Srsly though. Give me a reason why I should get Horizon 3
it is an amazing racing game
i love it
makes me feel like I am in Initial D
Srsly though. Give me a reason why I should get Horizon 3
GFW was never exactly alive to begin with.
Is that paige literally just a repaint of the AJ Lee one
Is that paige literally just a repaint of the AJ Lee one
Because it doesn't have the same sharing/downloading functionality of the console versionWait wait wait wait wait....stop the presses.
Why didn't anyone tell me Nintendo is releasing Super Mario Maker on their best console (3DS)?
Wait wait wait wait wait....stop the presses.
Why didn't anyone tell me Nintendo is releasing Super Mario Maker on their best console (3DS)?
Because it doesn't have the same sharing/downloading functionality of the console version
You can share locally with other 3DS users and my understanding is the game can pull from Wii U created stages but can't actually search specific levels, and can't use special amiibo characters
Because you can't share or try other people's levels online, you can only do it through local wireless or street pass.
So if WWE buys TNA, are all those guys signed with WWE or what?
Funko Pops are complete trash, more news at 11.
How people don't go for Nendoroids more is beyond me.
So if WWE buys TNA, are all those guys signed with WWE or what?
All big-headed novelty toys are fucking ugly and always have been, that's my final shoot of Shootember.
WWE held an invitation only tryout: 19 men, 19 women and one women referee.
Included in the tryout were Eddie Kingston, Shayna Baszler, Heidi Lovelace, Kimber Lee, Nicole Savoy, and Cedric Rougeau son of the Mountie.
So if WWE buys TNA, are all those guys signed with WWE or what?
TNA has very few guys under contract most are pay per apperance
work when you work a work and workwcw if wcw wasn't wcw
Uh-oh. Isn't Okada the guy Dato hates?
work when you work a work and work
Zach, any chance you can show us what the best WCW shows are you've covered? Which are those B+ beauties?
Just trying to decide what else to watch. Cheers
I've only given five B-pluses, so here are the curved As for WCW:
This shit legit makes me moist. They have to win it!Thank you Papa Paul
So Andrade didn't turn heel after all?
That's incredibly disappointing
So Andrade didn't turn heel after all?
That's incredibly disappointing
... brother?
Holy shit Foley actually made sheamus and Cesaro tag team?! Looooooool. Fuck raw
Really interested in seeing what Sanity is all about.
surely someone has said "IN THAT ASS" on the network.
perhaps rahkishi?
Haven't gotten to the match yet. Just seems funny that they actually did that when wreddit was joking about that being the likely outcome.It was actually one of the more entertaining parts of the show. The frenemies become tag team storyline hasn't been done in a while and it can be entertaining.
There's this dumb rumor about Cesaro's contract expiring soon so supposedly they don't want to give Cesaro a proper push until he re-signs, if he does re-sign of course, so this is a way of keeping him around for a while.Haven't gotten to the match yet. Just seems funny that they actually did that when wreddit was joking about that being the likely outcome.
Did we ever find put why match 7 ended the way it did?
Also damn Kofi got busted open.
......... Hihi u