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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin' 2016 |OT2| Sometimes You Just Need to Shoot for a Double


The irony of saying HHH is a top 3 on the Bret scale.

The whole Bret scale came up because he said Triple H was nothing special.

Triple H is overrated as hell as a wrestler. He simply can't carry guys to good matches. His match with Reigns at Mania was poor as hell.

A great wrestler can carry a bad wrestler to a good match, simple as that. It's been done time and again. Triple H can't do it. It's his match or the highway.

Bret Hart is the best wrestler. Ever. He carried Jean Pierre Lafiete to an excellent feud. OVER A JACKET. A JACKET.


You don't even know what people are taking into account on looks, meh.

How attractive they are, muscle definition, how intimidating they look, how tall they are, how unique their attire is etc.
All of it for me: how awesome a dudelooks as a wrestler.

A handsome MFer who doesn't look like he could murder fools isn't going to interest me much.
AAA: The recent exodus of so many wrestlers is because of pay issues. There are guys who are as much as two months behind on pay, which doesn’t sound good. TripleMania payoffs were much lower than expected and we also heard it wasn’t that hard in Mexico City to find free tickets to that show. The top guys are being paid on time because they have to do that

Dorian Roldan went to a house show by a local promotion in Monterrey a few weeks ago and got unmercifully booed. He was clearly not expecting that and tried to get over by telling the fans that Pentagon Jr. would be on the 10/2 Heroes Inmortales show to get a pop. The problem is he knew he wouldn’t since he was booked in the U.S. that weekend


If Triple H came out today, he'd be one of the midcard darlings people are always complaining about not getting pushed. (And would subsequently turn on when he did get pushed and it was made clear he wasn't on quite that level)

Dude is good, but he came up being surrounded by people who are better than him. Still, you can't take away from him that he managed to hang with the likes of Austin, Rock, and Michaels, even if it was always clear they were a cut above.
HHH.....................*camera closes up on me more the longer I'm paused*

.......is a cunt. Quote me. *mic and feed cut out, I'm never seen or heard from in the company again*


I still like Ambrose, but I would agree he's become less tolerable in the ring. But it wasn't that long ago that I was digging Ambrose feuds. I thought he was damn good with Seth Rollins, the two of them made a lumberjack match fun for once. That Hell in a Cell was one of like 2 Hell in a Cells (Taker v Brock being the other last year) over the last whatever that felt like the feud was there to merit a Hell in a Cell match (albeit it was really only used well for one big spot early in the match). IE the mother fuckers hate each other enough that it has to be settled in a Cell.

I thought his TLC match with Bray was actually a lot of fun, until the ending ruined it, and people forget how weirdly jobber proof Ambrose was during that entire time, because they had him lose all of these shits. Including taking a pretty rough bump at that Mania, and he was pretty fucking hot in terms of pops at the time.

My issue beyond some of his staleness, is that they jobbed the dude so much, and should have struck quicker on some of this shit. Why the fuck did we have a Shamus reign in there? Which is how I feel about a lot of shit, why were so many people jobbed in dumb fucking ways?

Like remember that 3 v 3 Shield v Wyatt match? Remember how the crowd was fucking lit, and the match didn't even start yet? Now does Bray even get that? I think Reigns backlash was more a post Punk podcast thing, I think as soon as he left the Shield if they just let him be ass kicker Reigns he'd be fine.

I appreciate the in ring stuff enough, I see what makes AJ Styles excellent, I love Cesaro, I think the women are great, but there are also guys very good at the in ring stuff, that I don't give a fuck about. I don't care for Sami Zayne, what so ever personally, outside of that one feud with Kevin Owens. Outside how great he is in the ring, he just comes off as another guy who can do some cool spots, that happen to be moves people kick out of. But he's not much of a character, and they do him no justice from a creative standpoint in terms of giving him storylines to work with other than "Fuck Kevin Owens"

I hate how all the world champions are booked super silly (Unless they are Roman). I actually think Roman is a lot better than he's given credit for, because he's had some dope matches the last few years, and maybe that's because the crowd hates him enough to give him a lit crowd, but fuck it, at least they react and give a shit. It's similar to Cena, is he great in the ring? Not really, but his matches are. Part of it is because Cena is the platform, and the crowd gives the match some atmosphere.

There was this one spot in um that fatal 4 way last year between the shield guys and orton, and he like throws one of the J&J dudes, and just flips him the bird as he's walking, little shit like that is what I want from Roman. Cool, calm, doesn't give a fuck to be baby face. Make him an ass kicker, if they boo, they fucking boo. If he does some heelish shit, let him, you don't have to go all the way with it. Because frankly the pure heel/pure face stuff is usually stupid these days anyway sans a few cats like The Miz (who is quite good) or Charlotte, who is the shit.

Part of my issue with sitting through modern wrestling, is that it's got this weird dumb wrestling logic to it all still. Fundamentally wrestling isn't a sport, it's a fucking tv show, it's an action show. So give me fucking characters, and assume that in the modern age you'll get some cats that cause cheers or boos and just go from there. Especially in a "the internet killed kayfabe" era type deal.

For instance Sasha Banks got "over" if you will, because of her being heelish at NXT, so why change the character that has people going "we want sasha"? Just give them the character they like, not a watered down version of that. For a lunatic fringe, he's not crazy enough. For a "show off"...when is Ziggler showing off, and exactly when the fuck did he steal the show? Because TLC 2014 was 2 years ago, and Sting won that match fam. For a lass kicker, why was Becky jobbed to Natalya?

"50/50 booking is no big deal"...then why does John Cena rarely lose clean, why hasn't Brock lost clean yet in a fight that was more evenly matched? If the show is about telling stories, than the win/lose is the resolution, the ending, and endings fucking matter in stories. Because "it's about the journey" is bullshit people say when the ending blows massive cock.

And more to it, regular ass TV shows have to deal with the uncertainty of how the crowd is reacting to the story. But wrestling? Um you literally get told by the crowd what they like and don't like. You have no excuse to bore them or make them hate something you want them to like. They literally tell you what they like.

I don't like the whole "save it for mania or summerslam" mentality that some people have for potentially cool moments, no fuck you, build some momentum for a story and do them when the iron's hot and shit. Let the stuff that is built up at the big PPV's stuff that happens organically through the process.

Also I'm with Austin on the no selling being really irritating. First of all modern matches with all the finishers people kick out of has basically made finishers lame. It's like they saw the Taker v HBK match, and thought it was only good because HBK kicked out of a tombstone, but that moment had impact because that type of shit was rare for someone to just kick out.

Also remember the HBK would hit the super kick, and then collapse and be nowhere near to pin, it protected the finisher, and still allowed the other guy to kick out. Little shit like that is rarely done, the DDT is like an everyone move, those I don't get how a double armed DDT is a finisher? Is the Red Arrow the only protected finish?

Oh and two world champions effectively makes the mid card belts inherently shittier. Go back to a Undisputed Champ, and have him work both shows if possible? Let him alternate which show gets the title defenses or whatever. But I guess that's a no go because of the new weird PPV schedule they have? idk.

....yeah this rant was all over the place, my bad fam.

Uh ambrose hart scale

Look - 7: He's not physically intimidating but he doesn't need to be, the idea is that he's supposed to be gutsy, resourceful, and a little bat shit. For that his look is fine.

Promo - 8: I think he's pretty good at them most of the time.

In Ring - 5: He's average, I'd agree he might be the least fun in the ring of the 3 shield guys, but I think Roman's okay in the ring, and Seth is the best of the 3. I think when he has the right dance partner he can go, and people swear by other shit he can do.

Character: - 5: And this is the big one that I think should be judged on Bret's scale. Fuck the look, do you buy the character. And I went with 5, because he's not insane enough, he's stopped doing dumb shit like bringing food karts out there, and if he's supposed to be a bit unpredictable and loose, let him do shit like that a bit more. Run ins, fucking with the other guy, etc. So fundamentally it's a badly executed character, but I went with average, because I think as characters so many members of the roster are shittier than Amrbose, no matter how good in the ring they are.


Only just catching up with the CWC, Perkins is great but fucking hell if I see him dab one more time on Raw or wherever I will fucking kill myself, so fucking cringey.

When this is done, I have to catch up on like 8 weeks of TNA because I was in hospital for nearly 2 months. Bright side if TNA goes belly up this week is I now have 2 hours less wrestling to watch every week
(I'll be really sad if TNA dies)
"Ambrose is more of a storyteller in the ring"
AAW's probably the best indie in the US, by my estimation - their shows are actually watchable in one sitting, so they definitely have that over PWG. Production's better too.
If Kingston ends up getting signed, I'm REALLY interested to see how his promo style translates to WWE. He always comes across as so unhinged and genuinely dangerous, it's part of what makes his character so compelling.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jack squeaked in Shootember at the last second
Jack feels the AAA TV has been very bad since Konnan left and, with an apology to Dorian Roldan, the company was being booked 100 times better when Konnan was in charge. Jack misses Konnan’s creative idea, but also his communication. Before, he (and others) could give ideas to Konnan and maybe they’d be used but they’d at least there would be an effort and maybe you’d get feedback. Now, they give ideas to the office, the office says OK, and then they never hear about it again or know if it was even being tried. Jack also says losing Konnan has cost them international opportunities, since Konnan had all those contacts and deals. Jack’s critical of how much AAA charges for talent (on top of what the talent gets), feeling AAA would make more money if they charged less because the wrestlers would get booked far more often.

Also I hope Sunny, wherever he is out there, has kept up with Konnan's podcast. Because Juvi has made a recent appearance.

Konnan's podcast is actually alright if you can deal with Disco's taste. I do like that one of the hosts went to BOLA and Konnan said who impressed him most and the host said Matt Riddle. And Disco's like, 'Wait, Matt Riddle? The UFC guy? He's that good already?'


The thing about people being signed to the company is getting through the whole WWE system. Sure they might be great in the indies but having that translate over into the company wonderfully is very rare. Styles, while doing great, went through a rough opening period until he reached his current level in the company. Yall remember everyone bitching and whining then. Just imagine all this new talent rising up and what'll happen to them.
The thing about people being signed to the company is getting through the whole WWE system. Sure they might be great in the indies but having that translate over into the company wonderfully is very rare. Styles, while doing great, went through a rough opening period until he reached his current level in the company. Yall remember everyone bitching and whining then. Just imagine all this new talent rising up and what'll happen to them.

Completely disagreed. Styles went through no rough period. He was pushed as a star from the start and was main eventing PPVs in WWE Title matches in less 3 months. The only time anyone complained is when Jericho beat him at WM, which admittedly made no sense, but Styles didn't get squashed at all and the loss did nothing to hurt him.


Completely disagreed. Styles went through no rough period. He was pushed as a star from the start and was main eventing PPVs in WWE Title matches in less 3 months. The only time anyone complained is when Jericho beat him at WM, which admittedly made no sense, but Styles didn't get squashed at all and the loss did nothing to hurt him.

I don't know, his face run wasn't amazing promo-wise. He really came into his own thanks to his heel turn


Completely disagreed. Styles went through no rough period. He was pushed as a star from the start and was main eventing PPVs in WWE Title matches in less 3 months. The only time anyone complained is when Jericho beat him at WM, which admittedly made no sense, but Styles didn't get squashed at all and the loss did nothing to hurt him.

AJ's face run earlier this year was complete shit compared to his heel run. The only major match he won was the number 1 contender's match for Roman's title which he lost both matches clean. You can say he was pushed as a star all you want, you can say he was main eventing ppvs but the guy's win/loss record then was trash. Hell, Reigns made him look like crap in almost every one of their confrontations. That was a rough period no matter how you cut it. The guy was losing to Jericho on random Smackdowns and this was a face Jericho.

AJ's heel turn was the best thing that could happen to him.


Friends, I took the "This wrestler should go to Japan, he'll have a good run" comment and applied it to dating, let met tell you that it's been working pretty well.
*goes to BritWres Twitter*


*mutes the GZRS until all this blows over*

Haha, yeah they fucking savaged Callum Leslie last night, now I see Briley's piped up as well...

*edit, fucking hell...

SEBASTIAN was knocked out on Sunday and had a collapsed airway. He stopped breathing for a few minutes until the paramedic cleared it. During his wait in the hospital his neck was stabilised, he was displaying signs of nerve damage and fever. He was discharged early Monday morning. Initial treatment other than rest will be for a nerve pressing on his spine. His neck is currently very painful and his cognitive senses are slower than usual.


AJ's face run earlier this year was complete shit compared to his heel run. The only major match he won was the number 1 contender's match for Roman's title which he lost both matches clean. You can say he was pushed as a star all you want, you can say he was main eventing ppvs but the guy's win/loss record then was trash. Hell, Reigns made him look like crap in almost every one of their confrontations. That was a rough period no matter how you cut it. The guy was losing to Jericho on random Smackdowns and this was a face Jericho.

AJ's heel turn was the best thing that could happen to him.
If you really think that was completely shit for a guy who spent most of his career in TNA, then you have some pretty fucking unrealistic expectations.

I wish so bad fucking Roman Reigns would make my boy Sami Zayn look like crap two PPVs in a row, for example. At least that'd mean they gave him a chance...
Huh I didn't hear anythin-

*reads Sebs twitter*


Tom's is worse.

Personally I think they went all in on Leslie for no real reason, and looked pretty cunty doing it, but now it's all kicking off, I'm just going to ignore it, I think that's best for my health.


Tom's is worse.

Personally I think they went all in on Leslie for no real reason, and looked pretty cunty doing it, but now it's all kicking off, I'm just going to ignore it, I think that's best for my health.

I'm in two minds about it seeing as Seb nearly got killed and Calum is just a guy but they did indeed come off as absolute cunts.

Shit is really going down it seems between Lio Rush hinting at being unhappy at ROH, TNA conclusively hitting the wall today, WWE killing the indies all over again.
Sounds like ROH is having trouble getting people to re-sign, but that's hardly surprising. Lio's better off elsewhere. Hell, most people are - there's literally only one major benefit to working ROH: the New Japan connection.

WWE killing the indies all over again.

If they sign all those women who tried out yesterday they'll pretty much gut the main event US women's wrestling scene - plus, more European and Japanese try-outs later this year.

I guess this begs the question, just how much talent do WWE actually need? It's getting kind of ridiculous.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
reposting because i realized not only did sin cara save xtreme tiger's neck but he saved his knees as well. there's no world where this could have been caught better.

it's funny, later in the match sin cara/caraistico goes for a dive to the outside. stops and just jumps over the top rop to the outside for a splash. like he probably went 'wait, this dude almost just died trying to do that'
Dean Ambrose is a pretty okay guy.

Friends, I took the "This wrestler should go to Japan, he'll have a good run" comment and applied it to dating, let met tell you that it's been working pretty well.

I can't make it over here, maybe I should also go to Japan and get some experience.
Then one day I'll return to the big leagues, it makes sense.
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