Man idk, I just don't pay attention to the anti-Ambrose comments anymore. You know how wrestling fans are. Some criticism is legit, others are just comments against him because said people dislike him compared to others. For example, I heard dudes on another forum say Ambrose hasn't had a good match in this company since his singles run. You then look at all those Rollins, Owens, HHH and Styles matches and bring them up. Apparently because it's said wrestler against Ambrose they did all the work when, on the other hand, when you say the same about Reigns it turns into "but Reigns carried his side of it" which is funny. You bring up the fact that it was confirmed that because Strowman couldn't work a match with Ambrose, they called off his original push, which proves that they consider Ambrose a great worker, that's null-and-void, it's funny. You bring up the multiple comments from Regal, Hart, HHH, Foley and others about how great he is in the ring and apparently those comments don't matter. All because he's had some down time and some funny moments.
You get what I'm saying.
Basically you gotta take the opinions of wrestling fans and decide if they're legit or not. Not just Ambrose but for all guys from Reigns to Wyatt to Ziggler to everyone. Wrestling fans are similar to music fans. They like an artist until the artist switches their style up or shows a different side of themselves and it's all "bah I liked their old stuff they've fallen off".