How does the Hart scale go again?Use the Bret Hart Scale and figure out where Ambrose slots into the roster.
How does the Hart scale go again?
So a 6, 10, and an 8.1-10 on in-ring ability, promo ability, and look.
When you hear things like Ziggler is actually a bad wrestler that's when you know you have to filter out when personal emotions are spoiling someone's opinions.Basically you gotta take the opinions of wrestling fans and decide if they're legit or not. Not just Ambrose but for all guys from Reigns to Wyatt to Ziggler to everyone. Wrestling fans are similar to music fans. They like an artist until the artist switches their style up or shows a different side of themselves and it's all "bah I liked their old stuff they've fallen off".
Dean is probably the best promo guy in company when he has no script
Not bad.When you hear things like Ziggler is actually a bad wrestler that's when you know you have to filter out when personal emotions are spoiling someone's opinions.
He had a promo in the same ballpark just the week before. I found Cena's to be a little long and meandering but he's got a lot of credibility and authority so he can smack down on Ambrose pretty hard. I don't expect Dean to have a better rebuttal.Sorry, cutting some third rate knock offs of every crazy guy ever while wrestling for CZW doesn't make you a great promo. Yes, by indie standards, where nobody is a good promo, Ambrose is a good promo. But, Ambrose never has had a promo 1/3 as good as Cena's on Talking Smack.
Jesse! He's turned down the overselling for a minute now. Roman is also serviceable like Dean is, with a much more played out style of selling for most of the match and pulling out a spear.I don't think Ziggler is a bad worker, but yeah, he's highly overrated. Like Ambrose, they're both perfectly fine in the ring. It's just sort of silly that the same people who claim Ziggler is some great talent are the same people who think Roman can't work becuase he doesn't of moves or sell every move with seven flips like Ziggler does.
I said I'm sorry.Look gets an 8?!???
Jesus Christ
I wouldn't call anyone in the WWE right now a 10 for promo.
I would say Cena is a 10.I wouldn't call anyone in the WWE right now a 10 for promo.
I would say Cena is a 10.
He had a promo in the same ballpark just the week before. I found Cena's to be a little long and meandering but he's got a lot of credibility and authority so he can smack down on Ambrose pretty hard. I don't expect Dean to have a better rebuttal.
Jesse! He's turned down the overselling for a minute now. Roman is also serviceable like Dean is, with a much more played out style of selling for most of the match and pulling out a spear.
I'd give Ambrose a 7 on the mic, a 4 on look, and a 4 in the ring.
I'd give Ambrose a 7 on the mic, a 4 on look, and a 4 in the ring.
Nah there was nothing in Ambrose's promo that felt retread or similar to AJ's promos towards Cena. And there isn't anything different between Roman's selling vs the 'CAW' selling of the rest of the main roster besides being horizontal more often.Nah, Ambrose's promo was the same type of promo aimed right at the Internet fan about Cena we've gotten since Owens showed up. AJ had the same type of promo and so on and so forth. I mean, it was serviceable and that's it.
Well, I'm glad Dolph has finally learned how to sell after over a decade wrestling. As for Roman, he's had one of the best, if not the best 1st 3 years of a WWE career in history and I'll take his "played out" style of selling every single day over the Video Game CAW style of selling we're getting from the rest of the roster.
I mean, Finn Balor had a shoot injured shoulder and ignored that to get his movez in.
Hmm. Sounds like you want him to wear a vest.I don't like any of the Shield's looks, honestly. Roman desperately needs to drop the vest and get something new and more wrestler-esque. It just makes him look like he can't let go of the Shield ending. Dean is a homeless person and I hate Seth's X-Men tights. And his chest looks weird.
At least he got rid of the blonde streak though.
Hmm. Sounds like you want him to wear a vest.
people are boosting when they say he's "awful".
he's obviously talented, more talented than most of the roster, only problem is:
1. his in ring style is pretty stale at this point
2. his promos are HEAVILY scripted. some of the lamest, clearly written by terrible WWE writers promos in the company. probably only second to reigns in that aspect.
I think I'd be into him way more right now if they just let him cut promos his own way. but instead, I'm just bored with him as a character. just like the other two shield members.
Not bad.When you hear things like Ziggler is actually a bad wrestler that's when you know you have to filter out when personal emotions are spoiling someone's opinions.
Nah there was nothing in Ambrose's promo that felt retread or similar to AJ's promos towards Cena. And there isn't anything different between Roman's selling vs the 'CAW' selling of the rest of the main roster besides being horizontal more often.
I'd imagine Joe would be at the top for me if I put it graded that way. Nakamura would be a hard one to define the mic portion.Mic-Look-Wrassle for others...
Ambrose (revised): 7, 4, 3
AJ Styles: 5, 4, 10
Miz: 7, 5, 4
The Big Homie Romie: 10, 103, 109Rusev: 4, 8, 66
Cena: 9, 9, 7
Seff: 6, 6, 7.5 (cheating)
KO: 8, 3, 8
All scores had little effort put into them.
My money is on Cena scoring highest if the whole WWE roster were graded this way.
I'd imagine Joe would be at the top for me if I put it graded that way. Nakamura would be a hard one to define the mic portion.
He still sucks ass on the mic, but shit, it's not like most of the roster is any better.
I just don't get how anyone can think Ambrose is a storyteller in the ring. How? There isn't a more "let me get my shit in" dude on the roster than Dean Ambrose.
Acknowledging and selling an accidental injuries doesn't happen often. But honestly nothing would have saved that match. The story was half bakes, the crowd was out of it from a terrible show & a terrible title, never had a chance.I disagree, but hey, that's a good start. At least Roman actually sells some moves. Maybe if Balor would've spent some time selling his actual shoot injured shoulder instead of just going to his next spot, I'd actually remember something from that match instead of it blending in with every single other spotty WWE title match of the past few years.
Frankly, NOBODY in WWE is good at selling right now except for maybe Randy Orton, as WWE seems to specifically train their wrestlers not to sell jack shit, especially finishers, but Roman is much better at selling than most of the roster in that he can really sell the drama of the match via his facial expressions and body language and makes his matches look really physical and draining. Frankly, his matches have consistently been one of the best parts of most PPVs for a few years now because what he lacks in moves he makes up for in having a sense for storytelling. I was far more interested in Roman vs. AJ than I've ever been for a Cesaro match, and Roman, himself, was a big part of that. He still sucks ass on the mic, but shit, it's not like most of the roster is any better.
WWE needs road agents who can figure out how to make a match dramatic without just having guys hit finishers three or four times. It completely undercuts the drama and sense of spontaneity when you know matches have to have certain beats before you can even think about them being done.
"He’s awesome. He is one of those guys that just has this innate charisma about him. To me there is a relationship with guys when you are in the ring that you have and there is an unspoken sort of vibe and feel. Dean is one of those guys that when you stand in the ring with him, you can feel that back and forth vibe from the other side of the ring. You really don’t have to manufacture anything, you don’t have to dig deep for it, it’s just there. And it’s fun."
Reigns has the best look of all the men on the roster right now, even if I wish he'd finally ditch his Shield get up.
You cannot with a straight face gove Joe more than a 4 in looks. He looks like he should be midcard of an Ohio Indy at a State Fair.
HHH/Rollins/Cena are the top 3 in present day WWE on the Bret scale.
dude looks like jason momoa. he's a god among the rest of the wwe roster tbh. wrestling pretty decent too tbh. now if only he could talk on the mic without sounding dead.![]()
You don't even know what people are taking into account on looks, meh.
How attractive they are, muscle definition, how intimidating they look, how tall they are, how unique their attire is etc.
Frankly, NOBODY in WWE is good at selling right now except for maybe Randy Orton
Actually I think that is what he's doing now, I don't think he's talked in weeks, they keep purposely interrupting him. He's better for it.The best thing Reigns could do is stop talking and just beat people up. That Fatal Four Way segment when Rollins, Cass, and Kevin were all trading barbs and Reigns decided to just start punching brehs? He should do that all the time. That's when he's at his coolest.
Also, the spear is a lame finisher - always has been - and he should get something else.
You cannot with a straight face gove Joe more than a 4 in looks. He looks like he should be midcard of an Ohio Indy at a State Fair.
HHH/Rollins/Cena are the top 3 in present day WWE on the Bret scale.
Triple H is overrated as hell as a wrestler. He simply can't carry guys to good matches. His match with Reigns at Mania was poor as hell.