) The spear samurai carries shorter yari than the spear ashigaru, so they don't get spear wall ability, they have fast advance instead. Think of first tier as static defence, second tier as mobile defence to plug up gaps as they form.
Sethos said:
A bit better I'd say, more polished and refined. Except there's no native AA yet, DX11 mode is also AWOL. Both something they'll patch in eventually. Lack of native AA does hurt the game though, with all the fine details on soldiers.
funny enough DX11 has been up and running for a couple weeks now in review build. creative assembly was apparently working on getting it to run 100% before they put it out for the public, while managing a small base of reviewers' problems is a lot more acceptable for them. the process of patching in later is their way of making sure it's not another empire launch, riddled with issues

from the sound of it, there's not only a huge leap in aesthetics, but it's running fine in that build already


I love the multiplayer but the connection problems are driving me insane. I have to restart the game every few matches for it to find someone.

Is there a GAF clan?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Oh god, just had Realm Divide happen and now I've got like 4 3000+ armies moving towards me and my armies are never going to be able to stand up to them and all my unit producing towns are miles away. All the time into this campaign and it's going to be so difficult to win now.


war of titties grampa
Ikuu said:
Oh god, just had Realm Divide happen and now I've got like 4 3000+ armies moving towards me and my armies are never going to be able to stand up to them and all my unit producing towns are miles away. All the time into this campaign and it's going to be so difficult to win now.

I understand, I just beat the game for the first time with the Hattori and I had made vassals of most of the provinces I took over. I had to take over 2 more areas only and was well on my way to do so when 8 out of my 11 Vassals declared war on me and I couldnt win. I had to reload my save and rush to take over the remaining 2 provinces, but I did it damn it. The rage that filled me when those vassals turned on me...... I saved the game after I won so i can return to destroy EVERYONE and take all of japan for that dishonour.
Trin3785 said:
I saved the game after I won so i can return to destroy EVERYONE and take all of japan for that dishonour.


Yeah never create vassal states - always destroy thy enemies.


Does anybody know if the 2 available retainers for generals and Metsuke ever change? I have a Metsuke I want to specialize in overseeing towns and his 2 current available retainers are +1 when overseeing armies and +1 when apprehending other ninjas, neither of which I want.
So uhm, i just lost within 12 turns playing as the mori when some rebels i was chasing danced and ring a rosied around the mountain for a while and took my barely protected city when i got bored.


Alexander ain't got shit on me.
How is the AI in this? A good test would be defensive river crossings -- does the AI still commit suicide assaulting the strongpoint even if there's an unguarded bridge?


Bought this game after reading several good impressions Why is it that GAF has never been big on the Total War series? It must be because it's a PC only thing... I've had great gaming moments with these series.


InertiaXr said:
Does anybody know if the 2 available retainers for generals and Metsuke ever change? I have a Metsuke I want to specialize in overseeing towns and his 2 current available retainers are +1 when overseeing armies and +1 when apprehending other ninjas, neither of which I want.

Retainers are randomized, but I think only when the unit general/agent actually ranks up. So you can save just before ranking up, gain the rank, check the retainers, and reload until you see a retainer you want.


jakonovski said:
How is the AI in this? A good test would be defensive river crossings -- does the AI still commit suicide assaulting the strongpoint even if there's an unguarded bridge?
Can't speak for bridge battles as I haven't done any yet, but the AI has kicked my ass in both of my opening battles. First battle the AI had 2 archer units, 3 spear units and 2 general units (600 men), I had 1100 men and they managed to route my entire army. The AI took the high ground, hid its units in a nearby forest, and made a beeline for my general. The AI has done this twice and I'm shit scared of going into a battle unprepared. Only playing it on normal btw, and I'm a vet from the original Shogun :lol


No bald cap? Lies!
Really love this game. Only ever tired Napoleon before, very very briefly, and it did not click with me at all, felt way too complicated and tedious, but Shogun 2 has been a breeze to get into. I do wish there were more micromanaging options for the provinces and clan, its a little goofy you can exempt a province from taxes but you cant set the tax rate per province.

I also have to say the game is a bit easy considering I am a complete newbie to the series and genre. In my very first campaign only after going through the tutorial as the Chosokabe on Normal with a Long victory length game I was shogun by 1576 and well on my way to completely dominating all of Japan. Im guessing on hard or just with the harder clan starts things like diplomacy, ninja and metsuke become more important, but for me it was just build a big ass army with a ton of archers and slowly but surely chip away at my enemies, even after the Shogun marked me for death and all of Japan was after me I really didnt face much opposition.

As well I was a bit disappointed with the battle maps since most were really bland and nothing like what a general would pick for a battle. I was expecting them to be more crafted like the tutorial map with streams and villages, strategic cover and high and low ground, and not randomly generated areas with hills and trees here and there. But over all the games been fantastic and I look forward to playing more of it and getting more familiar with its intricacies.
Yeah never create vassal states - always destroy thy enemies.

Seriously, are there really any positives to creating a vassal state as opposed to just taking the territory? Aside from minimizing conflict, doesn't seem like there are too many positives.


Enduin said:
As well I was a bit disappointed with the battle maps since most were really bland and nothing like what a general would pick for a battle. I was expecting them to be more crafted like the tutorial map with streams and villages, strategic cover and high and low ground, and not randomly generated areas with hills and trees here and there. But over all the games been fantastic and I look forward to playing more of it and getting more familiar with its intricacies.
I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) that your actual battle map is modeled after where the battle takes place on the campaign map. In other words, if on the campaign map the two armies meet in a wide open field with very few trees, then the battle map will be a wide open field with very few trees. At least it always seems to be that way for me...
Dedalus said:
Can't speak for bridge battles as I haven't done any yet, but the AI has kicked my ass in both of my opening battles. First battle the AI had 2 archer units, 3 spear units and 2 general units (600 men), I had 1100 men and they managed to route my entire army. The AI took the high ground, hid its units in a nearby forest, and made a beeline for my general. The AI has done this twice and I'm shit scared of going into a battle unprepared. Only playing it on normal btw, and I'm a vet from the original Shogun :lol
second campaign after losing the first i went in on easy just to see how much more forgiving it is. normal is a really nice challenge for newcomers like me but i probably shouldn't have gone with that for my first run

as awesome as the battles are autoresolve still pulls out better post-fight numbers than i can : [
I have been playing this on normal and seem to be doing decent besides these FOOKIN CHRISTIANS!!!

In all honesty they have just been causing small trouble but it constantly makes me pull back or delay my invasions. Monks don't really do much either it seems.

I got to play some co op with my brother too although we were idiots and didn't really pick provinces that were close heh.


No bald cap? Lies!
gotee12 said:
I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) that your actual battle map is modeled after where the battle takes place on the campaign map. In other words, if on the campaign map the two armies meet in a wide open field with very few trees, then the battle map will be a wide open field with very few trees. At least it always seems to be that way for me...

Im pretty sure youre right, but that hasnt always been the case for me. Ive gone to fight a battle outside a city in what seems like an open plain and the battlefield will be covered in trees and have a giant hill in the middle, Ive fought battles in the middle of the woods and ended up in a wide open battlefield with nearly perfectly level ground and almost no trees.

But thats besides the point though, matching the terrain to the campaign map makes perfect sense but my problem is how strategically the maps have been rather poor. Im no military strategist but it doesnt take a general to realize that an area with lots of uneven terrain isnt an ideal battlefield. I mean these are pitched battles. The key component to pitched battles was both sides agreeing on some level or another of meeting at a predetermined location, not just attacking each other at any odd location they happen upon one another.

It would make more sense if the attacking army was set at a disadvantage since the defending army was already in the area for a time and had the opportunity to scout for a suitable location but all too often theyre just bad for both sides. The terrain has more often been an obstacle than a boon or strategic asset. It would be nice if you could use your Ninja or Metsuke to help scout for a good battlefield to put you at the advantage when defending or provide for better conditions when attacking an enemy. For a game focused on pitched battles its surprising how choosing the battleground is non-existent.

One last thing that gets me is how restrictive the battle camera is. They really need to let us zoom out more cause once you have a full army it becomes quite a chore having to fight the camera in order to see everything and efficiently position your army.


Never thought of it that way Enduin, but having more control and being able to pick out your plot of ground over a larger piece of battle map does make a lot of sense. Especially since what we are given now is just the ability to arrange units inside of a colored square after sorta choosing the field type via the campaign map. Maybe down the road somewhere CA could build upon the current build and do something like that.

Though from what I've read here and elsewhere, improving the AI was the big challenge for CA. Now that they've improved that (going on what others have said since this is my first TW game), maybe they can start fleshing out the other components of the game.


So does anyone know of the clan relation stats are bugged?

For some reason all the clans went to hostile relation to me. My reputation with most of the was either friendly do to trade or neutral then all a sudden they were hostile. They said I was dishonoring treaties and i got something like -260, but the only thing I remember doing was conquering a rebel province.

Also do you get a message or a video when you trigger the realm divide event? I assume you do just wondering if maybe that's the reason.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
If you've got like 10+ provinces and are very well known to the Shogun it's probably the realm divide, the video is a pop-up like the one you get when you train a type of unit for the first time.


Ikuu said:
If you've got like 10+ provinces and are very well known to the Shogun it's probably the realm divide, the video is a pop-up like the one you get when you train a type of unit for the first time.

Well it is possible that i triggered it and for some reason the video didn't pop up. Because I believe I do meet all those requirements you listed. Though so far no one has declared war or stopped trading with me they just hate me. Weird.

spicy cho

Quick question, bought the game last week but have been too busy to start playing. Is it possible to have multiple coop campaigns going with different friends? My best friend and both my roomates have it and I want to have a campaign that I can save going with each of them.

Hari Seldon

I was going to wait for a steam sale but after reading Tom Chick's review I'm definitely buying this. Who was I kidding, I love Total War games, god damnit, I can't wait to get home now lol.
Yes! Finally fixed my pc and bought/installed Shogun. I owned Medieval 2, Empire and Napoleon, and like everyone else, was a bit nervous after the borked Empire and kind of snoozey Napoleon.

Initial thoughts:

- Performance is much better in the full version than in the demo. A huge relief considering how terrible Empire's overall performance was 2 years ago.

- The atmosphere is excellent, far superior to CA's last 3 games. Medieval 2 was too whig-history, and Empire/Napoleon felt very bland. Shogun however just saturates you with a 'authentic' feeling of immersion into Feudal Japan. It was nice to be spared the condescension.

- I'm awful at this game. Medieval 2? No problem! Empire/Napoleon? Easy peasy. For some reason, I can't seem to manage my economy at all. I've only been playing as the Shimazu, but I'm getting smoked by the Sagara and the Shoni. It's like 1557, and I'm not even close to being strong enough to march on Kyoto.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Been messing around with the agents more and they're pretty cool, had a level 5 Ninja specced for Assasination and was just running around assassinating generals.


Hari Seldon said:
I was going to wait for a steam sale but after reading Tom Chick's review I'm definitely buying this. Who was I kidding, I love Total War games, god damnit, I can't wait to get home now lol.

I was going to wait as well and after playing it for 3 days or so I am so glad I didn't. Aside from the buggy multiplayer, this is the best game I have played in a long time.


Been doing a co-op campaign with my friend and really enjoying it. I've already played the game twice as long as I played Empire in just a few days. This game feels so much more polished than Empire.
Playing as Shimazu, pulling in over 7k/turn even after building 3 full stacks of troops, another half-stack, and 2 stacks of ships (mostly captured pirate ships). Took over the starting island and began my march to Kyoto. Just got the message the Shogun has taken notice and is plotting against me, so it won't be long.

I've learned a few things this round that's making the game super-easy.

First, try to get the Nanban Trading Port early and convert to christiantity. Aside from the huge economic boost the port provides, once you get a priest out causing unrest in enemy provinces you'll find yourself just sweeping across the mainland. I have a maxed-out priest now who has a 90+% chance to cause unrest. He's constantly disrupting provinces ahead of my expansion keeping a buffer of rebel states between me and my enemies.

Second, get the Chi arts that provide you with better farms ASAP, this is even more important I find than the military upgrades. Aside from the economy boost of better farms and being able to build bigger forts, you also need the extra food for merchant guilds for more money.

Third, get the diplomacy Chi arts as well. It helps a TON. Even hostile leaders will be moderate in reception to trade deals. I'm currently trading with every single nation on the map except for the one I am at war with.

Also, don't forget to check your financial tab once your finally ready to begin your military offensive. Make sure that your income BEFORE TRADE is equal or greater to your military expenditures. I lost my last campaign because I forgot to do this before marching off, only to lose because I had no money once all my trade deals were cancelled.
Is it not possible to gift provinces anymore?

Used to be a favoured scorched earth tactic of mine. Send out armies Chevauchée style, loot rape and pillage and destroy all the buildings, then gift them back for a peace settlement.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Anyone tried speccing a General for combat (the tree ends in Legendary Warrior)?


Ikuu said:
Anyone tried speccing a General for combat (the tree ends in Legendary Warrior)?

I've been doing this for generals that mostly defend towns. They usually end up as the absolute last line of defense so I figure it's good to make them as durable as possible.

Hari Seldon

Played through a couple of the tutorials last night. The game seems ultra polished. The castle siege in the advanced tutorial was brutal. I won, but barely. I definitely need better tactics to do one of those.

spicy cho

spicy cho said:
Quick question, bought the game last week but have been too busy to start playing. Is it possible to have multiple coop campaigns going with different friends? My best friend and both my roomates have it and I want to have a campaign that I can save going with each of them.
Anyone who can answer this? FOR GREAT HONOUR.


spicy cho said:
Anyone who can answer this? FOR GREAT HONOUR.

Yes it is possible. It creates a different save file for each.

After playing for 25 hours or so I have to say that I kind of miss the variety in sieges they had in Medieval. It was fun having a huge battle in the middle of a city. There only seems to be a few different types of castle in this. Maybe it's more in line with how it was historically, I dunno.

spicy cho

depths20XX said:
Yes it is possible. It creates a different save file for each.

After playing for 25 hours or so I have to say that I kind of miss the variety in sieges they had in Medieval. It was fun having a huge battle in the middle of a city. There only seems to be a few different types of castle in this. Maybe it's more in line with how it was historically, I dunno.
Excellent, very relieved to hear. Thanks!
Great game, been playing it loads since release. Playing as Shimazu on hard and am a couple of years away from the end of the game with just 2 provinces + Kyoto needed for victory. Not sure if I'm going to make it in time but its been a lot of fun. Didn't really do much work economy wise, just built armies and inherited it from conquered provinces. Also didn't bother with naval stuff much. Only had a few annoying coastal assaults in undefended areas. The cpu could have wrecked me if it had kept those up instead of sending its armies across land all the time.

Only real irritation with the game is how cpu reinforcements a lot of the time just come into the battlefield and sit at the edge of it not moving. Makes multiple army battles anticlimactic when the cpus second army is crippled like that. Must be some kind of bug.
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