Smackdown is undeniably much better than Raw since the brand split and not just in a 'smarky' push the people we want to push kind of way. In fact, it's the the opposite. The people the internet wanted pushed are all on Raw, many of them getting pushes, and it isn't working because it feels exactly like Raw like before the brand split. It's hard to pin down the exact things that are causing this, at least for me, but it's definitely there. The people we had all given up on, or never even really thought about, are producing the most entertaining stuff I've seen since I came back to wrestling. It doesn't feel the way it was, at all.
The only segment I skipped this week was the 8 man tag and that isn't because I'm not interested in the feuds and characters going on there, it's just because it's a patented 'doesn't matter, fill time' kind of match. That's fine. The tag division is looking much stronger than it did even a month ago and there will be intrigue to come there, it was just on the backburner this week.
Miz/Ziggler, Cena/Style/Ambrose, Lynch/Bliss and even Orton/Bray are all hot feuds doing interesting and new things every week. This week Lynch/Bliss also took a backseat on the main show - but Becky delivered a very good promo on Talking Smack and I'm sure we'll get to this again next week.
Miz has become possibly the most interesting part of the show, after years of being nothing but a boring nuisance. John Cena delivered a fantastic speech on Talking Smack that makes it very plausible that he would be the legitimate and over face in a feud against a heel Dean Ambrose - it is leaning on reality heavily and working it into a hot feud. I can see a very good Cena/Ambrose singles feud in the near future. It is a shame Cena is going to depart for a few months after the PPV because a full heel turn by Ambrose in the triple threat leading to a hardcore style grudge match against Cena at TLC is where this really should go.
AJ Styles is positioned correctly as the champ although he does need a proper singles feud soon with somebody else. I'm not sure who that could be but I suppose Orton is the best candidate after he is through with Wyatt.
Getting to Wyatt - he is by far the most boring part of SD on an average week, and even this week when he was actually talking he was boring as ever, but the horror movie skits were a lot of fun and gave this feud some new life that it absolutely doesn't deserve to have at this point.
The closest thing to an afterthought on the show is Nikki/Carmella, and even this is moderately interesting because of the situations of these two characters. With any luck, they'll have a good match at No Mercy and it will elevate Carmella.
Smackdown has taken a roster of rejects, has beens and never would bes and made almost every one of them entertaining. It shouldn't be as good as it is, but it is.
If there is one thing, and it isn't a criticism, that I'm disappointed in with Smackdown is that it doesn't have more people on the roster. At this point, I think they could even make Jack Swagger interesting given a little bit of time. Right now nthough, you've got a situation where almost nothing is being wasted. Sure, a few guys like Apollo Crews could potentially have a lot of upside, but he's got time.
And the most important thing is - when Smackdown ends, I'm thinking about what is going to happen next. When Raw ends, I'm thinking about what else I could have been doing.