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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin' 2016 |OT2| Sometimes You Just Need to Shoot for a Double


And they have so much debt and no way of profiting that even if Corgan or someone else gets them, they'll likely have to sell or close up within a year

And if nobody gets them by the end of the day, that's it anyway, shit's over, they can't afford anything

Well, Dixie could still go cap in hand to her dad to fund the PPV on the understanding she sells the company immediately.

Everything's on her. Which is not promising given her track record.
So according to Meltz, NXT viewership is apparently way down. In no way did I see this coming considering all of the talent losses NXT took in roughly the last year. The draft specifically pretty much raided NXT of what good talent it had left.

I don't even think it's the talent raids, I think it's losing the head writer. NXT as a good TV show is not what it was.

EDIT: Also I'm fairly sure I remember reading that that top 10 list isn't legit.


So according to Meltz, NXT viewership is apparently way down. In no way did I see this coming considering all of the talent losses NXT took in roughly the last year. The draft specifically pretty much raided NXT of what good talent it had left.
NXT has been spinning it's wheels for a while now. Very little story progression of any kind. And any stories that are there, it all moves at a painfully slow rate to the point it's hard to keep interest.

Maybe it's time to start moving it back toward true development again. But then again, if they keep getting good turnouts for the live events, maybe that's enough for them?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
well, that and the writing is boring as all fuck.

and they hot shot the title to whoever the next big 'indie/foreign megastar' is without building it up well in a good feud. really, the entire booking of nxt is 'cheer this guy because you did elsewhere' which might work for full sail but it gets old for the folks at home.


I started watching NXT due to Owens, Zayn, Joe, Nakamura, Bayley, Sasha, Becky and Charlotte.

6 out of those 8 wrestlers are no longer in NXT so I no longer feel the desire to watch it.

Though I will catch up via the Takeovers, those are always fun.


I started watching NXT due to Owens, Zayn, Joe, Nakamura, Bayley, Sasha, Becky and Charlotte.

6 out of those 8 wrestlers are no longer in NXT so I no longer feel the desire to watch it.

Though I will catch up via the Takeovers, those are always fun.
Nak was there after Becky, Sasha, and Charlotte had already been long gone. Owens was gone too.
Yeah and the problem here is that it sets false expectations for when said talent make the move to main. I have concerns about Nakamura has soon as he hits RAW (and it will be RAW). Without that proper buildup as you out it, his debut will barely make a whimper.
Lol no, not a fucking chance. Nak is insanely over in front of every crowd at the moment. It will absolutely transfer over to RAW or Smackdown. Dude is a star all on his own and doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Like what is Asuka's character? 'she is badass and good at wrestling.' well, stop me if that's not the most exciting character in the world to get behind. Where she faces no real challenge or even a hint of a challenge.

Joe was supposed to be a monster as a heel which was supposed to build up a babyface(Which they fucked up by giving the title to Nakamura and taking it off Joe too quickly but whatever), people compare Asuka to Brock but Brock's gimmick was that he was a mercenary who held the title hostage. Dominant face that wins all the time with no challenge. Last time I saw that was Bill Goldberg. And she's not near as over as Goldberg was.


yeah nxt ain't fun to watch week to week, especially since it's not live and everyone just reads the spoilerinos before hand

takeover specials are still the best shows WWE puts out each year, though.


Like what is Asuka's character? 'she is badass and good at wrestling.' well, stop me if that's not the most exciting character in the world to get behind. Where she faces no real challenge or even a hint of a challenge.

Joe was supposed to be a monster as a heel which was supposed to build up a babyface(Which they fucked up by giving the title to Nakamura and taking it off Joe too quickly but whatever), people compare Asuka to Brock but Brock's gimmick was that he was a mercenary who held the title hostage. Dominant face that wins all the time with no challenge. Last time I saw that was Bill Goldberg. And she's not near as over as Goldberg was.
Yeah, She is a shark in kiddie pool,there no one in wwe that can face her cause she to good.


In the game or in real life?

EDIT : ugh you edited right when I quoted

Thought we moved to the October thread but guess not.

Yeah, went through and watched all of the women's entrances for 2k17

Lots of dead faces throughout. The Bella Twins and Alundra Blayze look pretty good at least.

That was insanely flat, wow.

I started watching NXT due to Owens, Zayn, Joe, Nakamura, Bayley, Sasha, Becky and Charlotte.


One of those is not like the other....

right and i think it speaks to well about KO that he was able to get the crowd behind him again.

bayley though. several here called that her presence in the main roster would diminish. bayley and sasha are going to be HHH's biggest failures imho. i know he and Stephanie envisioned one day one or two of these ladies would be main eventing a major ppv, maybe even wrestlemania, but as it stands right now, i cant ever see that happening.

For me one problem is there is no variety in any of the womans division. They literally just took the NXT roster and shifted it to WWE, so it's just more of the same feuds. But ultimately I think the problem with the womans division is it's exposing how much NXT can gain from no over exposure. Seeing some of them wrestle week to week is showing how green a lot of them still are. ANd really this goes beyond womans, even some of the men: Apollo, Baron, Enzo & Cass all have this problem too.
I started watching NXT because of the homegrown talent, Enzo & Cass, and the BFF's. Now they give all the attention to the migrating stars and don't even try to build characters with new storylines.

At the same time with Smackdown being so good, I'm not concerned with NXT as much, and would be fine if they go back to the unhyped 'developmental' that it was before.


right and i think it speaks to well about KO that he was able to get the crowd behind him again.

bayley though. several here called that her presence in the main roster would diminish. bayley and sasha are going to be HHH's biggest failures imho. i know he and Stephanie envisioned one day one or two of these ladies would be main eventing a major ppv, maybe even wrestlemania, but as it stands right now, i cant ever see that happening.
Which is highly ironic, because Stephanie's absolute insistence of forcing herself into that storyline has helped kill their heat multiple times.

Writing on RAW just kind of sucks hot ass in general. Most of the RAW roster is suffering dearly for it at the moment, not just the ladies.

It's still INSANE how badly they dropped the ball with Seth's return. Mother of Christ, he got a true megastar pop on his return and was still getting huge reactions for a couple of weeks, and they purposely cooled him off because they were so dead-set on keeping him heel for what...a couple of months? And then try to turn him back face? Too fucking late, you missed the boat dumb asses.


they need to debut nxt people at the right time, at the right shows, in the right city

just randomly debuting them like they did with owens in that video is a stupid ass idea.

on the raw after a takeover special would work, since most of the takeover crowd will probably just go to raw as well.

raw after mania is always the most ideal since that crowd is the hottest of the year

basically they should debut nakamura on the raw after survivor series in toronto since i'll be there. the noise I'd make alone would be loud enough to make it the greatest debut pop of all time.



AJ's hair doesn't grow physics until the entrance is over.
Jesus. And THAT'S what you get as a set if you choose to play the latest WrestleMania? They couldn't even be bothered to render the stadium that it actually took place in? Isn't the whole god damn crux of WWE 2K that they are trying to recreate the TV product?

I'm sorry I will continue laughing in the face of anyone paying 60 dollars for this fucking garbage.
The best place to debut NXT talent is during the Rumble. Joe would be an absolute monster to use there, Nak might be lost a small amount in that setting since he works better 1v1.

I hate using surprise partners as debuts because it can be so stupidly obvious what is about to happen.


The best place to debut NXT talent is during the Rumble. Joe would be an absolute monster to use there, Nak might be lost a small amount in that setting since he works better 1v1.

I hate using surprise partners as debuts because it can be so stupidly obvious what is about to happen.
Bayley still got a huge pop even though a toddler could tell you she was going to be coming out.
Bayley still got a huge pop even though a toddler could tell you she was going to be coming out.

I feel like this is a rare instance. Everyone knew it was going to be her, there was no other person who made sense.

As for the writing, Sasha isn't failing entirely because of writing. Her wrestling has been really sloppy and her "kayfabe" is atrocious. People want to shit on Charolette, and she's not without her problems, but she is top tier heel right now.


Bret Hart Scale: Bayley Edition

In-ring: 7
Promo: 5
Look: 9

Overall: 21/30

I've decided you need at least a 20 to have a chance to be a real star in the wrassle business. No real thought has been put into this declaration, though. :D


I feel like this is a rare instance. Everyone knew it was going to be her, there was no other person who made sense.

As for the writing, Sasha isn't failing entirely because of writing. Her wrestling has been really sloppy and her "kayfabe" is atrocious. People want to shit on Charolette, and she's not without her problems, but she is top tier heel right now.
Good/solid writing in the past has assisted young stars that are still getting things like character consistency down pat. When the writing is actively working against you in many cases, to the point that it's not remotely clear what the character motivations are or even what the core of the character is, it's an uphill battle that only the absolute strongest personalities can overcome.

If the Attitude Era could make someone like Crash fucking Holly over, they are severely screwing up when they are managing to make the audience not care about some of the brightest looking talent that we've had in a decade.
Charlotte just needs to go on a squashing run at this point, she's so much more credible than Sasha & Bayley. It's a shame that all three women need to be protected so heavily.
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